Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey, guys its month end and I'm already slammed at work....So I'll have to catch up during lunch.

    QUESTION- How do you ladies stay cool in "certain" areas??? :blushing:

    Doctor told me that I should start noticing heat waves in certain areas and oh boy do I think he jinxed me!! I'm not sure what to do and I didn't ask him when he mentioned it??

    Suggestions/Advice anything would be GREATLY appreciated!!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning beautiful preggers gals!

    babeed...I have NO idea! I am so sorry. I have not experience that at all. Hope someone can help you out!

    Heather...a massage sounds wonderful! And I hope your baby comes soon!!

    Ashley...sounds like you had a productive night! How fun!

    peaches...have a good trip!

    Karen...congratulations! Hope to have you join us here soon!

    bmfrazie...correct...listen to the doctor. Light spotting should be fine. I had light spotting several times during my first pregnancy and it was totally normal. thoughts and prayers are with you! Hope everything is fine! Just take it easy!

    Missconfidence...just make healthy choices now and I'm sure you will be fine! It's never to late to start!!

    Luna, abeare, H_82, taldie, Rayna, better balance, and everyone else...HELLO!

    AFM: Got in a good jog/walk last night with Kadence! It felt great!! Tonights plan is strength/cardio workout! Feeling pretty motivated these days...YAY!!

    Have a great day gals!!
  • batgirlrox
    Good Morning Lovely Ladies!

    Taldie- Great job on the runs! I found some decals on for fairly cheap.

    Sabrinafaith-NEVER hehe. The thought/smell of it makes me run to the bathroom.

    KTGator- Hope your appointment goes well today. We are telling my mom and dad this weekend. We told my in-laws a few weeks ago and it was a thrill!

    Luna-I love sleep in days!

    AmyRhubarb- That is very cute that your older daughter is so excited! I hope my UC never progresses far enough to require surgery but let me tell you there have been a few times I was ready to just say take it all out NOW!! haha I hope that bleeding stops soon and stays away but you're right a full term pregnancy of a healthy baby is way more important then keeping up your exercise routine.*hugs*

    Mistibergman- Hope the crib works out, that's an awesome deal.

    Andrea- Congratz!! That's so exciting. I'm praying for stickiness for you! If it's any consolidation I've had cramps for the last 6-7 weeks(I'm almost 9 weeks along) It always freaks me out a little but it's just your uterus growing.

    babeed- Congratz on the boy!!! I'm hoping and praying for a boy but in the end I will be happy if it is a strong and healthy baby. I'm glad you were able to have a patient U/S/ tech!

    Kristy- I'm glad the vision wasn't anything too serious.

    Emrogers- WTG on finishing that race. It sounds horrible but what an accomplishment to say you actually completed it!

    MissConfidence- Congrats on the U/S. I am slightly worried about one of my dogs who has a few behaviour problems(He's been in numerous obedience training sessions but something's he just flat out doesn't like!). We are having a behaviourist in before we have the baby to help us with a few things. I find 95% of people have no trouble with their dogs if there was no issue before hand. In fact a lot of dogs even become quite protective of the new little addition.

    Karen- OMG YAY!!!! That's sooo exciting! I hope everything comes back great. I know the struggles you were having with conceiving number 2 and I'm so happy it's finally happened for you!

    Millionsofpeaches- Have fun!!

    Heather- I hope you she lets go soon and comes out to greet you! I know you are very excited to meet her. I guess some contractions are better then no contractions at all:).
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Karen Big big congrats! sending you sticky baby dust!! Hope your here soon.

    I felt pretty nauseaus at work yesterday and ended up getting sick, still went to my aquasize class and it was great! Porbablu going to bake 48 cupcakes tonight for the kids halloween party this sat. I must have been carrying some water weight yesterday cause I was back down 2lbs this am. Total gain 13lbs at 13 weeks! Oh boy.:ohwell: My walking buddy cant make it today so I might do some weights in the gym (that is over crowded with stuff that needs to go to storage) luckily still enough room for me to lift some weights.
  • batgirlrox
    Well my doctors appointment on Monday was a bit of a let down. Basically all I got out of it was a "Congratulations". I didn't get to pee in a cup or go for blood work or anything:(. On the bright side I guess my doctor trusts me (He works in the Emergency department I bring a lot of my patients too) but still hmpf! When I phoned and booked my appointment I told them it would be a prenatal visit. They advised that the doctor wanted to see me before booking a prenatal appointment so I assumed they were right and just went with what they told me. He told me when I get pregnant again just go ahead an book a pre-natal appointment when I'm between 9-12 weeks. So now I'm waiting until the end of November to get an actual appointment.

    I didn't quite understand but his dates and gestation were off mine. I have calculated probably 20 times on different calculators an EDD of May 31st which at the time would have put me at 8weeks 4 days. He calculated an EDD of June 4th but said I was 9 weeks along. I'm not sure how a later due date would put me farther along but that's what he said haha.

    He also advised they wouldn't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks. I have no clue how I'm going to wait that long! I was so excited with all the girls on here having one around 12 weeks. I want nothing more then to see this little peanut and see/hear it's heartbeat.

    I had a slight glimmer of hope when my doctor told me they would probably cancel my colposcopy which I have scheduled on Nov 3rd since I'm now pregnant. So I excitedly phoned up my gynaecologist who, quite to my dismay, said we would still do the test he just wouldn't take any biopsies of my cervix. Well now any slight excitement that came from my doctors appointment was shattered.

    I ate horribly yesterday food choice wise. I was under my calories but everything I ate was unhealthy minus the banana I'd had for my morning snack. I did freeze through a walk/jog with my puppies yesterday although I somehow have managed to strain the top of 1 foot?!?! I didn't think that was possible but apparently it is haha. Today should be better on the eating train and hopefully I'll still get a little workout in after preschool. Even if it's just running around at the park for 30 minutes at least it's something.

    On a bright note: I get to take my friends 4 year old to her preschool Halloween party today. I am attempting a makeshift Minnie Mouse costume since all of my real costumes probably aren't suitable for a preschool function. She will be excited all the same so I am too.

    Have a great day!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    He also advised they wouldn't do an ultrasound until 20 weeks. I have no clue how I'm going to wait that long! I was so excited with all the girls on here having one around 12 weeks. I want nothing more then to see this little peanut and see/hear it's heartbeat.


    I'll send you blue fairy dust and hopefully you can have my luck- I had a very difficult time with the gender issue. I wanted a boy so bad I couldn't see myself with a girl. Thanks to a great support group, some research and hard core praying. When week 20 rolled around I was mentally ready for a girl and I was actually a little excited if you want the truth. :ohwell:

    I know that 20 weeks seems forever from now, but they do fly buy. So many thing happen and so many changes by the time you know it, you'll be counting down the 2 weeks left before the sonogram!!

    Hang in there, your body is about to go through a physical/ emotional rollercoaster!!!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    MissConfidence: I understand the concern about the pups, but try not to build up any anxiety about it. Remember dogs feed off of their 'Alpha', so if you handle calmly and sternly, the pups will likely respond. A nervous owner means a nervous dog. Something that has been mentioned on this board previously is the idea of getting a doll to start working with the dogs on setting parameters and restrictions on their behaviours...maybe something to try.

    Amy: Chin up! Keep ALL POSITIVE thoughts. Take it easy. And know that we are all sending loads of positive energy your way!

    Karen: Congratulations!!

    millionsofpeaches: Hope you have an amazing time!

    Ashley: Great job on the furniture. And at the end of the day, the way I feel about hitting all my exercise goals is-so long as I'm staying active the whole day (and I don't give excuses and end up on the couch), I'm happy. Between working, family, household responsibilities, and making sure to get our much needed sleep, sometimes there isn't time in the day to do much else. Maybe that isn't the optimal way to approach it, but its what keeps me from feeling guilty those days that I can't get any exercise in for true lack of time.

    Heather: Thanks as always for keeping us so motivated!! And so glad you enjoyed your massage!! Fingers crossed that she'll be ready to introduce herself to you sooner than later.

    babeed854: Unfortunately haven't experienced that sensation. Did you try looking online?

    Kristin: Yay!!

    taldie01: Hope you feel better. But amazing that you still pushed yourself to go to class! Awesome.

    Amanda: Unfortunately not all doctors perform a first trimester ultrasound. Did you inquire specifically about it? If not, mention and see what his reason is for not performing one. Usually a first trimester is important to making sure the baby implanted correctly and that the early formation looks as it should. I'm sure the Nov 3rd procedure will go fine. Remember the doctor must still be recommending because its important to your overall health. Healthy mommy = Healthy baby. And good luck with the costume. I'm sure it will be adorable!

    Thanks everyone for the decal websites! Haven't done a ton of searching yet, but this will definitely come in handy. We chose an adorable neutral bug (as we didn't find out the sex of the baby) baby bedding that I want to work with in putting together the nursery. Having lots of places to look is so important when you're going neutral in theme/colors. So again, Thanks!

    Ate decently well yesterday, but didn't get a walk in with the pup as I had hoped. Stayed later than intended at work and after making dinner it was pitch black out. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, but lately there have been physical assaults happening in my neighborhood (which is never the case) and I wasn't comfortable going out without my husband. And today I really wish I had. It was a beautiful 70-something degrees yesterday. Today a miserable, gloomy, looking like its going to rain 50 degrees. Going to push through it though. Going for a much needed walk with Abby, while my poor Mia stays home and heals. I can't wait for the next 3-6 weeks to go by. I know she's just my puppy, but watching her limp around in her cast is kinda heartbreaking.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • 1toInfinity
    1toInfinity Posts: 69 Member
    Today I am going to attempt to do a 20 minute Strength workout. I will also get in my 2 mile walk...I am so glad that I have decided to get back on track with this Healthy Lifestyle. I am really looking forward to the Middle of Decemeber becuase our grocery budget can finally get back to normal!! I really hate that its so tight right now due to some bills but I am doing my best!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hey all! Just wanted to quickly share this link for any of you ladies looking for sewing projects to make things for your baby or your nursery! This is amazing! All the tutorials & patterns are FREE :bigsmile: so much cute stuff!

    Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    :grumble: Congrats Karen, welcome!

    Heather- Your massage sounds so good , I really need one for my back now!!

    Imperfect51-Great job on the workouts. I walk most of the days even if it's 20-30 mins.

    Rayna-Thanks for the link.

    Amy: Good vibes!

    MofP-Enjoy have a safe trip.

    Babeed-I always thought I would have a boy, and it is a lil girl! I think we are very blessed to have what we want right?

    Amanda-Sorry to hear your appt didn't go as you would have liked, but when you hear the heartbeat it will be amazing.

    I ate very good yesterday veggies, salmon, chicken-I didn;t walk because I am last min costume shopping.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    :grumble: Congrats Karen, welcome!

    Heather- Your massage sounds so good , I really need one for my back now!!

    Imperfect51-Great job on the workouts. I walk most of the days even if it's 20-30 mins.

    Rayna-Thanks for the link.

    Amy: Good vibes!

    MofP-Enjoy have a safe trip.

    Babeed-I always thought I would have a boy, and it is a lil girl! I think we are very blessed to have what we want right?

    Amanda-Sorry to hear your appt didn't go as you would have liked, but when you hear the heartbeat it will be amazing.

    I ate very good yesterday veggies, salmon, chicken-I didn;t walk because I am last min costume shopping.

    Luna, your too sweet. I'm so grateful....So thankful...So blessed. I'm just crazy happy :happy:
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Oops my grumble was supposed to be on me. lol
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I thought for sure there would be tons of posts since I am late getting to the office! But alas.....

    Just checking in. I'm on track with my goals for the week. I've been staying productive and made it to yoga last night. I even finished my costume! Rosanna, I'm there with you on productivity being a priority. As long as I'm not laying around doing nothing, even if I'm not burning tons of calories, I am still doing SOMETHING. Yoga was good last night although it was a little more difficult than a few weeks ago. My belly gets in the way so I am not getting a lot of benefit from the forward bends in the ashtanga series. My legs so go but my belly says no way dude. It feels good just to stretch and I have heard the benefits from yoga in labor can be very good. My personal trainer friend brought me a prenatal DVD over the weekend so I hope to try that out soon. Last night one thing that has not happened to me ever in yoga (except Bikram) was that I got dizzy at the end of class, like had to kneel during the final chants kind of dizzy. We had been doing some deep breathing prior and I guess maybe my blood pressure was just doing something weird. Once I was seated, I was fine. And then I was starving after yoga and ate FIVE!! tacos. And I probably could have put down a sixth and this morning woke up starving. I weighed in this morning and did not have a gain so am sitting at 15.5 pounds at 27 weeks which I am pleased with. Tomorrow I go to the dr for a checkup. I am going to try to get a short run on the treadmil in tonight but may end up finishing up laundry and doing a few things around the house before friends come over at 6:30 to go see PA3 instead. Can't wait!

    We're almost to the weekend! Are we closer to any new babies yet?

  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    I was wondering how so many of you guys were able to comment on almost everybody on here. What a task. I got smart and saw that Ashley was doing what I was doing then saw Heather's suggestion. I feel like a TOTAL GENIUS now!!! HA!

    Ashely, I also bought my dresser off a lady who sells shabby chic, etc. stuff out of her house and I got an email one day saying she was moving and the dresser I wanted usually goes for like 300 bucks done. Mine; 50 bucks!!! It was so freaking AWESOME I had to pick it up that night. Yay!! I also bought my bassinet off Craigslist and got an AWESOME deal for something that was brand new. :) I LOVE it!!! Congrats on your purchase!!!!

    Karen, my prayers are with you ;)

    Amy, I'm also thinking of you and REST, REST, REST. Prayers and XOXO. ;)

    Amanda, you sound like I did before obviously finiding out what I was having. I'm NOT exaggerating when I say I used to stay up thinking of what I was going to have. I have a 12 year old and we had our whole wonderful lives planned out with only one child then that changed when the baby blues hit sooooooo I was overly EXCITED!!!! What seemed like something that just happened is almost OVER :( So ENJOY it. I'm 6 months and I'm trying to enjoy the last few months I have left. Oh and when I found out I was having another boy. OMG!! I cried, laughed, cried and laughed some more. What a blessing. So CONGRATS and enjoy EVERY single aspect of being preggos. :)
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all! :o)
    I'm going to try to find some time to go back and read through - I haven't had a chance! Welcome all the new momma's to be!
    Hope everyone is doing well! :flowerforyou:

    As for me, I totally scored last night and a friend hooked me up with some sweet gently used baby/pregnancy stuff!
    I got an awesome baby chair that vibrates and can be stationary or turn into a rocker, then when the baby is older it can turn into a toddler chair! :bigsmile: it's so awesome. I also got a microwave sanitizer for bottles etc. and these little things that are adjustable that you place the baby on so they don't roll over in their sleep! :happy: genius! Also she gave me a book that is a guide to newborns to 12 months (she said it was a lifesaver!) and my favorite part...she gave me these two wedge things for me to use when I'm sleeping at night...SERIOUSLY ladies...I used them last night and they rocked my world. I've been so uncomfortable and just using the body pillow hasn't been cutting it. So I stuck one wedge behind me and under my back and one in front and under my belly and then the body pillow between my knees...and I was honestly in HEAVEN :bigsmile: :heart: It was amazing, I actually had an excellent sleep and woke up way less than I usually do. I'm going to have to take this girl out for dinner as a big thank you!

    Anyway just wanted to give a short update...I'm 23 weeks today and feeling good aside from the aches and pains in my hips/lower back/pelvis area and my ribs. Other than that I'm feeling awesome. The random morning sickness has toned down a bit and I mostly just feel nauseous in the morning but don't get sick so that's always good!

    Back to work now! Have a great day everyone!
  • rosannabarbaroflores
    Just a quick check-in.
    Trying not to get frustrated and really trying to live my own words, but I didn't get my planned exercise in yesterday. After work my mother helped me clean my china cabinet and its contents (because I'm a clutz, and it hadn't been done in TOO long because I was too afraid of breaking another piece of china), and that took two hours! This caused dinner to be a less than optimal meal of spaghetti. And my husband and I didn't sit down to dinner until 8:45pm! After cleaning up after dinner, I immediately zonked out on the couch. Terrible!...Abby and I didn't get our walk in...I can't believe how much time/effort its taking me to prep for our Halloween party this year. Tonight I have several more tasks to get completed in order to not be a mad woman on Saturday. Realistically I'm wondering if I'm going to get any yoga or strength training in at all until Sunday. My only solace in all this is I know I'm moving the whole time I'm awake (except when I'm sitting at my desk at work), which means I'm burning calories. But I'm not exactly breaking a sweat, or getting my heartrate up, or performing any sort of strength training. Ugh...anyway....I guess I just needed a little vent session. Sorry ladies, but thanks for listening!

    Hopefully I can check back in later today with a better attitude!!! If not, you ladies have an Amazing Day!!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Cold, windy, rainy day in Texas! Blah...But I'm feeling great!! Naseau is finally gone. I'm not sick anymore. Sleeping well. Eating better and feeling fuller!! Wish the 9 months of pregnancy could be like this! :love:

    Didn't get to work out last night, since we headed to the mall but did manage two good walks around the mall before we stopped at Burlington Coat Factory. We found bedding that totally fell in love with!

    When we got home, hubby jumped on Craigslists and found the exact same bedding with the rug/lamp for $50!!! So he's going to try to get hold of hte couple today!! i :heart: craigslist!!!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ashely - Your weight gain is awesome!!! You seem to be right on track too! Awesome! I kinda feel like my belly gets in the way when I do yoga sometimes too, but supposedly it makes labor a lot easier! I hope so anyway! I agree as long as I'm busy which I am 90% of my day, I don't feel too bad about missing out on exercise, unless I miss a few days in a row, that irritates me!

    Rayna - I've heard about the wedge support pillows. I think I might try that. I keep waking up on my stomach, poor lil' baby probably don't like that much. :( Glad it worked for you!

    Emrogers - I was also writing everything down, trying not to miss someone on here, I feel like a complete nerd not thinking to open another window. So THANKS Heather for the great idea!!! :)

    Lunarokra - LOL That's funny, when I was reading all the posts I seen the grumble and was wondering why it was there, but then couldn't figure out where it should've been. LOL!

    Yay for Thursday - this week is FLYING by!!! They all are but this one really is. I've done pretty well on my goals for the week. Gotta do yoga tonight. I walked/speed walked 2 miles last night but I ate pizza for dinner! Kind of a celebration of my son getting 100% on his last 5 spelling tests!! Woo Hoo! (Proud Mama)! I got my car seat and stroller yesterday, my sister got my swing and my MIL got my playpen/bassinet/changing table! Yay! It's a lot cuter than it was online. Excited to have my first big purchase out of the way!

    Heather - Where are you this morning? I keep thinking your gonna have that lil' baby any day and I don't see a post from you this morning!!! :)

    Rosanna - Don't worry about your excercise. I know it gets irritating when you plan to do it and then don't or can't, but I would just focus on getting things finished for your party so you can enjoy it and not be stressed out!! Sunday starts a new week, just start again then, like you said, your busy all day! At least your not laying on the couch doing nothing!!!!! Could be worse. Relax, finish your planning and enjoy your party!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Real quick checkin cause I'm meeting a friend for I will come in later and comment.

    My doc appt went well this morning. Al got to come, which was nice being able to sit and talk to him while I sat there with my pants off in a cold room waiting for 30 minutes....Anyways, I am 1cm dilated and 40% effaced and the baby's head is "low". She stripped my membranes which was slightly uncomfortable and crampy feeling...but not as bad as so many women claimed it to be. She said the key is to have lots of sex that on the goals for the rest of the week. lol I am measuring a little larger than I was last week so she is definitely in there growing. I am still at 30-32lbs gained at this point which I'm fine with.

    That's about it. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Real quick checkin cause I'm meeting a friend for I will come in later and comment.

    My doc appt went well this morning. Al got to come, which was nice being able to sit and talk to him while I sat there with my pants off in a cold room waiting for 30 minutes....Anyways, I am 1cm dilated and 40% effaced and the baby's head is "low". She stripped my membranes which was slightly uncomfortable and crampy feeling...but not as bad as so many women claimed it to be. She said the key is to have lots of sex that on the goals for the rest of the week. lol I am measuring a little larger than I was last week so she is definitely in there growing. I am still at 30-32lbs gained at this point which I'm fine with.

    That's about it. Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

    heather glad to hear from you!! I'm with Misti, if I don't see a post I start wondering if you've had that baby yet! Glad to hear your appt went well and much more excited that your hubby was with you. I always find that helps me out tremedously. Support is so important!!

    Now what does strip the membranes mean? And do I really want to know and more importantly if you're having a C-section does that still come into play?

    Enjoy lunch!