30 Day Shred Week 1- who's with me?!?



  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    Okay chicas... So I actually got myself out of bed this morning to do the Shred.. It kicked my butt!!!! Figuratively and realistically.. :-) Jillian's encouragement and smack talk was the only thing that got me through it... Hope you are all doing well!

    Good for you! I'm actually starting to look forward to doing it (just a little bit, but still) :smile:
  • sunshine012404
    Hi - I'd love to join this challenge!! I started today, I did 30DS L1 today!!! :) I'm planning to do 10 days of each level!!

    Weight- 173.4
    Waist- 33.2
    Hips- 44
    Bust- 40
    Thigh- 26.5
    Bicep- 13
  • sunshine012404
    Day 9 today for me!

    How are you feeling after 9 days?? Is it getting easier??? :) I'm on Day 1 but I have done the video before, I just haven't ever tried to do it for 30 days :blushing:
  • elimay59
    I want to do it but I cant get the link to work
  • lauram_23
    lauram_23 Posts: 141 Member
    hey everyone one so i have a good 30 ppl to keep track of now so I think i will be closing our group it will be called 30 doing 30 with Jillian or something..youll see it posted on my profile. I will get everything caught up as far as measurements and data of the new people once I feel like high from the oxy that i am currently lol..looking forward to our challange :)

    just read over my post..i should nto be typing right now lol I'll catch up soon!
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Got it today will start in morning
  • Rachy80
    Oh I want to do it....but still waiting for my DVD to arrive in the mail. Hopeing this happens by the end of next week use the DVD through October. Was great reading the results that others have already....can't wait to get it now :) Anyone feel free to add me :)
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Here are my measurements

    Weight - 132
    Bust - 33
    Waist - 29
    Hips - 38.5
    Thighs - 21.5
    Arms 10.5
  • vt2200a
    vt2200a Posts: 38 Member
    Day 2 of my challenge and I feel stronger already!

    I wasn't able to post my full measurements before so here they are:

    Weight 169
    Bust - 40 (Doubtful this will change much, my girls are hereditary)
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 41.5
    Thighs: 25 (I'm looking to shrink this the most!)
    Arms 12.5
  • bitsybetsy424
    bitsybetsy424 Posts: 40 Member
    I want to do it but I cant get the link to work

    Hey - did you make sure that you copied the whole link before pasting it? Sorry that you can't get it to work - I don't know how to make the link clickable or else I would! :(
  • shellbell1993
    shellbell1993 Posts: 315 Member
    I am in too!
    Today will be my 3rd day of Shred and excited to tone up!! Feeling it affects, but lovin' it :wink:

    Here are my stats:
    Weight: 110lbs
    Bust:32 ( Do not want to lose anymore,but it seems to be the first to go)
    Thighs:22 (hoping this and hips go down)
  • heaverchell
    heaverchell Posts: 513 Member
    I am on day 12 or Day 2 of level 2. This program is awesome and as long as you stick it out you will feel/see the difference. Jillian doesn't play and it hurts but it does get better. I have noticed that this program is seems more about losing inches than lbs but that is ok with me. I know I have to lose both.

    Good Luck :)
  • sunshine012404
    Phew!! Day 2 down!!! Yay! So glad it's over!! :laugh:
  • Asil76
    Asil76 Posts: 477 Member
    Today should be day 7 of 30DS for me but I missed yesterday because I was not feeling well, so today I will be doing a double...wish me luck!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • kingjoanfla
    kingjoanfla Posts: 14 Member
    I just bought the DVD this morning and plan to start today so I am with you.
  • kingjoanfla
    kingjoanfla Posts: 14 Member
    I tried the DVD and know I can't do it, but I'm doing another challenge.
  • elimay59
    elimay59 Posts: 471
    I have been doing the shred I posted that I couldnt get the video to work but I bought one : > my daughter said she thought I was in sorry I didnt know. I have did 8 days level 1. looks like everyone is doing good . It was funny my friend came and did it with me she weighs 53 lbs less and it was easier for me to do it then her but it is day 8 for me : > I can really tell the difference in my ab muscles & of course endurance.
  • anhancock10
    anhancock10 Posts: 148 Member
    Im on day 3 :)