Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • tamiwinters1
    I have been told I shouldn't be eating my exercise calories... I am going to try just eating half of them because 1200 is hard for me to stick to. Thoughts?
    I still haven't figured that out yet...I guess everybody is different. I feel like when I eat back exercise cals, that I've just ruined what I worked soo hard to burn off. but in saying that, what I'm doing isn't really working for me anymore. I've been considering trying the zig-zagging.
    If you need to eat back some of your exercise cals, I think 1/2 should be fine...wouldn't hurt to try it for a few weeks and see what happens.

    Thanks! :)
  • mountiewife
    I'm going to start a new thread for November..I should have done it already but I forgot. This weeks challenge will be in the new thread
  • mountiewife
    Sorry, it's called fit for christmas challenge-november...under motivation and support:)