Weightloss, Breast Implants, and Fitness Modeling

Has anyone out there lost a good bit of weight and also lost their breasts (lol)? I noticed as my body fat percentage went down, so did my lady lumps (because they are composed of fat of course.) Im unhappy about it! Im also wanting to become a fitness model.

So my question is, has anyone out there gotten breast implants due to that fact? If so, do you regret your decision or did it help you? Im trying to decide whether or not to get a pair.. Inform me on breast implants! I know a lot of fitness models have em because of their body fat percentages being low. Thanks.


  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.

    Go on. Im listening :) I want to know what a man truly thinks of em!!
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have them...my body fat isnt nearly as low as yours lol, but i had small boobs when i was heavy and they just kept getting smaller. Now I am def more proportionate. I went from a small B to a D......My husband and I love them :)
  • Kikilicious84
    This happend to me after losing weight and BF from having my first daughter. I'm looking to get some after I am at my goal from having this little one.

    As far as men having reservations against fake boobs...do what makes you happy.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.

    Go on. Im listening :) I want to know what a man truly thinks of em!!

    Me too.....do tell.......
  • kneeki
    kneeki Posts: 347 Member
    I love boobs! While at shopping, I donate to second base. (breast cancer)

    Anyway, here is a compiled list of boob and your body fat information read up. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=122848681
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.

    Go on. Im listening :) I want to know what a man truly thinks of em!!

    I'm sure that I'll be different than most men. But personally, I'm not a fan of surgery and things like that. There are too many complications and problems that can arise from having them done. Plus some women get them too freakin' big for their body.

    I'd rather have naturals then fakes. Age happens, it's something you should learn to accept and progress with, instead of trying to "fix".

    Oh, and FYI, boobs > *kitten*. But natural > fake. Any day.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I have them...my body fat isnt nearly as low as yours lol, but i had small boobs when i was heavy and they just kept getting smaller. Now I am def more proportionate. I went from a small B to a D......My husband and I love them :)

    Awesome! See my husband loves the idea of me getting some, so do I! I want some like Katy Perrys or fitness model Vanessa Tibs. I also LOVE Arianny Celeste's boobs.. I just have nothing :( Granted I would not trade my 6 pack for anything lol but I sure want some cleavage! I guess Im wanting to feel mor "feminine" ya know?

    Next question-Should i wait till after i have kids? Does pregnancy really screw up fake boobies THAT bad??? Cause I want them NOW! lol.

    How big did you go and are you happy with your size? Also, did u go the saline or silicone route
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I love boobs! While at shopping, I donate to second base. (breast cancer)

    Anyway, here is a compiled list of boob and your body fat information read up. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=122848681

    THANKYOU! :)
  • littleenginethatcan
    I hope you don't, cause there's just so many reasons against fake boobs.

    Go on. Im listening :) I want to know what a man truly thinks of em!!

    I'm sure that I'll be different than most men. But personally, I'm not a fan of surgery and things like that. There are too many complications and problems that can arise from having them done. Plus some women get them too freakin' big for their body.

    I'd rather have naturals then fakes. Age happens, it's something you should learn to accept and progress with, instead of trying to "fix".

    Oh, and FYI, boobs > *kitten*. But natural > fake. Any day.

    ^I Like!
  • BaliRun
    BaliRun Posts: 114 Member
    I have been contemplating the same thing.... My boobies are small as it is and the more body fat I lose the smaller they become. I decided to wait till I have kids to enlarge them because I hear that they change after childbirth and sometimes get bigger (hopefully), besides I want to make sure I can breast feed.

    As far as fitness modeling... I believe getting breast implants is almost a must especially if you are planning on competing. it gives you the feminine sexy look. Just don't get them too big (that looks fake and yucky in my opinion), get them natural!!!

    Who doesn't love boobies?!
  • margieward82
    margieward82 Posts: 406 Member
    Love mine! I have to run, but PM me or write on my wall and I'll remember to respond when I get back :)
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    I have been contemplating the same thing.... My boobies are small as it is and the more body fat I lose the smaller they become. I decided to wait till I have kids to enlarge them because I hear that they change after childbirth and sometimes get bigger (hopefully), besides I want to make sure I can breast feed.

    As far as fitness modeling... I believe getting breast implants is almost a must especially if you are planning on competing. it gives you the feminine sexy look. Just don't get them too big (that looks fake and yucky in my opinion), get them natural!!!

    Who doesn't love boobies?!

    I love boobies lol
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Boobs are a nice accessory, but they aren't the whole outfit.
    I prefer thin without boobs over heavy with boobs.
    The problem with implants is that they really only last about 10 years.
    So the $10,000 you pay today, gets repeated every 10 years.
    That's $1,000 a year to have cleavage.

    I have noticed that some women get implants so they look better while keeping the last ten pounds, but that is purely personal taste.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    i, personally, would not get them-and im what we call an "almost A cup" meaning at 21 i can still find training bras that fit. And i think that fitness competitors get implants due to the negative stereotypes surrounding female bodybuilding. I can imagine the difficulty looking feminine when your delts are bigger than "the girls". Again, i wouldnt do it personally because im comfortable with my itty bitties, but if it bothers you terribly be sure to do your homework when selecting a surgeon!
  • bearinthebigbluehouse
    I have them and I wish that I never got them! It was a gift to myself for reaching goal weight, I had a lift/implants, I had a hard time recovering. I never fully recovered from the first surgery and a year later I had to have another surgery to fix problems. You should have them replaced every 10-15 years and my husband wished that I never got them because they don't feel natural, not like real boobs. It's up to you!
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    geeezzzz hard choice. not sure what im going to do..
  • astovey
    astovey Posts: 578 Member
    I have them...my body fat isnt nearly as low as yours lol, but i had small boobs when i was heavy and they just kept getting smaller. Now I am def more proportionate. I went from a small B to a D......My husband and I love them :)

    Awesome! See my husband loves the idea of me getting some, so do I! I want some like Katy Perrys or fitness model Vanessa Tibs. I also LOVE Arianny Celeste's boobs.. I just have nothing :( Granted I would not trade my 6 pack for anything lol but I sure want some cleavage! I guess Im wanting to feel mor "feminine" ya know?

    Next question-Should i wait till after i have kids? Does pregnancy really screw up fake boobies THAT bad??? Cause I want them NOW! lol.

    How big did you go and are you happy with your size? Also, did u go the saline or silicone route

    I havent had kids, so I can't really comment on that. I have PCOS which is the leading case of infertility, and I dont plan on even trying untill Im about 29 because my husband and I want to travel/ live closer to home when we have kids (he is in the AF). I know it is taboo to get them before haivng kids sometimes, but since I don't know if I will be able to have them/ I can still enjoy them for several years before even thinking about kids, I got them.

    I feel SO much more feminine...when I look back at my pre op pics...I look like a young boy.

    Some people don't even know I have them bc they are not giant. 350 or 375cc (I cant remember) silicone took me from small B (basically an A, but I bought padded Bs to make myself feel better lol) to a D. So good for my self confidence.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I did lots of chest exercises, so while the bra size went down, my cup size increased, and they actually look larger than when I was fat. Plus they're as perky as when I was a teenager (35 now). Of course I purposely stopped losing weight when I got to my goal which helped avoid the boobs shrinking, and as long as my stomach is flat, the idea of abs never really appealed to me. Of course since I have no interest in fitness modeling, I don't need abs or larger boobs!! :smile:

    Had you mentioned that you're a nurse? Wouldn't you maybe have access to a "trial" pair from a nice doc to lend you and your husband to see if it's something the two of you would be interested in?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Has anyone out there lost a good bit of weight and also lost their breasts (lol)? I noticed as my body fat percentage went down, so did my lady lumps (because they are composed of fat of course.) Im unhappy about it! Im also wanting to become a fitness model.

    So my question is, has anyone out there gotten breast implants due to that fact? If so, do you regret your decision or did it help you? Im trying to decide whether or not to get a pair.. Inform me on breast implants! I know a lot of fitness models have em because of their body fat percentages being low. Thanks.
    I think they are fine if that's what you think will help finish your physique. I've trained Fitness and Figure competitors and over 60% of them have implants.
    Just make sure you really research the doctor. Like a Certified Trainer, just having the credentials doesn't mean they're really good at what they do.