How do I stop binge eating on the weekends?

Every Saturday, I binge horribly. I view it as my "reward" for working so hard during the week, because let me tell you, I'm VERY stressed by the end of the week and I feel like food is the only thing that fixes it.

I think I've only gone 1 weekend without binge eating in the past 2 months or so. I know people will tell me to not buy unhealthy foods and then problem solved, but it's not up to me who buys foods. My parents and sister don't eat as healthy as I do (during the week, atleast) and even though I've tried to get them to start eating healthier, they won't stick to it. So we've come to a decision - they eat what they want to eat, I eat what I want to eat.

But I just can't control my urges to binge!!!! I can't fight it! Help me please!!


  • And when I mean binge, I mean binges of 1000 calories or more.
  • heather1945
    heather1945 Posts: 117 Member
    Depends how much you really want to change your eating lifestyle and lose weight...:-}
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    I say invest in 100 calorie bags of popcorn (like the mini Orville Redenbacher).
    When I sit in my dorm all weekend doing homework all I think about sometimes is how my fridge and food is RIGHT THERE. So it's like.. it's so easy I can just grab whatever is there and it's easy to just keep garbing stuff.

    I've really found that if I snack on the popcorn it keeps me busy.
    Also maybe when you think you want to eat instead drink water or go for a walk! :)
  • I say invest in 100 calorie bags of popcorn (like the mini Orville Redenbacher).
    When I sit in my dorm all weekend doing homework all I think about sometimes is how my fridge and food is RIGHT THERE. So it's like.. it's so easy I can just grab whatever is there and it's easy to just keep garbing stuff.

    I've really found that if I snack on the popcorn it keeps me busy.
    Also maybe when you think you want to eat instead drink water or go for a walk! :)

    I actually have that popcorn in my pantry! But it's not things like that that I crave, it's things like chocolate and pastries and sweets. Popcorn won't satisfy me, and neither will a little tiny piece of chocolate :( and I would go for a walk (I've done that before whenever I've felt like binging), except that now most of my binges occur late at night, at around 11 or 12, and I can't go on a walk then...
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    WIth that attitude, no, you can't change your habits. Take the word "can't" out of your vocabulary. No one is shoving food down your throat - you are the one making those decisions. Change your mindset to "I can say no" and "I can resist the binges" and "I can do this" and you'll see a much higher success rate. Find a better way to reward yourself. You can't reward your weight loss efforts with food - that's counter productive. Treat yourself to a new shirt, a night out with friends, a mani/pedi, or something material, not a consumed good. Consumed goods only make you feel good at the time - material goods last much longer.

    Only you can help you - you just have to decide what's really important to you and then do what you have to do.
  • Ajaay
    Ajaay Posts: 70 Member
    It's not a fast fix, but visualize yourself saying no to tempting foods and choosing other foods instead. You should include an emotional response in your visualization--such as taking a walk and feeling less stressed. The more you picture yourself in control and being the person you want to be, the easier it will be.

    When I was thin I had np saying no to french fries because I was so used to saying 'no' it was habit not deprivation. After I got out of the habit and kept saying 'yes' I had to really work back into saying 'no' to the foods that used to be easy for me. I figure after I say 'no' so many times again, it will stop being an effort again.
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I say invest in 100 calorie bags of popcorn (like the mini Orville Redenbacher).
    When I sit in my dorm all weekend doing homework all I think about sometimes is how my fridge and food is RIGHT THERE. So it's like.. it's so easy I can just grab whatever is there and it's easy to just keep garbing stuff.

    I've really found that if I snack on the popcorn it keeps me busy.
    Also maybe when you think you want to eat instead drink water or go for a walk! :)

    I actually have that popcorn in my pantry! But it's not things like that that I crave, it's things like chocolate and pastries and sweets. Popcorn won't satisfy me, and neither will a little tiny piece of chocolate :( and I would go for a walk (I've done that before whenever I've felt like binging), except that now most of my binges occur late at night, at around 11 or 12, and I can't go on a walk then...

    You crave those things because you allow your body to have them. You need to quit eating crap like that cold-turkey and allow your body to "detox". After a few days of no crap food, you won't have near the cravings like you did.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    If you're craving sweets then maybe get grapes. Sometimes fruits can really help to negate that craving.
    But if you really want like pastries, maybe look up some low cal recipes you could make.
    When I have a sugar craving that can't be beat I always eat Fluff, which is 20cals a tablespoon.
    There's also all the different types of Goldfish crackers they have now, which aren't too bad for you as long as you count out a serving :)
  • cantjustcant
    cantjustcant Posts: 1,027 Member
    100 calorie snack packs! they have all sorts of sweets! Eat them one at a time and drink water between each one savoring each bite
  • L2M1D52
    L2M1D52 Posts: 616 Member
    I'm an emotional eater, so when I wanted to kick start this weight loss, I quit cold turkey on the things I craved the most and really caused a lot of weight gain (e.g., pop, junk food, sweets, fast food). I kept reminding myself why this is important and did I really want to spend any more days looking in the mirror wishing I looked different. When it came time to seeing the food (because everyone around me is NOT watching their food choices or portions) I literally visualize the food "destroying" my bad. For example when I looked at cake which I loved, I thought about all the sugar and how nasty it would make me feel and what it would do to my body. It's about the mindset. I would also definitely agree with the other poster on taking the word can't out of your vocabulary.

    Another option is limiting your intake, depending on how much your eating of the sweets, settle for less times during Saturday. So say you eat sweets three times a day... go for two until you can go without or go without more frequently. Hope that helps.
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    jrdoty does have it right in that quitting them cold turkey fixes the cravings. I used to have a weakness for chips. I simply stopped. They are in my house, because my kids get them (OCCASIONALLY!!!), but I simply stopped. Now, they are no temptation. Even on my deliberate "high-calorie" days (part of a zig-zag diet, and now, I have trouble managing that high a calorie count), I simply don't WANT them. I'm eating very well, and my body has made it clear that it LIKES it that way.
  • Alright, I'll keep all of this in mind! Thanks guys!
  • I have the same problem with letting go on the weekends a little becuase I've been "so good during the week". I have three ideas I read about that I'm trying out that I feel are kind of working for me. (1) This kind of goes against the cold turkey idea, but maybe you need to spread out your "reward" type foods during the week. Maybe give yourself a treat two days during the week. And I'm not talking like a 1000 calorie treat, more like a 200 calorie treat on a day when you've earned some exercise calories. Instead of saving up your treats for the weekend you are spreading out the bad the stuff and not binging it all at once and maybe you're making the week less difficult for yourself by rewarding yourself a little during the week.

    (2) That said, I'm not trying to condone using food as a primary reward for being good either. Maybe think about rewarding yourself with things aren't food. If you've been so good and you feel really stressed by the end of the week, reward yourself with a nice outing, a manicure... whatever floats your boat and is not food. The idea is to find something, other than food, to reward and relax yourself with. I *love* food and agree that is can bring pleasure but there are plenty of things out there that can ease your stress and that are not food.

    (3) Last is something that really works for me if I feel on the edge of giving in: If your tummy is just calling out for something, chug down 2 glasses of water. This will make you feel full really fast and you probably won't feel like chasing that with a binge. And, if 2 glasses doesn't do it, make it 4!
  • Hope that helps! :)
  • ok so you say it happens late at night-why dont you try going to bed earlier? I use to do the same when dieting a few times ago but don't do it this time as go to bed so early for a 615am gym class.

    But i am the same on the weekend. find it hard, once i start, not to continue with a day of higher calories food. Not binging but yeah eating 3 desserts over the day ;(
  • Katie3784
    Katie3784 Posts: 543
    Honestly, a 1000 calorie binge could be dinner and desert at a restaurant, which I don't see as too bad. But, if you have a lot of weight to lose and you want to get serious, maybe just allow your self one treat, like pizza or ice cream, on the weekends.
  • what i do when i feel the need to eat junk foods is brush my teeth. when my mouth feels clean i dont want to eat anything.
  • isherryb
    isherryb Posts: 47 Member
    I also eat differently on the weekends, but I still choose the healthier foods, and try to stay as close to my numbers as possible.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I love pastries too and since I work in a convenience store they are constantly a temptation. One thing that I've incorporated to curb my cravings is different types of powerbars. They are a bit higher in calories but they keep me feeling fuller longer and curb my sweet cravings. I have a strawberry oatmeal one for breakfast and I have a chocolate caramel one right before my workouts. The chocolate and the workout kind of cancel each other out but it really helps me keep my chocolate cravings in check. I also eat fruit and drink real fruit juice to curb my sweet cravings.
  • ETC80
    ETC80 Posts: 28 Member
    I have the same issue. My husband, who has the metabolism of a field mouse, can eat anything and not gain weight, so we have a few empty calorie items in our pantry.

    Here's my trick to over-coming the urge to binge...

    acknowledge my feelings. It's ok to feel this way. What is it exactly that you feel?

    It's up to you to decide what happens next. It'll be tough to resist the first few times, but the feeling of accomplishment you'll have for resisting the binge will outweigh all other feelings.