Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Heather: how many days past your due date are you?
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I still have a week to go. I know I shouldn't be complaining...but after trying to conceive for 7 years and then waiting 39 weeks I am just so anxious for the "grand finale" of meeting this little miracle and seeing her face! I hope you all understand.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Yay - I found the new thread! :)

    Hang in there, Heather! Hope things progress naturally in the next few days and your waiting will be over! I can understand the long ttc part, but can't relate to the uncomfortable waiting in those last weeks since my first was a preemie! I actually looked at meeting her early as part of the bright side of having her at 30 weeks (although I wouldn't recommend going that route! Ha!).

    I'm still camped out on my sofa playing my own waiting game - four more days until my appointment and finding out whether or not baby is okay. Can't wait for it to get here yet nervous about it at the same time.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and Happy Halloween!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Good morning ladies and Happy Halloween! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and manage to find Part 2 for today...OMG I can't believe tomorrow is NOVEMBER 1st!?!? Where does the time go?

    Amy R I pray everything is perfect and your appointment will be a very happy one!

    I had a pretty good relaxing weekend. It is a far cry my "norm"...but then again I guess I am due to have a baby any day now, so what is normal really? The majority of us will experience this so I figured I'd share...I did lose my mucous plug this weekend (which is pretty gross) and the bleeding has stopped. I was reminded how much I hate wearing pads and am not looking forward to it after the baby is born! On Saturday I felt amazing and the weather was perfect at a sunny 70* so we went and drove to the city and walked around a lot. We then ordered Thai food and watched some scary movies. Then yesterday I stayed in my pj's all day and lounged on the couch while Al did some winterizing of the house (which I think is quite funny since tomorrow is supposed to be 75*F). It was nice to relax but my mind kept screaming at me that I needed to workout...but laying on the couch with a heating pad on my ribs won out. I'm glad I still have that voice though...that means that despite the fact that I'm large and in pain, my mind still wants to workout. This is actually quite comforting. When I was trying to conceive there was a specific member of the ttc board that told me that once I got pregnant it was very unlikely I'd continue to workout and that especially after the baby was born it wasn't going to happen....Well I'm not one to hold a grudge but that really rubbed me the wrong way and anytime I'd feel like being lazy I'd hear her say that and get up and do my workout and feel a million times better afterwards.

    Anyways, I'm about to go walk on the treadmill for an hour. Maybe it will drop this baby lower...or maybe it will just make me have to pee 20 times...either way it will get me moving :) Have a great day everyone!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Come on Halloween baby! I can't imagine how anxious you must be. I hope she comes soon.

    Amy, I hope the next few days go by quickly and that you get good news at your appointment.

    We had a busy but productive weekend. We got to spend some time with friends and got the nursery painting finished! Here is a pic:


    It looks really cute. We got some random stuff cleaned out of the room and closet and also registered at Target. I got a little walking in yesterday while trying to search for our friends' dog. He's been missing for a week but they keep seeing him but he won't come to anyone because he's so freaked out. It is amazing how much they are doing to try to find him and how much help they're receiving. Hopefully he'll come home soon.

    My goals for this week are following:
    yoga Wednedsay
    register for my test
    run/walk one day
    strength and cardio one day
    try my prenatal yoga DVD this weekend
    clean out guest closet to transfer summer clothes from baby closet to guest closet

    I will be glad when the Halloween candy is gone too. Stupid Butterfingers.....Hope you all have a great week!

  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    Heather, I’ve been told by several people that by the time I got pregnant I wouldn’t be working out anymore, and to see their faces now when I tell them I still go to the gym 3-4 times a week is priceless! They’re sadly the first ones to criticize working out while pregnant too, but I think that’s more because they feel guilty that they’re overweight and too unmotivated to workout while the pregnant woman beside them can run circles around them. Given the time in your pregnancy, lying on the couch with a heat pad isn’t laziness, it’s listening to your body. I’m sure once Charlee is born and the chaos of the first few days (or weeks, don’t rush yourself, listen to your body and daughter) passes you’ll be back to working out. You’ll probably loose the baby weight faster than any of us because of how dedicated you are. I wish I could be that dedicated!

    Amy, fingers crossed for you that you get good news soon!

    Ashley, love the nursery, very cute!

    So I just found out that my best friend settled on a date for her wedding (finally booked) and its less than three months after I give birth! This wouldn’t be an issue if I wasn’t the maid of honor! I’m already stressed about loosing the baby weight in time and freaking out about having to leave the baby to host her bachelorette party. Bobby thinks I’m crazy for not wanting to leave my two month old baby for most the night.
    So to all the moms, when was the first time you were several hours (8-10hrs) away from your baby? And to all you first time moms, am I crazy for feeling this way before I even have my baby? Oh, I should mention that we plan on breastfeeding too.

    On another note, here are my goals for the week.
    Monday- Yoga DVD
    Tuesday- body toning class + walking for an hour with another preggo lady!
    Wednesday- Zumba class
    Thursday- OFF
    Friday- Zumba Class
    Saturday- Walking & circuit training
    Sunday- Off (or cooking healthy yummy treats for the next week)
    I also want to pay more attention to my water intake, I think its slipping a little.

  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning folks!! Fount the PART 2, woo hoo!!! Then again tomorrow I will be looking for the November string, LOL

    Crazy, eventful weekend. Managed to eat healthy 1 day and yesterday was just a complete disaster. I'm so exhausted. .
    Here is a pic of our costumes. We manged to place "CUTEST/FUNNIEST" at the halloween party!!


    Not sure about this weeks goals. We're short staffed and I alreayd know I'm working late tonight, good possibility tomorrow night too. We're just going to have to see how it goes. Will focus on eating a balanced meal & water intake!!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Ashley - The room looks AMAZING!! I love it! :)

    Heather - I hope you meet Charlee very soon!! I know we're all anxious for you.

    I found out yesterday that my grandma is making us a baby quilt and will be using some material from at least one of my mom's baby dresses. :) I'm SO excited about it!! She makes baby quilts for all the new babies and I had honestly completely forgot about it until my mom informed me yesterday. The fact that she's using some material from one of my mom's dreses makes it that much more special. I can't wait!
    I think I decided on the Coco Dot bedding from Pottery Barn. As much as I want the crib bumper to complete the set, I don't think I'm going to get it since I can't really use it anyway for safety reasons. If it all came in a package deal, maybe, but it's $99 just for the bumper and pretty much useless so I may as well use that money somewhere else. We also decided to go with dark wood furniture. I can't wait to get started ordering stuff. I found a crib, mattress, and dresser set I like from Wal-Mart and a crib, dresser, and changer set I like from JC Penney. I'm not sure which I'll go with. I need to check out Baby Depot too. I have a hard time buying stuff online because I like to feel and see the quality. I've noticed a lot of them are made of soft pine wood and show all kinds of dents and scratches. I want a 4-in-1 crib, but if it's going to show tons of wear by the time we're ready to convert it to a big-girl bed then I don't see the point.
    H_82 - Let us know when you get your furniture. I'd love to hear your thoughts on the JCP quality. I've never ordered furniture from there, but am definitely interested.

    We went to a really small Halloween party Saturday night. Eric and I went as a guido and guidette. lol (We're Jersey Shore watchers...lame I know. lol) I drew on his abs with a marker and bought him the douchiest clothes we could find. He used an orange marker on his face to make it really orange. haha!! I tried to use really dark makeup, but wasn't about to put marker on my face, washable or not. He was fist pumpin' all night. Funny stuff! I put a picture as my default.

    I've slacked WAY too much on exercise the past 2 weeks. I've lost a lot of motivation, but I REALLY need to get back on track. I feel so much better when I work out. I feel like I haven't been eating much because I just don't have a huge appetite.

    Goals this week:
    Jog/walk at least 3 times
    Yoga 2 times
    Figure out what to wear for our holiday pictures next Sunday.
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hello Happy halloween! Last day of October, incredible huh!

    Well last week was unsuccesful workout week, spent too much time looking for costumes and plain busy. I will get back on track this week. J's soccer tourney ended yesterday morning, with a loss. :frown:

    On another note, Mom is coming to the U/S yay! I forgave her for forgetting already. hahaha :heart:

    Babeed-Awesome costumes-you guys look great.

    Heather-Hang in there girlie you might be surprised soon. You are no lazy momma, you are very inspirational.

    Kristy-It's always good to shop around and good luck finding what your really want.

    Ashley- your nursery is awesome, mind if I steal a few ideas? LOL

    Amy-Best wishes for your lil one. Keep good thoughts!

    Ash- It's the momma lion mind set of caring for your baby. Don't stress out I am sure you'll get back in ship shape soon after.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I just wanted to share a recipe with you all. I made it last night and just ate it for lunch and it is very satisfying. I got it from someone here on MFP and actually logged the nutritional info, and for 1/6 of the recipe, only 375 cals, 29 carbs, 15 fat, 33 protein, 4 fiber, and 38% calcium. I did steal some of the ground turkey for my baked potato yesterday and adjusted so if you use the whole pound in your recipe, it will change slightly. I think I am going to use this method and make different kinds - chicken and veggie, etc. It is pretty easy and I am loving crock pot recipe these days for Sundays. I am writing from memory.

    1. Saute 1 large onion, 1 (or 2) garlic cloves, and 1 pound ground turkey in a non stick pan untill turkey is cooked. Add 1 teaspoon oregano, and 1 teaspoon salt (I used less salt and actually added a little frozen pesto as well). Add 3 8oz. cans tomato sauce, 1 6oz can tomato paste, and 1 cup water. Satuee untill everything comes together.

    2. In the meantime, combine 2 cups low fat cottage cheese, 2 cups shredded mozzerella (I used a little less), and about 1/3 - 1/4 cup of parmesean cheese in separate bowl.

    3. Put 1/4 of meat, sauce mixture in bottom of crock pot. Add wheat noodles, breaking up to cover (I used about 2 noodles per layer). Spread 1/3 cheese mixture. Top with 1/4 meat sauce mixture and continue layering (3 full layers) and top with remaining 1/4 of sauce mixture.

    4. Cook on low in crockpot for 4-5 hours. I cooked mine for 4 hours and it was plenty. I would recommend letting it stand for 15 minutes before cutting and serving as it tends to run and is extremely hot if you serve immediately. I cut into 6 servings and it is very filling. Enjoy!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.....

    Actually I'm not sure if it's good or not yet. I feel b***** today, and yesterday a little bit too. Got woke up at 6:00 a.m. yesterday after only sleeping about 10 hours between Thurs. and Fri. night. So I wasn't happy. My one day a week to sleep in until at least 7:30 and my son and hubby woke me up for nothing!!! Guess I don't see why I need to be up that early just because they want to be.

    Keep telling myself be nice, just be nice!!! Feeling a lil' better now that I got some coffee I guess.

    On a better note, my son got 1st place at the tournament, yay - 3 in a row!! We are bumping him up a group next weekend, it will be hard, but it will be a good challenge for him! After the tournament, hubby headed home, me and Isaac went shopping, got some clothes that fit and returned 80.00 worth of stuff that didn't!! Plus got last minute things for my baby shower this weekend. I'm excited. On Sunday, thankfully my sister came and helped me. We moved all the stuff out of the computer room, (had to move it upstairs, 2 sets of stairs, then painted the nursery. Decided to go with white and then pink trim and pink shelves. Hoping to get some decal/stensils for the walls and then once I get everything else in there I think it will turn out super cute!!! I feel so much better just getting that much done. At least I have a place to put my stuff after the shower on Sunday.

    This week is super busy. I am going to try and get a few walks in and hopefully yoga once or twice. Hubbys home so it's hard to do workout videos with him sitting there. LOL.

    Monday - work, trick or treating
    Tues. - work, late doctor appt., lil' bit of shopping
    Wed. - work, parent teacher meetings ]
    Thurs. - work, finish touch ups in nursery
    Fri - work, and idk.
    Sat. - wrestling tournament, clean house
    Sun - Baby shower

    Workouts will be best if I can get it out of the way early in the morning, but well see. Another goal is to get off work on time, not working 1-2 hours late everyday this week!!!!

    Heather - I am anxious and I still have over 3 months to go. LOL. I think at that point every pregnant person is just ready to have the baby!! We've by the waited long enough!! Good luck. She'll be here soon though!!

    bmfrazie - That is awesome time for 9 miles!!! Awesome!

    Amy - Good luck at your upcoming appt. will be thinking and praying for you and baby!

    Ashley - Your nursery is awesome!!!!! Good job, I love it.

    Ash - Your goals are great. I wish I had time to get that much exercise in, in a week. Hoping I will after wrestling season, couple more weeks. I had to leave my son for the first time when he was 8 weeks old I think, it was sad, it wasn't even 24 hours, but he looked different to me when I got back. They change so much so quick. It's hard leaving them period. I still have a hard time leaving my 7 year old unless it's with my mom or my sister. It's all about bein a mom, that just how we are.

    babeed - Your costumes are cute!!!

    Kristy - Your and your hubby's costumes crack me up!!! I watch Jersey Shore too, it's one of those shows that you get addicted to because you gotta see all the drama. LOL Good job on the costumes. :)

    Lunarokra - Yay, so glad your mom is going with you!! Sorry about the soccer tourney. I hate when our team loses, it's sad because they work so hard. Maybe next time.

    Ashley - Thanks for the idea, I love using my crock pot. It's so nice when I get home and dinner is done! I'm going to try it this week. :) Actually got potato soup in my crock pot right now.

    Anyone else at this stage having a lot of hip pain? My hips hurt a lot all of a sudden, don't know if it's weight, or pressure or what I can do for it. Plan on asking doctor tomorrow. Kinda thought it was too soon for my hips to spread but maybe not.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Ok...I'm going to try this again lol :bigsmile:
    Happy Halloween everyone! Is anyone dressing up today or tonight? I totally dropped the ball on Halloween this year, my husband and I just carved our pumpkins last night and bought the candy for the kiddies tonight. I'm thinking of running out at lunch to try to find cat ears and just dress up like a cat for handing out candy tonight :wink: that's always easy!

    I had a SUPER busy weekend and got SO much done. It was great but I'm definitely exhausted today and my hips are feeling the effects of a really busy weekend of non-stop walking and just constantly being on my feet! I'm actually happy sitting at my desk for the day today which NEVER happens lol.
    So I wrote a super long post before and it didn't work because I didn't read that the last forum was locked (Monday/baby brain!) anyway I'm going to summarize as best I can....

    I had a really good weekend, picked up the bassinet at Babies R Us (it was the last one!) it's a Graco Travel Lite Crib with Stages -Cabo. It fits perfect beside the bed and can be used as a travel crib and playpen later on :happy: it's really cute and super easy to set up. It's already beside the bed lol. Then I turbo cleaned my house and the main floor is finally at a place where I'm not constantly irritated if I sit too long and look around going "oh I should really..." lol so that's good. Now I just have to tackle the upstairs!
    On Sunday I went for breakfast with my mom and then we went to Kids Furniture Gallery and did some damage! lol We found the baby bedroom set (Crib, mattress, dresser/change table, and bedding) I'm so surprised I was able to find bedding that I liked but I did and I LOVE's a retro-ie owl print with sections that are striped as well, it's SO cute and I LOVE it. I also got the change pad with matching cover. AND we found an owl themed play mat that is super cute too. I also bought one of those baby sleeping bag onesies because you can't use a blanket, it's made out of bamboo and it's super soft and cute. The nice thing about the crib etc is the store is coming to deliver and put everything together on Nov 19th! Which will be wonderful! Now I just have to get the computer room cleaned out and ready! :bigsmile: I'm so excited. And now we have a theme Owl/Forrest - so we're going to start getting everything together...I just can't wait until the room is done! Definitely getting there!
    On Saturday this weekend, we also had supper at my inlaws and my MIL found my husbands mobile and it still works, it's SO cute and she found these little crochet animals that her mother made and we're going to use them on the mobile. I'm so excited. It means a lot :happy: They also pulled out a whole bunch of Jay's old baby things/toys etc. It was really cool.

    Anyway...I will be 6 months this week! WOW the time is flying. We also have our prental classes this weekend in Calgary that I won from Healthy Birth Choices and I'm really excited. We just need to book our hotel! LOL. Even though we'll be in class all weekend it will still be nice to get away with my husband and stay in a hotel :bigsmile: I'm really looking forward to it. Just have to make it through this week! But with how fast the weeks have been going it shouldn't be that hard!

    Better_Balance_2 - the painting is amazing! My husband and I are going to attempt to paint a mural ourselves and we're going to do a tree with some animals, birds/owls - wish us luck! I hope ours turns out as well!

    Heather - you're doing amazing, I am so excited for you and hope that the baby comes soon!

    Anyways, I should get back to work! 15 weeks of work left! LOL...but who's counting?

    Have a fab Monday ladies! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    mistibergman - my hips, lower back, and pelvis have been bugging me for weeks now :frown: I went to the chiro once and I should probably go back. I was also thinking about asking my doctor too. I have an appointment next week so I will for sure...I have a lot of trouble sleeping because of it, and if I'm on my feet for too long or walk too long (shopping trip or something) I really pay for it after...and I'm going to be 24 weeks this week.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    It's me again. :ohwell: I forgot that I had my dr. apt. on Friday and my glucose and iron levels were good! I also got my RH neg shot and some blood drawn. The shot hurt. I liked my dr. My practice has 9-10 drs. so whoever is on call is who delivers your baby so I am trying to see them all. The last guy was really boring and not friendly at all, and this guy was super nice and so talkative. I would be OK for him to deliver the baby. They also set my next appointment for 2 weeks from now so I guess I am to the point where I go every 2 weeks from now on.

    Rayna, if you can get and use a projector for your wall art, even if it's projecting an image of an owl or animal, it helps so much. I consider myself to be somewhat artistic, but drawing on a wall and getting everything scaled properly is hard. The projector made it so much easier to get the base started.

    Misti, my lower back has been bothering me some. I just went for a 20ish minute walk and it hurts now. I had small problems with it before and they're just getting worse. I can pretty much twist and crack my lower vertebrae at any given time. I have been to the chiro once and will probably have to go again. I think I am going to schedule a preggo massage for in a few weeks after my test, which I scheduled for 11/17, so check that off my list!

    Alright, back to work.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals!

    Well...had a fairly good weekend. Friday was busy and didn't get a chance to exercise. Saturday I did my strength/cardio workout, and yesterday I did some yoga. Ate too much yesterday as well...and already today I have munched on too much Halloween candy! BUMMER!! Plan tonight is another strength/cardio workout.

    For the week:
    Strength/cardio-3 times
    Yoga-3 times

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • AmyMooreOrLess
    AmyMooreOrLess Posts: 320 Member
    Bump! Gotta stay in the know with my pregnant MFP friends!
    Happy Halloween Mamas.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Okay, I've caught up with everybody

    Heather, hang in there. I know it's easier said than done but I think you're doing a wonderful job and definitely an inpiration to the rest of us on here. Just when you least expect it, this baby will come knocking!! Meanwhile, your weekend sounds amazing! What I wouldn't give to sit a day on teh couch with Thai food and some scary movies!!

    Amy- Just a few more days until your apt and then you can adk your doctor about working out. meanwhile, be sure to take it easy and enjoy the next few days on the couch!!

    Better balance- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the nursery! You guys did an amazing job and all that hard work had definitely paid off!!! I hope that your friend is able to find his little friend. I hate to hear of pets that are lost/outside for extended periods of time. Weather is not the best and changing fast. As far as your doctors apt, glad to hear that everything went well. Here's to prayin that you get a good doctor that you feel comfortable with!!

    Abeare- A bit of a stress there iwth you being the maid of honor & having to do the bachorlette party. I know that the baby is still young, but I'm sure you can stay away for a few hours. Well, I say that now- but wait until I have mine and I might be right there with you, LOL.... Hopefully, by then you can have a good babysitter and that will help relieve some of the stress.

    Kristy- I don't watch jersy shore, but your costumes are a riot!! LOL!! Love them!! Suggestion if you can (if it's an option for you) to check on Craigslist for Coco Dot bedding. it's hit or miss what you find but then again you might hit the jackpot like we did :wink:

    Luna- I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I'm sure she didn't mean it like it came out, but our hormones make us a little more sensitive at times than others. Glad you forgave her and that she's able to accompany you to the U/S!! What an exciting moement! I was on pins and needles the entire time!

    Misti- congrats on the 1st place tourney!! My nephew plays his this weekend and he's called a few times to make sure that I don't forget that we need to be there. LOL!! Love them at that age!! Still sounds like you have lots going on, so be sure to take 5 or 10 min out here and there for yourself. Even if it's just to take a deep breathe.

    Rayna- Holy cow did you get a lot done this weekend!! You are rockin and a rollin!! LOL!! I'm sure getting all this takes the load off and you can now start on nesting!! Be sure to take pics of you class/location if you can and keep us in the loop! Sounds like a fun class!!

    Kristin- Stay away from teh candy!! but I know how difficult that is to do! Woo! Try to balance by drinking more water?? Meanwhile, good job aon your dedication to working out!

    AFM- Working lots of late nights this week. Going to be a little crazy since the east is covered in the storm. We'll have a bit more work on this side. Felt the baby kick for the first time Saturday morning and the hubby actually got to see/feel him kicking. He freaked out a little....OK...he freaked out A LOT!! It was too funny but exciting to see his reactions. Spend most of the halloween party with hands on the tummy trying to see if they could get a reaction from the baby and much to my surprise we did. Apparently, my kid :heart: Rock Band!! he was going to town with most of the 80's songs that were being played. Then the game became lets see which one he likes best. Needless to say, I was extremely exhausted yesterday.

    Today is a new day and he's been kicking up a storm today as well. Trying to see if I can figure out a pattern of his movements or see if he's just all over the place??

    As for the hip pain- I haven't had any but then again I pop my back and stretch it all the time and that ususally does it. Keep me posted on what the doctors say! :flowerforyou:
  • nkster781
    nkster781 Posts: 235 Member
    Happy Halloween to all!

    I love all your costumes. I still need to carve my pumpkin, haha. I guess tonight's better time than never:0) I hope we get lots of Trick or Treaters because I can not be left alone with too much candy, haha. I heard a good thing to do is freeze whatever you don't use that way it is harder to eat. So I will definitley do that.

    Heather that baby will be here before you know it. I'm sure she will come when you least expect it.

    Better Balance your nursery is amazing! Great job:0)

    Hope everyone else is well. I'm still pretty busy at work and it's hard to keep up.

    I'm doing pretty good. I'm starting to feel really pregnant. This baby is really starting to get big and her moves are more uncomfortable. She loves to lay on my bladder. Also this weekend I think she was breeched sideways. I had a lump on my left side and a lump on my right. Today I think she is where she is supposed to be. I feel movement in my pelvis and near my ribs. I've been trying so hard not to recline as to keep this baby in the right position. It won't be long before she runs out of room to turn around.

    Well better go, have a great day all!