Got a late start running errands with dh. He worked last night, home at 8AM and then slept a few hours.
I did get a few loads of laundry done, cats all taken care of and a few other chores while he sleptPicked up the limit of 2 on the corned beef that were on sale at two stores. Hope to go back one more time to get 2 more(Safeway is linked to our club card so only can do it once. Food Maxx is 2 per visit)1.69 per pound at Safeway and $1.77 a pound at FoodMaxx. ) Safeway ended up a bit cheaper because we get an extra 10% off their brand products beings dh works there.
I will cook them in the pressure cooker, chill over night, slice thin then freeze in small portions. Some to take to mom's and the rest for us. Stock up when they are on sale.Walked the dog this morning before we shopped but don't think he will get much of a walk in two hours. It is raining so hard. May just let him out in the back yard- unless the rain stops around that time.
Class tonight. Will dress in layers. Cold now but warm up quickly when the music starts. Will even end up with the big fan on most likely.
DebbieNapa Valley,CA
4 -
The Korean spicy stew was delicious, but very filling! I staggered through the rain to French Circle, only to find food samples and wine being served as part of the French cookery demonstration! 😯 Starter was vegetables 'a la greque' - bit boring, middle was Goat's Cheese and mint tart - heavenly, and the dessert was Gateau Basque - very nice. Oouuff!!!!! I will definitely be making the tart. I had never thought of putting goat's cheese and mint together, but, honestly, it was fabulous. I took a photo of the recipe, which is in French. 😁
I got an Uber home and watched a couple of TV programmes I had remembered to record. John had bacon and baked beans for his dinner. He hasn't had baked beans from a tin in years!
Now in bed and too tired to put the duvet cover on. Never mind.
Heather UK xxxxxxxx
5 -
stats for the day-
Walk w/family- 1hr 44min 51sec, 12240steps, 69elev, 2.96ap, 80ahr, 97mhr, 5.19mi= 461c
Strava app= 628c
ROUVY home spin bike- strava stats- 1hr 47min 19sec, 1079elev, 113aw, 1st 10mi @ gear45, 2nd 10mi @ gear35, rest of distance @ gear25, 17.1amph, 104ahr, 148mhr, 30.54mi= 601c
Strava app= 696c
ROUVY stats-
Walk kids around park- 16.24min, 1772steps, 2.88ap, .78mi= 67c
Strava app =95c
total cal 112986.52 miles ahead of.
7447444 -
Walked around the parking lot and then worked a little on my craft. Went to Ormo Beach where we met my cousin for a late lunch/early dinner. Just had a fish sandwich and veges with only water to drink.
Barbara – Vince would like the tp holder to be reversible so that when you pull off a piece, the roll will move to the right (did I make myself muddy enough?). Alas, it isn’t reversible
Debbie – your steps/day amaze me
Did an extreme strength DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to do an extreme cardio DVD then a yoga stretch DVD. Took some tofu brownies to the Y for their coffee time.
Went to lunch with some of the ladies here. Had a fish salad and water to drink, Then played cards.
M – hope your feet are feeling better soon
Carla – have a great time
drkatie – I, too, am having trouble getting used to the automatic double spacing. Congrats on the steps
shamac – welcome!
Scrubbed the rocket launch for tonight. Will reschedule, just not sure when. They are having a group at the fire pit tonight that we’ll probably go to
Just got a text from the gal who ran the ceramics place that she resigned effective today. But she did say that a few of the people were getting together to have “painting parties”. She said she has enough paint. Wonder what will happen?
7 -
😀 You are very welcome here. i hope you will keep coming back. I found this thread in 2009 and have been coming back ever since. This daily practice has helped me acquire good habits and lose weight. I wish the same for you.
😀 I have been reading the AARP magazine and found a good explanation of Farmer's Carry Lanette and a section about the best cruises where someone said that when they couldn't find space on a cruise to Antarctica, the travel agent suggested a cruise to Svalbard Penny and it turned out to be the best cruise they'd ever gone on.
😀 I completed several chores that are emotionally charged then sat on the couch and napped with Annie.
😍 Barbie in NW WA
11 -
1 -
Marketplace - local police stations here have marketplace meet up stalls in their parking lots. There is always a police officer monitoring the spot with cameras.
Penny - it’s nice to see you!
Tina - You’ll find lots of exercises on YouTube to help with PF. I find they do help.
Machka - that sounds like a terrible day for your poor feet.
Being in pain is exhausting.Rebecca - how long have you had your ears pierced?My DH had his pierced when he was a teen and he can still get an earring in it. He hasn’t worn an earring for probably 35 years, except every few years for a Halloween costume.
I am finally having a relaxing evening.Monday my BFF and I had a FaceTime chat, it had been too long so we chatted for 2 hours and 9 minutes. I needed a break so watched a bit of The Voice and went to bed.
Last night I called my DMIL to see how she made out at the specialist yesterday.
It’s some wait and see although he agreed something isn’t right. She needs some tests completed before he determines the next steps.
In our chat she again told me how my Mom is misbehaving at the nursing home, she claims my Mom is giving them a hard time, won’t eat in the dining room because of some man she doesn’t like, won’t walk, and won’t eat, but yet has gained too much weight.
I love my MIL dearly but she does tend to have a jaded view sometimes.
My Mom was always kind to everyone, it didn’t matter where you came from, what your status in society was, nothing. She picked up hitchhikers well into the 1990’s, she put me on the Zipper (carnival ride) with the town drunk at 12 years old and didn’t have a thought as to why that wouldn’t be a good idea with her almost teenage daughter because she saw the good in everyone. She shouldn’t have with him for sure. Anyway, it bothered me so much I called my brother to see if he had heard anything. He actually hadn’t, and he had just had her yearly care conference a few weeks ago. One thing let to another during our conversation like it usually does and we ended up talking for 2 hours 7 minutes. 😂
I didn’t sleep well all night last night and I’m trying to stay awake long enough this evening to catch up with y’all and then I’m watching Masked Singer and heading to bed.I can’t believe tomorrow is Thursday already.
Tracey in Edmonton
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I had them done as a teen and if they're not pure gold I get a little infection, especially if they're just cheap ones. I might check in towards the end of the month when I travel, and want to look my best.👍🏼
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Yummy looking Asian stew! Sounds like you had a nice outing.👍🏼💖
Rebecca Whidbey
1 -
Todays meal was a keeper. I toasted a bagel, open faced, with fluffy garlic and herb cream cheese, slices of crisp apple, and my roast chicken with mayo and a splash of ACV, then topped each with pepper jack cheese melted. It was delightful. Had to cut each in half so I could navigate them. So 4 pieces of heaven, plus apples I couldn't jam in,on the side. I opened my window up at noon and closed it at 3 pm. So today was a 21 hr fast.
Tomorrow is shopping so I want to get some platters of sushi from the sushi guy. That and some Mandarin oranges. I will mix them into my grapefruit segments jar.😁👍🏼 I am going to treat husband to some 2 ingredient mousse'. Buying heavy cream, and some Lilly's chocolate. Then some sugar free canned whipping cream. Ooh I could make some sugar free Jello to have with the canned stuff. Core childhood memory of taking a knife and squaring the pans of different jellos and mixing them! Little squares of sunny colors! I will probably just buy the containers of sugar free stuff, though. Easier as its just me, husband isn't really a Jello guy.
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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Everyone take care, Sue in WA
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Tracey- that is great that the local police have the Marketplace meet up place for people to use.
3 -
didn't walk the dog this evening(well, just around the little block- I didn't want to walk him in the rain. Rain isn't bad but the cold wind BITES)
Had a good class.
Ending my day with 14,000 steps.Not sure if I will get much walking in- depends on the weather.
Made a huge taco salad for dinner. Used salad my friend gave me. He bought a big box and can't use it all before it goes bad. He is going to be gone all weekend for a quilting weekend. Topped it with the filling from two leftover tacos from lunch yesterday. Added a little grated cheese, a tomato and a little sour cream.
Had a piece of Filipino cake that my zumba teacher gave me for my birthday. It was so good. Another friend who rides with the teacher gave me Ube empanadas.Debbie
Napa Valley,CA4 -
Not a great night for sleep last night,hopefully can come home and nap.
7 -
@LisaInArkansas … I've also seen all (or almost all - I might have missed one or two) of the Midsommer Murders up till the recent ones. I know I haven't seen all the recent ones because Australian TV runs about 6 months behind the rest of the world. But although I usually remember who did it, we'll still watch. I find it relaxing because I don't have to pay close attention … I can do other things while it's on like colouring or posting here. And quite often, my husband has forgotten the episode entirely!
It's great watching TV and movies with my husband. We can watch something several times and it's all new for him each time. ☺️
Pierced ears … I've had pierced ears since I was 12 or 13, I think. Then for a few years in my late 30s / early 40s, I quit wearing earrings. When I decided I'd try again, I had to go with an earring with a thin post, but it slid right through my earlobe and within a couple weeks I was into my studs/keepers with the thicker posts.
My earring holes might have closed up a little bit, but not much in those years.
Welcome here!!
Machka in Oz
6 -
Machka - Leave it to you to find an upside even to TBI! 😹You're seriously the toughest human being I think I've ever met - and it seems odd that I've never met you.
On pierced ears - I had my first piercing done by my kleptomaniac sister-in-law with a needle and an icepick, when I was 17. My second one was to celebrate losing a hundred pounds after my gastric bypass. I've let the second piercing stay unused for years at a time and it's still there when I decide I want to try again. Tend to wear a reasonably sized hoop in the lower piercing and a stud in the upper one these days when I remember to put one in at all!
Question for everyone: Am working on a script for Boomers helping Boomers with basic, down-to-earth, technology questions they might have. Some of the things I've come up with from my own life are:
- Expand the text, etc., of any monitor to make it more comfortable for you to read. Even with my glasses on, it gets tiring looking at a monitor or a tablet or a laptop screen with the default text settings. Do a search for a video on how to do that with your operating system. I keep mine set at 125%.
- Put all search terms into the search bar to be able to get a more accurate set of responses. For instance "How do I expand the text of a monitor for a Windows 11 system," rather than just "size text up." It doesn't have to be set in the form of a question or even a full sentence.
- Check the data usage on your phone plan. If you are being charged more for unlimited data, but the vast majority of the time you're on your phone is when you're at home, using your own wi-fi for your phone's data, you might be able to get a better deal.
Is there a tip or advice you would give someone your age that helped YOU work with technology easier, or better? Any advice you have might help someone on this forum, as well. I think we've all had our struggles at one point or another.
Am up early, but can nap later, if I need. Getting excited about our little trip tomorrow. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it has been years since I've spent even one night away. Both trepidatious and happily excited, as well.
Time to go clip a few bits out of my last video and schedule a couple of short videos today and tomorrow. Then back to the bag I'm working on. I got Corey to move his filthy old Ford truck out to a place where I could get to it, and plan to wash it this afternoon if I have the energy. Supposed to be 80 here! (27C)
Hope it's a grand day!
Love y'all,
Lisa in AR7 -
My feet … the long (and boring?) story …
My feet have always been a bit difficult when it comes to shoes. They were very, very narrow, so the normal, common "B" width was too wide for me. Occasionally, I could find narrow-width shoes which were great, but most of the time I ended up in "B" width shoes which I stuffed with insoles, heel grabbers, thicker socks, double socks or whatever so that I wouldn't step out of the shoes. When I had lace up shoes, I would have them laced so tight the eyelets would overlap.
And all too often, I had blisters. I've had blisters everywhere - heels, toes, sole of my foot, top of my foot, everywhere.
Then in 2001, I burned the left foot to the bone.
While I recovered over the next few months, I was using my right foot a lot. For several weeks, I used only the right foot! And about a year later, arthritis started to develop in my right foot.
In 2009, I moved to Australia and developed DVT in my left leg - it was full of clots all the way up to my thigh. I thought I may have come through that unscathed, but a few years ago, I was diagnosed with venous insufficiency in my left ankle and foot.
So my left foot swells up all the time.
I had my feet X-rayed in 2018, and the results state: "Moderate-severe right and mild-moderate left first MTP joint with asymmetric joint space loss, subarticular sclerosis and marginal bone spurring". They also discovered an extra bone in my right foot!
I have not had my feet X-rayed since and 7 years have passed. My right foot is somewhat worse and my left foot is a lot worse. Worse = more pain and more twisting. Now I've got a situation like this:
No longer can I wear any of my skinny shoes. In fact the normal, common "B-width" women's shoes are too narrow for the front of my foot. Now I go for men's or youths (kids) Size 6 shoes because they've got the width in front.
Of course, they're too wide in the back, so I get blisters and callouses and spots that are rubbed raw and even bruising …
They just don't design shoes for my feet!
Anyway, after all that … I highly doubt that my feet will get any better!
But I am thinking that maybe it's time for another X-ray. The last podiatrist I saw (7 years ago) told me that I was getting close to needing surgery. Maybe I've reached that point.
I just need to find one more thing … time.
Machka in Oz
9 -
Good Thursday!
Crazy busy, exhausted. Weight higher but have eaten out twice plus rotisserie chicken...need water.…DH's eye appt got cancelled in Detroit. New practice, not taking out of state stuffs, have to figure that all out. I am still going to my brother's in Maryland Saturday and Sunday. I need a break. No walk on Monday, ran errands, grocery, put food away, dinner, bed. Wednesday, I also got no walks, stripped bed, started laundry, work stuffs, made bed, finished laundry, costco run. This morning I have walked for an hour. Not a really fast pace, but done. I wanted to catch up with you all and can't walk fast and read!
Congratulations 🎊
Hugs 🫂
Happy to see you!
Glad you are all here in my tribe.
Kylia in Ohio realizing my age as my shirts are now the same length as the dresses I use to wear!
7 -
Minor panic this morning as i woke up feeling stiff and swollen. My ankles were horribly puffy and my feet had odeama. I had an inkling it was the Korean stew yesterday, but I did have a momentary worry about my kidneys.🤨 Anyway, several waterfalls later, everything is back to normal and I feel much better. My slippers fit again!
Dim Sum for lunch, and homemade meatballs for dinner, in tomato sauce, on a bed of roasted butternut squash.
I've done my formatting and chatted with G, so all is good. Just some hip exercises to do.
Enjoy your expedition, Lisa. 😍
Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
6 -
In other news …
It's been in the works for a long, long time, with many twists and turns and lots of delays, but this week everything was finalised at last.
I start a new job on Monday!
Same band level as my 2-year fixed-term, seconded position but it is permanent. My 2-year fixed term, seconded position wraps up tomorrow.
I am moving back into the unit I worked in 4 years ago, only in a position that's 3 band levels higher.
Physically, I will be moving to a desk that is about 3 metres from my current desk. Basically, just over the cubicle wall. My commute will be about 3 metres longer. 😄
Although the whole process has taken months, this last bit has happened quite suddenly and I'm still processing it mentally. It just feels weird to know that when I go to work on Monday, I'll be doing something different. There will be a bit of a transition period where I wrap up some things I was working on and I will still do a little bit of what I was working on in the 2-year position. I'll have to sort out how all of that's going to work.
Such a relief that this came through in the nick of time.
Such a relief that I will be able to stop applying for jobs! Job applications in Australia are much bigger and more time-consuming than anything I ever encountered in Canada — 6 or 7 pages of CV and write-ups specifically addressing the selection criteria compared with a 2-page CV.
In the past 7 or 8 months, I've submitted a lot of applications and have gone to interviews for most of them.
The interviews are also time consuming and fairly intense. At the level of job I'm applying for now, there's usually a practical aspect. For example, for this job I just got, I had to do a practical SQL test and a presentation on a topic given to me about 2 days before the interview. Plus the usual set of interview questions.
Not having to apply for jobs now frees up some of my time for other things. 🙂
And a picture of what my SIL gave me for my birthday …
Lisa, I'm going to have to give your questions about technology some thought. I customise everything when I sit at a computer and then it becomes "normal" for me so I don't think about it. It's only when I sit at someone else's computer and wonder what on earth possessed them to set their computers up that way that I realise mine is the customised one. Either that or they customised theirs back in 1992, and haven't realised there's a better way now!
Enjoy your trip!
Machka in Oz
8 -
Machka - Congratulations! Such a relief to take one item off your overfull plate, and to have it be because of something wonderful is just that much better! I hope it's a terrific move for you, and I'm so pleased and proud for you. Many virtual back pats headed your way…
Regarding your feet - I have my mother's bunion on my right foot, and I always remember her expressing regret that she had surgery to correct it. Pain management is certainly better now than 30 years ago, though. It may still keep me from ever having it corrected.
The ring's absolutely beautiful!
Thanks for giving my request a think - the audience will be very non-technical people, and it's honestly very hard to walk BACK down that road once you get a certain distance, I know. Training basic Excel was probably the hardest thing I ever had to put together at work, after working in it for a decade.
I'm also putting together a wider-audience-oriented piece on how to use credit in very sane, responsible ways. Basically saying it's not the devil, and you can take advantage of it, rather than have it rule your life. The hard part is not that I don't get ideas on what scripts to write - it's executing them in ways that make sense! but it is just soooo much fun having the choice, rather than having someone else decide what I'm writing!
Heather - you world traveler, you… I find myself amused at my own excitement about this trip. If you remember, when I first started with this group, I was traveling for my job. I actually found it when I was trolling around the Internet on my laptop in a hotel room. For the next seven or eight years, never really stopped traveling for work or pleasure or moving. It's odd to be happy to travel again, in all honesty. I was pretty burnt out on it when I stopped five years ago.
Walked around the yard with Corey last night, took a picture of the daffs - they are EVERYwhere here, on every hillside headed into town. They always come up before the first grass turns green.
Unfortunately, we're under a severe fire watch at the moment - very dry the last week or so, and any little bit of wind and a fire could really get going. Hopefully people won't get too stupid and start fires on this first really nice spring weekend.
Got my three clips cut out and scheduled, so I feel like this week is in the bag. Now to move onto the bag that I have procrastinated with for weeks and weeks. Funny how some are so easy, and some are just hard to get myself to get back to.
Did test myself a couple different ways, and I do have ADHD (surprised? Yeah, neither was I). I've decided it's kind of a superpower—just needs to be pointed in the right direction! 👀🐈⬛😂 It all works out in the end…
Later, y'all,
Love from the sunny spring of the Arkansas River Valley,
Lisa6 -
💻️😀 Lisa When computers were new in my second grade classroom in the 1980's the parent of one of my students asked if she could come in after school for a few computer lessons because her son was so excited about them. What I remember most about that experience was that she kept asking "what if ?" questions. She was afraid to hit a key if she wasn't sure what it would do. Years later when I tried to help my DH figure out things on the computer, he wanted me to tell him exactly what to do. He was reluctant to click on anything if he didn't already know what would happen. So maybe the suggestion to your audience, is "don't be afraid to try something".
💻️😍 Barbie in NW WA
6 -
About a year ago I noticed I was starting the beginnings of hammer toe. That is caused by the misalignment of the big toe (also the cause of bunions. I learned that the cause is wearing shoes and socks. Even jogging shoes do not leave enough room in the toe space. I have started going barefoot in the mornings and try when I remember to stretch big toe and the toe next to it. It seems to at least stopped the progression.
Choir member just went through bunion surgery. She is in a boot and is healing. Another choir member had to have hammer toe surgery. I notice she wore pointed toe shoes which does make it worse.
I am hoping my weight loss will also help with my feet.
Two nice days here 60 and a 70 then a storm hits this weekend with feel like temps in the 20's.
4 -
Barbara, Amazon shipping is a mess. I contacted them yesterday and finally got someone to set my preferred carrier to be USPS, however, a small order I put in is being shipped UPS! Since January, UPS and USPS shipping from Amazon has been a nightmare! I can’t figure out which address and which carrier would be more reliable right now! What a mess!!
I was out of pocket yesterday, early bloodwork, then errands and by the time we got home, our faucet was leaking. We had replaced it Tuesday, however couldn’t get it to stop leaking. (DH was tightening things too tight which negated the tape put in to stop the leaking). He was in a better mood Wednesday after the bloodwork (always makes him nervous), he figured out what happened and fixed it. I had the official job of holding the flashlight and shutting the water off. Didn’t feel well, all day, high allergy day.
RVRita in Roswell
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Sorry MFP buggy this morning.
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Allie, take it easy. You are on anti-rejection drugs, and you can not afford to get sick, so take it easy. I wish I could care for you while you heal. I can not believe how fast this process was. The moment you got the call, it was like a whirlwind. I am just glad that you are okay, kid. Please, be selfish and look after you, cause if you are not here in the land of the living, these people will find another way. This world is a better place with you in it.
Tired Mo in Mississippi
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Stunning ring!💖
Rebecca Whidbey WA
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Welcome Shamac! What would you like us to call you? If you sign your post with that and a general or specific area you are from, it will help us and you! Like this:
RVRita in Roswell
3 -
Today was a down day. No gym. I declared it after waking up with husband at frillin 4:30 am! I kind of slept until I finally got up at 7:30 am. It was nice to take a little longer showering, and afterwards I lotioned and gave myself a little pedicure.
Last night my belly was just so achy but I persevered. Being hungry is not an emergency, my body is self healing. (I kept telling myself). Today I am planning an Asian sushi bake. Its just a small pan of rice, salmon, avocado, and seaweed and sesame seeds shook on top. Then I will scoop out bites and put in seaweed squares. I think there is cream cheese in there. I still need to look up the recipe.
Dessert will be a bowl of grapefruit and mandarin oranges. I need to buy more of the crisp apples I bought earlier this week. Called Cosmic Crisp or cosmic something, I can't remember, but I know where they were piled up in Safeway.👍🏼
Rebecca Whidbey Wa
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