Skinny Minnie by Christmas Challenge



  • lorimur
    lorimur Posts: 30
    oh..oh...didn't quite make it this week...but at least the scales are still heading in the right direction..... 1.4lb
    Have had a couple of days where I couldn't reach the 1200 calories.....will have to try to get those calories in next week...
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    ok get my challenge ready i have lost only 1 pound :-( im at 300 got to try harder this week
  • caitastic24
    caitastic24 Posts: 674 Member
    My weight is from the first and second weeks so I am not sure if that still makes me the biggest loser..just to let you knoww
  • alwaysangel
    Woo Hoo I'm a Loser!! :)

    Challlenge: Add a mile to your workout. walk/run/bike. If you want to go hardcore make it for each day. If you need to start slow one extra mile for the whole week.

    Good Luck Friends. You can do it!!

  • BetteEdmonson
    My info:

    1. Sunday, 9/18 I weighed 262.8 (Sunday 9/25, I weighed 261 (-1.8), and Sunday 10/2 I weighed 257.9 (-3.1).
    2. I am choosing option 3, losing 1.6 lbs. which will put my total at 44 ugly pounds off
    3. Is it too late for me to join? My name is Bette (like Bette Midler, just not as devine but I do have red hair!). I just stumbled on your Christmas Challenge and this will be my first challenge since beginning mfp on August 21. My physical this year showed that I was just 10 points shy of being Diabetic. Knowing that was not the direction I could see myself going, I took the advice of my youngest daughter and joined mfp. I'm 63, a high school secretary, Mother of three wonderful daughters and one spectacular granddaughter. My ultimate goal is to beat the Diabetes rap, get in better shape, live longer so I can watch all my girls grow up and enjoy their lives. I figure if I can get rid of 100 ugly pounds to begin with, it would help out my knees (one needs replacement in the near future). My exercise of choice is water aerobics which I take 4 times a week (4-5 hours total). My instructor has lost 100 pounds through water aerobics (and kept it off 8 years) so she's my Hero!

    BetteEdmonson is my username. Let me know if I'm too late to have fun with your group by Christmas!
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    It's partners week!

    Here are the partners (chosen randomly), please find your numbers on the spreadsheet.


    These are the partners for the week. The two of you will do everything the same, eat the same amount of calories, do the same amount of exercise, drink the same amount of water. Basically you are going to be twins for the week. You will need to talk to each other on a regular basis to figure out how this is going to work, a lot of you eat different amount of calories and have different views on eating back exercise calories. Because of this there can be a 300 calorie lee-way. I will be randomly checking to make sure everyone is doing this!

    Each week from now on there will be some type of partner activity like this. I want everyone to get to know each other and really encourage each other.

    The partners that lose the most this week will be given an advantage for next week.
  • jaimieht
    jaimieht Posts: 106
    Sounds fun! Caitastic24 is my partner and I shall message you :)
  • echeindl
    echeindl Posts: 326 Member
    ps. If you no longer wish to participate in this challenge please tell me so I can take you off the spreadsheet.
  • ecronick
    ecronick Posts: 289 Member
    KimmehL you and I are partners. :) Message you now.
  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    Cool! Going to try to work this out w/ Don :)

    I didn't see this week's weigh in on there for me. Did you get it? Down 1 lb only :(
  • irunn2doorz
    Ooh. Having partners should be quite interesting. I went ahead and messaged pkotterman.
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    me and danielle are going to handle this like true hard chargers ooorah!!!! any 49er fans? iknow also that there is a secret TARHEEL FAN she just wont admit it:love:
  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    Sorry Don...we are Giants fans! :) but I grew up w/ my stepdad loving the 49ers and I have a cousin who is a dead ringer for Joe Montana! LOL. My husband is a huge UNC fan :)

    We are gonna do this this week!!!! I'm not a marine, but am I allowed to say it???? OOOORAH!
  • jaimieht
    jaimieht Posts: 106
    I am not sure two more different people could have been paired - she's super tall, I am super short, our exercise time and methods are completely different, how much we eat not even close, but hey - it's a challenge :)

    And we shall rock it! Woot! ;)
  • pkotterman
    pkotterman Posts: 83 Member
    Well this should be interesting! I will send you all my basic information and then open up my food diary- might make it easier!
  • OlibecaMom
    Messaged CaliGirl313 so we'll see how this partner thing works out. I'm not on the computer much but will make an effort to touch base once a day. :)
  • jaimieht
    jaimieht Posts: 106
    Okay so um, I think...

    My partner and I both drank 10 glasses of water, exercised 120 minutes, and ate ~1700 calories (me a little less, her a little more, since I am 9" shorter than she is, but within the 300 window) today. I think. :)
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    ok me and danielle are off and running kept my calories down to1269 big jump from 2000 but i feel good even burned 900 and my partner aint no slouch shes gonna rock this thing!!!!!! were going to make a transformation :tongue:
  • wildbeal
    wildbeal Posts: 124
    oh yeah i screwed op on my weigh in i weighed on someones home scale when i got to the gym which i usually weigh on it says(moment of silence to build suspense,drumroll starts) 295
  • djanson24
    djanson24 Posts: 42 Member
    Don!!! THAT IS FANTASTIC!!!! Yay to be in the 200's!!!!! :happy:

    I'm glad you were @ 1269...b/c I haven't even hit 1100 calories today :( Been a long crazy day! Didn't do much exercise today, but I'll be hitting the gym tues, wed (2x), thurs and friday!

    Keep it up Don!!!