Office Mischief and pranks!?!?! tell me what your guilty of!



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,685 Member
    I wasn't a part of this, but it was hilarious. A colleague of mine keeps a stuffed bird on her desk, and one day it went missing. Everyday for 2 weeks a picture of the bird would show up on her desk. There were pics of the bird on a motorcycle, at the concierge desk at the Royal York hotel, at the lost and found in the train station.
    The bird was returned 2 weeks later unharmed, lol.
    LOL! This would have been hilarious at my work at the time. I had a boss who had a cherished trophy that he wouldn't let anyone touch.
  • gods_gal
    gods_gal Posts: 305
    These are hysterical! Once a friend (and I use that term loosely) of mine and I had a war going in the office. His final act topped them all when he put a hard-boiled egg up under my desk. We kept smelling a horrible odor and couldn't figure out where it coming from. Our boss put an end to the pranks with that one.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    ohhh so many to choose from...obvious favourite was the stapler..People get seriously territorial over THEIR staplers, and as a rule of thumb, the bigger jerk and annoying they are, the more guarded they are about staplers. I snuck back into work after everyone had left and put the staplers inside jello moulds filled with the corresponding coloured jello, and came in before everyone after they had set and placed them on the respective desks...

    also, cheap nasty office-grade carpets...the day before i quit this horrible company, I stayed in 'late' and hosed down all of the carpets with LOTS of water, then scattered a TON of mustard and cress seeds...they sprouted *beautifully* overnight.

    I also rigged up all the office chairs to a small generator and at random times, gave people a gentle 12 volt reminder shock ;-)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    reading through these just reminded me of a prank I pulled in like 6th grade! I put tape over the hole on the water fountain thinking it would just stop the water from coming out. Well, the first person to use it was my English teacher and water sprayed out in all directions except up into her mouth!
  • azQmaster
    azQmaster Posts: 448 Member
    Every year around Halloween the owners mom will bring mini pumpkins for the all the sales guys, we hide the pumpkins in each others cubes, we have pumpkins floating around from two years ago. If someone goes on vacation, I will tape everything possible in the cubicle. Un-hook the cord to the handset for the phone, when they pick up it falls out. I had a guy working in the warehouse that rode his bike to work, we shrink wrapped his back and hung it from the rafters!
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member

    Ohhhhhh Very nice.......I might have to INVEST in this! hahahaha
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member

    Ohhhhhh Very nice.......I might have to INVEST in this! hahahaha

    im thinking the same thing..... :laugh:
  • Alexia40
    Connect the mouse for 1pc to the cpu of the person sat next to them and vice versa. Drives people crazy for ages before they fathom it out!
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member

    Ohhhhhh Very nice.......I might have to INVEST in this! hahahaha

    If you can, hide it in someone's car. (in the fabric of a seat is nice) It drives them absolutely nutty. :devil:
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    We had a lady complain about not getting her change back, it was like 32 cents....everyone in the office had to chip in $5.68 so we all just handed over $6. She INSISTED on getting her 32 cents. That night we glued down a bunch of quarters nickles dimes pennies to the floor all around her office. She was all excited at first, but then became furious after not being able to pick them up.
    Same lady *****ed about only having one coffee maker in the office and that she only drinks caffeine free due to religious reasons, she was Mormon. Insisted the office chip in $$$$ for another coffee maker because the existing one cannot be used to make caffeine free if it's already been used to make regular.
    We got some fake dollar bills and dropped a few near her desk one early morning...LMAO, same response as the glued coins.

    A guy in the office went on vacation to Vietnam and brought back candy that looked like dog turds. Me and another guy pretended to like them but then would go on other floors and drop them at random.

    Pranks calls in the office using a voice soundboard on the internet.
  • meanness67
    meanness67 Posts: 366 Member
    When I was a senior in high school I was eating a candy bar in the hallway and one of the English teachers took it. The last week of school I went to the local bait shop and bought some minnows and tossed them behind her bookcase. It was about 90 degrees outside and the school had no A/C, so you can imagine the smell...not just her classroom but the entire hallway! And the smell got progressively worse with each passing day...Ahhh memories!
  • dcerna62
    dcerna62 Posts: 45 Member
    Work in a Jail. One of the 1st shift officers is always messing with things from 2nd and 3rd shift officers. Finally we had enough and, since nobody on 2nd/3rd drinks coffee, we emptied all the coffee out of the tub into a ziplock and hid the extra tubs of coffee. We left a ransom note in the empty tub that said "If you ever want to see your coffee again, replace our stuff and stop messing with it" Everything was replaced the very same day :-) I guess those 1st shifters need their coffee :-)
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I took someones car keys once and parked their car on the other side of the building...bwahahahahahaha:devil:
  • luv_lea
    luv_lea Posts: 1,094 Member
    Oh the list is endless here as my work place is full of pranksters.

    The best one I've done was the time a coworker left his leftover Tai food under my desk (he does this often-candy wrappers, paper towels, endless junk just to be annoying.) Well I retaliated and took the Tai food out to his car. Background here...he never keeps his car cleaned out...I mean, just full of crap kind of car. So I cleaned out enough stuff and shoved the container under his passenger side front seat, put all the junk back, and went back to work.

    Needless to say, two weeks later I got a text that said "You F***ing B**ch!! Haha...My response.."Well I thought it was yours??" What was funniest about it was he was on a date with a chick and after she complained about his car smelling so bad that night...he finally put it together that something was off and searched his car.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    Oh the list is endless here as my work place is full of pranksters.

    The best one I've done was the time a coworker left his leftover Tai food under my desk (he does this often-candy wrappers, paper towels, endless junk just to be annoying.) Well I retaliated and took the Tai food out to his car. Background here...he never keeps his car cleaned out...I mean, just full of crap kind of car. So I cleaned out enough stuff and shoved the container under his passenger side front seat, put all the junk back, and went back to work.

    Needless to say, two weeks later I got a text that said "You F***ing B**ch!! Haha...My response.."Well I thought it was yours??" What was funniest about it was he was on a date with a chick and after she complained about his car smelling so bad that night...he finally put it together that something was off and searched his car.

    This Legendary!!!!! I think someones been pranking me as for the last couple of years...its happened 3 times I have found food under my cars hood resting on my engine.!!!
    I have found a half sub.............then I founf a cupcake!
    wtf!!! creeps wait till I find out who does this!!!
  • JaydeSkye
    JaydeSkye Posts: 282 Member
    If you've ever worked in a firm, you know there is usually one bathroom that is shared. That means if the paralegal for the Family Law Attorney decides to spend her Sunday nights getting sh*tfaced, you're going to smell it Monday morning after she uses the bathroom. Clear wrap isn't just good for wrapping up your leftover chicken breast. Pick up the toilet seat and wrap it TIGHTLY to the bowl so its invisible, tuck it in underneath the rim and put the seat back down. Nothing like a dose of your own medicine, right? Hahhahahaa
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    I took someones car keys once and parked their car on the other side of the building...bwahahahahahaha:devil:

    I did that too! But then I photocpoied the keys and left it on his desk leading him on a scavenger hunt for the keys that took him to the ladies bathroom, the warehouse and finally into the kitchen where the keys were in the freezer....frozen solid into a cup of water. When he finally melted them and then found his car he started it and the confetti from the hole punch we put in the vent blew all over him :-) Good thing he had an awesome sense of humor.
  • mjshmily
    mjshmily Posts: 137 Member
    Oh I also replaced the cream filling in someones oreos with toothpaste :tongue:
  • kfitz10103
    When I worked for a dentist as his assistant, I would take x-rays of anyone who came in with an emergency, then when the doctor came in to see the patient I would hand him the x-ray. My *kitten* of an ex bro-in-law worked for a Vet at the time so he gave me an x-ray of a pigeon with a broken wing, so the next emergency patient that came in, when the doctor asked for the x-ray, I handed him the pigeon x-ray!

    Hilarious! I need a you tube video of that!