Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • lauraelisedavis
    I don't know whats wrong.... I have put on 6 pounds since the 2nd of October!!! I have been counting my calories, with a few mishaps here and their but over all pretty good. I have been lifting weights with my trainer pretty hard, but have also added 2 hour more a week of cardio on top of what I was already doing. So I am doing about 6 hours of cardio a week. My trainer and husband say I shouldn't look at the scale and that muscle weighs more than fat, but it is discouraging! I really want to get down to 135-140 and I'm not going in that direction! What do I do????
  • harley_rose
    Down 2lbs since last Friday, I am loving the HIIT Challenge I am doing.. it is hard but is proving to worth it.. Let's keep u the good work!!!!!
  • tamiwinters1
    I am down 1 pound - shooting for a 2 pound loss next week :)
  • tamiwinters1
    I don't know whats wrong.... I have put on 6 pounds since the 2nd of October!!! I have been counting my calories, with a few mishaps here and their but over all pretty good. I have been lifting weights with my trainer pretty hard, but have also added 2 hour more a week of cardio on top of what I was already doing. So I am doing about 6 hours of cardio a week. My trainer and husband say I shouldn't look at the scale and that muscle weighs more than fat, but it is discouraging! I really want to get down to 135-140 and I'm not going in that direction! What do I do????

    Maybe look at your salt intake. If you are eating a lot of foods high in sodium then you will be retaining water. The only other suggestion I have is to track EVERYTHING - every little bite of anything, every latte, etc. You are doing a lot and if you continue to work out like that the weight will definitely come off. :)
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Still at 137. I've been slacking on exercising. I had some decent days, but there are days I end up deciding I'd rather just eat less than get up and move. That's so dumb - when I exercise I feel so much better and so much more energetic, and I sleep better......sigh.

    But I want to meet this challenge and I want to make the gut take off like the butt did!

    I've also been on kind of a cheese kick. That makes me a bit.....well, you know what cheese does. :blushing:
  • tamiwinters1
    Still at 137. I've been slacking on exercising. I had some decent days, but there are days I end up deciding I'd rather just eat less than get up and move. That's so dumb - when I exercise I feel so much better and so much more energetic, and I sleep better......sigh.

    But I want to meet this challenge and I want to make the gut take off like the butt did!

    I've also been on kind of a cheese kick. That makes me a bit.....well, you know what cheese does. :blushing:

    You are doing great! At least you haven't gained any back. Just push yourself to exercise a little more this next week and I'll bet you will lose :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Down 3 lbs this week. Yay!

    Amazing!!! :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Well done ladies :happy:

    Looks like everyone had a really good week.

    Enjoy those lunges :)
  • WWH_AJ
    WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
    I haven't weighed in again. The scale is still hidden in the closet. I will weigh-in this Friday to get a feel for my beginning weight for November. Then I don't think I'll weigh-in until the middle of the month and then the end of the month :) I'm totally behind on the crunches and lunges! Will have to make up for them!! So far I have completed 7.2 miles this week!
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning Ladies (I don't think we've had any men join),

    Hope we're all ready for the weigh in tomorrow. Here's next weeks challenge

    1. Lets try to burn 2000 calories this week!
    2. do 50 pushups everyday( can do them on your knees, against a wall, or countertop...whatever works for you
    3.drink 10-12 glasses of water each day

    Oh man pushups are going to be a hard one for me..

    Good luck.

  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Morning Everyone,

    I guess I'll start us off this week. I did 4 pounds! I'm pretty stinking excited about that. 2 more pounds and I've done 2 stone.

    Hope everyone has a really good week.
  • tamiwinters1
    Good Morning Ladies (I don't think we've had any men join),

    Hope we're all ready for the weigh in tomorrow. Here's next weeks challenge

    1. Lets try to burn 2000 calories this week!
    2. do 50 pushups everyday( can do them on your knees, against a wall, or countertop...whatever works for you
    3.drink 10-12 glasses of water each day

    Oh man pushups are going to be a hard one for me..

    Good luck.


    Ugh! Push ups... almost as hard for me as crunches! LOL! I guess that means that is why I need to do them :) Good challenge! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    Morning Everyone,

    I guess I'll start us off this week. I did 4 pounds! I'm pretty stinking excited about that. 2 more pounds and I've done 2 stone.

    Hope everyone has a really good week.

    Wow!!! That is AWESOME!!!! Good for you! :)
  • tamiwinters1
    I lost 2 pounds this week! :) I have 18 left to go to make it to my goal weight. I don't think I will make it there by Christmas, but if I stay on track I should be well on my way. :)
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I lost 2 pounds this week! :) I have 18 left to go to make it to my goal weight. I don't think I will make it there by Christmas, but if I stay on track I should be well on my way. :)

    well done Tami, I think you got this :)
  • harley_rose
    I had lost 2 lbs...
    I think I can do the push ups... *gulp*:sad:
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I had lost 2 lbs...
    I think I can do the push ups... *gulp*:sad:

    Of course you can do pushups :tongue:

    good job on your 2lbs
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    Forgot to check in here yesterday! I lost one pound - down to 136!!!!!!!! I am thrilled! 21 pounds to go to my goal weight.

    Push ups......okay, will work on working up to 50!
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Sorry, late check in!! Finally lost some wieght after playing with the same pound for a month! :noway: Lost 0.40!
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Well done guys.

    How's everyone's work going for this week? My arms are killing me already.

    Keep up the good work