
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,454 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,995 Member
    Beth, our daughter got Dave one of those bird feeders for Christmas. The directions for his said it had to be mounted to a tree or the house. Since neither of those options was something he wanted to do, he put it back in the box. I don’t know what we’re going to do with it. If we mount it to a tree, the squirrels will just have a feast. We keep our regular non-smart feeders on a shepherd’s hook that we grease with vaseline. They can still sometimes get to them, but it is much, much harder.

    I didn’t take any pain meds for 24 hours. I did take some before bedtime because my knee was starting to feel weak. Pt again tomorrow.

    I ordered new rugs for the bathrooms from Target - one 24x30 and 5 18x24. They came today. The 5 that I thought were 18x24 rectangles all had a cut-out for a toilet. Not quite sure how I missed that in the description! Back to Target they go tomorrow. I will try to find some in the store.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 3,103 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,708 Member
    Rori ~ Happy 69th Birthday! :)

    Kim ~ Who are you making butter with? That sounds interesting!

    Rosemarie ~ Nice to see you dropping by! Good luck training your pup!

    Carol in GA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,786 Member
    Good evening!

    Add me to the once I break fast I am hungry! Granddaughter at shop today. She is getting much better at phone calls-:) She also makes the best hard boiled eggs! I had 1 at 10am, a slice of pizza at 12, salad at 2, then yogurt with remaining berries and cinnamon walnuts about 430. All of that would have been fine if a customer hadnt brought in a box of chocolates! The good thing is I only eat the turtles. The Bad thing is I ate all 3! I am not a cream chocolate lady. Turtles and toffee are my chocolate downfalls. I have 150 calories left for dinner.....

    Did get a few items taken care of at work. Dropped DH off for massage, then bank run, costco run (people look at you strange if you don't have a cart!) I only needed two things there. Picked up prescriptions, now waiting for DH to get done. If it wasn't 19° without wind chill I could have walked around, but I am not made for the cold!

    I think you are all doing great with logging and movement. We CAN do this!

    Now it is Good Tuesday morning! I was tired last night. Got home, cooked, ate, cleaned kitchen, played with kitties, and promptly fell asleep in recliner!

    Rori Happy Birthday! I am always happy to hear about your exciting life.

    Beth I bet mom was happy to have her buttermilk. My childhood friend's father always had a large cup of raisen bran with buttermilk as his evening meal. They were farmers. Big meals were breakfast and mid day (dinner). Mom prepared those. Supper was whatever you found. I missed dinner with them once because that was what we called our evening meal. This was in Alabama.

    Rosemarie Puppies can be trying! I was lucky enough with oir dogs all but one was housebroken when we got her. They were all a year old or older. Our German Shepherd housebroke our Pyrenees. Congratulations on the new project! I am excited for you! I am with you on sunshine! It was sunny but cold yesterday.

    Tracey I hear you on the corporation and changes. Unfortunately that is also true with small businesses.

    Found out last night that we have a leak in the farmhouse roof. Most likely ice under the metal roof. Hoping we can find someone to address it. Like Pip our farm is about 2 hours away. We rely heavily on the guys who rent the land to keep an eye on the house. They had 12" of snow, 1" of ice, and another 4" of snow. We are hoping the damage is caused from frozen rain gutters and just the spot in the kitchen .

    Heidi I hear you on socks! I also feel that way about shoes. You know i am cold if I have socks on at home. Like the idea of egg whites in oatmeal. I love honey in coffee. I use locally sourced honey. This small habit has helped my allergies and health. Fewer colds and no bronchitis in 10 years. I use to get it 3 times a year.

    Barbie It can be a lot to deal with. Take your time and remember to take care of you!

    I better get this posted! Have to get ready for work

    Much love,
    Make the best choices you can in the moment!

    Hugs and prayers!
    Kylia in Ohio at 6°F
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,786 Member
    Winter! I just finished logging last nights dinner (I fell asleep last night). Playing with kittens gave me more calories! Eggs gave me my protein goal!

    Sad for those in California fires.

  • teklawa1
    teklawa1 Posts: 683 Member
    Betsy in NW WA
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,786 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,454 Member
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 985 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Beth, our daughter got Dave one of those bird feeders for Christmas. The directions for his said it had to be mounted to a tree or the house. Since neither of those options was something he wanted to do, he put it back in the box. I don’t know what we’re going to do with it. If we mount it to a tree, the squirrels will just have a feast. We keep our regular non-smart feeders on a shepherd’s hook that we grease with vaseline. They can still sometimes get to them, but it is much, much harder.

    We got baffles for the shepherd's hooks. They work beautifully.

    Tina in CA

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,993 Member
    Heidijjo wrote: »
    Good morning everyone. Looking forward to coffee this morning. It’s so chilly this morning and my motivation doesn’t seem to be anywhere nearby just yet.

    Barbie - Give yourself some grace, honey. And don’t forget self care. Riding your bike, knitting, all of those things are self care. Sending hugs your way.

    Beth - I feel like I must know more about this bird feeder. Have you gotten many good pics yet? Also, I was “today years old” when I remembered that buttermilk exists. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Now I sort of want to go get some and find a reason to use it. Your Mom just drinks it?

    qupo6 - Welcome. I am still new to this group myself. It takes a minute to catch up, but everyone here is so great. It’s like a live journal and I enjoy reading everyone’s daily adventures.

    Pip - I almost moved to Pismo. It’s just enough removed from all of the busy. Glad you are free of the smoke. Your RV adventures remind me of some happy days. Stay safe.

    Rebecca - I am zero help with fasting. But coffee, that I can help with. Ha! My coach recently introduced me to half and half with honey in my coffee. It’s so very tasty. I also have a friend that produces his own real maple syrup. It is also quite tasty in coffee.

    Heather - you had me at Feta. 🫶🏻

    Michelle - Agreed. NC needs to snap out of it and warm back up. But I’m not seeing that happening much over the next few days. I’m staying bundled and find myself standing in a sliver of sunlight in my kitchen to drink my coffee and warm up the last few days. I even put on……… socks 😱 (Dunn dunnn dunnnnnnn) 😱 and I never wear socks. After I hit 50, I swear my cold tolerance hit the road.

    grandmallie - those cheeks! So cute! 🥰

    dlfk202000 - try focusing on lean protein. This will sustain you longer. With the oatmeal, try whipping in egg whites just before it’s finished. It’s really quite tasty, adds fluffiness and gives you that protein you need.

    Rosemarie - puppies are a handful, aren’t they? Hang in there. With your shots, diet and moment are everything. Try focusing on protein. Multiple small meals. Basic movement like walking and getting those steps in. I hope the needle starts moving for you soon.

    Rori - Happy Birthday! 🎈🎉 Enjoy!
    Sounds like this guy you’re dating is pretty great. I was sold on the bed making with no prompting. 🤣 It’s the little things.

    Okay then. Well I’m off to get my movement started and kick this day in the butt. Coffee first. Gotta sign up for new insurance today and get my daughters FAFSA finished.

    Enjoy your day everyone! Stay safe and warm.

    Heidi in NC 💫

    Oh yummy! I have a jar of good quality honey with the comb in it. Every so often I take a gold little spoon and scoop out a bit of comb, chewing on it until its a blob of wax. Just not keen on digesting that wax part, but I know its edible.
    My Kona coffee is delightful, and its no problem cleaning out my little pod filter each time.
    Truvia sweetener is half sweetener and half sugar. Its from the Stevia plant, so its not really chemically tasting, but I do notice the taste is "brighter" than just regular sugar.
  • LisaInArkansas
    LisaInArkansas Posts: 3,014 Member
    Rita - Hope you can get in to the doc and get to feeling better. The package thing is frustrating, I'm sure.

    Allie - I think Delia looks a lot like you, actually. She sure has a pretty smile, just like her brother.

    Kylia - Sorry about the leak! Hope the kittens are recovering fast from their spays.

    Michele - Thanks for letting us know Annie's message, and Annie, I'm so sorry about Teddy.

    Ran into town to the thrift store, grocery store and back, put my hair dye on when I got back. Am waiting for it to finish doing its thing, and will get in the shower. Never could wash my hair in a sink without getting soaked to the waist, even with short hair!

    Talked to our son John this morning, and they probably won't make it by before they move to Jacksonville, FL, in mid-February. We're OK with that, we saw them at Thanksgiving, and he and I text back and forth each week.

    Time for the shower and then yoga. I'd do it the other way around, but the hair dye is a little drippy. Not worried - I've gone 7 days without missing a day, want to continue my streak.

    Later, y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,993 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    I couldn’t get in anywhere yesterday to see a doc. The clinics and my primary were all full. I have an appointment today at 3:30. I need to get the sinus/air infection treated. I coughed everything out of my lungs so the cough is better, thank goodness! That alone was doubling me over. I should be back to normal by the end of the week.

    Butter My niece has a goats (she lives in Kentucky) and she posted how she tried making her own butter and loves how it came out. I tried it once and liked the result as well. The buttermilk left over, well I’m not sure what to do with that. I need to try doing that again as the cost of butter is so high. I use Tillimock or Challenge brand and they are over $5 a pound. I’ll have to experiment to see the cost with making it myself versus buying it. The ‘cheap’ butter only tastes like water to me so won’t buy it.

    I’m having a time with the UPS/Post Office/ Amazon mixups. I was getting all my UPS/Amazon orders through my PostOffice but the PO is no longer accepting ANYTHING from UPS, so anything I had ordered from Christmas to the 10th when I found out about the issue, is riding around in UPS trucks going from distributor-to Roswell UPS office- Returned to distributors/Amazon. Sometimes, the items go back and forth a couple of times before getting to Amazon and refunded. Spent an hour on the phone yesterday trying to locate/cancel orders and still not done. I’m supposed to wait until the 16th to call them back with whatever has not been refunded. What a mess!! I am making a list of things ordered and if they were refunded or not and where they are, or if I tried to get a refund through the Amazon ‘system’ which does not give an option for never received the item. Sigh,,

    Thought for the day:

    What do squash where to the beach?

    Zucchini bikini!

    RVRita in Roswell

    That Amazon fiasco uugh, I am sorry that's happening! Hopefully it all smooths out, you get refunds.
    I only buy Tillamook butter, and cheeses too. I buy the cheap Imperial margarine for husband because he doesn't notice one way or another. The Tillamook company is a conglomerate of co-op farmers. I follow a farmer named Derrick on FB and he's a character. He talks to his cows and calls them his ladies, and they are too cute. He has one video where he is out in he field talking to his ladies, having a safety meeting. He is telling them that he notices the prices of mascara has gone way up, and they all need to cut back....its hilarious!
    I have convinced people at the commissary looking at butter and I just tell them to buy Tillamooks. Hands down, no regrets, just buy that one. And they do!
    Hope your appointment goes well and you start feeling better!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,993 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »

    Debbie - So neat you are getting in all that walking. Do you think your DH is calming down now that MIL isn't in her house anymore and he's not compelled to be with her so much there?


    Make it a super day! <3

    Lanette B)
    SW WA State

    I think he is starting to calm down, well, most days.
    Last night he said that beings I am going to take care of MIL's dog after I get done at the dentist, he doesn't have to get up. He is going to skip going to see his mom.
    Lately he has been dropping me off to take care of the dog while he sees his mom and brings her a McDonald's coffee(even though they have coffee there). Last night she told him not to bring coffee because it was making her sick. She is refusing to eat, unless it is sweets and she is a diabetic.
    He said he is going to sleep in today. He stayed up until after 3am.
    No kittens in the house today to wake him up(they are at the spay/neuter "spa" today) and the rest of the cats are fed and are back napping.
    I am heading to the dentist now then over to walk and feed the dog.

    I'm going to the dentist too, today. Hope yours goes well. I just hope I don't get a coughing jag as I am getting my teeth cleaned...gaaah!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,993 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Rosemarie, two suggestions for potty training that worked for Annie---take her out the second she wakes up, give her a treat for doing business outside.

    :) Thank you to everyone who reminded me to take my time, find time for self care, and not expect it all to get done right away. <3

    :) I am eating regular meals, riding my exercise bike at least an hour a day, walking 10,000 steps or more, and talking to people. Being connected to all of you makes a huge difference in my life.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    Big hugs to you!
    You have such a strength about you! With any grief I have had in my life, I compare it to a "sneaker wave". Just comes out of nowhere, knocking you flat. You just hold tightly onto something or someone, and ride it out, until you get your footing. I am sure you have had waves hit you like that, but know we are here for you. To find your footing.