Splenda!!! Friend or Foe



  • Terriann7
    What about Agave Nectar? It can be bought organically and taste yummy. I am against chemicals disguised as "FDA approved food." Another FDA approved poison is partially hydrogenated oils. Wow- look that up some time. Yikes!
  • Malani2010
    It's my friend. I'm a "better living through chemistry" kind of person. (another poster)

    Being fat can give you cancer. Honestly, you can be frighetened of every little added chemical or you can just move on and put a little sweetener in you cereal which was most likely made form grain that was hybridized and genetically manipulated to create a "super grain" that repels insects because is produced a hormone that makes them stay away. Much more frightening but I'm not afraid of my Special K either.

    The only way to avoid all that is to eat a 100% organic diet from heirloom seeds and meat from animals that are at least 3 generations organic and untreated. I don't but it works for some.

    I'm by no means worried about eating organic. I was just wondering after getting gripped out at on FB about it. lol I think breathing would give you cancer. We should all live in bubbles then we would all be fine. I'm more afraid for not living for God and going to hell.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    Unfortunately, Stevia doesn't work well with baking. I do use Splenda in moderation. (Not daily or even weekly, or in large amounts)

    I used Splenda in baking too ...
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    My father came to this country when he was in his early teens..and diagnosed with diabetes soon after. Since then, he's consumed artificial sweetners in one form or another literally every day for nearly 50 years...and he is in amazing health.

    So do I.

    And I've never been fitter, stronger or sexier.

    Cancer's mad cause I'm stylin' on it.
  • jalenedyck
    jalenedyck Posts: 17 Member
    After adding Splenda to my baking for a few weeks, I found it made me very bloated. If you are already overweight, do you really want to look it? NO WAY! LOL. Agave and honey are great but have the same amount of calories as sugar so why bother? Stevia tastes weird. I have finally landed on Xylitol. It is 0 calorie and tastes like a very mild sugar. It is supposed to be good for your teeth too but don't take too much of it as with anything. Moderation is key.
  • Ruby11222
    Ruby11222 Posts: 114
    I won't read any of these replies, sounds like it may get heated.

    I hate that all our foods contain these tremendously harmful chemicals. So before I ramble, FOE. Light is fine, but not "sugar free" because they contain these chemicals.