Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • tamiwinters1
    down 2 pounds from last Friday. Yay!!!!!!!!

    So, why did my jeans come out of the wash feeling a little tighter??

    I hate that! Maybe you are just losing it from other areas on your body...
  • tamiwinters1
    Well done ladies :happy:

    So this morning I did a Davina Cardio Box dvd for my interval training. So in the summer when I was trying to do it I like died during the cardio interval part..this morning I did it and totally rocked the full minute. Feeling good today :)

    That's great! Keep it up! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    down 2.6 this morning!!!

    NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Been an okay week so far, not getting in much for workouts...just walking the dogs & doing my crunches. Been so busy trying to get laundry done, house cleaned and ready to go! Leaving late tonight to catch an early morning flight. I'll be gone for 2.5 weeks, but I'll try to log in everyday, just to try to keep myself on track....good luck ladies!! XO

    At least you are getting exercise! It's when we blow it off and stay on the couch all week that we are in trouble. Good work! Enjoy your time away. :smile:
  • tamiwinters1
    well done Tami. hope this week goes just as well for you

    Thanks :)
  • dcjackson50
    Hi there! Not sure if it's too late to join? But I'd love to work on weekly team goals with everyone
    I'm 170 pounds now with a goal weight of 135. I'm fairly new to mfp, But just love it so far:smile:
  • tamiwinters1
    Hi there! Not sure if it's too late to join? But I'd love to work on weekly team goals with everyone
    I'm 170 pounds now with a goal weight of 135. I'm fairly new to mfp, But just love it so far:smile:

    Welcome dcjackson50! :)
  • dcjackson50
    Had a great Friday, ate good and had a fantastic workout, but then the weekend derailed,....I met with old friends yesterday and went out .....lots of fun but too many calories for alcohol. I went over by apron 100, and needless to say I'm not too energetic today.
    I am really motivated reading some of your posts though, so I'm headed to do squats and take the dogs for a walk, it doesn't have to be a wasted day. Only 3 glasses of water so far but working on getting them all in today,....I'll post back later
  • dcjackson50
    I lost 1.6lbs this week... slowly making it there...

    That is great, are you doing lots of cardio. ?
  • lauraelisedavis
    I didn't weigh myself on Friday, too scared, I had a very stressful week. I did do 6 hours of cardio last week and 1 hour weight training. I promise to weigh myself this Friday. Everyone is doing amazing keep it up! :D
  • harley_rose
    I lost 1.6lbs this week... slowly making it there...

    That is great, are you doing lots of cardio. ?

    I have started an eight week challenge of HIIT ( I am currently starting week 3, it has been a challenge but I have notice the weight is now moving.
  • tamiwinters1
    I didn't weigh myself on Friday, too scared, I had a very stressful week. I did do 6 hours of cardio last week and 1 hour weight training. I promise to weigh myself this Friday. Everyone is doing amazing keep it up! :D

    Don't be afraid! You are doing great! 6 hours of cardio is amazing in a week! :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Everyone is looking really good this week!
    I'm struggling to fit in the interval training (with working full time and then coming home to be wifey and mama) gonna have to kick my husband out of the living room for half an hour tonight to do a dvd or something.

    On a brighter note...I walk to work three times a week (the other two I drop my son at my mother in laws in the morning) up and over this massive hill. So my goal when I first started walking it was to be able to go up and over it without having to stop and catch my breath. Which I did. So then I decided if I was walking it in 8 minutes I want to shave it down to 5 by Christmas. this morning I made it up in 7 minutes. Oh my gosh I actually thought I would be sick when I got to the top lol.
  • tamiwinters1
    Everyone is looking really good this week!
    I'm struggling to fit in the interval training (with working full time and then coming home to be wifey and mama) gonna have to kick my husband out of the living room for half an hour tonight to do a dvd or something.

    On a brighter note...I walk to work three times a week (the other two I drop my son at my mother in laws in the morning) up and over this massive hill. So my goal when I first started walking it was to be able to go up and over it without having to stop and catch my breath. Which I did. So then I decided if I was walking it in 8 minutes I want to shave it down to 5 by Christmas. this morning I made it up in 7 minutes. Oh my gosh I actually thought I would be sick when I got to the top lol.

    Rock star!!! :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Morning Everyone (or Afternoon if that's when you're reading this),

    Hope everyone is having a really good week and can't wait to see everyone's weight loss tomorrow (I totally believe we're all having a good week) To get you in the right frame of mind here is next weeks challenge

    WEEK 6(Oct 27)
    1. walk/run/bike at least 2 miles 3-5 times this week
    2. do 50 crunches & 50 lunges everyday this week
    3. make sure to eat breakfast everyday

    That should give our arms a little bit of a rest :tongue:
  • mountiewife
    Hi guys!!! Just checking in to see if you're all still here:) I'm having a great time home visiting with my family..maybe a little too great at times:) Haven't been logging my food or exercise, but I have been doing some exercise...will get back on track when I get home! Keep up the good work girls...looks like you're all doing fantastic!!!! XOXO
  • tamiwinters1
    Morning Everyone (or Afternoon if that's when you're reading this),

    Hope everyone is having a really good week and can't wait to see everyone's weight loss tomorrow (I totally believe we're all having a good week) To get you in the right frame of mind here is next weeks challenge

    WEEK 6(Oct 27)
    1. walk/run/bike at least 2 miles 3-5 times this week
    2. do 50 crunches & 50 lunges everyday this week
    3. make sure to eat breakfast everyday

    That should give our arms a little bit of a rest :tongue:

    Ooooo... this is a good one! I don't ever do lunges. I will this next week though!! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    A little nervous about weigh in tomorrow... I fell off the wagon a bit this week :(
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    2 lbs down this week. which means I'm on fitnesspal's target :)

    Tami you're gonna do great. And if you don't it's okay you'll make it up this week with all those lunges :wink:
  • Trillian73
    Trillian73 Posts: 73 Member
    Down 3 lbs this week. Yay!