Operation: Sexy Claus Week # 3 10.3.11

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone had a good and healthy weekend! We are going into week # 3 now! How exciting!

Well I had one heck of an exhausting weekend. How was everyone's weekend?

Here is the link to the spreadsheet, just in case it is not saved as a favorite...


Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?


  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    So I forgot to weigh-in this morning...so I will be weighing in tomorrow morning to report where I am at :)
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    My weekend was pretty good... nothing exciting. Took my kiddo to see Dolphin Tale - super cute! Spent Friday & Sunday in the gym... thank goodness I made it back in there. Such a stress reliever and life saver for me!

    I lifted HEAVY on legs yesterday and drank a ton of water and am weighing up about 2 pounds. I'm not too worried about it, because this usually happens after leg days. I think I will make sure not to lift on Sundays and stick to cardio from now on :)

    If I could manipulate one body part it would definitely be my lower stomach area... I've got the dreaded c-section pooch and I absolutely hate it. I'm hoping with a LOT of hard work and clean eating it will eventually go away mostly.
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    If I could manipulate one body part it would definitely be my lower stomach area... I've got the dreaded c-section pooch and I absolutely hate it. I'm hoping with a LOT of hard work and clean eating it will eventually go away mostly.

    I agree with you on this one. I didn't have a c-section but I have that baby mommy pooch! LOL
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    If I could manipulate one body part it would definitely be my stomach! Pretty, Tight and Smooth it's so not!!!

    Have a great Day!!!
  • maipai21
    maipai21 Posts: 146
    Good morning! If I could manipulalte one area....hmmmm...it's a toss up!! I have HUGE thighs and a stretched out child birth belly....i can't decide!
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    My right shoulder. Throwing shotput in high school did a number on my shoulder. I can't rotate it without it clicking, popping, and causing minor pain. But it's not bad enough to cause the doctor any concern.... yet. I fear that as I age, arthritis will set in.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Question of the day!~ Tummy!!!! Reason~ because I wnat it flat and smooth!

    Oh, I was happy with my weigh in today despite having drinks and fattening food this weekend. I did go on a wlak yesterday and drnk alot of water. Last week I was up to 175 ( i think it was water weight), this week 170.0
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good morning ladies! I can't believe its week 3 already! Time is flyin' by!

    I had a great weekend catching up with friends I haven't seen in a while. I was hardly home all weekend which made it hard to make the absolute best choices food wise, but I still did pretty well. I lost 1.8lbs this week. Woo hoo! It's funny though, the scale ALWAYS says more on Monday vs. Sunday's weight check. I made pretty good choices food wise and worked out on Sunday and it still went up today. Oh well. A 1.8lb loss is still really good, so I'm a happy girl. :)
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    I would love to have a smaller/flatter stomach. I don't necessarily need abs, but a flat stomach would be amazing! I've always had big hips and a pooch regardless of my size and I hate how self conscious I am about it. Luckily with losing weight, it's slowly getting smaller. I'd also love to not have bat wings for arms. I've been working hard on arm workouts to help tone it up, but it seems like one of those spots (along with my stomach) that is the hardest to tone. I WILL get to a point where I am content with both though, regardless of how long it will take. I will not give up. :)
  • Khadines
    Khadines Posts: 64 Member
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    MY BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tired of the back fat and bra fat!!!!! I will work on my tummy on my own!!!! lol
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    I'm up 0.5 this week... Hopefully this is just a blip... grrrrr
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    It would be my stomach I've had 2 c-section so that pooch is so not cute. I want a flat nice tummy so we'll see how that turns out. I'd also like to get rid of my back fat. I hate those rolls...ugggg

    My weekend was a good one I ate good and worked out and I lost a pound this week so i'm good.
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 176 Member
    Good Morning Sexy Claus .....hoping for a great week this week ....this weekend was a working one for me but thank god i finally finish my move and clean the house for the new owners .....so things should be back to normal for me

    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why? oh god my ARMS i hate seeing the bats wings lol i want them hard and solid....
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    So I am a pretty happy girl today, down 0.8 lbs!! That is a loss 2 weeks in a row. It is coming off really slowly, but I would rather it comes off slowly than not at all. :laugh:

    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    Like everyone else, I would love to have a flatter stomach. I don't need a six-pack or anything, I just don't want that little pooch.
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    If I could change one part of my body (and I only had to choose one part), it would definitely be my stomach. It gets smaller as I lose weight but, one day, I'd really like some nicely sculpted abs.
  • alice0711
    alice0711 Posts: 99 Member
    hey, everyone

    my weekend is great, i had lots of cardio lately including 30day shred, i already love it!! now i am level 1 day7.

    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    i would like my thighs and love handles get slimmer and toned because i want to become nice curves figure like kim karashin and nicki minaj
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Weighed in at 159.6 today. Wahoo. 150s!

    And definitely my stomach! But if that wasn't
    Possible my next choice would be my arms
  • divadoll41
    GM! It will be my stomach/love handles!
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    Well my weekend was one of reflection, which is why, Krys, your comment this morning about asking yourself if you're giving it your all was right on! I had not been giving it my all and it shows in my 2 weeks of remaining the same weight-wise. I had been giving it my minimum...smh

    To that end, my answer to the topic for today is my brain. I would manipulate my brain because my problem is not in my body parts but in my head...lol.
  • nicole00lynn
    forgot to weigh in this morning, will catch up tomorrow. if I could change one part of my body it would be my arms/upper back (back fat) because you cant hide them! and i know some people never lose their arm fat, regardless of how much exercise they do.
  • healthydoseofglitter
    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    Will weigh in tmr.

    Question of the day: I would shrink my *kitten*. Seriously I look average weight from the waist up. So I would want a smaller booty :) and some smaller thighs would be wonderful