Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    welcome gisele!
    uuggh! my HRM died! have to get new batteries i hope, so i dont know exactly how much I burned doing crunch: yoga mama....
    I didnt even sweat, hmmm

    does anyone sweat doing yoga??
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Morning! I met my goals yesterday - got my veggies in and also my run/walk. I planned on a continuous 45 minutes run/walk but my husband's nephew was over for a bit so we all walked up to the store, I also walked to lunch and then I ran mostly for almot 20 minutes with almost no breaks. My HR stayed in the mid to high 160's and I felt really good cardiouvascularly. Strange thing was my calves and shin muscles were so tired, like that is what stopped me from running. I am wondering if it is the extra weight my body and muscles aren't used to. Nevertheless, it felt great.

    To answer a couple questions:
    I got a maternity tankini top at Target towards the end of the season (which seems to be end of August now). I think I can still wear my bottoms, but I haven't tried on my old one piece suit in a few weeks since I haven't swum recently. It's been too nice to be indoors!

    Sweating during yoga - it totally depends. I have practiced for about 9 years and have been drencehd in sweat in Bikram (obviously) but also use to get quite sweaty in my power/ashtanga class. Some hatha classes I barely break a sweat. I haven't done yoga since I got my HRM so I am interested to see my actualy burn. Eric and I are going to a class tomorrow and I'm excited.

    I packed a gym bag but it's goign to be so nice I may do some strength at home and take a short run/walk after. Hope you all have fabulous days!

    Here's a question for the group today. What's do you have for breakfast? I tend to eat the same thing for months. Right now it is Kashi Berry Crumble with light soy milk and 1/2 of banana. But I'm getting burnt out on it. I have a hard time with calcium so its a good way for me to get it in though.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    bump for later
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Here's a question for the group today. What's do you have for breakfast? I tend to eat the same thing for months. Right now it is Kashi Berry Crumble with light soy milk and 1/2 of banana. But I'm getting burnt out on it. I have a hard time with calcium so its a good way for me to get it in though.

    Yesterday and today I had 1 piece of toast with a little peanut butter and strawberry preserves and a Chobani yogurt. Some days I have oatmeal, but not near as often as I did before I got pregnant. That was my go-to breakfast every morning, but since becoming pregnant it just doesn't appeal to me like it used to.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    My breakfast was pretty consistan: Oatmeal, strawberries or raspberries....& oj or grape juice. I've been bored w/ that (and I need more strawberries in the house), so I've switched to cereal (corn pops have been awesome lately).
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Bump, My head is spinning from my busy work weeks the last couple of weeks. Hoping it will slow down soon.
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Morning Everyone!

    Welcome Gisele246 and erd2011!

    Better_Balance awesome job with the goals!!

    Svgarcia any activity counts by me. The further we get, the more effect even the lightest activity has on our bodies. I'll be honest, I have my activity level set to sedentary, and I even count my daily housework. Maybe thats a bit much, but it often gets my heartrate up. I try to do some heave-duty cleaning daily.

    <Cereal w/soy milk
    <Oatmeal w/fresh fruit. I make my oatmeal from scratch on the weekend for the week and refrigerate. This keeps it quick. Never have enough time in the mornings.
    <Whole-Grain Waffles w/real maple syrup or strawberry preserves. Store-bought
    <Scrambled eggs w/wheat toast and fresh fruit.
    <Wheat Pancakes w/fresh fruit. Also something I make on weekends and either refrigerate or freeze for lack of time. When frozen take straight from the freezer and microwave. Just make sure you place a piece of wax paper in between each pancake so that you can remove only the number you want.

    Though I didn't accomplish all of my goals, I did much better last week as compared to the week prior (when I did almost nothing
    :grumble: )
    Last week goals:
    2/3x yoga
    2/3x cardio/strength
    4/5x walk dogs
    2x eat out

    Actually achieved:
    1x yoga
    3x walk dogs
    2x eat out
    1x cardio

    Getting to experience what is probably one last round of awesome weather and going to take advantage to the best of my ability. My goals for the week are:
    Walk dogs 5x/week
    Yoga 3x/week
    Cardio/strength DVD 2x/week
    Eat out no more than 1x/week
    Yard work 2x/week

    Everyone have a great day! Love reading about everyone!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies! Hope you are all having a great week so far... Welcome to the newcomers! Please read the first post on the board and then jump right in!

    Kristen so glad you are starting to feel better! The second trimester was awesome. Great goals!

    Kristy fall scents are my FAVORITE!!! I put out my pumpkin spice and apple cinnamon a few weeks ago...I couldn't resist! I love switching from summer scents/decor to Fall. I have only gotten one nosebleed my entire life, but since I've been pregnant I've had LOTS of blowing of my nose. I always feel like I've got something in there and it is so annoying. It is just the whole "extra mucous production" thing that accompanies pregnancy. And yes I agree with your husband...all of this pregnancy stuff is so weird! lol

    Aimee great goals!

    belgianlady hope you and babies are doing well!

    Misti congratulations on the GIRL!!! Seems to be the trend on this board! lol!

    taldie I totally agree that this is the best time of year to be pregnant! I'm so glad that at the biggest/most uncomfortable part of my pregnancy I can enjoy this beautiful weather! Mmm...cabbage rolls! Is this recipe easy? :)

    babeed let us know how the appt goes! Good luck!

    Ashley I've had LOTS of those kind of nights...hope it was a fluke and you get much better sleep! I've had Braxton Hicks contractions since about 20wks...they are painless and just make your uterus tighten up. They get more annoying/uncomfortable the bigger you get cause your uterus gets HUGE! Sounds like it is very likely baby was just in a weird position. A lot of my friends as well as myself complain about calf pain during running/walking. I believe it has something to do with the extra blood flow...but that's just an educated guess. As for breakfast...I have been eating the same thing for about a month now...a packet of Weight Control oatmeal (for the extra protein), a 1/2 oz of almonds crushed with some cinnamon, and then on the side a cup of organic vanilla yogurt and some mixed fruit (melons, strawberries, blueberries, etc)...

    millionsofpeaches way to go on the half! And I'm sure you deserved every single calorie from the bagels and phad thai! lol! Your goals for the month are awesome!

    Kim I hope you continue to keep feeling good! I never got morning sickness so it is possible. :) Sounds like a great plan for zumba and walking. Just listen to your body! And oh don't you just love the wonderful things our husbands say! lol

    atomdraco your goals for the week sound great! As far as a suit goes...I'd look online or at a sports store. Most normal maternity suits aren't going to give you the support you need for swimming laps (which is what I'm assuming you will be doing for exercise).

    svgarcia I loved my 12 week u/s. Baby was so active and jumping around like she was dancing. What an awesome experience huh?! Also, I have the Crunch Yogamama dvd and was very unimpressed by it. For me it was way too easy and kind of a joke. It would be a good cool down for after a regular workout, but as far as a workout in itself I wouldn't say anyone would get a sweat from it. This is the best prenatal yoga dvd I've found and it is pretty good. :)

    My maternity pics are today! I'm kinda nervous just cause I want them to look good and not cheezy. The weather is perfect so I can stop stressing about that. :) We are taking them at a park with a lake and stuff so hopefully we get some good shots with the trees turning colors for the Fall. I'm starting to feel like a hippo so I'm glad to get this over with so I can stop worrying about looking like a hippo in my maternity pictures! lol Ahh...the things us girls worry about. Well I have a lot to do today so I better get up and get my workout in!

    I hope you ladies have an awesome and healthy day!
  • KTGator
    KTGator Posts: 78
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Katie, and I am newly pregnant! Just over 4 weeks along now with my first. So I have officially switched from weight loss mode into maintenance mode until I need to up my calories for the baby =)

    Hope you don't mind me joining you all! I'm looking forward to trying to make this as healthy of a pregnancy as I can! And congrats to all of you on your pregnancies!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I have a friend that is a yoga instructor and she recommended this DVD to me.
    Has anyone else tried it?
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    Hi All! Hope everyone is having a good day! Its a bit icky out here in central CT...but the hubby and I are planning for a walk after hopefully the rain will hold off!!

    Krystie99 - GO PATRIOTS!!! I am a huge Pats fan!!! I actually just got a maternity shirt and its been my go to on football sunday!

    Misti - CONGRATS on your baby girl! How wonderful!!!

    Taldie01 - Totally agree with you on being pregnant this time of year...fall is definitely my favorite season :) And that is great you're heading to BC for the long weekend!!! I do have to ask...what are the cabbage rolls you make??? I love cabbage and my family makes a polish dish: gwumpkies which is stuffed cabbage and they're on my top 5 list so I am totally anxious to hear about yours!

    Millionsofpeaches - haven't taken the class yet...that is tomorrow night so I am totally looking forward to it and will definitely let you know!

    Midnitedaydream - I think its amazing what your doing for that mother and her child. The man she was with sounds like a real loser and its better for her to be on her own and without good for you to take her in :) That is very wonderful!

    Heather - GOOD LUCK on your pictures!!!! Can't wait to see how they come out!!!

    For me...we're 20 weeks tomorrow!!! I can not believe it...the time has just gone by so darn fast!!! My next appointment is on the I am looking forward to that and making sure everything is progressing well :). We did get some bad news yesterday. My husbands grandmother who was 91 passed away yesterday morning. It was for the best as she was not doing well towards the now she is in a better place and not in any more pain.

    Hope everyone has a great day :flowerforyou:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hi ladies, I will get the hang or responding to everyone, last night I didnt work out, and I could have definately slept more today. Im hoping I get some energy back soon.

    So the cabbage rolls I make are traditional Ukranian style, you cook up a pot of rice but you dont quite cook it all the way, rice should be a bit crunche. Then you blanche a cabbaga or two boild it and peal all the leaves off. Make a bed for the rolls of cabbage in a large pan. Roll up your cabbage rolls, cover the tops with another bed of cabbage, mix some water and white vinegar pour over your cabbage bed, bake for 3hrs at 350. Cool off then fry up with butter and onions, the cabbage and rice will be a bit tangy from the vinegar... not for everyone but I could live off them. I eat them cold too...

    Aquasize tonight, didnt go to crazy with food yesterday
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi Everyone! Wow this board is busy!! lol hard to keep up! ;)

    My husband and I had our prenatal classes this weekend at the hospital we are having the baby at. It was a long weekend and there was a LOT of info to absorb but it was really good, eased some fears, answered a lot of questions and has made me feel a little more prepared (knowledge wise!) as for all the THINGS I need to get taken care of in the next 4 months...well that's a whole other story! lol - we really haven't bought anything yet aside from a few onesies and a rattle! lol
    Jay and I are going to make a list this weekend with the help of my mom & sister and then start picking things off one at a time :)

    Now that we know it's a boy I am really excited to get started on the nursery, we have to finish a few projects first (basement so we can move the office downstairs to make room for the baby room) and I'm hoping we can get that done soon so we can get started!

    I will be 20 weeks this Thursday!! Halfway! I have my next Dr appointment on the 12th and we're supposed to go over all the info from the ultrasound so I'm really excited. I have the RH- blood/antibody situation (sorry can't remember the exact term?)
    Where my blood type is negative and my husbands is positive, so I have to get a shot I think at 28 weeks and then one within 72 hours of giving birth.

    My little baby boy sure is active! The past few weeks he's been moving around a lot and especially at night. I'm actually sitting at my desk right now and it feels like he's doing flip kicks lol. He kicked me so hard in bed last night that I actually felt it with my hand on the outside! My husband tried to feel it but after he put his hand on my belly the baby hid and stopped moving. Bummer ;) oh well, I'm sure there will be MANY more opportunities for him to feel him kick!

    My goals for this week:

    Eating - not to eat out more than 2-3 times this week and when I do NO fast food crap
    Exercise - 3-4 times this week, I have yoga on Thursday but the rest of the week isn't planned yet so I have to get a plan together!
    Water - drink LOTS ;)
    Sleep - get LOTS ;)

    Hope everyone has a fantastic week! :flowerforyou:
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have a friend that is a yoga instructor and she recommended this DVD to me.
    Has anyone else tried it?

    It seems like great review on this DVD on Amazon. I don't have that, but I use "The Perfect Pregnancy Workout vol. 1", and I really like the workout (other than not happy with the DVD quality). I have another a few Yoga DVDs but haven't tried yet.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Woo Hoo! Just got a call from my doctor, U/S looked WONDERFUL!!!! Busy day today, Doctor appt. then back to work, then off to the football game. Not really looking forward to all the driving, but oh well.

    Weather turned rainy and cold here, not really ready for this. I did walk 1.5 miles on the treadmill last night and do my yoga. Hoping it makes me feel better. I'll know more today after I talk with my doctor, but I think I may have Strep. Ugh, head hurts, throat hurts and don't feel good. Drinking lots of water....
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Welcome to our added newbies!

    It's raining in vegas, we didn't walk last night. I had a crappy food day yesterday, but brought veggie soup today and plan on eating more veggies this week. Next Dr's appt this friday yay!

    Mist-take care, hope it's not strep. You must be excited thinking about getting your nursery theme going now.

    Rayna- How exciting feeling movement, my baby has slowed down I can still feel flutters. Let us know what your nursery theme will be.

    Taldie-thanks for sharing the recipe.

    Jchecca-Sorry for your hubbys grandma passing. May she be in a better place. Wow there are so many of us due btwn Feb-Mar & then it jumps to May. :wink:

    Heather-Have fun, enjoy your pictures. I am sure they'll be great, please share. :glasses:

    Week goals:

    Eating better, and walking! 3X at least!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member

    as for all the THINGS I need to get taken care of in the next 4 months...well that's a whole other story! lol - we really haven't bought anything yet aside from a few onesies and a rattle! lol

    My little baby boy sure is active! The past few weeks he's been moving around a lot and especially at night. I'm actually sitting at my desk right now and it feels like he's doing flip kicks lol. He kicked me so hard in bed last night that I actually felt it with my hand on the outside! My husband tried to feel it but after he put his hand on my belly the baby hid and stopped moving. Bummer ;) oh well, I'm sure there will be MANY more opportunities for him to feel him kick!


    We have bought an outfit and a onsie, have been given an outfit, onsie and some really cute girlie stuff and some other random baby stuff and that's it! We are going to start our registry this weekend and hopefully start painting so I feel you.

    My husband was able to start feeling movements from the outside about a week or so ago so hopefully soon yours can feel your baby too! It's crazy. I can actually see my stomach move when she kicks, punches, whatever, hard enough.

    Speaking of movement, anyone heard that babies form habits and schedules in the womb? Hope not b/c lately the baby has been pretty active in the middle of the night when I wake up.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Just wanting to pose a question out there to you ladies for some discussion - what are everyone's thoughts on using disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers?? I'm still on the fence about what we're going to do...would love to hear your opinions! :smile:
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    Forgot to look for the new thread. Oops. :smile:

    1st doctor appointment on Thursday. Last year, I miscarried two days before my first appointment (though earlier in the pregnancy than this one is) so positive thoughts would be oh so welcome.

    For diapers... I like the idea of being green, but cloth diapers just squick me out... heck even now, my husband does 99% of the diaper changes. *shudder*... we may try to squeeze in g-diapers this round though (

    So excited... We just had a yard sale and sold/donated ALL of Daina's baby stuff (except for favorite clothing)... 1 week before getting the surprise BFP (I was on BC), of course. But my mom wants to have a baby shower, even though this is our 2nd, because Daina's was down in SoCal and now we're up in Washington near my folks. Starting a new registry on Amazon. Whee!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    Hi Hi! Just a short quick check in...
    Doing OK these days, but nausea is striking up a little more lately... :sick:
    We have 4 viewing appointments for the rental, so fingers crossed that one is good!
    Didn't make it to zumba because of my dad's birthday. Hope to go on Thursday.
    Our news is officially out...on Facebook of course. Thanks to my best friend that knew it would blow up if she posted something LOL I'm not mad, just think it is funny how people that I haven't personally spoke to in months/years want to come to the baby shower... Hmmm.

    Cloth vs. Disposables: We will be using cloth. My Opinion Pro/Cons
    Cloth Pros: natural cloth/ingredients, safe for all children, no need to buy different sizes (depending on design), no garbage in landfill, ability to make your own, reusable with multiple kids/ onetime purchase, cute patterns
    Cloth Cons: more laundry, change baby more often, bulky look (depending on design), daycares may not allow them
    Disposable Pros: extremely convenient for use and purchase, all daycares allow them, less laundry
    Disposable Cons: harmful chemicals, bulky garbage that stays in the landfills, may have allergic properties that could take many trials and errors to find the kind that won't react to your baby's skin, expensive and have to continue to purchase until potty trained.