Ravenclaw Common Room



  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Hi checkingin

    Sorry for this short and badly spaced post. I wanted to get my spirit OWL for the day, but didn't have a lot of time. I have worked 68 hours this week and I'm feeling it :yawn:

    Glad I have a job, and the ability to get some overtime. The tsunami in Japan really did a number on my income a few months back and I'm in need of catching up. I'll just be glad when work orders slow down back to normal lol.

    Oh, and I'll do my final September weigh-in and post my OWLs, house points, and goals for October once I get a little sleep. I need some shut eye. I'm feeling pretty good about how my weigh-in will go though!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi checkingin

    Sorry for this short and badly spaced post. I wanted to get my spirit OWL for the day,
    You guys are so great with the house spirit posts! I love that you all drop in even if its just to say "checkingin"!! :laugh: I look forward to reading everyone's notes every day.

    I'm weighing in today with a 1 pound drop - finally! Had a 3 week stall, but it seems to be moving again.
    Weight: 156
    Protein: 7
    Squats: 0 :ohwell:
    Spirit: 7
    Total OWLs: 14

    House Points: 155

    Oh yeah - and my October goal is 150 - let's see if I can do it THIS month!! (was my September goal too)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    back in the land of the living after being sick all week. not gonna be a good weigh in tomorrow. didn't even log in food when i was sick. sounds like everyone has been doing well. hope i don't screw our numbers up too badly!!
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    *Progress towards week of 9/25 OWLS -10/1 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +6
    Food (protein) - +6
    Exercise (squats) - +5

    *September exercise minutes*
    October total = 700
    Month to date total = 0
    Week 9/25 to date total = 170
    10/1 exercise minutes - none yet, off to buy plants
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    Today's Stats:
    Exercise (crunches): +1
    Food (fat): +1
    Spirit: +1

    Weekly Stats:
    Owls: 3 House Points: 30
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Yay! Time for my weekly weigh-in. I ended September on a good note, and 3 pounds under my goal!!
    Yay yay yay! I lost 3.7 pounds since last week and 8 pounds all together for the month of September! I guess I'll set my October goal weight at ......138. Yea, let's try to get down in the 130's!


    Total OWLs for this week:18!! (These challenges were right up my alley!)

    House Points:177
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Here are the Week 3 Inter-House Challenge results. Hufflepuff is leading for both the House Cup and Quidditch Cup. Let's kick it up a notch in October Ravenclaw!! We can do this!!
    WEEK 3 Combined Results:

    HOUSE..........26-Sep.............................Wk 1-3
    ...........................HP...........% Lost............HP...........% Lost
    Slytherin ........266.45.......0.167%........341.33.......0.390%

    Hufflepuff wins the Quidditch Match (for weight loss percentage) for Week 3!

    Hufflepuff is also still in the lead for the Quidditch Cup and House Cup!

    I can't wait to see what the results of Week 4 bring! The results will be posted by the end of Wednesday this coming week.

    FYI: The October Inter-House Challenge starts this week! See the updated rules here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/bronwenhilary/view/hogwarts-inter-house-challenge-143613

    Good Luck to all the Houses!!!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Happy weekend everyone!

    I know I sure needed one after this long week. Could do with a drink, too, but I'll try to skip it. ;) Instead, we've promised ourselves to do several small home improvement projects today that are long overdue (got a couple done so far, so maybe the rest will be quick and easy).

    I didn't quite meet my September goal, but I got close, so I'm pretty pleased with it.

    On a happier note, congrats to our prefects, and awesome OWL goals for this week!

    And now on to my numbas...

    Weekly Totals (Sept 24th - Sept 30)
    EOM Weight: 241.8 (2 loss since last week)
    OWL Totals: 12
    House Spirit: 6
    Food: 3 (apparently, I don't like eating many things with protein...who knew?)
    Exercise: 3 (ouch - my knees still haven't forgiven me quite for those either, lol)

    October EOM Goal: 234

    Edited: I forgot to include my HP: 124 exercise minutes :/
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Am still away, should be back on board by Thursday.
    Weigh in at 102 Ibs don't remember what my September goal was.
    No OWLS for this week for food/exercise post but have roughly 850 house points.
    My goal for October is 100 Ibs. Be back on Wednesday if not before. :)
  • missbeccaanne
    And I am up again, Not really a surprise I have been cramming all week for a test, hurt myself so I didn't get to workout much. and I ate awfully.
    spirit +5
    Squats +5
    Protein +1
    house points 465

    Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. :/ Those weeks can be difficult to get through. Maybe October will turn out to be a much better month for you, yeah? Are you hurting less at least?


    As for my regular check-in post, I'm excited about my weigh-in tomorrow, although I'm not sure I'll meet my ambitious September goal. I usually do better when I'm first starting out, but I'm still happy the weight is coming off, so I won't be disappointed if I'm off by a little. I'm lighter now than when I started, and that's an awesome thing.

    yes hurting less, my two year old crawled into my bed and slept on my back so when I woke up the next day I could barely stand up, and the exam was today. Don't think I did to well, once I got to the essay section it was just on long mind blank.

    oh well. today was the last day I allowed myself to eat poorly, starting tomorrow I the exam is no longer my excuse and I am going to force the family to do it along with me( I am the one who cooks after all)
  • NikkiMustang77
    CW: 152.4
    Protein: +5
    Check In: +7
    Exercise: +0 (I suck at squats.)

    October Goal: 150.
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Weighing in: 64.6kg / 142.4lb. My goal for the end of Sept was 63.8, so didn't make it unfortunately. I've been losing weight so slowly for a while now, just maintain or losing maybe 0.5lb a week. Maybe because I'm so short? I don't know. I'm happy that I'm at least still losing, and furthermore that I'm still here on mfp. I don't think I've ever stuck at trying to lose weight for this long. Also realised I am getting pretty close to having lost 10kg, which was my initial goal when I realised how overweight I had gotten. And my BMI is now at 26.9, so that's improving as well.

    Plus, summer is on it's way, and it gets hot as hell over here where I live so I never have a big appetite in the summer months. I went to the beach yesterday! It was only 26˚C so not really beach weather, but lovely all the same. I eventually manned up and swam/lolled in the (freezing) water for about an hour. I am looking forward to the sun returning, gotta say. But at the same time... I'm a winter girl at heart, so by the time we hit full summer I will be taking that back :laugh:

    Protein: 5
    Check ins: 2 (including today)
    Exercise: 1

    Exercise minutes: 55

    Setting my October goal for 63kg, or a loss of 1.4kg / 3lb. I think that seems achievable, and 63kg is just a bit over my 10kg lost mark which would make me so happy to meet. Good luck for October, Ravenclaws :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • DefiningRaquel
    Hey guys,

    Wow time seems to fly, i cant believe the weigh-in is already here. Here's my stats:

    C.W: 123.5 ( almost reached my goal, just 0.5 lbs away)
    house points: 211
    Food: 1
    Exercise: 0
    Spirit: 4

    Goal for Oct: 115 lbs
  • sundancer1966
    sundancer1966 Posts: 478 Member
    Good Morning, here are my weekly results for the end of Sept

    Weight 224.4
    Owls: 5 protien
    6 - squats
    5 spirit

    Oct goals, to get down to 215

    Happy Oct!
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw!! hope everyone is having a good weekend. i think i am finally back to myself after having been sick most of the week. it really washed me out more than i had realized. unfortunately it was not accompanied by weight loss :angry: . here are my september stats:

    weight 180 which is a 0.2lb gain for the week as well as for the month :frown:
    *check in-5
    House Points-103

    sorry that i was no help to our house numbers. i am setting my october goal as 175 (same as what september was) and will hopefully make better progress this month. i have had 175 as a goal in my mind for halloween for another challenge as well as my daughter's senior night for marching band (nov 4th). all the senior members for football, marching band, and cheer leading are presented WITH THEIR PARENTS before the last game of the season. i really wanted to look good for this (first of several) senior nights. i really means a lot to me so i'm gonna really try to bust it out this month!! might need some help from my house mates!!!
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    hey ravenclaws!! my weekly house/exercise points from sun-sat are 383. hope everyone had a wonderful week!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

    I just finished the Harry Potter audio books and am sad all over again (the narrator is wonderful!). I was listening to them while I walked on the treadmill and now, on top of the series being over, I have no incentive to step on the blasted machine! To top it off, I just found out that they're not opening Pottermore up to the rest of us now until the end of October. :sad: What's a witch to do?

    @psb13 - since the House Cup will be awarded to the house with the most house points instead of the most weight lost, you most certainly did help us! Besides, no worries here. We're all in this together!! I'm glad you're finally feeling better!

    I saw this question posted in the Gryffindor common room and thought I would bring it here too. What do you all think?
    Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged, please!

    Have a great day!!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I saw this question posted in the Gryffindor common room and thought I would bring it here too. What do you all think?
    Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any feedback is welcome and encouraged, please!

    Have a great day!!

    First of all - oh no! Disaster! Hope you find something else to keep you occupied in the meantime. Maybe start over? Lol.

    As for the question - I can see it being a little discouraging if the same people are prefects each month (if that's what I'm understanding it to mean), but on the other hand, if they earned it, they deserve it, and it might make others try to amp up what they're doing in order to earn it for themselves. The only possible suggestion I might have would be to base it on something different every once in a while to reward other behaviors for those who can't compete in other ways. Not sure what, though, or how you would track in some cases, but just a thought.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Totals for week of 9/25
    House Spirit (post ) - +7
    Food (protein) - +7
    Exercise (squats) - +5
    19 OWLs
    exercise minutes = 170
    Weight loss = 1.8 lb, weighed in at 187.6. Now how did THAT happen?!? Half a Reuben and a chocolate chip cookie and now I'm down?

    Weight goal for October - 183 - let's shoot for my halfway point.

    *Progress towards week of 10/2 -10/2 update*
    House Spirit (post ) - +0
    Food (fat) - +0
    Exercise (crunches) - +1

    *exercise minutes*
    September total = 700
    October Month to date total = 45
    10/2 exercise minutes - 30 min walking, 15 squats, crunches, and flexibility exercises.
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    I saw this question posted in the Gryffindor common room and thought I would bring it here too. What do you all think?
    Does anyone think it's unfair to give someone a Prefect Badge that's already earned one in a month, or is it motivating to try to keep it/earn it? I go back and forth, but I don't want anyone to be discouraged that can't do as much as someone else. Any
    I'd flip the question around, does anyone think the current system is unfair?

    I think the current system is fine. I've been prefect twice in one month, and wasn't prefect last week. I agree with the decision to not let someone be a 'double-prefect' in a week. Using a tie-breaker is good.

    Weight based merit - not really an issue to me. Heavier individuals typically lose more weight when starting out. Weight loss tapers off over time. It helps that it's based on a percentage of total weight. Eventually you get to maintenance which means that over time you will be less and less likely to make Prefect based on weight loss.

    Exercise based merit - We keep changing the goals, which keeps things interesting. Some challenges are harder than others. I don't think the challenges have been ridiculously easy or ridiculously difficult. This OWL probably creates the widest variation among individuals.

    Food based merit - again we keep changing goals. which keeps things interesting. As long as the goal is nutritionally healthy, I don't have any concerns about meeting goals. I am not usually challenged by food issues, so perhaps I have an unfair advantage.

    Adding spirit has a normalizing effect on the OWL points and I think contributes to motivation to keep up with the other goals. Unless your network is down, there isn't much reason why you can't earn a spirit point each day. We could change spirit to include some type of content, like recipe ideas, NSVs, motivation ideas, and so on, but I don't think that's necessary.

    Receiving kudo's on my profile for consistently tracking food, working out and losing weight is my biggest source of motivation.