embarrassing work out moments

So, today i was at the gym doing my step aerobics class, and i lost my footing and my ankle gave way and i landed flat on my back!! Its ok, I can laugh now, because i had no injuries. I just walked it off and continued on, but DAMN that was embarrassing. So, how many others out there have had some embarrassing work out moments?


  • Katefab26
    Katefab26 Posts: 865
    My friend was telling me one time that he was on the treadmill at the gym and the girl next to him got the edge of her pants stuck in her treadmill. Damn machine pulled her pants off!! (Really, it wasn't me ;-))
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    My friend was telling me one time that he was on the treadmill at the gym and the girl next to him got the edge of her pants stuck in her treadmill. Damn machine pulled her pants off!! (Really, it wasn't me ;-))
    that sucks!
  • krm0789
    krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
    I've fallen off the treadmill more times than I care to admit. Last week I got distracted by the tv & one foot came completely off the elliptical-- I was able to catch myself, but not without causing a bit of a scene! I've also smacked my knee into the little volume/channel box on a bike, so hard that my vision went blurry & I think I may have cried out before limping out of the gym. I should stop watching tv while exercising.
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    Two words Yoga farts lol. Ask people who do yoga theyll tell you
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    Yesterday the guy farted next to me in Spin class and I almost threw up! :(
  • caroln3
    caroln3 Posts: 217
    I've fallen off the treadmill more times than I care to admit. Last week I got distracted by the tv & one foot came completely off the elliptical-- I was able to catch myself, but not without causing a bit of a scene! I've also smacked my knee into the little volume/channel box on a bike, so hard that my vision went blurry & I think I may have cried out before limping out of the gym. I should stop watching tv while exercising.
    ouch I hope you were ok, but sounds like something that would happen to me lol

    I just rememebered around a month ago I was jogging on the sidewalk and I totally tripped and fell hard in front of a gardener lol He didn't even try to help me up. But I bounced up and kept running laughing at myself lol
  • xinahay123
    When I fist started practicing yoga, I was so concerned with covering the body that I hated, that while in a standing split I trie to adjust my shirt and fell over, loudly! I have also dropped my towel and got it stuck in the treadmill. Good times! I love this stuff, it is embarrassing when it happens but makes for a good laugh later!
  • AnneGenevieveS
    AnneGenevieveS Posts: 441 Member
    You want to know really embarrassing??

    I used to be on a med that messed with my heart rate.... my heart rate went up to 205 on the treadmill, I got a cold chill, lost feeling in my arms, got really dizzy, and thought I was going to lose my bladder and pee myself in front of everyone.

    Obviously, my heart was beating too fast to pump effectively. Jumped off the treadmill and sat down.

    . . . but can you imagine peeing your pants in the middle of a crowded gym!?!?!?
  • xinahay123
    Two words Yoga farts lol. Ask people who do yoga theyll tell you

    LOL, I do yoga, and while I have been lucky enough not to experience one personally, I have been unlucky enough to be near some yoga farters!! LOL Oh, and I also once had the seat of the bike drop on me in the middle of spin class!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    One time I was on the treadmill and I tried to put it on pause so I could tighten my shoe laces well it wasn't paused and I ended up hittin my knee off of the treadmill. It hurt, but I got back up and finished my workout.
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Two words Yoga farts lol. Ask people who do yoga theyll tell you

    I have done that except it wasn't yoga!

    About a year ago I was at the gym doing scissor kicks and I totally farted! I didn't even know it was coming! The guy that was training me didn't skip a beat but my friend and I started laughing hysterically and the guy next to us popped his head up and said something like "it's natural" lol
  • Tammylyn117
    I was pedalling away on the stationary bike and in my own little world, watching Family Feud on the TV, when I looked over and saw a lady looking at me kinda funny. That's when I realized I was yelling out the answers....boy was my face red!! :blushing:
  • mmp0001
    mmp0001 Posts: 30 Member
    Ba ha ha this is the funniest post yet! Thanks for the laughs! I hate step class! I have no coordination so I am of course the girl who marches in circles doing high knees looking quite lost and clumsy.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Having my pants fall slowly down my butt without noticing thanks to the stupid neoprene belt I was wearing while I was running. Yeah, pretty sure I flashed a person or two... yikes!
  • AmberMagdalena
    AmberMagdalena Posts: 461 Member
    While staying at a holiday inn, I was running on their unusually high tredmill, and fell off and smacked right into the glass windows behind me! I have the scar to prove it!
  • aspencer122
    aspencer122 Posts: 123 Member
    Two words Yoga farts lol. Ask people who do yoga theyll tell you

    AMAN!!! this is the funniest thing. even girls who try not to sooo bad still let one slip. and it makes me laugh every time.
  • martinbeks
    martinbeks Posts: 255 Member
    I'm noticing that gas while working out is a LOT more prevalent than it used to be for me. need to look at what I'm eating and figure that out. or buy some Beano. Blah. It's embarassing.
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    A gym I used to go to had open fronted treadmills. One day, a guy was running on it and it stopped very suddenly. He kept going and ran into the wall. Only two people stopped to see if he was ok, the rest of us could do nothing for laughing.....
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    You want to know really embarrassing??

    I used to be on a med that messed with my heart rate.... my heart rate went up to 205 on the treadmill, I got a cold chill, lost feeling in my arms, got really dizzy, and thought I was going to lose my bladder and pee myself in front of everyone.

    Obviously, my heart was beating too fast to pump effectively. Jumped off the treadmill and sat down.

    . . . but can you imagine peeing your pants in the middle of a crowded gym!?!?!?

    the heart rate thing sounds scarey! i peed on myself in the ER once though, i was heavily sedated though, it was still embarrassing telling the nurses..."hey i peed on myself"
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    I joined a local gym through a company discount and started working out with one of my girlfriends. We went to one of their aerobic fitness classes with about 10 people in it and mirrors on every wall (of course). I decided to go relaxed and wore my pink pajama pants and a t-shirt. I made it through the entire workout, got back to the locker room, and noticed while walking past one of it's mirrors that you could totally see my blue and yellow spotted panties right through my clothes. I asked my friend if she had noticed, and she said "Of course, but I didn't want you to leave me." So embarrassing since it was totally obvious to anyone who looked my way.