40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics



  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbell Day: Squats, Seated Overhead Press, Deadlifts.

    Another good day with the Deadlifts. My 1st five reps at 214lbs felt very good, so I decided to up the weight another 10lbs and did another 5 reps at 224lbs. That felt good too :) Looks like I'll reach my next goal of 255 (1.5x my body weight) way before the end of the month. Squats were a bit of a downer today. Was focusing more on form (videoed everything) and wore myself out before I got to my work set. On the plus side, I think I have my form down much better now.

    *TxMs: Glad your Mom is doing better! Must of been scary :(

    *zebras: Good luck on the competition! IMO, vacations are the best time to really buckle down. Not only do you not do the normal over eating, you are eating healthy. A double whammy of goodness :D

    *alf: grats! Saw the pics on FB :)

    *Robin: I live in Central Florida. Weather has been pretty much perfect lately.

    *swissmiss: it sounds almost cliche by now...but sodium and water weight is the likely culprit. I doubt you over ate by 7,000 cals this weekend to gain 2lbs :D
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Today was one of those strange days...weather-wise. At times the sun was out (briefly) and at other times it looked like rain. Still cool out, but in the 60s.

    I took a longer mountain hike today on a different trail. I'm not so afraid that I'll run into a snake in the cooler weather, so, I am back to hiking regular mountain trails. This one is much more demanding than any of the others, which will burn a lot more cals.

    Robin, I've had P90X since the very beginning, several years now. It does work, however, i don't really like exercising at home. I'd much rather go to the gym or exercise outdoors. Right now I use it as a supplement to my other exercises if I feel like adding another routine. If you like video exercises at home, I highly recommend it.

    Alf, sending prayers your way!

    Take care everyone!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    AWW sing, with the cooler weather comes the spiders. EWWW. I can handle snakes much better than spiders.

    Well, Chris, that does explain why the weight comes off me so fast. I am down three pounds from Monday. Salt is my big downfall. I crave anything salty. Are you going professional with the weight lifting? You are doing great.

    TxMs, I love reading of your classes. Makes me want to sign up. I would love to do the spinning class at the Y but it is the same time as the strength class and I don't want to miss that one.

    zebra, you are doing wonderful with your exercising. Why not go ahead and log during vacation? Might be interesting. You will see where you are doing bad and you may be surprised at how good you are really doing.

    alf, is this your SIL's first baby? Does she know if the diabetes will be gone after she gives birth? I hope that is the case for her.

    I ate a bad lunch today. One fried chicken leg and one thigh. Believe it or not, they left me still feeling hungry. I guess that is what junky, fried foods do to us.
  • JPriceGA
    JPriceGA Posts: 508 Member
    Hello all!

    I went MIA for about 6 months... now I'm back. I'm glad you're still here!

  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Welcome back Jprice!

    Swiss, we won't have internet where we are going, and I don't have fancy cell phone with the app. We are going to try to eat very well and exercise a lot, one exception is Stella's in Castine, Maine. I proposed to the chef last year after eating the Mac & Cheese appetizer. They sent out word that they accepted, never did meet him/her. We are renting a little cottage with a little kitchen, so we'll cook more, and eat out less. I was very surprised that despite the cabin's rusticness, they had a food processor amongst the kitchen equipment. I never use mine, despite working for the company that makes the brand we all know, I think I've used mine twice since I bought it.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Fire in the apartment next to mine. Grease fire on the range. Multiple fire trucks. Evacuated the entire block, but they got it out. All is well now.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Chris: Thank god it didn't spread to your apartment and everyone is ok!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Aw Zebras, I am sorry that you will be without internet access. Can you write down your diary the old-fashioned way? Great the you will be able to cook your own meals. What company do you work for? I have a KitchenAid food processor plus about everything else that they make.

    Chris, so glad that everyone is alright. Was there much damage?

    :flowerforyou: Welcome back Jan !!:flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Swiss: The other one! LOL The parent company is also the big hair dryer company. Sorry, I'm big on not putting any personal info out there on the web.

    Got my two hours in at the gym. I have tried this week some serious (for me) intervals on the treadmill, and it definitely feels like its working me better than the way I was doing it. Then I did an hour on the elliptical. I forgot my earphones for my Kindle, so I had to straight read on it, so when I was doing the intervals, I started getting confused as to whether it was time to hit the page turn button or change speeds. So, when I was done with serious one minute intervals, I change my speeds based on my page turns, didn't work out too badly. LOL My Kindle is my lifeline at the gym, if I couldn't read or listen to a book, I would last about 5 minutes.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Leaving this pm for Tucson for the wedding of a good friend's daughter. I am staying with then tonight to help with a bridesmaid's brunch tomorrow and the staying at a hotel next two nights. My mom was discharged from the hospital yesterday and did fine by herself last night at her house. Since this is follow-up from surgery she had in August, all the extra stuff she needed at home (bathchair, tub handles, nonslip tub mat) I had gotten her in August so she was ok. My siblings and siblings inlaw can take care of her.

    JpriceL welcome back!

    Chris: hope there was not too much smoke in your apt. I really cannot handle smoke.

    Zebras: have fun on your vacation. We try to stay in places with kitchens when we travel. I find we eat much healthier that way.

    Swiss: keep up the strength training. We women need that weight bearing to keep our bones healthy (along with calcium and vitamin D)

    Sing: glad you are enjoying your hike.

    Have a great weekend everyone! TxMs
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    In addition to the fire in my neighbor's apartment yesterday...my dad went into insulin shock again just before lunch since he forgot to eat breakfast. This time though, my Mom knew what to do and he was OK. Then this morning, before I go into work, I find him acting confused in the kitchen, so I fix him up some food and then he is OK. He forgot to have a night time snack before he went to bed. Guess I am going to have to force him to eat before I go to bed and before I go to work :(

    *zebras: Thanks :)

    *Becky: thnks :) Their kitchen is pretty much toast I believe.

    *TxMs: I hate smoke as well, and it certainly didn't help my sinuses any.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    I will be back. Just want to send some blessings your way. So much in the forums and I have too many deadlines this week. Hugs everyone..welcome back JPrice
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello to all!!! :drinker: Well, it is Friday, check in day! I am extremely dissapointed with my body. :sad: I weighed 127.2 this morning. I am up close to 4 lbs since Aug. The weight keeps creeping up despite everything I am doing. I dont know what else to do. I drink tons of water, about a gallon or more a day, keep the sodium low (less than 2000 mg) most times under 1300, exercise 5-6 days a week a combo of strength trng, cardio, yoga, I eat healthy 85-90% of the time, I log in most meals. I am wondering if I am eating too much but then again I feel hungry sometimes. I really think my body is changing and I dont like it, I just dont know what else to do. Chris, remember when I said I felt bloated, I was really trying to say that my middle is looking and feeling thicker, bigger, not bloated really...it is like the lbs I've gained have been mostly in my midsection and I hate that. I also think stress can be the culprit? I have been feeling stressed in the past couple of months, mainly problems with my husband. I wanna scream!!!!! I need to figure this out, I guess...the good news from me, my niece and SIL are doing well, they went home yesterday. Today I dont go to work and planning on doing another session of Bikram which I loved so much a week ago plus I have a massage scheduled today. Yay!! :drinker:

    Swiss, Bikram is also called hot yoga. It is done in a room that is 100 degree temperature. I truly enjoyed it last time so I am going back today. It consists of 26 poses, the goal is not to leave the room the entire session, 90 minutes. I tried all the poses and I think I did pretty good for my first time.

    Chris, good to hear you didnt have any fire damages!!! hey you are looking great!!! Glad to hear your dad is doing well. My dad has diabetes and I always tell him he needs to eat often. My parents live in PR so there is no way I can monitor that much, they will be here for 2 wks the last part of Oct. I am excited about that. They are in Sacramento now and from the pics my sister has sent me it looks like he has gained weight.

    Tex, have fun in AZ!! Glad to hear your mom is doing well.

    Zebras, have fun in your vacation!! About your privacy, is that the reason your picture just shows your cat? :wink:

    LadyPersia, blessings to you too!!

    Not much going on this weekend for me. Need to work on some Zumba songs, clean house, buy paint, etc. Hopefully do some relaxing. Take care!!! :flowerforyou:
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Yes, that is the reason why I only post my cat. Its funny I'm easy going about most thinks in life, germs, meeting new people, travelling, looking both ways before I cross the street LOL but I'm a little paranoid about online identity theft, etc. So we will stick with Yogi's pic.

    Good news for check in day and the beginning of the gym's wight loss challenge, lost 2.6 lbs since two weeks ago weigh-in, which probably means I lost more, as I was not eating carefully before the official weigh in at the gym.

    So, off to Maine over the weekend, with no internet, so I'll talk to everyone in a week!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: zebras, congratulations on the weight lose and have a wonderful time in Maine. We will be watching for your return.

    :flowerforyou: alf, do you think that maybe you are suppose to weigh a bit more? I know that I can not weigh what I did when I was in my 20s. I would look horrible. Stress can cause weight gain and it is usually in the stomach area. It looks like you are doing all the right things. And, I know that you are very active.

    Chris, a lot of the time a diabetic needs someone to guide them. They are really living hard lives. That disease is horrible.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbell Day: Squats, Bench Press, Bent Over Rows. Some improvement over all, not as much as I would like. But I'll take a little progress over none at all :)

    *alf: Thanks :) Have you taken before and after body fat measurements lately? Stress is bad :( Just imagine what it would be like though if you didn't have all that exercising to de-stress yourself :) So, keep it up!

    *zebras: grats!

    *Becky: He's doing better today. Just have to get him int a routine and make sure he sticks with it. Thanks for the compliment :) I am far far far from pro status, lol. No plans to go pro. I want to be as strong as my body can *reasonably* get. Pros have to be unreasonable :D
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Barbell Day: Squats, Seated Overhead Press, Deadlifts.

    Form finally starting to get better on the Squats, I'm cautiously optimistic about the next workout :D Increased my deadlift weight to 241lbs, but only got 3 reps out of it. Next time I'll get 5!

    Dad is doing well. I bought him one of those pedal things you can use to cycle with while on a regular chair. He says he'll use it, we'll see...
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Happy Weekend
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Hi all. Back from a good trip to Florida to see the in-laws. We had a great time. My eating was good but the activity levels were way down. I was going absolutely crazy about that yesterday before we headed home. It was very easy for me to see how many changes I've made in my life over the past three years from the eating to the activity. I loved seeing my family, but for my own body and health, I must say it is good to be home! I turn around and visit my mother in three weeks, but she kind of understands me a bit better and knows I'm addicted to moving around. She was even asking me what kind of food I wanted today when I talked to her. So it should be a good visit.

    alf, I'm sure you already know this, but given our ages, the increasing size around the midsection is actually pretty inevitable. It is hormonal. Higher estrogen levels keeps more weight in the lower body, and as our estrogen decreases, it moves up to the tummy area. Again, it is inevitable. Stress (which results in the the production of cortisol) also can lead to more bloating around the midsection so that could be playing a part of it as well. But the weight gain is something different. While I completely understand the psychology behind the weight gain, I think it is really important to step back and ask yourself whether there is any issue with weighing 127lbs. Because there isn't. If you'll recall, I was 97lbs at my lightest two years ago. Today I weigh 108. A year ago, I was completely upset with myself about weighing SO much. It took me a long time to realize that I'm still a very healthy (and very light) weight for my height even though I'm not at my lowest. My in-laws last saw me about three weeks before I started losing the weight nearly three years ago and really made alot of comments to me this week about how they think I might be a tad too thin right now. I can only imagine what they would have said if they'd seen me 10lbs lighter. But things like that give me a good, healthy perspective about my weight. My body simply prefers to be around 110lbs as I found 100lbs much too hard to maintain (had to be hungry all the time). So keep monitoring your weight (to monitor for possible thyroid problems and such) but also give yourself a bit of a break and remember that you are very thin for your height, even at 127lbs. Be pround of that because you have every reason to be proud of it. :flowerforyou:

    Hope to catch up with the rest of you more this week. I hope to have more time to post than what I have done over the past couple/few weeks. Enjoy what's left of the weekend! Happy Columbus Day!!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, I am now wondering is I have always had low estrogen? I have always carried my weight above my waist. Oh well, if that is the case, it didn't keep me from having nine pregnancies.:bigsmile:

    Chris, I am just so impressed. I don't know anyone else who can do this at this time. My husband used to be quite a weight lifter. In his college days someone suggested that he go into competition. But, it would involve shaving his body and he wouldn't do that. Anyway, after a couple of shoulder injuries (one of them requiring surgery), he can not lift like he did before. He does have more defined muscles than any other guy I know who is 60 years old.

    We rode our biked to Cracker Barrel yesterday morning. I really ate too much but also burned 250 calories.