Fit For Christmas Challenge-October

Hi guys! This is the group that was once called Weekly Challenges until Christmas....However the creator of the group has deactivated her account, so I'm going to throw this out there for group members who are still wanting to participate.

We will be posting our weight loss every Friday, and the new weekly challenges will be posted on Thursdays. A new thread will be started at the beginning of each month. The final weigh in for us will be Dec 23,2011... and hopfully we all will have reached our goals:wink:

This weeks challenge is:
Drink 10 glasses of water/day
workout 5 days this week
do 100 squats EVERYDAY this week(can break them into smaller sets if you want)

Good Luck....And if any of you have ideas or suggestions for future weekly challenges, please feel free to jump right in!!! I'm not a person who normally organizes things...but I wanted to keep this group going! Any help will be appreciated


  • mountiewife
    175 this am!! Down from 177 Lbs from last week.....have 75/100 squats done so far today!
  • tamiwinters1
    NICE!!! I'm in! :)
  • tonilizzy88
    tonilizzy88 Posts: 968 Member
    can i still participate if i weigh on a sat??
  • mountiewife
    Sure you can....just post your progress on saturdays!! Welcome to the group!
  • tamiwinters1
    NICE! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    I'm still at 155 - not weight loss this week. I have been really sick, but am starting to feel better and am ready to get back at it! :) I have been getting my water in, but not my squats.
  • mountiewife
    100 squats done today!!!! ran 3 miles in 34 minutes....still got quite a bit of work to do to reach my 10 minute mile:wink: 12 glasses of water if I can be this good all week:bigsmile:
    @tami-sorry to hear you are sick..hope you get well quick:) That's great that you didn't gain this week!!!
  • kell_riley
    May I join you guys? I'm in need of motivation after being on holiday for two weeks! This group sounds perfect!
    I'm not sure I'll be able to commit to the exercise part 100% but I'll try!
    This morning I was 155lbs.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Sound great! Would love to be included!!
  • mountiewife
    May I join you guys? I'm in need of motivation after being on holiday for two weeks! This group sounds perfect!
    I'm not sure I'll be able to commit to the exercise part 100% but I'll try!
    This morning I was 155lbs.
    Absolutely!!!! I am just kind of flying by the seat of my pants here with these weekly if there are ideas suggestions that you may have, please feel free to toss them my way!! Welcome and good luck!!!!
  • mountiewife
    Sound great! Would love to be included!!
    Sure thing!!! We have only started week 2 today...I'm hoping the rest of the gals can find the new thread! Once we get everybody together maybe we'll do our introductions, goals etc. Welcome to the group...good luck!!!!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Found you! I'm down a pound this week, to 140. Will post more when I'm done with my squats for the day!
  • Chaos5150
    Chaos5150 Posts: 25 Member
    Is there room for one more?
  • mountiewife
    Found you! I'm down a pound this week, to 140. Will post more when I'm done with my squats for the day!
    AWESOME!!!!! Next week you'll be seeing the 130's!!!!! How exciting:happy:
  • mountiewife
    Is there room for one more?
    There sure is!!! We are still quite a small group....but that's ok, gives us the chance to get to know everybody:bigsmile:
    Welcome & Good Luck!!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    found it!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Okay, got my water in, and made it to 50 squats. Will be at 100/day by the end of the week, I am SURE! Thanks for the challenge! Being another pound down is're right, the 130s are sooooo close! I'm excited - I'll be going into the holidays feeling better about myself, not worse yet again! And I have energy......and even strength!!!

    Reminder for myself: my goal weight for the end of this challenge is 130. That's .8 pound per week, and MFP has me set to lose .90 lb/week, so I'm trying to maintain that balance between enjoying the holiday foods and still pushing myself to be sensible and keep my ultimate goal of 115 in mind - enjoy, but not out of control!
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    100 squats done today!!!! ran 3 miles in 34 minutes....still got quite a bit of work to do to reach my 10 minute mile:wink: 12 glasses of water if I can be this good all week:bigsmile:
    @tami-sorry to hear you are sick..hope you get well quick:) That's great that you didn't gain this week!!!
    You are doing amazing!!!
  • kellytime2lose
    kellytime2lose Posts: 62 Member
    Hello....I would love to join your group /challenge if that's ok...??? I am Kelly and have a good 15 - 20 lbs tp lose....starting at 153....thanks!
  • sme1985
    sme1985 Posts: 16
    My weigh-in today is 131lbs; Lost two pounds since last Friday!!

    I drank my 10 glasses of water today, very proud of myself on that one!

    As for the workout, I walked 35 minutes today, but only at a leisurely pace :( Unfortunately, I've got a bulging disc in my lower back and rotated pelvis, and since Wednesday I've been in some serious pain. So right now my workouts are kind of on the slow pace, if any; hopefully within the next week I'll be doing better and can move at a faster, more intense pace! :)

    I'm about to complete the rest of my squats and look forward to a new day tomorrow! :)
