Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    hey all...i have totally been MIA this week because its super busy at work which is the time where i comment the most. we're gearing up for a parents weekend here at its just been all out since i stepped in on monday!

    welcome to all the new momma's!!! and heather...super exciting your moving along...soon you're lil girl will be here!!!

    for me...thank you all for lending your ears about Dr. Rude (love that heather!! because it was so true!!) hit 23 weeks yesterday and to top it was my 27th birthday! so an awesome day all around! hubby and i went out to dinner on tuesday night to celebrate and then last night i had my prenatal yoga which i am so in love with (just signed up for the november sessions) and then just came home and cooked dinner for the two of us and watched a movie!!! it was really wonderful because i LOVE movies and that was my request...hang out with the family (hubby and the two dogs) and watch a movie with a home cooked was really great! then tonight we're headed over to my parents house for dinner there! and my mom has already warned me...the cake she made is i have to say i am a little nervous because i have little self control when i go over there anyways...but with birthday cake...LOOK OUT!!!!

    but all in all i am feeling really great! little aches in my lower back but hopefully those will subside with more and more yoga!

    happy thursday to all and hope you're all feeling really great!!! :heart:
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Real quick checkin cause I'm meeting a friend for I will come in later and comment.

    My doc appt went well this morning. Al got to come, which was nice being able to sit and talk to him while I sat there with my pants off in a cold room waiting for 30 minutes....Anyways, I am 1cm dilated and 40% effaced and the baby's head is "low". She stripped my membranes which was slightly uncomfortable and crampy feeling...but not as bad as so many women claimed it to be. She said the key is to have lots of sex that on the goals for the rest of the week. lol I am measuring a little larger than I was last week so she is definitely in there growing. I am still at 30-32lbs gained at this point which I'm fine with.

    That's about it. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

    I got "stripped" 3 days after my due date--the Dr just said--"It's time to get this thing going--I'm going to strip your membranes" and did it. I went into labor that evening! (I'm glad no one had told me what it felt like though--that strip was Glad yours wasn't too bad. BTW--I remember thinking this when we found out you were pregnant--my DD was the same as yours---ended up with a Veteran's Day baby! I hope you don't have to wait that long!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Hey everyone, so I had my second appointment with my Dr. Tuesday and all seems fine. Got to hear the heart beat again, and that’s always fun! I’m doing much better than the first trimester except the back spasms, but I think that is due to work more than anything. Been working like crazy, its so busy here and will only get worse in the next few months.

    Heather, what does stripping the membranes mean? I guess I haven’t read that far into my what to expect book to know what that one is. Oh and this weekend will give whole new meaning to BD’ing! Best of luck!

    Jchecca, Happy belated Birthday! Enjoy your cake!

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Hello, did some strength training at work yesterday, a lil sore today but not that bad. Or gym here is hardly what it used to be, since the renovations there has been alot of crap piled up in there. But I had enough room to do my thing. Probably no work out or walk today, have to pick up some last minute groceries for the kids halloween party on sat. I baked over 40 cup cakes last night, glad I got that out of the way. But still alot to do. Heading out to the Foo Fighters tonight, ya for date night! Havent seen hubby all week he comes back this afternoon. Just curious anyone not finding out the sex of the baby? I see all of you getting ready and we havent even started! But Im only 13 weeks, and we have alot of stuff from our daughter that we are using so I dont need to get too much just a few things, bassinette, swing, baby monitors, mabe a breast pump and some sleepers and whatever little new born things. We are waiting till after Christmas to start really getting ready.

    Hope everyone is having a great day
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Ladies! This is such an active board, which is wonderful, but I fell behind quickly! I'll have to come back later to read through all of these! Thank for all of your welcomes, well wishes, and reassurances!

    I had a quick appt with my OB yesterday, and they said that since I was spotting and cramping that they want more bloodwork tomorrow, as well as an ultrasound and another appt in two weeks. They also said no working out, not even carrying laundry baskets upstairs or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work! That's going to drive me crazy! I already feel puffy, and would love a good sweat session! But, it took us a year to get where we are now, I am going to do all I'm told!

    Were any of you ladies instructed to do the same?
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi Ladies! This is such an active board, which is wonderful, but I fell behind quickly! I'll have to come back later to read through all of these! Thank for all of your welcomes, well wishes, and reassurances!

    I had a quick appt with my OB yesterday, and they said that since I was spotting and cramping that they want more bloodwork tomorrow, as well as an ultrasound and another appt in two weeks. They also said no working out, not even carrying laundry baskets upstairs or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work! That's going to drive me crazy! I already feel puffy, and would love a good sweat session! But, it took us a year to get where we are now, I am going to do all I'm told!

    Were any of you ladies instructed to do the same?

    I was told the same thing on my 1st apt...My husband very quickly took over everything and let me do nothing! I was use to cardio 5 x a week and strength training 3 x a week. So I figured as long as I kept walking that all would be well- to my disbelief on my 2nd apt my doctor told me that I was lucky that he wasn't commiting me to bed rest!!

    I would recommend followign your doctors instruction. Their being conservative for our saftely and that of our baby :smile: so I would recommend if you want to do anything to check with him first so you don't get scolded like I did. :laugh:

    Just remember this is a critical point in our life and our babys. But this too shall pass, and we'll be able to go back to working out in no time!!
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    FYI, for those that asked:

    Stripping the membranes. The doctor will insert a gloved finger into your vagina and move it back and forth to separate the membrane that connects the amniotic sac to the wall of the uterus. This is called "stripping the membranes," and it causes the body to release hormones called prostaglandins, which ripen the cervix and may lead to contractions. You may feel some cramping and have some spotting after this procedure. Usually this method of inducing labor is done in your doctor's office, and you'll be sent home to wait until contractions begin.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Hello, did some strength training at work yesterday, a lil sore today but not that bad. Or gym here is hardly what it used to be, since the renovations there has been alot of crap piled up in there. But I had enough room to do my thing. Probably no work out or walk today, have to pick up some last minute groceries for the kids halloween party on sat. I baked over 40 cup cakes last night, glad I got that out of the way. But still alot to do. Heading out to the Foo Fighters tonight, ya for date night! Havent seen hubby all week he comes back this afternoon. Just curious anyone not finding out the sex of the baby? I see all of you getting ready and we havent even started! But Im only 13 weeks, and we have alot of stuff from our daughter that we are using so I dont need to get too much just a few things, bassinette, swing, baby monitors, mabe a breast pump and some sleepers and whatever little new born things. We are waiting till after Christmas to start really getting ready.

    Hope everyone is having a great day
    I didn't find out what I was having with my son and it never bothered me at all. However, this time I want to know so bad. Maybe that is partially be because if I have a girl I want to go full girl style. Sooooo this go round we will find out. I am only 8 weeks though and will also not be purchasing anything till after Christmas.
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi Ladies! This is such an active board, which is wonderful, but I fell behind quickly! I'll have to come back later to read through all of these! Thank for all of your welcomes, well wishes, and reassurances!

    I had a quick appt with my OB yesterday, and they said that since I was spotting and cramping that they want more bloodwork tomorrow, as well as an ultrasound and another appt in two weeks. They also said no working out, not even carrying laundry baskets upstairs or taking the stairs instead of the elevator at work! That's going to drive me crazy! I already feel puffy, and would love a good sweat session! But, it took us a year to get where we are now, I am going to do all I'm told!

    Were any of you ladies instructed to do the same?

    I was told the same thing on my 1st apt...My husband very quickly took over everything and let me do nothing! I was use to cardio 5 x a week and strength training 3 x a week. So I figured as long as I kept walking that all would be well- to my disbelief on my 2nd apt my doctor told me that I was lucky that he wasn't commiting me to bed rest!!

    I would recommend followign your doctors instruction. Their being conservative for our saftely and that of our baby :smile: so I would recommend if you want to do anything to check with him first so you don't get scolded like I did. :laugh:

    Just remember this is a critical point in our life and our babys. But this too shall pass, and we'll be able to go back to working out in no time!!

    Thank you, that makes me feel better! I was so excited to go into a pregnancy working out and trying be fit for me and the baby, and I feel myself getting soft from this week off so far! At what point were you allowed to work out again?
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hello, did some strength training at work yesterday, a lil sore today but not that bad. Or gym here is hardly what it used to be, since the renovations there has been alot of crap piled up in there. But I had enough room to do my thing. Probably no work out or walk today, have to pick up some last minute groceries for the kids halloween party on sat. I baked over 40 cup cakes last night, glad I got that out of the way. But still alot to do. Heading out to the Foo Fighters tonight, ya for date night! Havent seen hubby all week he comes back this afternoon. Just curious anyone not finding out the sex of the baby? I see all of you getting ready and we havent even started! But Im only 13 weeks, and we have alot of stuff from our daughter that we are using so I dont need to get too much just a few things, bassinette, swing, baby monitors, mabe a breast pump and some sleepers and whatever little new born things. We are waiting till after Christmas to start really getting ready.

    Hope everyone is having a great day

    I know we will be wanting to know the sex - I don't want a lot of yellow or green at my shower. Maybe for the second or third I wouldn't really be as curious. Have fun at the Foo Fighters! That will be a blast!!!
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 69 Member
    I am 30 weeks today and have gained 19lbs!
    I am so sore today! That workout yesterday must be working! I did do the workout again today and I plan to get in some walking also. My kids are misbehaving so badly today and it is stressing me out. I sit here and wonder how am I gonna take care of them, a baby, and myself?? Anyway, I have been doing so good this week and am so proud of myself and I really hope I can keep it up.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Thanks Nichole for explaining what "stripping membranes" meant :)
    It definitely wasn't the funnest thing I've ever done....and it was uncomfortable and now I am very crampy and bleeding a little (like the end of your period), but all in all it wasn't horrible. I just don't want to have to be induced if I go too far past my due date, and with my ribs hurting to the point where I'm in severe pain...I'm just willing to do whatever it takes (naturally) to get her out (oh...except castor oil....NOT going there!).

    Andrea without a doubt I would listen to what the doc says. And for me to say that you have to know that is a big deal. I'm not one to advocate NOT working out...but when it comes to the health and well being of you and baby, I'd say do whatever it takes to keep that baby safe and in there! :) We are here for you! And it is psychological about "feeling soft" not working out...I've been told to not workout last December when I had already had one m/c and I got pregnant again and after a month of not working out I got right back into it and it only took a week or so to get my mojo back :) So be easy on yourself and remember the goal is to have a healthy, term baby in your arms! And once things are in the clear and you are past the first trimester (if you are still spotting, etc) I'm sure you will get the go ahead to workout. Just make sure you try your hardest to eat yummy, healthy foods while you are on workout haitus.

    taldie cupcakes...Mmmm! :) And have fun tonight...Foo Fighters how fun! You should definitely have a blast! Make sure you get some water shoes if you decide to do the aquasize class more often. The pool floor tore up the bottom of my feet bad!

    Ash awww...don't you just love hearing that little galloping heart beat?! It still makes me smile. So glad everything is going good.

    Karen I'm just gonna pray that she graces us with her presence before November 11th! lol My dad says that's when she is going to come...that's his guess. There is a full moon on the 10th so we shall see.

    jchecca Happy belated Birthday!!! And yes...please enjoy your cake!!! You are pregnant and can spare some cake me :)

    Misti and babeed thank you so much for thinking of me :)

    babeed no stripping membranes won't be an issue if you are having a csection. Why do you ask? So happy for you that you are feeling better! Isn't it wonderful to be pregnant when you actually feel "normal"?! Cute bedding! And hopefully you get the craigslist deal.

    Misti sounds like you are getting things together! How exciting! And good job for doing good on your goals this week. Way to go.

    Rosanna just try and get back into a workout groove as soon as things slow down a bit. It is so easy for it to get away from you and the next thing you know you are saying "man I've not worked out in a month!". Life does get busy...but if we schedule in workouts like we do an appointment/work/bathing/etc then we hold it to a priority in our lives. Obviously don't go walking alone...we don't wanna hear about you getting mugged just to get your walk in! lol Maybe you could get a workout dvd to do in a pinch. Good luck with everything. :)

    Rayna isn't regifted baby stuff awesome?! I've been so blessed with awesome friends who have gifted me amazing things. I can't wait to pay it forward some day to some lucky friend!

    Elce cute halloween outfit :)

    Ashley way to go on staying on track! You are doing most awesome!

    Amanda sorry to hear that your appointment was less than productive. I only got early u/s because I was high risk and had two prior miscarriages before getting pregnant with Charlee. If not I would have had to wait until 20 wks as well. That is just protocol for around here as well. Hope you had fun at the Halloween party :)

    Kristen sounds like you are doing great! Keep up the awesome work.

    Hope you all had a great day. My ribs are absolutely killing me but I'm going to go and get my hair done and then go have pizza tonight with good friends of ours. I figure our nights of stuff like that are few and far between coming soon!

    Take care of yourselves and those babies!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi pretty mommies:

    Heather- Wow a lil painful on the Stripping the membranes. Good luck, best wishes and maybe you can have the baby soon.

    Elce-That is such a cute outift, my coworker had suggested something similar for me, but last minute costume making or buying is not for me. I am not creative at all, and nothing was appealing at the store.

    Imperfect51-Kudos getting your workouts in. We end up being supermoms at the end!

    Andrea-Don't worry it's all for the good of your baby. You can get on track later on.

    Babeed- The bedding is so cute, and awesome work on your great buys. Are you going with your Halloween theme?

    Misti-That's what I get for typing fast at work before I get caught, I put my emoticons places in the wrong place!!

    Rosanna- I have some nights I cook really late and we eat dinner late too due to work. I bet that cleaning was like a workout for you. Talking about cleaning I need to clean the oven really well. :huh:

    Jchecca-Happy Belated Birthday!

    Nichole-I like to look up everything on webmd too.

    Ash-Awww the heartbeat that's such a great moment listening to it.

    Busy workday, and we got to go out to a Buffet!!! Definitely walking tonight!
    My cousin gave birth today to her little girl and they are both doing fine. Now, for the other cousin & me to get there.
    One week until my complete U/S!!! YAY!! :love:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Its coming soon! 39 weeks now and I just hope it will be this weekend, at least after 3 pm tomorrow b/c I have a hair appt lol!
    Crazy awesome news though, womens health has asked to do a before/after page about my weight loss ( I had lost 50lbs before i became pregnant). I had to tell them I was currently pregnant and would love to be in the magazine and do the photo shoot after I get back into my pre baby body. So they said yes! They will let me get back to shape and then incorporate that into the story.. .I am so excited and motivated now! I am so glad I am still working out at 39 weeks because I know I will have no trouble getting back into shape after.

    Keep up the great work ladies~!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    wow- this board sure does move quickly...i had some catching up to do.

    Welcome to all the newcomers!

    Rayna--lovin those uggs.

    911girl-you look so amazing!

    babeed--congrats, you are getting your little boy. lucky you. I'm already planning i'm having a boy. I already have 3 boys so...i'm just planning on it. I kind of want a girl tho.

    H-82-the crib is sooooo adorable. I'm so jealous. I wont have a nursery. I only have a 3 bdrm. My 18 yr old has his own, my younger boys share one, and the other is for my husband, new baby, & I. I dont know how I'm gonna fit a crib in their...

    Amyrhubarb--take it easy

    millionsofpeaches--have fun during your vacation

    karen-congrats & stay positive.

    ashley-glad you're on track with your goals...

    heather & atynk-i was wondering if your little one came yet but i guess not yet....

    Are any of you still drinking coffee?? I havent since finding out i was pregnant and couldnt stand the taste. But now, it looks like my taste buds are coming back cause coffee tastes good again. And if so, how much per day?

    I've gained 3 lbs since the last 4 wks from my last visit...I think that's 1 lb too much =(

    I did my 2nd 5k on Sat. I clocked in at 45 min, just 1 min under my very 1st 5k...

    Cant wait til Nov 11, I'll be having my ultrasound, which will make me 18 wks.

    have a great one everyone
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Atynk- So cool, I receive that magazine keep me posted. Good luck to you too, on having your lil one soon.

    SVGarcia-I am not a normal coffee drinker but according to some articles I've read you can have up to 300mg of coffee. If I am in the mood (very seldom) I will ask for decaf. :ohwell:
    Great job on your 5K! How exciting your U/S is right around the corner and it will feel like it has taken forever to get here right!

    Well I got my walk for 15mins. It is definitely colder out now, but tolerable. I have two invites for Halloween parties tomorrow & I ended up getting a Pirate outfit. :glasses:

    I didn't intend on hiding the belly, but since it's a dress it does. :noway:
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Lunarokra- yes it does feel like its taken forever. Can't wait to find out if its boy or girl!

    We had lasagna dinner at my in laws and haven't seen my 3 sister in laws & their daughters since I was 2 months. So we all kissed and hugged each other hi and my nieces were like aunty Sharon you don't look like Ur much months r u now? And they said I look good. Then when I went by my SIS in laws, my MIL was feeling my stomach and goes you don't look pregnant. And my one SIL goes r u still exercising and my MIL answers and said yes she just did a 5k on sat. So it feels good!! All the more reason I should keep up with my strength and cardio.

    I stopped by my parents house cuz it was my dad's bday and I bought him white chantilly cake. I are so much of that and I ended up throwing up again.

    So far this wk, i walked/run on Tuesday and thur , did strength on wed. I hope to do strength tomorrow.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Are any of you still drinking coffee?? I havent since finding out i was pregnant and couldnt stand the taste. But now, it looks like my taste buds are coming back cause coffee tastes good again. And if so, how much per day?

    SV- I just started drinking coffee again maybe 2-3 weeks ago? Hubby switched to Community Mild blend which is half decaf, half regular. I allow myself to 1/2 a cup every morning, but even then I don't finish it....but it sure does taste good!!!
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time since June. It was cold and rainy outside so I decided to hit the treadmill. I ran/walked for 45 mins (3.5 miles) and it felt HORRIBLE! This morning my hips hurt so bad. I am planning for a major stretching session later today with a little yoga mixed in. I need to really work on stretching daily to try and keep my flexibility up and not feel this stiff.

    My son (9) will be doing a Zombie run tomorrow morning so today I plan on working on making our costumes bloody and shreaded. He is looking forward to this race so much. I am just trying to not get frustrated and keep a mileage base of at least a 5k while I am pregnant...even if I am running MUCH slower. Thoughts on keeping heart rate low? I have started wearing my HRM more often so I can make sure it doesn't go too high. However, I always ran before and I am starting to feel that keeping it between 140-150 range I am hardly moving. EEKKK....

    We also pretty much made the decision in the last few days that we will not be buying a house prob before the baby is born. This means we will need to be doing some major moving around of items in my house. I know we have no plans to get baby furniture till after Christmas. However, I am already in the mood to move stuff to new locations and freeing up the baby room.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Hello ladies! I won't make you think I'm off somewhere having my baby this morning :) I love that you guys care :heart: So yes I'm STILL pregnant lol. I'm still a bit crampy...not as bad as yesterday and I had some good contractions last night...but nothing this morning. I'm still bleeding a little, but that's normal too. So maybe my acupuncture this afternoon will help things get going.

    I feel like I'm ALL ready for the baby to come...the bags are packed, the room is ready, people have told me after she is born they will make meals for at LEAST 2 or more weeks (what a blessing) for us, my hair is done, I'm getting a pedicure tonight....I'm so if she would just get the memo! lol

    atynk/andrea- That is SOOO awesome! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Women's Health magazine! How did they ever get in contact with you?! That is so cool! Well please keep us updated!

    Brenda YAY for an u/s soon!

    I hope all of you ladies have an awesome weekend! I can't believe it is already the END of October and this is the last weekend of the month! So crazy... Well I wish you all a very healthy and happy day! Take care of yourselves and those babies!