I find it hard to stay at 1200 cals a day! Help please!



  • loombeav
    loombeav Posts: 391 Member
    Try balance you intake by breaking your meals up as follows
    200 calories for breakfast
    100 calories for morning snack
    400 calories for lunch
    100 calories for afternoon snack
    400 calories for dinner

    Also when I do 1200 calories I eat back a portion of my exercise calories to be sure I feel satisfied.
  • I would say do ur work out alittle earlier than u would normally then have have a homemade fruit smoothie after ur work out before u have dinner space the time between that and ur dinner that way u wont have to worry about the cals if u go over cause its all good cals .just fruits it will fill u up and hold u over till dinner and u get to have an extra snack .
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Is that total calories or net? I eat around 1800 total calories on average, I think, or about 1300 - 1600 net. On 1200 total calories I'd be hungry.
  • Thanks everyone for your tips and advice. I eat Greek Yogurt with blueberries for b'fast, cheese, apple, banana, or nuts for a snack, lunch usually a Lean Cuisine, then for an afternoon snack one of the snacks I mentioned. Dinner usually a couple of veggies and a lean meat. Maybe I'm just not taking in enough cals. For example, I did zumba last night and burned around 600 cals. So I can consume some of those back. :) Got it now! I'm also on day 3 of no diet cokes. I would drink those daily but now it's nothing but water or Powerade 0. Thanks again!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I have a friend who is losing weight under a doctor's superviison. Her advice on exercise was "Don't exercise more now than you plan to for the rest of your life."

    I understand the "eating back the calories" but be realistic with it for the long run's sake. We're all in this for the long run. We don't want to put the hard earned weight loss back on, that's for sure.

    I went down from a 1600 to a 1200 diet. It took me one week to fully acclimate.

    I agree with the others about eating more fiber. Also, try to cut out the snacks if you can, or just eat fruit for lunch if possible. My brother in law does this and is slim; always has been. If you consume two eggs for breakfast, you are golden until lunch. The fewer times you sit down and eat, the less calories you'll have the opportunity to consume.
  • lisamc03
    lisamc03 Posts: 127 Member
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