What Are Your "Strange" Eating Habits



  • LauraMarie37
    LauraMarie37 Posts: 283 Member
    I also eat "around" my sandwiches, burgers, pizza, etc so that I have the middle last! I've gotten some weird looks.

    When I have a cupcake or muffin, I unwrap it, tear off little chunks of the bottom (the part that was in the wrapper) and eat those bite by bite, then when just the top part is left, I eat it straight across like a scone. That way you save the icing part (or the nice moist part if it's a muffin) for last!!
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    Oh I'm not a very good adult because I don't do hot drinks - tea, coffee... gross. I have a couple of friends who know me well and won't even try to offer me a hot drink when I go around, one friend even just pulls a can of Pepsi Max out of the fridge on my arrival :D

    Sometimes, to be an adult and fit in at a cafe or something, I -might- order a hot chocolate.. but it has to be a really cold day for that.
  • thinnerisstronger
    thinnerisstronger Posts: 124 Member
    I eat the edges off my toast before eating the middle. I do the same with sandwiches.
    I always cut up my waffles or pancakes with two cuts each way and then eat the corners, then edges, then middles last.
    Can't do it any other way!
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    People call me strange because I order and eat my dessert before the main coarse meal. I like to enjoy all my dessert first before I get full and my taste buds become desensatized.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I also eat "around" my sandwiches, burgers, pizza, etc so that I have the middle last! I've gotten some weird looks.

    When I have a cupcake or muffin, I unwrap it, tear off little chunks of the bottom (the part that was in the wrapper) and eat those bite by bite, then when just the top part is left, I eat it straight across like a scone. That way you save the icing part (or the nice moist part if it's a muffin) for last!!

    I do the same, I always save the muffin top for last...after all it's the best part.

    Also, when eating a full dinner, I always save my most favorite food until the last and then eat it all... no matter what it is.
  • jalenedyck
    jalenedyck Posts: 17 Member
    I do that too. I always think that the veggies will fill me up so that I won't want the carbs. Ha-fat chance.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    When I have candy... specifically M&M's and Skittles (or anything else that has pieces) I arrange them according to color and ALWAYS eat green last.

    I used to do that with smarties, but saved the orange ones in the tube for last:smile:
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    On the rare occasions I have buttered toast I eat the crust, peel the buttery top of and save it till I have eaten the dry bottom, then have the juicy bit:happy:

    I cannot abide cold eggs, apart from egg mayo, so that has to be eaten first and practically in one, if its slightly too lukewarm it makes me gag and it would ruin my whole meal. I am the same with a cup of tea. It has to be scaldingly hot, I drink it in about 5 mouthfuls and always leave a cm in the bottom of the mug, cos there is a danger that that would cool down too much. I cannot understand some of my friends who can go back to their cuppa half an hour or more later and drink it:sick:
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    When we have pizza, I'm more excited to eat it cold for breakfast the next day.
    Also, dipping onion rings in honey. Don't think "ew" until you've tried it.
  • tacticalhippie
    tacticalhippie Posts: 596 Member
    I order a sub, and take it all apart to eat it.
    I eat my veggies, meat then bread.

    I don't eat sandwiches.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I eat the edge off all of my burgers and then eat the middle.

    I do the opposite. I cut my burger in half, eat the middle and then the edges last.
  • czechsmate
    czechsmate Posts: 556 Member
    When I make a sandwich and after I have cut it in half...I HAVE to take a bite right away before I take my plate to sit down, not sure if strange or OCD like?
  • My food can not touch. I will not eat what touches. I have divided plates at family members houses i eat at the most. In restaurants i will ask for certain things to be on separate plates or in different bowls. I eat one thing at a time, saying my favorite for last. I smell everything before I eat it. I will not eat meat on a bone unless its chicken and im still not a big fan and wont get to close to the bone. When I eat cake or cupcakes which is rare i eat the cake part first and then the top. I cant eat any meat that looks like the original animal such as lobster tail or shrimp. If i eat something like m&ms i have to arrange them by color then eat the colors that have an odd amount. Then eat the colors with the least amount first. I could keep going but I think I that is enough of my OCD eating life. Lol
  • Nikki582
    Nikki582 Posts: 561 Member
    For those who have the 'one food at a time, no food touching' rule, I'm the opposite - I must have at least one mouthful of everything at the same time. :laugh:
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    For those who have the 'one food at a time, no food touching' rule, I'm the opposite - I must have at least one mouthful of everything at the same time. :laugh:

    I'm the same, I made it to be compliment each other, so I won't separate it - apart from my eggs:laugh:
  • Ajbays10
    Ajbays10 Posts: 39 Member
    I tear the ends off of my hot dog buns, I seperate my candy by color (and normally make a pretty picture) then i eat them by 2's most of the time combining colors red and yellow go great togetether! I love everything almost burnt like popcorn and bread it makes it crisper which is my favorite... O and Texas Garlic toast i eat the inside first (with my fork) and save the crispy edges for last
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    Eat the topping off pizza, then eat the cheese, then eat the sauce, then the soft part of the crust, then the rest of the crust.

    Though I only do that at home, lest nobody invite me out for pizza anymore.

    I also abide by the no touching rule, and you have to eat each food seperatly, no mixing bites :p
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    I prefer to eat beetroot out the jar, rather than on my plate.. When ever i eat pickles, i like to take them off the fork and munch around on the skin till its very smalll :), id much rather to eat my cereal out the box rather than in a bowl with milk! I dont do it very often as milk is the only calcium i get nowadays, when ever i have a milkyway chocolate bar i eat all the chocolate off the top, bottom and sides and then the dough bit in the middle i like to scrunch it up in a ball and eat it like that! With the sweets skittles - i seperate the colours, and eat them in order from lightest to dark. With Doritoes crisps - i lick all the flavour off then eat the crisp itself ha!. i prefer my fruit to be chopped up in a bowl rather than whole. I only like chocolate spread out the jar, wen i used to eat bread i couldnt have a chocolate spread sandwich! - there disgusting!! Prefer to get a spoon and eat it out the jar ;)
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I tear the ends off of my hot dog buns, I seperate my candy by color (and normally make a pretty picture) then i eat them by 2's most of the time combining colors red and yellow go great togetether! I love everything almost burnt like popcorn and bread it makes it crisper which is my favorite... O and Texas Garlic toast i eat the inside first (with my fork) and save the crispy edges for last

    Ahhh, yes....candy in two's - I do this too!
  • DIYmomma
    DIYmomma Posts: 74 Member
    My food CAN NOT under ANY circumstances touch each other. Hubby jokes that there are invisible little dividers in my plate and the food can't cross it.

    i;ve gone as far as separate plates/bowls.

    I've done this too. My mother in law bought some of those old cafeteria lunch trays with the sectioned off areas just for me when I come over to eat.

    i eat out of divided plates too :) and if they arent available then its time to break out the multiple bowls!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    When eating a sit-down, knife-and-fork pizza meal, I'll leave the crust in a perfect ring and eat the middle.
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    Oh I'm not a very good adult because I don't do hot drinks - tea, coffee... gross. I have a couple of friends who know me well and won't even try to offer me a hot drink when I go around, one friend even just pulls a can of Pepsi Max out of the fridge on my arrival :D

    Sometimes, to be an adult and fit in at a cafe or something, I -might- order a hot chocolate.. but it has to be a really cold day for that.

    I do this too.. I only drink Iced coffee but my water has to be room temputure.
  • Maggieq87
    Maggieq87 Posts: 400 Member
    I don't refrigerate left over pizza. Even if it has meat. And I'll eat it at room temp DAYS later.

    I have to separate m&'s by color, even though they all taste the same. But I mix my kitties when I rarely eat them.

    I put Mrs. dash on my cottage cheese.

    Pickle and peanut butter on crackers. Seriously, it's delicious.
  • bayertablets
    bayertablets Posts: 213 Member
    I eat one thing at a time, usually in a clockwise motion around the plate. I don't mind if it touches another food slightly, but I definitely finish one item before I move on to another one. I will not put two foods in the same bite on my fork/spoon.
    I have to have the same number of bites on each side of my mouth, and I will count in my head and make sure the number of chews is an even number. Bites also must be the same size throughout the meal.
    I cannot stand the sight/smell/taste of bloody meat. If I order a steak or a burger, it has to be well done on the verge of burnt before I will consider eating it. And yes, I will cut it in half as soon as it comes to me to make sure there is no pink in the middle.
    If I eat eggs, they also have to be completely cooked, nothing runny.
    I LOVE burnt popcorn. The more buttery, the better.
    When eating a round food on a plate, I cut around the food clockwise and eat the edges first, then continue in a clockwise motion eating toward the middle. I don't do this with non-plated foods, like burgers or doughnuts.
    Bananas cannot be green or yellow. I like them brown, almost rotten.
    I don't like tomato slices on sandwiches, but will pull them off and eat them separately before eating the sandwich.
    I eat multicolored candy by color, in order of preference, saving the best for last.
    When eating Reese's peanut butter cups, I will nibble the ripple edges of the chocolate off, then peel off the rest of the chocolate and eat it, then eat the peanut butter center. Sometimes I'll save the pb centers and roll them all together in a ball to eat after first eating all the chocolate. There's no wrong way to eat a Reese's, right?
  • eml48341
    eml48341 Posts: 88 Member
    My food CAN NOT under ANY circumstances touch each other. Hubby jokes that there are invisible little dividers in my plate and the food can't cross it.

    I do this too. If we eat out I get so upset if my food comes out running together and touching. It completely grosses me out. I actually have plates with individual sections for all my food at home...very similar to a child's plate lol!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Don't eat breakfast but eat late night, until I lay my head on the pillow to sleep. I eat lite all day because I know I will eat at night. Always have. Just make better choices now.
  • Pollywog39
    Pollywog39 Posts: 1,730 Member
    I like bologna sandwiches - plain, white bread (yah, ghastly, but it's the only time I'll eat it) with two slices of bologna, a bit of mustard, and POTATO CHIPS. IN the sandwich. Just lay 'em on and crush 'em down a bit - nummy crunch! (although I haven't eaten one of those in a long time - too much fat and too many calories!)

    I also like cream cheese/potato chip sandwiches, preferably on that round, white, 'party sandwich' bread :)

    I don't like the milk in the bottom of my cereal bowl, either.
    Or the milk in the glass after you dip Oreos or Graham Crackers.
    Milk with floaty things in it is gross!

    I have to have toast with my oatmeal. Oatmeal (with brown sugar - lots of it) and a piece of toast are perfect together. I think it's the salty goodness of the buttery toast after the sweet numminess of the oatmeal. A bite of one follows a bite of the other!

    And I MUST have something chocolatey after I eat eggs. Just a little something..............
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Whenever I eat chips, or flavored crackers.. anything like that.. I always lick the flavor off first.. then I eat the chip/cracker. My BF thinks I'm nuts LOL

    Me Too (and if noone is around, i thrw away the chip)
    on the rare occasion i eat a chiocolate bar like a kit kat or an oh henry, i eat all the layers individually.
  • Lsqueezy
    Lsqueezy Posts: 128
    Ahhh, yes....candy in two's - I do this too!

    I also do this with french fries. I match them up by two's that are the same length, if there is an orphan fry left over at the end the dog gets it. Sometimes she gets lucky, sometimes not.
  • boomboom011
    boomboom011 Posts: 1,459
    i eat the contents of a burrito then i eat the actual tortilla last.
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