Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • Just wanting to pose a question out there to you ladies for some discussion - what are everyone's thoughts on using disposable diapers vs. cloth diapers?? I'm still on the fence about what we're going to do...would love to hear your opinions! :smile:

    I plan on cloth diapering. I am not a big 'Eco-friendly' advocate, but I am conscious of the environment and the effects I have on it. I am not one for using much in the way of disposable. I keep dish towels in ample supply, I re-use Ziplock bags, and I use re-usable containers that all food gets packed in, including lunch. I have a hard time personally contributing that much regular waste to our landfills. But to be honest, the biggest reason I am choosing to cloth diaper is cost. My husband and I have a tight budget currently, let alone after bringing a baby into the world. With about 12-15 diaper changes/day, I don't know that we can want to juggle the added expense of disposable diapers.
    For anyone interested in cloth diapers, but has no idea where to start because there are SOO many options today, here is a link to a video that helped me sort through the information. Cloth Diapering 101, 7 separate videos.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Bobby and I have been toying with this question too. We’re either going to do a combination of cloth and disposable (cloth at home and disposable while out) or we’ve been looking into the G-diapers. I love the concept that I can do both with the G-diapers and have even the disposable pads be biodegradable, not to mention flushable (so nice to not have to leave someone’s house and leave them with our kid’s stinky diaper in their trash)! I’m still looking into the price at this point, to see which is more cost effective. So to all the already moms, how many diapers did you kid go through and at what ages? This’ll help me decide which is the cheapest method.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    abeare- my kid is turning 3 and since 12 months, he's been going through about 8-10 diapers a day. He also drinks a TON of water throughout the day and not much milk, so he fills his diapers a lot. I think that before he started drinking so much water, he went through about 8 diapers a day as well. I always changed him the moment he was wet though because I didn't want him to get a diaper rash. And he also only pooped like every 3-4 days when he was a a small baby (under 6 months). Some babies poop a lot more and need to be changed more often. I would say averaging 10 diapers a day is pretty safe.
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Yeah, after what I have researched I am thinking I will go with a hybrid version of cloth & biodegradable disposable inserts.
    I found these websites, now I'm just trying to compare brands/cost etc.

    I really don't want to use disposable diapers because of the impact on the environment and the materials they are made out of - I think it will just be a matter of finding what works best for us ;)

    Thanks everyone :)
  • mviegas1
    mviegas1 Posts: 46 Member
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Hi ladies. Super excited that its Ocotober!! Being from Texas and having so many 100degree plus days, I'm dying for Fall weather.
    I have been down and out this weekend having been hit with sinus pressure, sneezing and watery eyes!! I think it was from the following weeks stress and no rest plus our 56 degree mornings and 90 degree afternoons! I will and will not be working out hard like I had been but will be walking to unstuff myself and to get things going.
    I do however, have my half marathon next weekend in San Fran , Nike Women's, so that'll be a BLAST!!!!! Yay!! 13.1 is so worth getting a Tiffany's necklace!!!
    My goals this week is to walk 2-3x this week
    up my water intake because I've been slacking!!!! I'm on liter number 2 today
    and REST!! to get over this funk

    Rayna: i will also be using cloth diapers. I think I'm looking more of the exspense of it all. With my first, I nursed which I will be doing again this time and they're systems are really, really good!!! Lol. Usually, before you're done nursing they're already going. So if you're nursing almost every 2 hours, think of how many diapers you'll go through in just the first month. I'm excited to try the cloth though. A little extra work but its well worth it.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Back from the doctor. I'd say my appt. went well. Total weight gain in one month was 2lbs so 9lbs total according to doctors records. She said thats good. My doctor has also decided to go with the guess of Feb. 12th for a due date. Had her check for Strep, should get results back later today. Hoping for the best. My blood work came back good. platelet level was low, she said not to worry for now, we will keep a close eye on it. Also, the pain on my right side under my rib cage is most likely my gallbladder. Also going to watch that, and hope we can get it taken out after baby comes, if it gets too bad I will have to remove it while pregnant, which totally scares me. Once again U/S looks great and baby is super active and healthy! It was so cute today, she was trying to get an accurate heart rate of the baby and she kept kicking really hard whereever she put the doppler. LOL!!

    Excercise is definately helping in the gaining dept. Also eating right. I'm so glad to be on mfp during this time. I gained 32lbs with my son and trying to stay at least below 30lbs this time. Looks like I'm on track. :)

    Football game tonight, so that's where my walking will come in......up and down the feild for at least an hour and a half. :)

    Diapers - I plan to use disposable. The thought of cloth diapers just grosses me out. Not to mention I never have time for nothing, so dirty diapers would pile up til the weekend and that would not be good. I also hate the thought that disposables will just sit in a land fill forever too, but for me I think disposables are the way to go. I've been buying diapers at every appt. so I already have 5 packages and starting next month I plan to buy them by the case just to be stocked up before the baby even gets here.

    Nursery Theme - CANT DECIDE! There are so many cute ideas, still looking, but need to get busy.

    Heather - Good luck with your pics today. I'm sure they will turn out great!!!

    Emrogers - Good luck with your half marathon coming up. Try to rest up so your ready. Hope you feel better soon.

    Better get to work since I already missed 5 hours today. Have a great day and I'll try to catch up with you all later.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Heather- thanks for the link on yoga dvd. Yep, I thought it was junk. I tried the P90x yoga and it made me sweat. Cant wait to see your maternity pictures. I think I may wanna do that too....

    Ktgator-welcome aborad!
    Jchecca--sorry for your hubby's grandma....
    Rosanna-thanks for the link on cloth diapers

    Oh I cant wait to start feeling the flutters.

    And you all are making me jealous of your fall season...It's too bad Hawaii doesn't experience that! It just feels like same season all year long. Except in the winter, it's extra cold. We dont get to see the leaves changing color or anything. Post some i can just imagine and wish....

    I got to do 20 min cardio during P.E. Doing jumping jacks and running laps with them...Hope to do strength when I get home. Dont wanna lose the little muscles I've gained.
  • MidniteDayDream
    MidniteDayDream Posts: 142 Member
    My appointment for the pinched nerve in my shoulder went great! I'm now on hold for 3 months, and if it doesn't start bothering me again in that time frame , then I'm free and clear. Shoulder doc wasn't sure why it suddenly got 99% better. I have no pain in it anymore, just a little tightness when lifting above my head and stretching my neck out. Last time I went in a month ago it was still painful and my arm was still going numb at times. She thinks its the pregnancy with the extra blood flow and looser joints and all that. I know it's not the Tylenol I've been ingesting like candy the last 3 weeks for the headaches. I was on motrin for months when I first pinched the nerve and it never did any good. Either way, I'm thrilled, the doc is thrilled and hubby is happy.

    I also made my appointment for THE ultrasound when I was in the clinic yesterday. Hopefully the baby will cooperate on the 2nd of November and we can find out if it's a girl or boy.

    As for diapers, We've decided to go with Cloth. Part of it is environmental impact, part of it is cost. Stocking up at first will be a bit expensive, but it's cheaper in the long run. We're not broke or anything, but we are military so we look to save money where we can. Plus I'm a stay at home wife/soon to be mom so the little bit of extra laundry doesn't scare me off. I'm just more shocked at all my friends reactions to me cloth diapering. Apparently according to them I'm wasting my time, money and I'll never stick to it, it's gross and then there's the looks like I'm insane. I'll be using the pocket cloth diapers. I found a great website that I really like for them.

    Goals for the week: keep getting in that 30-45 minute walk everyday, as that's all I'm currently allowed to do.
  • smilegirl
    smilegirl Posts: 210 Member
    Great goals again this week! Good luck to everyone on accomplishing them.

    I plan to get in seven walks this week. I went Monday and Tuesday for about 40-45 minutes each day (yep! still breaking the rules!) and plan to do the same for the remainder of the week. I am feeling so good that it is really hard to limit myself to just the walking, but need to heal correctly so I can get back to my regular routine. My husband asked yesterday if I felt like my body was back to pre-pregnancy and I said, "no!" He was surprised and said, "but you look great" and I of course had to point out my poochy, flabby ab muscles, which he in turn replied "I think they look great, a little pooch is kind of cute." Hmmm...very sweet, but he did acknowledge the pooch so it will have to go!

    Welcome to the newbies!

    Heather, your weather sounds glorious! We had sunshine today, but are in the low 60's. Brrr....Fall is definitely here in Seattle. I hope you are happy with your photo shoot. :-) I also pray that you are feeling good and strong again. I agree, you and I tend to push it. I know for myself I've learned that I have more personal satisfaction that way. I get way too bored and complacent if I am not challenging myself.

    Ashley (I think it was you who asked) for breakfast - I too am quite boring. Usually switch between Kashi (right now it's Go Lean) with yogurt and fruit or oatmeal (I like the boring plain old fashioned) with cinnamon on top and cottage cheese and fruit on the side or whole wheat toast (I often make my own) with natural crunchy peanut butter and fruit.

    Millionsofpeaches, great job on your half marathon!

    A word of advice for the baby clothes shopping - I received lot of onesies and very few sleepers. I've found in these early days the sleepers are much more practical! You don't then also need pants, socks and maybe a sweater or something for over the onesie. Don't get me wrong, Ellie looks cute as all get out in an outfit, but it's much more challenging for diaper changes and you are forever putting the socks back on. Just something I've learned since becoming a mom!

    Misti, hope you are feeling better and still excited for another baby girl joining the group!

    Cindy, glad your shoulder is getting better and I applaud you and your husband for taking in your neighbor and her child. Only a few more weeks until your gender ultrasound. Very exciting.

    Rayna, glad your classes have you feeling more prepared. It's always nice to have as much knowledge as possible behind new experiences like childbirth.

    Elce, enjoy the Nike Women's - that's one I have considered doing myself.

    Svgarcia, great job on the cardio workout!

    Sorry for everyone else I missed - I can hardly keep up anymore.

    Best wishes for a great week of goal achieving!!
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    Hi all... getting into week 36 now, and am soo ready for this to be over. I was thinking I could work until the end (I own a dog and cat grooming home business), but was feeling some pain after a workout this week, and now bending its super hard and uncomfortable. I am feeling the time crunch, and need to get all my home and water birth supplies ready before our midwife comes over next week to check things out.. I am really hoping this baby comes at week 38 and def not passed 40, but you can't really pick what you want when it comes to pregnancy, let alone labour lol ! Anyways, I guess you could say I am "nesting" b/c I am trying to get lots of house things done so we don't have to stress when the baby does come.

    Any tips on postbaby dvds or workouts? I know you are supposed to take off 4-6 weeks, but there must be something I can do to slowly ease into it..

    Rest up ladies
  • carlydonathan
    carlydonathan Posts: 27 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I am so happy to see this group! This is exactly what I need to stay motivated and keep up with my workouts. I do have a few goals I would like to accomplish this week:

    run 3 times/week (I have been an avid runner for years, so I'm happy to see I don't have to give it up!)
    Group classes or DVD 2-3 times/week
    Eat more veggies- if this baby had his/her way I'd eat carbs all day long. And I used to love chicken but since being pregnant it makes me sick just thinking about it.

    If you ladies have any suggestions on workout DVD's or ways you workout I would love to hear about them! I am thinking of taking up Zumba at my gym too. Best wishes to you all and take care!
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Made a 15 min walk + cardio & S/T DVD tonight for a total of 45 mins. Weather is getting cool so maybe I canthrow in some lunch walks these days.

    Holly: Great job on the walking, I guess since you are feeling ok, you should be fine. Thanks for the advice on the clothing.

    Misti- So glad your appt was good and your precious lil girl is doing great. I was gigling as I read thru where your baby was kicking hard.

    Elce-Wow a half marathon, what an accomplishment oh and hope you feel better soon. :flowerforyou:

    I think we will try both, unfortunately depending on my delivery date i will either stay home 12 weeks or have to go back to work 6 weeks after and I will have to get a babysitter that will probably not enjoy cloth diapers. :noway:

    Atynk: Time is creeping by right! Hope your pain goes away.

    Cindy: Yay your ultrasound is coming up~ What are you hoping for?

    Rayna & Rosanna: Thanks for the links. My SNL knows someone here in Vegas that makes cloth diapers but I'm not sure if she's still in business, I did mention to the SNL I was interested. We'll see if not I can refer to the links.
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    Morning ladies!
    For all of you that are searching for maternity pants & just can't find any that are quite right.....if you have a Burlington Coat Factory store, I suggest checking that out. I went the other day & got 3 pairs for all under $15 per pair. They fit awesome & are actually cute (w/o paying a fortune). The ones I got from Motherhood & JCPenny's will be returned for sure.
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131

    20 weeks today!!!! Can't believe we're at the half way point!! It is still so amazing to me...I don't think that feeling will ever ware off :love:

    H_82...I heard Burlington had some great prices on I am definitely planning to head that way soon!

    So the last two nights have been a total bust as far as working out. Its been so rainy here that at the end of the work day I have zero motivation. But I have prenatal yoga tonight...going to keep eating well and the rest of the week looks I am planning to work out for the rest of the week!!! I am just looking at it as the first two days of the week of...then ramp it up for the end of the need to get down :)

    It is pasta bar at work today though which always gets me...they make the best pasta selections here and I am still having a little love affair with carbs :blushing: but I am determined to be good!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Good morning ladies! Wow this board moves really fast! :)

    Elce good luck on your half! I have a friend who did the San Fran full for that Tiffany Necklace! lol! She ran the entire time in the rain and said it was the hardest run she had ever with you being in your second Trimester I totally applaud you! You GO girl!

    Holly I feel the same way! If I'm not pushing myself then I'm just complacent and left feeling like I could be doing better. I'd rather look back at my life and even if I failed at some things, can say that I at least tried! Glad you and Ellie are doing well. And I have lots of jammies and sleepsacks for Charlee...I figure since it is getting into winter when she is born that we will be spending a lot of time in our jammies at home. :)

    Amy hope you and Annie are doing well!

    Lexi been thinking about you and your little man! Hope you are getting into a rhythm with school and a newborn!

    Andrea I was just thinking about you yesterday! Was hoping all was okay! Glad to hear that you are doing well....I'm right behind you so I know how you feel about being ready to meet your little one and have your body back to yourself! How are your workouts still going? Also, if you have a normal vaginal delivery then you don't have to wait 4-6wks to workout again. You can start walking/doing light activity within a week and then ease back into your workouts after that. All of my running friends have been back full on running within 6 weeks after delivery after easing back into it at about 2-3 weeks.

    Welcome Carly! Keep on running as long as you can! Since you are a runner adding in classes like zumba should be totally fine for you. Just listen to your body and if you feel like it is too much then take a breather, drink some water and ease back into it! Glad to have you here. Jump right in!

    Everyone else I hope you have an awesome day!

    The pictures were really fun. Al was tired after working all day and was nothing short of lovingly ornery (which is his personality for the most part anyways...meaning he is a smart*ss lol). But the photographer just laughed and joked with him. I think they are going to turn out really great. I can't wait to see them! She kept telling me how "adorable" I was and how great I look...and how small I am... I don't feel small at all...and the number on the scale definitely doesn't say "small" to me. But I guess after hearing from friends/family and strangers I should believe them. lol We are our own worst critics!

    Well I'm off to hike 5 miles...didn't sleep at all last night but I'm pushing past the "lazies" and "I don't wanna's" and just doing it!

    Hope you all get your workouts in today and eat lots of yummy, healthy foods to fuel your body and help those babies grow!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well...I'm 13 weeks and officially gained 6 pounds this first trimester. My goal was 5 and I'm up 1 from that. Oh well...onto a healthy second trimester!

    Got in a run last that is! Felt pretty good! Plan tonight is strength/cardio workout and maybe some yoga too depending on how I feel.

    Have a fabulous day gals!
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    jchecca ~ They do have great prices (on clothes)...but I would definitely try on there vs. bringing them home to try b/c I hear their return policy is just an in-store credit vs. getting your money back...which sucks.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Very active board!! Hello to everyone, many activities!!

    First, I would like to say congrats to everyone on their daily goals!! You ladies are truly amazing :flowerforyou:

    My glucose screening apt went well yesterday. I got a bit naseaus from the drink but we were able to get 2 tubes of blood every hour and as a reward my hubby took me to have a nice patio lunch. Don't have test results back, should get them sometime today :smile:

    Since I took the day off, we tried to make the most of our day!! We found an academy that we both liked (and fit our budget) that is located up the hill from our house. BONUS: They are bilingual in Spanish!!! Currently they have 5 spaces available and got one spot "reserved" until December. Come January we will need to pay the fees/tuition/ect in order to keep the spot into 2012. I'm so glad thats one less thing to worry about!!

    I'll keep you ladies posted....Happy Wed!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome and Congrats to all the newbies!

    Cloth vs disposable diapers- thanks to everyone that posted links! I love having different options of places to possibly order from (and thanks Rayna for the Canadian cites!)

    Heather, Can’t wait for you to share some of the pictures! I know the feeling of not feeling small, but I’m sure you make most pregnant woman envious as you walk by, and I’m sure some non pregnant woman too!

    As for health and fitness, I’m still not where I’d like to be but I’m slowly starting to be able to eat better foods without upsetting my stomach (seem like the only thing I could stomach were starches and carbs!) and I went to meet with a trainer last night to set up a regime for me to do while pregnant. I’m very motivated this week but hope that I don’t ruin my efforts this weekend, we have two thanksgiving suppers to go to (its Canadian Thanksgiving on Monday). Wish me luck (and will power).
