Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Im not even going to try to cath up with everyone right now.

    Heather- I didnt know thats what happened when your plug broke. The night before I went into labour I had a small spot of pink that was it. Im not surprised your not in labour right now!

    Im officially Halloweened out, Had about 20 people and kids over for my daughters Halloween party. I was beat by the time it was all said and done, the house looked great, there was a ton of food, cookies to decorate and Halloween story time which my husband done quite well.

    Excited to take my li peanut out trick or treating tonight! She is a Candy monster these days..... And Im dressing up a friendly witch

    Didnt eat the best this weekend but could have been worse. Ran 5kms yesterday and felt like I had to pee the whole time.

    This week (14 weeks)

    Strength 2x (once last week
    Aquasize Tues
    run 2x
    walk on lunch breaks
    eat out once
    more fruits and veg
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Happy Halloween!

    I did manage to get my three runs this past week, but only walked the dogs five days instead of seven. This morning we had a three mile run and a 40 minute walk with the dogs. Still need to get in my ab work and arms, hopefully when Ellie goes to bed tonight. Goals for this week - three runs and 5-7 days of dog walking. It is starting to get chilly and rainy here, but we are still getting out. No excuses!!

    bmfranzie, excellent on the 5k. I hope you can continue to run as long as you'd like. I never intended to make it my entire pregnancy, but I did and am now back to it. It's such a great release.

    Heather, I know I keep saying this, but try and be patient and enjoy your last days of non-parenthood. It is not easy to do because you are SO READY to meet Charlee, but this is the end of life as you know it (in a really good way!) You wonder how I managed to not complain at the end. First, I don't think my discomfort was the same as yours (mine was very pelvic) and secondly as you know it was a struggle for me to conceive too. We'd love a second child, but I am being realistic in that it may not happen again for us so I just wanted to soak up every possible minute of being pregnant. It becomes so hard when all your friends and family are asking, "any baby yet" and that is what pushed me over the emotional edge at the end. Hang in there your precious bambina will be here very soon! As for the nay-sayers on working out (pregnant or not and children or not) - in my opinion, if having a healthy lifestyle of eating right and working out is important to you it is something that you make a priority. Look at Amy, Lexi and myself (and BelgiumLady I'm sure when she gets cleared from the c-section). We all exercised throughout pregnancy, gained a healthy amount of weight and got back to working out when our doctors gave us the okay and we all have babies now! Not to mention we are either at/below or just shy of pre-pregnancy weights. I think being pregnant is a very easy excuse to not exercise and some people will take every out that they are given. I always say you have to want it. If being thin was easy, just about everyone would be. It's HARD WORK to eat right and exercise and you definitely have the right mind set. Listen to the body for now. I am praying for a super easy, vaginal birth for you so you will be back to the sweating, hard core workouts within a few weeks. I'm rooting for you!!

    Amyrhubarb, keeping you in my prayers for a good doctors appointment. The waiting is unbearable sometimes.

    Ashley, your painting in the nursery looks awesome! Your little girl is so lucky to have a creative mama! Thanks for the recipe too. I am always looking for something easy and healthy to shake up my standard go to recipes. I will give it a try soon. As always, your goals look excellent. Hope you have a fabulous week ahead.

    Ash, see above rant to Heather on the exercise nay-sayers! Okay, here is my 10 cents on your friends wedding. It is almost impossible to know how you will be feeling at two months old. Ellie will be eight weeks on Wednesday, which I can hardly believe, so I am right near where you'll be. My brother-in-law offered to babysit yesterday so that my husband and I could go to the Seahawks game. As much as I love to go to games, I realized I wasn't mentally or physically ready to leave her for that long yet! So far, I think the longest I've been away is about four hours. I am breastfeeding and also know that five hours is my absolute max before I am so uncomfortable that I have to pump. Remember breastfeeding is a supply and demand thing so if you choose to pump, your milk will keep coming, which can kind of be a double edged sword. I was very lucky to have an easy time with breastfeeding and we were well established within the first week. I started pumping the second week since I will go back to work part-time in January and my working girlfriends all said the one thing they regret was not pumping and storing more milk before returning to work. I also wanted to introduce Ellie to the bottle to have that option if we were out and so that she'd be comfortable taking a bottle when I go back to work. We introduced the bottle between week two and three. As for looking your best, you have continued to exercise and eat well so you should have an easy time losing the baby weight. Breastfeeding will help too. I know we all have different bodies, but I was back to my pre-pregnancy weight within the first 7-10 days (once all the swelling from the c-section went away) and Amy, Lexi and BelgiumLady are all either at or close to their pre-pregnancy weight too and we are all two months or less since giving birth. You have all of us to continue to support you! Apologize and hope that isn't too much information!

    Kristy, love the costumes! I didn't buy a bumper either - too worried about the safety and I have a hard time spending money on something just for show. The nursery will still end up adorable without it. It's not too late to jump back on the exercise bandwagon. You can do this, tell the lazy monsters to get out! Great goals for the week.

    Brenda, yeah on your mom getting on-board for the ultrasound. Sometimes I think they forget how important some of the little milestones are for us. Good luck to getting back to your exercising - it shouldn't be too hard since you usually rock it!

    Misti, as always your schedule makes my head spin! Hopefully your boss just was forgetful about your due date - I am pretty adamant when I am off work, that means I am off! No phone calls at home!! As for your hip pain, I seem to remember having my hips be pretty sore when lying down by that stage in the game. I think it's all the extra weight that you aren't used to carrying and not all that unusual. Sorry for the discomfort. Your nursery too sounds like it is coming together.

    Rayna, you have been a busy bee! It feels good to start checking things off the list doesn't it? Enjoy your free class this weekend.

    Kristin, glad you had a good week last week. It's very hard for me to stay away from the candy too. So far I am winning today!

    Amy, you have been rocking the workouts mama. I can only imagine how much harder it is to find the time with an infant and a toddler. You are an inspiration!

    Babeed, you too sound like you are getting lots accomplished. Love the costumes! Ellie always kicked and made lot of movements when I listened to music and/or sang. She was particularly fond of The Who!

    Nichole, we just carved our pumpkins a couple hours ago! I'm with you on hoping for lots of trick or treaters although I will miss some of it with bath time and putting Ellie to sleep. My husband is working tonight so this will be the first year I'll have to leave the candy on the porch with a sign for part of the night. You are starting to move along with this pregnancy too. It is incredible how our bodies manage to change to find the room as we grow.

    Taldie, have fun with your little one tonight. Your party sounds like it was a great success! Good job on the run yesterday and great weekly goals.

    Okay, I think I got everyone. I apologize if I missed anyone. Good luck to everyone for a healthy meals and exercise this week!

  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Hi all--I've been stalking all week, but finding time to write is hard sometimes! Our first sonogram is tomorrow. I have no reason to think that everything isn't going just as planned inside there, but I"m sure you all know how it is--I"m so anxious. I guess it's all the buildup after the TTC rollercoaster. Well, tomorrow won't come any faster by worrying, so I might as well stop it...but if you can cross your fingers, toes, and anything else possible, I'd appreciate it.

    Heather--I know you have been waiting for so long to meet Charlee, but really try to relax and enjoy these last few days. They are unlike any other you will experience, and if you are like me, you will look back fondly on them in about a month or two and go--"Gee, I wish I could go back to those days and take a nap right now." Haha! Like smilegirl said, your world is going to completely change. I thought I was ready for it (and I was...) but if I had known what I know now, well, let's just say, this time around, I'm going to enjoy those last few days of laying around, or exercising, or shopping, or whatever I decide to do before the baby comes EVEN MORE!!! She'll be in your arms in no time--enjoy your now moments now. (Except for that whole rib cage thing--I had that too--NO FUN.)

    Ooo, gotta run...little boy is into something....later gals.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Don't forget it's already November ladies! See ya there.