Boston Terrier

Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
The BF and I have decided we are getting a Boston Terrier...probably much sooner than later.
Anything I should know about them that I can't find online?
Thanks for the help MFP world!


  • MrsSpinks
    MrsSpinks Posts: 274 Member
    Only that they are faaaaaaar to cute!!!
  • emilydmac
    emilydmac Posts: 382 Member
    Dogs are like children. Expensive, annoying, attention-hogging love bugs. They are wonderful and loving, but also a huge investment. Also, small dogs like boston terriers can be hard to potty train, and can be yappy.
  • PoisedforChange
    I have one (actually the second one I have had in my lifetime). I love the bred, she is athletic and fun to be around. Wouldnt have any other kinfd.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I hope you check with shelters and rescue groups first. If you must use a breeder, make sure it's a GOOD ONE.
  • rthompson81
    rthompson81 Posts: 305 Member
    Adopt! There are far too many beautiful great dogs in the shelter or in foster homes that need permanent homes!!! I have a boston terrior mix that is a rescue and she is the best dog I've ever had.
  • Lindaj44
    Lindaj44 Posts: 45 Member
    I had a boston terrier she was really sweet, very playful up into old age, very gasey will run you out of the room
    All in all she was a good dog. Good luck...
  • kathyakapie
    We have had Frisco for 11 years and Tatum for 9. They are wonderful dogs! Now they do snore & fart but so does my husband & I still have him after 21 years.....They like attention & love to play. They can have issues in extreme hot weather due to their short snout. When these 2 are gone, there will be at least one more Boston to join our family.
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    Check a shelter first! I have a terrier mix and she is amazing. I swear she is appreciative and there for incredibly well behaved.
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    They are wonderful but popular, expensive and there has been a lot of overbreeding lately, so a good breeder is a must. Also consider French Bulldogs. They are similar dogs. But I say get this dog, because he needs a home and is super cute:
  • mrsway
    mrsway Posts: 88 Member
    My Boston is about to be 5 years old and still is just like a puppy. They are a great breed that are very high energy, but when they aren't running around being crazy, they are napping. Also, they make a great family dog as most love children. They are easy to train as long as you put forth the effort in reinforcing the training. Each Boston I have met (my sister has three, and I have gone to Boston meet-ups) had their own little quirks. For example, my Boston hates to get wet in any way, shape or form and will not even consider going out if it is lightly sprinkling. They do have a very hard to break habit of jumping and they are generally good jumpers, so be prepared for that. Another thing to be prepared for is the gas! Every Boston I have ever met the owner agrees that the farting is bad and very smelly. I have found that keeping mine on a food that is either salmon and rice or lamb and rice has helped with that, but just be aware that it is very normal for them. Good luck and I am sure you will fall in love immediately! I :heart: my Boston!
  • theberg
    theberg Posts: 80
    My Boston terror (yes, he's a terror) is my best friend until the wife gets home. They are great dogs but tend to be stubborn. As someone else posted they can be gassy, it depends on what you feed them. Overall mine has been a great dog. I will tell you that a tired Boston is a happy Boston. Otherwise they tend to get a little devious when they get bored and have too much energy.
  • mrsway
    mrsway Posts: 88 Member
    I should also include that mine never barks unless she feels that our home is being threatened. She was also the easiest thing in the world to potty train. Whatever you end up doing, shelter/rescue dog or breeder I would recommend a crate. They make the crate their own space and will recognize it as a safe place. It helps tremendously with potty training because they learn very quickly to avoid accidents in there and makes her feel at home regardless of where we are because she has her crate with her. We never lock her in there but she often goes in it and will close the door behind her.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Brachycephalic (smushy faced) dogs can't handle hard exercise, so he wouldn't make a good running partner. :wink: With the shortened snout, they can't adequately cool themselves through panting. Also, be very careful with even moderate exercise in the heat of summer. I try to avoid walking my Pekingese when the temps are much above 80F, unless it's in a shady trail, and even then, I keep it to under a mile. In cooler temps, he's good to go for 2-3 miles. They also have a risk for eye injuries, since they protrude so much. The eyeball is actually too large for the socket, and sometimes (not often, but more often than in normally proportioned dogs) they can pop out and need to be surgically repaired, and in some instances, removed.

    Personally? I'd look into rescuing a young adult. There's even a Midwest Boston Terrier group in Ohio. Dogs in rescue groups (as opposed to shelters) are already spayed or neutered, microchipped, vaccinated, and are typically living in foster homes, so they're already housebroken and started on obedience training, as well as knowing what kind of personalities they have.

    My Peke was a 2 year old special needs rescue (he was missing an eye due to a traumatic injury... he was found stray with it out of the socket and too badly damaged to save), and he merged beautifully with our household. :heart:
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    Any dog is a great companion -- I do not have terriers, as you can see on my ticker -- I have doxies -- LOVE THEM TO DEATH. Be prepared for alot of long nights if you get a puppy, alot of patience in the potty training....BUT it is all worth it !! You will always have unconditional love, and you will always have a reason to exercise and take your doggie for a walk !! Good Luck :bigsmile:

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  • jendra11339
    I love Bostons! We have two girls: Tessa and Daisy. We got them from reasonable breeders. Make sure to see the parents, especially Mom, before you take your new puppy home.
    I see that you live in Ohio, so you will probably need to invest in some doggie jackets for when it gets cold out. I live in Florida and when it dips below 65 we have to put jackets/sweaters on our dogs when they go outside. Ours love sitting in the sun year round though. They can clear a room when they fart and snoring is a given. However, no drool and they are easy to groom and bathe.
    They are people dogs, so they do need a lot of attention.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    We have 2 1/2 :laugh: Two full Boston and one is a Bugg....Boston Terrier/Pug mix.
    Great dogs, like to snuggle, chase balls and play in the yard. Happy go lucky attitude.
    Love to go for walks. If they don't they can become terrors.
    Very smart dogs, easy to train.
    They don't do well in the heat.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Oh my gosh Timmay® , we have a Boston and a Bugg too!!!!!

    Our Boston is going to be 4 on the 16th of this month and his name is Rhett. He was the runt so he's only 12 pounds. He LOVES to cuddle, be snuggled under blankets, wear doggie clothes (including his halloween costumes all year long). He loves catching the tennis ball and is scary how high he jumps, although he doesn't give the ball back. He is so super smart and is really good at learning new things. We never really had any potty training issues or barking issues with him. He LOVES food puzzle balls and figures them out in no time. Sometimes he does wicked fart. His favorite thing is to go for a ride in the car. Even if he just sits in the car in the driveway for a few minutes.

    I love the breed and will be more than happy to spam this thread with pictures of Rhett :)
  • SingSmileLaugh
    hyper and licky!
    I got a french bulldog in leiu of a boston! But both are very cute!
  • SingSmileLaugh
    They are wonderful but popular, expensive and there has been a lot of overbreeding lately, so a good breeder is a must. Also consider French Bulldogs. They are similar dogs. But I say get this dog, because he needs a home and is super cute:

    LOVE French bulldogs! I have one, but they're 1500.
  • FollowThatUnicorn
    FollowThatUnicorn Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry, had to:

