Operation: Sexy Claus Week # 3 10.3.11



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    What a great topic... Friends!

    I have had several friends sign up for MFP just from seeing me and what I have been able to achieve...BUT none of them have stuck with it! It is so frustrating! They wantthe the secret pill to solve their weight problems not to have to make choices and get exercise. One friend actually said she didn't think she should hang around me anymore because I have lost too much. I figure I can't solve their problems but I can be a role model for healthy living. Several don't even acknowledge my weight loss, and that is fine because I know what I am doing is the right thing for me.
    On the other hand my colleagues are amazing. I have inspired many to start getting exercise. And the compliments I get are daily. I feel like a million bucks! And I couldn't ask for more family support. I am a very lucky girl.
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    Good Morning everyone! Sorry it took me so long to think of a topic of the day....

    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    I don't have any really close friends... just a bunch of people I talk to at school. 3 of them noticed, which is great since even though I've lost 30 pounds, I pretty much appear the same size. I think it was because my weight was proportional (and is coming off MOSTLY proportionally) so it's not as easy to notice. But, they're reactions were all positive but they all think I am healthy now! Nobody has EVER believed my weight. When I was 190, people thought I was 150. Now that I'm 160, I'm getting 140. I'm still overweight, so I'm not happy yet. But they keep telling meI'm fine and it kind of makes me slack a little bit. Gotta get my behind back in gear!
  • Tiffaniisdetermined
    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?
    All of my true friends reaction has been positive. I have been very encouraging to some of my family members. They are now on their way to a healthier life. :love:
  • 1RareJewel
    1RareJewel Posts: 440 Member
    Some of my friends tell me how much progress I have made, some act as if they do not see a difference and some swear that I am doing more than counting calories and exercising. It really doesn't matter what any of them say, because I know what they really think (GUIDE DAYUM, SHE LOOKS GOOD.....lllllllolllllll)!
    _CHRISTIE_ Posts: 237 Member
    Sorry I'm behind with the questions work has been crazy lately!
    If I could manipulate one body part it would definitely be my lower stomach area... I've got the dreaded c-section pooch and I absolutely hate it. I'm hoping with a LOT of hard work and clean eating it will eventually go away mostly.

    I agree with you on this one. I didn't have a c-section but I have that baby mommy pooch! LOL

    I have the c-section pouch too!!! I hate my stomach so would like to manipulate that....also have no behind so I'd like to add a little bit back there.... just to make it more of an omlet rather than a pancake lol... a little roundness would be nice :)

    2nd question

    I can def say I'm getting alot of positive reactions right now and loving every minute of it...it's a great motivator!!!! :)
  • leeslim4life
    leeslim4life Posts: 371 Member
    But let's talk about friends! How are your friends reacting to your weight loss/ new lifestyle? Do you receive more negative or positive reactions?

    My family and friends are all very supportive of my journey! I have no complaints here.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    This question is meant to be answered and then I would love for other people who may be strong in areas where others are struggling to give suggestions and feedback.
  • ctlinj7
    ctlinj7 Posts: 151 Member
    Where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    Nutrition is mine, this is where I think that the majority of people have this problem. I'm trying to fix that by posting everything I eat to my diary and well as keeping a written food log by my desk and with me. I feel guilty writing down "bad" foods! It does help!
  • jamerican23
    jamerican23 Posts: 175 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    This question is meant to be answered and then I would love for other people who may be strong in areas where others are struggling to give suggestions and feedback.

    For me excerise is like my weakest link right now .....i do excerise mostly walking , treadmill and yoga but i dont have the consistency and to really push to do more any advice is welcome .........thanks ladies
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Question of the day~

    Well, I'm going to be completely honest here....it's probably alcohol.:drinker: :blushing: MInd you I don't drink everyday but usually every weekend plus maybe once during the week. It always leads to to snack on chips or something else not healthy. Plus it makes me not want to work out. I fall into this every weekend which kind of erases all the good I did during the week. I'm sure I would be much farther along in this weightloss journey if it were'nt for the drinks!
  • miss_amy
    miss_amy Posts: 351
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    This question is meant to be answered and then I would love for other people who may be strong in areas where others are struggling to give suggestions and feedback.

    I think I struggle most with consistency, whether its with nutrition or fitness. I will go all-in with working out and eating healthy and then i slowly start to fizzle out, lose motivation, and start cheating. I've been fighting this since I started my weight loss journey last August. I probably always will. But I feel as long as I never completely give up, I will still find success. Just gotta find the right balance. :)
  • MochaBlues
    MochaBlues Posts: 197 Member
    So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    Well honestly, my main problem is and continues to be is eating/snacking throughout the day-coupled by late night eating. Although lately I've been incorporating some healthier choices, it is a struggle to stay within 1200 calories some days, and continue to log my calories everyday.
  • maipai21
    maipai21 Posts: 146
    So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    The area that I struggle the most in is maintaining my program on the weekends! I work hard and I am extremely busy throughout the week so when I get home on the weekends I just want to relax and I become slack in tracking and exercising. I just want to sit back, put my feet up and eat and watch tv. NOT COOL! I think I am going to just have to make exercise a priority on Saturday mornings and when I do my chores, wear my HRM and do them with squats, bends, lunges etc to burn a few more calories...
  • nicole00lynn
    my biggest struggle is snacking and late-night eating. ive been SO hungry lately, and have been lazy about my meals - resorting to things like cereal rather than cooking something decent.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    My biggest struggle is my eating habits. I am trying to switch the things I eat to more healthy options, but when I get home from work after dinner I want something sweet and I am not talking about an apple. I am usually under my calories, but I am trying to change my whole lifestyle and not just count calories. I also eat alot of processed foods.
  • kiki75243
    kiki75243 Posts: 194 Member
    Good Morning ladies! Hope everyone is doing well! So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    This question is meant to be answered and then I would love for other people who may be strong in areas where others are struggling to give suggestions and feedback.

    I struggle with my weekends eating right on the weekend...During the week I do good because I bring my lunch and breakfast and I have my snack readily available. So you can say I pretty much have it planned out. I have no idea why I can't do that on the weekend. I mess up my whole week of good eating by eating out on the weekend or eating junk. I'd probably be so much smaller if I could get this whole weekend thing down. Any and all suggestion would be appreciated.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    My biggest struggle has been eliminating processed foods and replacing them with fresh, natural foods. If it requires any sort of work to prepare (yes, even as simple as washing off or cutting up something like broccoli), I will skip over it and will reach for the prepackaged food that is high in carbs and unhealthy sugars. I need more discipline when I purchase groceries to prep the stuff as I am putting it away so that it's all ready to go when the urge to snack comes on.
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    So today I want to talk about struggles...where is the one area you struggle in most when it comes to your weight loss journey?

    My biggest struggle is consistancy...I will go hard for a month or two and then life just seems to get in the way, wether is be TOM, my damn sinuses, sick kids, working late, just plain tired....I get thrown out of whack and its really hard to get back in gear. I'm alot better at my eating now than a year ago and although I do splurge sometimes its not aften...but if I want that scale to move I HAVE TO work out.....
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Great question today Krystle! What do I stuggle with? I think it is sweets for me. And savouries too! Heck I really like food!!
    What do I do to lessen the impact has been a journey in figuring things out so I don't gain what I have already fought to lose??!!

    This is what works for me:
    I move my body (exercise) a minimum of 20 mins a day, with my hrm on. I do a dvd, go for a walk, do some physical gardening. When I started this journey last December I made a deal with myself that I would get this body in to shape... do something EVERYDAY! I am now usually anywhere from 30- 60 mins a day doing something that makes my heart rate faster and gets me sweating.
    My eating is pretty consistent. I am a bit of a bore that way... but it works. Workdays are easy. Breakfast and lunch are almost always the same. Then with burning calories doing exercise during the day I am usually able to eat whatever I want (healthy choices of course) for the rest of the evening. If there are sweets involved I try to limit it (which is very difficult). A trick that works for me is chomping on mint gum. It isn't pretty, but it works!

    jreese5226 something that works for me when it comes to veggies I buy salads bagged, baby carrots, pre-cut broccoli and cauliflower. Makes it easier. I also find raw veggies boring so I dip them in hummus... to get in a bit of extra protein.

    Another thing that has worked so far for me is giving up my all or nothing thinking. Now I focus just on today.

    Hope my thoughts help any of you. I look forward to reading what everyone has to say on this topic.
  • jreese5226
    jreese5226 Posts: 328 Member
    jreese5226 something that works for me when it comes to veggies I buy salads bagged, baby carrots, pre-cut broccoli and cauliflower. Makes it easier. I also find raw veggies boring so I dip them in hummus... to get in a bit of extra protein.

    That's a fantastic idea. I usually bypass the bagged stuff because I always feel like I am paying extra for the packaging. But perhaps I would be paying extra for the convenience, and that makes it worth it. :smile: