5'2" Goal weight and starting weight



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    FRIEND! Ok well almost--- I'm 5'4" on a good day, started at 169 and also have a goal weight of 135. Currently at 145. Feel free to add me and we can compare notes.
  • I'm 5'2" and my starting weight was 154lbs and my goal weight is 125lbs...currently 137lbs.
  • Leslietheriot
    Leslietheriot Posts: 303 Member
    I am 5'1", starting weight 185, current weight 165, goal weight is 130.
  • 5'2 goal weight of 105! (Small bone structure)
    I'm currently at 124, so I've got a way to go!
  • I'm 5'2 and I started out at 182.6. I'm now at 162.6, yay 20lbs mark!
  • 5'3 and goal of 102 (super small boned) used to be that weight before menopause now cannot get there not matter what i do!!
  • katapum
    katapum Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 5'3 started at 164 first goal is 130 but I want to weight 125 (that was my weight 2 years ago)
  • I'm 5' 5" My starting weight 8 days ago was 179, and my goal weight is 130 but I would love to get down to 115.
  • sryan8408
    sryan8408 Posts: 244
    I'm 5'0 and my goal weight right now is 125. I started at 150.6, Currently 132.4. I picked 125 because that was a healthy BMI for me. I would like to be smaller around 115 but I have really muscular thighs which might prevent me from getting down that low but I will try and if it doesn't work, I will be happy at 125.
  • bnjones23
    bnjones23 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 115. I started MFP at 120 and currently at 118. I know a few lbs doesn't sound like much but we all know as vertically challenged people it can make a huge difference! When I first started my weight loss journey I lost too much weight getting down to 102 so I gradually put back on weight but think I got a little too comfortable. Here's to all of us reaching our goal!!
  • shellrae1973
    shellrae1973 Posts: 66 Member
    I am 5'2" and would like to be at 115lbs. I have a small frame. I would love 110lbs but I know it is not realistic for me and I couldn't maintain it
  • scarletlion
    scarletlion Posts: 11 Member
    im 5'2, sometimes 5'1, and i started with 130 with pure fat around me, and my goal weight is 100 since i have a really small frame
  • lre224
    lre224 Posts: 83
    5"3" Starting weight 243 lbs, goal weight 140 lbs, large frame.

    Although at this point, my goal weight seems like a bit of a dream that I will never reach. Fortunately, my personal trainer is 100% convinced that I WILL reach that goal. One of the advantages of having one - to be my motivation and push me to work my hardest.
  • oftheearth
    oftheearth Posts: 104 Member
    The heaviest I have been is 138 lbs, but I was bulimic then, and used drugs.
    I've been under 100 at times, but I don't think I want to be that small again.

    Starting weight on this site was 120, apparently. I did the thing where I created an account and then abandoned it...
    My starting weight when I decided to start using it again was 117, with clothes and shoes on. I may still be there (No scale - don't want to put new batteries in mine! Makes for a real bad day.)

    My goal is about 105.
  • DrG3n3
    DrG3n3 Posts: 467 Member
    As funny as this is, I am also 5 ft 2 and my goal is 150. I have a very stocky frame and think that the 136 that is recommended is probably too small. Guess I'll try :p