no support from spouse

SmileyLaurie Posts: 3
I have list 14lb this month, but my husband is not supportive in anyway. Any advice?


  • Ignore him - weight loss is for YOU!
  • cdnswty
    cdnswty Posts: 7 Member
    Ignore him - weight loss is for YOU!

  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    show him your pimp hand?

    find a 14lb bowling ball and drop it on the couch next to him and tell him that is what you worked your *kitten* off to lose.
  • Do it for you....don't feel guilty.
  • Ignore him - weight loss is for YOU!

    Before you ignore him, why not find out why he's not supportive? Maybe he is feeling neglected, possibly would like to be included, or just plain would like to be a part of your accomplishments. Isn't that what marriage is all about?
  • Try to not let it get to this for yourself and no one else....Im in the same situation...and I keep reminding myself that Im doing this for ME this time around..makes me feel better ...
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    They are right. My spouse is sort of "blah" either way. Which is fine I guess. But this is for you and not anyone else. If your hubby complains, then he can either join you or leave it alone.

    Good luck
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    How is he not supportive? Do you mean that he doesn't want you to lose weight or is it that he's just not being helpful in the my husband who often brings home ice cream and donuts! Do it for you though, don't worry about him. You have MFP for support!
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    This is a recurrong theme on MFP ... personally I'd say just go ahead and do what you need to do to reach your goals and look for support from those who will give it to you. People, whether it's friends or family, who try to undermine your achievements or objectives are doing so for reasons that have nothing to do with you.
  • Don't let others slow you down! If he won't support, then just continue on towards your goals quietly! He will be stunned when you achieve them!
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Does he say why he has a problem with it? That is a HUGE acheivement and he should be ashamed of himself that he isn't supportive. Is he jealous? Is he afraid you will think you are to good for him if you continue to lose weight?
  • MissingMyOldSelf
    MissingMyOldSelf Posts: 689 Member
    Ignore him - weight loss is for YOU!


    I agree, too :) LOL

    By the way, I was ignored by my spouse at first, too.... then he started watching my body change, and how the guys are now staring at me at the grocery...., he's on a diet as well LOL!!!!
  • show him your pimp hand?

    find a 14lb bowling ball and drop it on the couch next to him and tell him that is what you worked your *kitten* off to lose.

    What Sean said.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    mine isnt supportive either and actualy mocks the amount ive lost like its nothing and that i should have lost much more . its very frustrating
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    im not sure why it matters if others support u or not. now if he's, say, demanding that you dont work out and telling u ur not allowed to eat healthy or something, thats one thing, but if he isnt jumping up and down congradulating u, i dont see the problem. he'll notice when you done..when u first start to lose people dont ntice as quick but once u get closer to ur goal people are more supportive cuz they can actually see the change. u may notice changes, but that doesnt mean that someone else is going to beable to tell that youve lost a couple inches. wear something sexy im sure youll get his attention lol
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    Sometimes people in our lives aren't exactly sure how to show support. They don't want to push us because they feel like it might be like saying that there is something wrong with the way that we look. Have an open dialogue with your spouse about it if you have not already done so. Either way 14 pounds is certainly an accomplishment. Be prepared to be your own motivator. The wonderful people of MFP will also be there to give you a lift when you need it.
  • Hassiri
    Hassiri Posts: 35
    If I've learned something along this journey, is that I can totally control what I do and don't do, but I can't change the people around me.
    Don't depend on anybody!
    My husband is supportive sometimes but other not so much. Like when I first started I wanted to hit the gym everyday, and I wanted him to help me with the kids, and he agreed to do it, but then he would just do it 1 or 2 days and with a bad attitude towards me afterwards.

    So I decided to work my way around the whole situation: Cancelled my gym membership, I exercise with videos at home, wake up extra early so the babies don't interrupt me and stuff like that.
    Sometimes my family wants real pizza and burguers and they have them and I eat my 2 bags of vegetables and my tuna pouch and tough it up. Cause the world won't change because I'm on a diet lol

    That's how it worked out for me :) I am my own cheerleader, and it sure helps to have MFP friends !
  • How is he not supportive? Do you mean that he doesn't want you to lose weight or is it that he's just not being helpful in the my husband who often brings home ice cream and donuts! Do it for you though, don't worry about him. You have MFP for support!
    He does alot of the cooking then complains when I eat very little of the high calore foods he makes. Or want to eat all u can eat pasta at Olive Garden. I understand he does not want to diet and I have stoped pushing the issue and am tring to lead by example, but its hard to resist the temptations he is presenting. I even pickup his fast food on the way home from work without complaint, and then make my meal or salad.
  • JennJayBee
    JennJayBee Posts: 45 Member
    show him your pimp hand?

    find a 14lb bowling ball and drop it on the couch next to him and tell him that is what you worked your *kitten* off to lose.

    That is too funny! I like the way you think!
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    Ignore him - weight loss is for YOU!


    yep.... a big 'whatever'.
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