Being short and overweight



  • Janat60
    Janat60 Posts: 4 Member
    LuckyPrincess.....You are 37, I am 58. Quite an age difference, but I am 5' 1" and 192. You are right that it is hard to lose weight when you are short. It's also hard to hide it when you are short. Please don't let others get to you saying that you don't have that much to lose or that you look great. If you want to lose, then you can do it. I was listening to others around me and all that did was encourage me to stay the same, or even gain so that I would fit in with them. You have to live with who you are and if you are not happy at the weight you are, then you are the one to make the decision to change. It seems that every year, I think to myself, "If you would have started eating healthier and exercising one year ago, you would probably be 20 pounds lighter by now.". Then another year goes by and I think the same thing, but I'm actually heavier. You are still young and it is easier to lose when you are younger. You sound very determined. I hope that you can keep it up. Picture yourself what you will look like one year from now and work towards that. Just this weekend I have re-committed to myself and a couple of friends that I am getting back on track. Getting back to using this website is a first step. Good luck with your plan and I hope that a year from now you are looking back and saying to yourself, "Wow, was that work ever worth it! I look Fantastic!!!!". :flowerforyou:
  • jmessina205
    jmessina205 Posts: 190 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! Im 5'3 and at my heaviest was about 170. Over the past few years of on and off dieting and tracking im now down to about 150. I would ideally like to be around 125, so i have a way to go. It sucks being short and carrying all your weight in the middle!!
  • Quarantined
    I'm 5'1 and am currently 72kg (roughly 155lbs I think), and started at 75kg (161lbs) which is the absolute heaviest I've ever been. People have always discouraged me when I have mentioned wanting to lose weight, or when they notice I have lost weight.
    When I was a teen I was about 67kg and I buckled down and lost 10kg - I had planned to lose another 10kg and that's when the put downs and jealousy started. In particular I remember a girl I worked with, who was known for being a full off herself b***h, looked me up and down with a very unpleasant look on her face and said "hmm. You've lost weight, right? Yeah, you should really stop now, you look like you've got a lollypop head". (my head being too big for my body). It made me so self conscious I stopped losing even though I was still overweight according to the BMI, and eventually put it all back on.

    Moral of the story is - pay no mind to the things people say. Never give them the satisfaction of derailing you! I regret that more than anything.
  • flutatious1
    flutatious1 Posts: 120 Member
    I'm 4' 11" started at 175......down to 158 now - been working hard since May!!! I feel your pain, girl!
    feel free to add me if you want! :-)
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    I understand you too, there are plenty of people on the boards who are shorties so there's no need to feel alone! Sometimes the taller folk look at the weight and assume it's too low right away, but anytime I've mentioned my height along with it I've never gotten any questions. I'm 5'1'' and started at 143 (though I weighed a full 150 at my heaviest) and through the months I've gotten down to around 114-115 now and I'm finally on my last 10 pounds :drinker: Hang in there, you'll have plenty of support from us shorties too!
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    Eeek - I really am the fattest of all the shorties - am also 4'11 and 179lbs! Looking to get down to about 120 eventually...

    You are so not the fattest!:grumble: No matter, we'll all achieve our goals if we keep working on them.

    Nope!!! That said, I was at luckyprincessmelody's weight several few years ago. I was accused of being obsessed with my weight when I went on a two-year (YES, TWO-YEAR -- the lady, here, has endocrine ISSUES) crusade to lose the extra, but on someone 4'11" tall?

    No, you're not alone, and yes, we all DO understand, in this discussion! Go for it, and know that you are supported, encouraged, and cheered.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i totally know this feeling...I cant speak with most ppl in real life about dieting. >_< Feel free to add me as a friend <3 I will not judge you ^^
  • luckyprincessmelody
    Wow - thank you all so much for such powerful and supportive posts. I'm tearing up because it's SO nice to feel like you aren't alone and other people know exactly what you're feeling. It makes it suck a little less :P Really, thank you all for sharing with me - I really needed it. I have two weddings to go to, one this weekend and one next weekend and I don't fit into the dress I hearing all of your encouraging words was just what I needed.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    It was good to read through this thread.

    I'm 5'1.5" and 34. I've always been about ten pounds overweight (around 128) but when I hit 30 pounds started to creep on so I did Nutrisystem and got down to 120 (the lowest ever in my adult life).

    But once the Nutrisystem food was gone and I started eating "real" again, I gained it all back plus some! Ending up at 147, crying into my pillow after getting on the scale.

    So, here I am, working very hard and paying very close attention to my diet and calories. I am determined to get down to 115. I got to 120, whats another 5lbs?!

    Yeah, its harder to do than to say but I am focused on this. I cannot wait till I see my old 128, even though I always considered myself fat at that weight, its been awhile since I've seen that number.
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    Ugh I hear ya! I am 5'1 and at about 144 now (started at 150) and am trying to get down to 118-120. Its a challenge for sure, but you are definitely not alone!