Christmas Challenge 2011-Chit Chat



  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    WTG to everyone who had a loss this week and we'll get it next time to those who gained....I gained 1.2 lbs this week, but I also made very bad choices last week as I ate a lot of junk and ate out more than I should have.....On top of it, I didn't have a lot of time for exercise which will be a MUST this week! I'm not saying I have a good reason for eating out and not exercising, but I will share a little bit of my story....

    My husband, our 2 kids, and I live with his parents, and when it comes time to mother in law will feed the kids first (which is fine, i don't mind them eating before everyone else, its my 2 kids and then her younger son) BUT the main reason why we eat out so much, is when my step father in law is home (on his days off) he has to eat first and no matter what my mother in law makes, he eat almost everything leaving nothing for no body else, and when he wants to eat its usually during the time my husband and I need to eat, so my husband can get ready for work and leave on time (he's a third shift trucker), so when he's home, we tend to just keep our schedule and grab a bite to eat....and the other part is my mother in law doesn't like dishes being dirtied again after she's washed them, which means if it 6:01, forget it! Dishes are done and so are you.....

    But I'm going to plan ahead this week and make it better! Together we can do this!!

    Let's rock Week 3, who's with me :smile:

    You've done so well with your weight loss already, Barb, that I know you can do this!! Thanks for this thread and all your encouraging words! It's much appreciated! It's hard when living with extended family as there is so many more people to take into consideration. My son and I live with my parents and, while I buy only healthy foods, my mom, bless her heart, fills the house with items that are sure to throw me off track if I give in to temptation. :p
  • HeatherR930
    HeatherR930 Posts: 214 Member
    Well I weighed in at 180.0, from 182.2 last week, so I'm really happy about that! I've only lost 3.2 total for the 2 weeks, & I need to lose 2 a week to meet my Christmas goal. I looked back at the mfp calculations, & it now says the most I can lose a week is 1.9 lbs, when it used to be 2. Oh well...I will just do the best I can to get as close as possible!

    I hope everyone is having a good weigh in today. Today starts a brand new week!
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    Glad this thread was made, now it's easy to find the link to the spreadsheet. Great job guys! I see a lot of losses. For those that stayed the same or gained, keep at it! I didn't lose quite as much as I hoped but hey, I lost. Back to it. Didn't work out much this week as I was sore from an accident at work. I did dip below 150 for a day!
  • I'm pleased this week...I'm bad about being motivated for a little while and then having a bad day that causes me to say, "screw it all, I look fine." However, I am ending my relationship with complacency!! I will not stop until I am fit, healthy, and truly satisfied with my body. I lost a little over a pound which isn't much but for the first time since before my pregnancy (like maybe a whole YEAR before my pregnancy) I am under 140 lbs. This is big.
  • CindyC72
    CindyC72 Posts: 20 Member
    I gained over a pound from last week. NOT happy.

    I ate way too much over the last two days. We celebrated hubby's birthday which included a fish fry and chocolate cake. I had two smallish pieces of cake. It was sooo good. I have a bad habit of once I go over my calories for the day I think "oh well, the damage is already done for the day so eating some more won't matter." I need to stop thinking that way. I'm done whining for now.
  • judyt5000
    judyt5000 Posts: 15 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    I am happy to say that I just joined your group this morning!! I am #120 on the log sheet. Thank you Barb for creating this challenge. Just a little about me, I am no stranger to weight loss, I had lost 85 lbs through WW and reached my goal. Then I stopped going and stress got in the way. A year ago on July 29th I donated my kidney to my husband. I could not work out and I became lazy with my food choices. It had been a long recovery for him, with numerous visits to the hospital. I gained 30 lbs since the day of our surgeries. I am ready to get back to my goal weight once again and recommit to a healthier fitter me!!!

    I weighed in at 173 this morning and my goal is to reach 145. I have a few more challenges in the way, my youngest daugnhter is getting married October 15th and my oldest daughter is going to have her second baby by C Section on October 17th!!!! NO STRESS FOR ME AT ALL!!!

    I am thrilled to be here working on our journies together :) Together we will succeed!!!
  • Happy Sunday everyone !

    Had a good start to the week - work almost derailed me wed/thu but i've continued to exercise daily and surprised even myself on how discplined i've been with the food. Had bad cravings (i think maybe due to too much exercising) as i was really hungry for a soda and fast food but ended up with grapefruit - even went into a restaurant and ordered just the veggie plate - v hard for a lad raised on meat and veg :p

    Anyway, i ended up losing almost 6 and now lost a total of 10. 13# in total since i joined MFP on september 12th

    Look fwd to following everyone's progress and making new friends along the way

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend

  • cgeiser1
    cgeiser1 Posts: 145
    thought I wouldn't be able to weigh in today so I did yesterday to no change from the previous week. This morning I step on the scale and I am down one pound.

    I really feel like all I'm losing is water weight though :-(
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    Got my weight logged on the spreadsheet this morning. A small loss, but better than gaining!
    :) J
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    I gained over a pound from last week. NOT happy.

    I ate way too much over the last two days. We celebrated hubby's birthday which included a fish fry and chocolate cake. I had two smallish pieces of cake. It was sooo good. I have a bad habit of once I go over my calories for the day I think "oh well, the damage is already done for the day so eating some more won't matter." I need to stop thinking that way. I'm done whining for now.

    I do the SAME THING! It is such a terrible habit. And it is exactly what got me to where I am now! We have to help each other overcome this problem!
    UCONNCOED Posts: 332 Member
    Happy (or not so happy) Weigh in day!

    I am down 1.2 from my Start weight... but I am down 3.4 from last weeks rediculous gain! I'll take it!!! I worked out 5 days this week and I stayed under my calories for 3 of those days. And if you know me, that is impressive cuz lately I have been overeating non-stop (hence the weight gain!). I did a 5K this morning, and I averaged 10:03 miles! I was sooooo proud of myself :)

    Congrats to the already many LOSERS! And if your a GAINER (like I was last week), just post the weight, stay accountable, and bust AS$ this week. We have to think long term and just admit when we had a bad week!

    Thanks for all the motivation and support!
  • ginjanija
    ginjanija Posts: 23 Member
    Would like to do this but just started 9/29 and haven't done a weigh in since then was going to wait until Thursday is it too late to start and if not when should i weigh in and where do i put my results? Thanks new to this and not so computer savy to know all the lingo and how to move within the site. Thanks!
  • shesgotaplan
    shesgotaplan Posts: 29 Member
    Happy Sunday!

    I'm down this week which is a miracle because work was Stress City and I've always been a stress eater. I owe the loss to logging my food every single day. Doing so always helps me make the right decisions. I also ran (walk-to-run interval training) 3 times this week and walked on one or two other days. It's been VERY cold here this week which makes it abundantly clear that I need to get a plan in place for winter. I'm not a fan of the treadmill but I also hate being outside in the cold. What to do, what to do? ;-) Suck it up perhaps?
  • bellawares
    bellawares Posts: 558 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :flowerforyou:

    Well my killer cold is still lingering :grumble: . The good news is I feel much better today. The bad news is I ate like crap on Friday and yesterday was not much better. My body is saying REST, REST, REST :yawn: so that's what I've been doing. I'm still to heavy to weigh my self on my scale at home :blushing: so I will have to log my gain (YUP . . . that's what I assuming) tomorrow when I can weigh my self at the gym. I so need to clear this cold out and stay focused on my strength training so I can make it though the Kettle Worx class that starts Oct 17 :bigsmile: .

    My plans for today are to eat my protein, drink my herbal tea, and stay away from the junk food. I'm just going to sit back, relax, and watch the Packer game (GO PACK!) minus the beer and chips! :laugh:
  • Only a tiny loss this week, but considering I went out last night I was happy to see any loss at all. I am getting better at planning and actually following through with meal plans, and I think as long as I keep heading in the right direction I'll be able to hit my Xmas goal. Plus, now instead of having 22 lbs to lose I've only got 18.8 lbs to lose--for some reason that seems so much more doable!
  • goodridges
    goodridges Posts: 22 Member
    wow there are 117 people on the chart :) sweet. we should add all the pounds lost at the end of the challenge and see what we lost in total :)

    Fantastic idea!!!
  • megcc
    megcc Posts: 94 Member
    I did well this week and I'm down 1.5 lbs! I lost 2.5 when I was sick but gained a lb back (I was dehydrated and hadn't eaten so I think it's just water/suger rebalancing)