Operation: Sexy Claus Week # 3 10.3.11



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hello lovely ladies!
    Stepped on the scale this am to a wonderful surprise...
    LW: 193
    CW: 189.4

    I drank a lot more water this week and actually took 2 days off from working out. Don't know if those had an impact...

    My body part I would change in a heartbeat would be my droopy tummy.
  • _Splenda_
    _Splenda_ Posts: 22 Member
    if i could change one thing, it would most definitely be my lower tummy. i am grateful for the progress i have made however, my lower tummy is so stubborn!!! i would love to have a smooth, scuplted tummy. i know in time it will come. Trying to stay positive throughout this journey so i wont get discouraged.

    Hope eveyone else is has continued success on this challenge.
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    Greetings Ladies,

    To answer todays' topic, which body part would I want to alter and why? Definitely my stomach/abdominals, I don't remember having a completly fat and ripped ab. So that is something I would love to have, don't know if it will ever get there without "muscle tightening" aka abdomnioplasty as I admittedly have loose skin and stretch marks that would need to go..but that's about it. (oh and a breast lift would be nice too). The unfortunate part is that even when I get to my ideal goal weight, my body won't be how I would ideally like for it to be without some assistance.. Santa, you listening??:laugh:
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    My weekend was ok. I spent most fo it doing housework and trying to relax my mind...

    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    My stomach definitely....
    From birth I had what we called a pop belly...I was really skinny but my belly always stuck out...
    Its a really hard area for me to tone....I dont even need 6 pack I just want all the jiggly bits gone.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone had a good and healthy weekend! We are going into week # 3 now! How exciting!

    Well I had one heck of an exhausting weekend. How was everyone's weekend?

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet, just in case it is not saved as a favorite...


    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    For me it is going to be a toss up between my thighs and my tummy. My tummy has its days where it looks flatter than others. I use to have a flat tummy when I played volleyball and didn't take full advantage of it lol. So now it is going to take a lot more work to get where I want to. My thighs...are a tough area for me, I still won't wear shorts because there is cellulite going on there and it is not cute! At all! So if I could slim and tone these puppies....I would be a happy camper :)
  • punkrawkcutie
    punkrawkcutie Posts: 439 Member
    Good Morning Ladies! Hope everyone had a good and healthy weekend! We are going into week # 3 now! How exciting!

    Well I had one heck of an exhausting weekend. How was everyone's weekend?

    Here is the link to the spreadsheet, just in case it is not saved as a favorite...


    Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    For me it is going to be a toss up between my thighs and my tummy. My tummy has its days where it looks flatter than others. I use to have a flat tummy when I played volleyball and didn't take full advantage of it lol. So now it is going to take a lot more work to get where I want to. My thighs...are a tough area for me, I still won't wear shorts because there is cellulite going on there and it is not cute! At all! So if I could slim and tone these puppies....I would be a happy camper :)

    K, I could NOT have put this better... I think if I could pick only 1 though it would be my thighs. I have NEVER had small thighs and they have always rubbed when I walk. I know my stomach is something I can get back to being awesome, but if I could get something changed it would be my thighs... I hate wearing shorts... and even worse, the swim suit. UGH...
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    I would manipulate my ta-tas, buns and thighs (everything is too big.... lol, seriously)!!! My wknd was tiresome and so is my today!
  • Well thanks to TOM im up on the scale @ 231.8. I struggled last week with trying to get my eating and exercise in order. I exercised on Saturday and Sunday. I feel that I am back on track now with my eating and I am ready for anything.:flowerforyou:
  • Topic for today is: If you could manipulate one part of your body to be the way you wanted it to be....what body part/muscle group would it be and why?

    I would manipulate my stomach. I want that sexy flat stomach that looks nice in shirts.:heart:
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 177 Member
    Good Morning Ladies lets make it a great day

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    As for me my friends has had all positive reactions with me .....we all are pretty much in the same position we has lost weight some way more than and we all thriving to be healtier to tell the truth they was more worried about me because i was the one always exceriseing and eating healthy and then thing change and i start gaining and seems like i didn't care anymore ..so they all have my back ...I am thankful for them really
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    So far they have all been positive. I actually had a friend join MFP because she wants to loose weight too, but she didn't like taking the time to log all her food. But other than that they have all been really supportive.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My friends have all been very supportive. I have one friend who speaks before she thinks and can be somewhat mean, but she lives pretty far away and I don't see her that often. So when she does see me, she's surprised at how much I've lost. And I've found that with most of my friends, I let them bring up the topic of exercise and healthy eating. I don't want them to feel guilty about eating certain things in front of me just because I choose not to.
  • Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    My friends are all proud and support me no matter what I want to do. Some of them even offer to work out with me. I love my girlies. I do have a few that seem indifferent about it.
  • tburnett80
    tburnett80 Posts: 77 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    My Friends love my weight loos. They support me alot.
  • all of my friends have been very supportive and encouraging.. if they werent, i wouldnt consider them true friends :)
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    Good morning, ladies!!

    My friends are funny. They'll make positive comments or give me a compliment but then say something like, "But you've always been tiny so it [the weight] probably just fell off" or, "You've always been able to do whatever you put your mind to so this is easier for you." We all know neither one of those statements is true. I feel like like when they say things like that, it discredits my hard work. Also I feel like it's an excuse for them not to do the work that it takes to get healthy and get in shape.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    My friends have been very postitive surprisingly to me. The encourage me and always let me know i'm doing a good and that they can see the difference. Many have said they want to do it as well but have yet to start the journey but I try to encourage them to come along. I know everyone has to reach a certain point before they'll decide to change but i'm here to help them as well...
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    My family is so huge I don't really have "friends". LOL But all and all I would say that everyone is supportive.
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    good morning ladies!

    my friends for the most part are all very supportive. i have quite a few girl friends who are looking to lose weight as well so we motivate each other. i also have a guy friend who's lost 45lbs so it's nice to have a guy's perspective on weight loss as well. some of my guy friends are indifferent about it-- we don't really talk about it, but i know ultimately if we did, they'd have my back and support my journey. i find that a lot of my friends, after telling them i still want to lose about 60lbs, will tell me that i don't need to lose that much, which is nice to hear but not true. i know ultimately that all of my friends want to see me happy so they will support me no matter what i decide. that's what friends are for. :)