What to do when you REALLY want chocolate?????



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    I eat a small square of the dark chocolate. :)

    ^^^ This. . . . I buy Lindt 70% and I have a square or two!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Are there any suggestions or alternatives to when your REALLY craving chocolate?? I have to admit for being a major chocolate lover I have been doing good not having chocolate except maybe on my cheat day and even then I sometimes don't have any. It's been 1 month now and today I REaLLY REally wanted some chocolate!!! I had some just a little but my question to everyone is is there a such thing as a healthy chocolate?? Or what do you guys suggest as an alternative???? HELP PLEASE!!!!! Thanx!! :smile:
    Sometimes, when I'm REALLY craving chocolate I will go to the store and buy six or seven milk chocolate bars and two or three dark chocolate bars and maybe even a white chocolate bar. I will come home, put on some music, turn the lights down really low and make sure the shades are drawn. I will slowly unwrap each bar, carefully peeling the paper away in one large delicate sheet. Then I'll start to sensually remove the foil, almost as if I'm undressing a woman. I will hold the chocolate up near my nose, breathing deeply, savoring the smell. My hear rate quickens and my eyesight becomes sharp with the anticipation.

    I will take all the chocolate bars, now naked and gleaming with desire, and place them on a plate. I will then put this plate in the microwave for about 20 seconds, to get the bars soft and warm. You can't heat them too long or they will start to melt. You want the chocolate warm and malleable. While the microwave is going, I take my clothes off. When the timer bell rings, the chocolate is ready. I am ready.

    I take the plate of warm chocolate bars and bring them to the bedroom. The only light is the flickering of unscented candles. I don't want to mix the air with anything but the smell of warm chocolate. With the chocolate still warm, I proceed to smear it all over my body...

    Nah... Just kidding. I eat some chocolate, silly. Plan for it in your daily calories.

    Oh me . .. oh my . . . . erotica 101 lol. . .
  • missyyclaire
    missyyclaire Posts: 572 Member
    A really great boutique dark chocolate melting on your tongue. Don't bite, let it melt. The taste will bloom in your mouth if you give it time. There's also those great health benefits too.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I love chocolate too. I stopped eating all chocolate bars and milk chocolate for a while. After a couple of months I had a chocolate bar and found it far too sweet and sickly. I didn't enjoy it all. If you really want a chocolate barr I would have one but make sure you do the exercise to compensate. Or just have a couple of squares of 75-89% dark chocolate. I let it melt on my tongue so it's not gone in a minute. That's what i do when I crave chocolate.
  • joyousjoyce
    joyousjoyce Posts: 6 Member
    I'm coming in a little late into the topic. I didn't get a chance to read everyone's responses, but I thought I'd put in my own two cents! First off, you should never truly deprive yourself of something you really enjoy. Quality of life is still important to maintain while working on a healthy lifestyle. But if you remove one thing entirely, it just makes you miserable over time. Luckily, chocolate is not so much of a guilty pleasure if you work around your obstacles. Remember that weight management is mostly the amount of calories you consume. Very vaguely, you could eat your daily calorie intake's worth of chocolate and not gain weight; however, it concerns the way you carry yourself throughout the day and how you utilize that energy afterward! Clearly, eating that much of chocolate is undeniably odd and somewhat frightening, but you get the point. I do not suggest you try that at home.

    1. Create a calorie deficit in your daily food tracking that equals the amount of calories of delicious chocolate you expect to consume. This way, you plan ahead of time for your chocolate cravings; it doesn't ruin your diet and you end up stabilizing.

    2. If you can't eat less calories, then work to burn it off to balance it. If you want to eat a whole chocolate bar, then run that amount off of you!

    3. Do a combination of 2 & 3 so you can eat chocolate.

    4. Consider the more diet friendly options of chocolate. I've read certain brands of chocolate are a little more calorie-friendly than others. Dark chocolate is a safe bet in general since studies revealed that it helps to lower blood pressure in small amounts.

    5. Stimulate yourself by allowing chocolate once in a while for positive behavior and hard work. Every time you have a piece of chocolate, it is a reward for having done so well in your dieting and exercise. Don't eat with the negative attitude that you're committing a sin (you'd also work to make sure you're not!).

    6. Unless you're a total binge eater, I think chocolate (along with other foods) you eat is fine in moderation!

    Hope that helped! :smile:
  • wxgal7
    wxgal7 Posts: 13 Member
    I eat some!!!
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    I really like the Fiber One 90 cal. brownies. I heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds so it is warm first. Makes a great dessert and takes away that sweet craving for me.


    ADVICE: Don't heat the Fiber One brownies still in the package in the microwave. It's not so good on your microwave!!
  • gwenmf
    gwenmf Posts: 888 Member
    I have some chocolate!! I haven't totally given up anything because I don't believe it's realistic to live that way and I've still managed to lost 40 lbs in 6 months.

    Exactly! This is our lifestyle now. Don't deprive yourself...just find a way to fit it in.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I eat chocolate :)

    Basically this!

    Banning things from your diet just makes you crave them more. Just count it into your daily allowance?
  • vlg59
    vlg59 Posts: 1 Member
    Buy the most expensive dark chocolate you can afford and savor a small serving when you get the craving....it is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and I for one am not willing to eliminate foods I love.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Twenty-five to thirty minutes on the stationary bike, then grinning triumphantly, all flushed and sweaty, eat your very most favoritist awesomest chocolate!!
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I eat chocolate :)
    THIS! If I am REALLY craving something, I will eat it..not a TON...but I'll eat it. Otherwise I'll spend 250 calories eating things instead of the chocolate and then caving into the craving anyway. Just build it into your day! :-)
  • Eat it!!! :-) Just don't overdo it & continue to track your calories. I once watched a show Richard Simmons had done and he was being filmed in his own kitchen where he pulled out his "stash" of goodies. He said something like it being better to nibble on a bit of whatever you're craving than to resist and binge. Hope this helps.
  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    If I don't have enough calories left for real chocolate, a belgium chocolate options drink is fab! Or i also snack on chocolate snackajacks!
  • farrellb2
    farrellb2 Posts: 120
    quaker's mini rice cakes (they have 2 types with chocolate, drizzled and chocolate), nutella, a little bit of chocolate milk mixed into your white milk
  • FitasBarbie
    FitasBarbie Posts: 141 Member
    I eat a small square of the dark chocolate. :)

    Yup, that's it. Dark choco is full of anti-oxidants so its good for you. I eat 3 squares of it when Im craving and it's just somewhere around 100 cals.
  • This question is right up my ally!!!

    EAT IT!!! But don't just eat anything. Eat quality! Dark Chocolate. And if you aren't a dark chocolate person....you can be. I would NEVER touch dark chocolate before my healthy lifestyle change. I gave up chocolate all together because milk is full of sugar and empty calories. After about 2 months of that....my husband convinced me to try dark chocolate. And you know what? I LOVED IT! I have chocolate every day now. Not only do I eat it...I sell it too! I'm a Lindt Chocolate Consultant. I decided to sign onto selling after I gave it a try and realized that it is really the quality of chocolate that is important!

    I'm serious when I say I eat it every day! I've lost almost 100 lbs in 14 months and I've never crash dieted or deprived myself. It is sensible living with being healthy as the focus!

    My favorite...Chili Chocolate!!!! YUM~
  • If i'm craving chocolate I will usually have a blue bunny fudge bar. One bar is only 35 calories, so I don't feel guilty eating it. I also found a recipe for Jamie Eason's chocolate protein bars. They taste like brownies and are under 100 calories for two bars.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Chocolate Jello Pudding Cups! There are 60 calorie ones, and they are TASTY :D

    Also, Jello Mousse Temptations. The dark chocolate ones almost have the texture of cake to me. I LOVE them!