30 Day Shred Challenge **CLOSED**



  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    i'm super happy this morning...woke up completely sore free and even looked forward to my shredding! 15 short minutes and i'll be sweating! :)

    i just can't wait to see change, i want it so freaking bad! i know my husband wants it too...he'd never say that because he is too sweet but he has been sooo supportive, even asking "did you get your exercise in today"? i've gained 20lbs since we met and on my shorty frame, that is a pretty good amount.
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Staying motivated can definitely be hard, but just think about great you will feel when you complete the challenge!
    Completed day 3 yesterday, and my jeans already feel a little bit better today.

    Anniaksmom--your post about cords made me remember I have a great pair of brown cords that were too tight last winter. I am really hoping to be able to wear them again soon! Clothes are a great motivator.

    Who else has clothing they are working towards?
  • Peque1130deleted
    Today I will doing D5 L1...I haven't lost any weight...which I know is normal...or any inches....which I don't know if its normal lol....but I am hoping Monday, my regular weigh in day, will have a nice surprise for me on the scale and/or measuring tape!

    I am tired, and still a bit sore, but I keep going back to the before and after pics of the shred...and I get my butt in action and push through those 20 minutes....it's definitely getting easier and I cant wait to get out of these high 100's. 140 here I come!!!

    I refuse to go back to anywhere NEAR 200.....EVER AGAIN!!!!!

    P.S...I wish we could 'tag' the people in this group....:-(
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I failed at Shredding yesterday :( My dog started having epileptic seizures, and by the end of the day I was exhausted. I'm going to try and do it twice today though, do you think that will make up the difference? I feel all chunky now that I skipped a day lol.
  • julesisrunnin
    I failed at Shredding yesterday :( My dog started having epileptic seizures, and by the end of the day I was exhausted. I'm going to try and do it twice today though, do you think that will make up the difference? I feel all chunky now that I skipped a day lol.

    I did too, I wasn't home and had some wine and buttery delicious fattening shrimp instead :( I too am going to do it twice today, and a hike by the lake. I think doing it twice will make up for it :)

    I hope your sweet pup is doing OK.. i love dogs also and hate to hear when they are having troubles :(
  • Peque1130deleted
    I feel all chunky now that I skipped a day lol.

  • Peque1130deleted

    How come your stats arent up there? Or am I missing it?

    Just wondering...
  • julesisrunnin
    L1D6 feeling great but really not in the mood for this is morning :) Buuuut, its only 20 minutes!! How is everyone doing so far??? Feeling stronger? The routine is finally getting easier for me now
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I started today off real late. I could not sleep last night and ended up sleeping until 1 pm. I will do some time of exercise today, I might skip the 30 day shred and just walk today I am sore but then again I should at least do Level 1. I have a question do we do our measurements and weigh in on Monday. I know I have lost weight my boobs have shrunk big time lol, but I still dread getting on the scale. I was weighing myself everyday and stopped doing it, it was too discouraging so now I cannot wait until Monday.
    Hope everyone else is doing well and I wish everyone the best with this challenge.
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    My arms are so sore after using 10 lb weights on shoulder raises. Day 7 complete! I think the ab exercises really helped alot with my cramps, I didnt have any at all during TOM =)
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Done Day 7 L1 today! The side lunges with raises kill me!!!! 3 more and then I move up! Hope everyone is doing well :)
  • annikasmom
    Did L1D5 today. Still haven't missed a day amazingly. I'm finding my right shoulder getting really sore with the raises in the last circuit. I think for the last 5 days of this level I will move up to bigger weights except for that exercise.
    Went to a neighborhood party today. Just added 1000 calories to my afternoon snack instead of calculating. On a positive note, I was able to wear some great skinny jeans that I bought in the spring of 2010 (just before I got pregnant with my second). I think I wore them twice before I had to put them away back then. They fit me better now then when I bought them. That made me pretty happy.
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Just about to start L1 D8. I'm not a fitness expert so this question is for everyone.

    Do you think it's ok to be working the same muscles, every day for 10 days? I read an article by Jillian Michaels once and
    she said to give each group a break, every other day.

    But, as this is her video, I assume what we're doing is ok?

    I'd appreciate any input :)
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    getting ready to do my L1D7, its been a week since i weighed so i'll be going to weigh in tonight. i'm not so concerned about what the weight will be however since i just broke out the tape measure and i'm amazing down 1" in my waist, an astounding 2 1/2" on my hips and 1" on my bust! i had no idea it could change that fast but i def could tell a difference in my butt when i put on my shorts yesterday!
  • Peque1130deleted
    I just finished with L1D6...I am still doing the pushups on my knees. I did lower my weights from 5lbs to 2lbs for the side lunge arm raise exercise on the last set. I was able to do it so much better!! Oh, by the way....my favorite workout is the back workout on strenght set #2. :wink:

    Gained a lb, havent lost any inches and I am doing additional workouts besides the 30DS...WTH? :grumble:
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I just finished with L1D6...I am still doing the pushups on my knees. I did lower my weights from 5lbs to 2lbs for the side lunge arm raise exercise on the last set. I was able to do it so much better!! Oh, by the way....my favorite workout is the back workout on strenght set #2. :wink:

    Gained a lb, havent lost any inches and I am doing additional workouts besides the 30DS...WTH? :grumble:

    If you're new to strength training, your muscles tend to retain water and thats most likely why you gained a pound. It will go down eventually. Me too! I love the back exercise :) Shoulders are so sore tho, I hope tomorrow I can push through it.
  • julesisrunnin
    Hey Ladies,

    I know at the begining we talked about weighing in after 10 days, so every time we move a level, we weigh in, Is that still the case?
    I hope everyone is having a great Monday. L1D7 today!!
  • Peque1130deleted
    I dont wanna anymore!!! :sad:

    I weighed myself this morning, my usual weekly and I gained both inches and pounds...not feeling so hot this morning...
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I know at the begining we talked about weighing in after 10 days, so every time we move a level, we weigh in, Is that still the case?
    I hope everyone is having a great Monday. L1D7 today!!

    That sounds good to me. Weight and measurements? I am on L1D7 today as well. I am way more comfortable on most moves, but I still have to do the modified pushups. I am feeling ready for Level 2!
  • AHealthyJD
    Sorry for the disappearing act...I managed to shred 6 out of 7 days last week so I will be doing L1D7 tonight :)

    The Bad: I weighed myself this morning with trepidation because I've been warned that gaining weight in the beginning of 30DS is common. I gained 1.5 pounds and I was't too happy about it. But, I know my body looks better than it did a week ago and my butt/hips are definitely shrinking because my pants fit way better than they did last week. I will take measurements and weigh in again after Day 10 (which should be Thursday) and hope for better results.

    The Good: As for progress within the workout I'm very happy :) I went out and purchased a set of 3,5,8 weights because my 3s were not cutting it anymore. I switched to 5 lb weights for the back rows and chest flys and stayed at 3 lb weights for the lunges and squats because of my bad knee. I will say my knee has been pretty sore but I'm being more conscious of how I land on the jump ropes/jumping jacks to hopefully eliminate any injury.

    Happy Monday everyone!