Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant-October 2011



  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning ladies!! :)

    Heather, can't wait to see your pictures!

    We'll be doing disposable diapers. I don't like contributing to unnecessary waste either, but I don't see myself washing that many diapers every day and dealing with cloth diapers when we're out and about. According to Consumer Reports, disposable diapers don't have as many rash causing chemicals in them anymore. Kudos to you ladies that are dedicated to the cloth diapers though!

    I didn't exercise on Monday because I was just completely exhausted. BUT I got in a 35 minute run/walk yesterday and had a better pace than the last time. Still not very fast, but improvement is always good. :) The weather was awesome and is supposed to be the rest of the week, high 60's to low-mid 70's and sunny! :) Then when I got done with that I did a 50 minute Shiva Rea prenatal yoga video that I borrowed from a friend. It was just so-so. I'm thinking about ordering the one I linked yesterday.
    For dinner we had baked tilapia, brown rice, and steamed zuchinni & squash. So good! AND I had 15 glasses of water. I usually drink at least 12. Yesterday was a good day. :)
    I tossed and turned all night last night though. This side sleeping business is for the birds!! UGH! I need to invest in a good body pillow. They're just so darn expensive, but if it'll help me sleep comfortably then I'm for it!
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies-- help!! what's Ur remedy for constipation? My Dr said half and half of 7-up & prune juice. Sounds yucky so just wanna knw what u ladies take for constipation. Thanks
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Luckily, I haven't really experienced any constipation. Maybe like once, but other than that it's been smooth sailing, so-to-speak. (haha!) Okay, that was kinda gross, but made me chuckle. lol
    The prune juice should help. Hopefully the 7-Up will make it taste better. Do you like eating prunes at all? I like the orange essence ones. Maybe incorporate those into your daily diet and that'll help.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies-- help!! what's Ur remedy for constipation? My Dr said half and half of 7-up & prune juice. Sounds yucky so just wanna knw what u ladies take for constipation. Thanks

    Sorry to hear that...I've been taking Benefiber 3 x a day (plus sprinkling it to my food) for about a month and a half now...Worked great so far :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    I drink the Sunsweet Plumsmart Light juice every morning...seems to help somewhat. I'm actually thinking of trying some Benefiber also. Good luck!
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    Take or leave my remedy at will. :) But I haven't really suffered from constipation because I have a cup of caffeinated tea or coffee every morning. My problem has been hard stool, which I'm finally addressing with Colace. Still waiting to see how that works for me.
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    hello ladies
    I'm 20 weeks today!!!! we're half way :) and today es the big day to find out the sex of my baby.
    i'm so exited!!! cant wait for my appointment.
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Hey ladies. Shoo! I've been swamped at work! Which means I missed my workout last night b/c I was here till 6:30 and had dinner plans at 7:30. I ate OK - had pork carnita soft tacos from CA Pizza Kitchen, but I also had a piece of pummpkin cheesecake and it was delicous. I walked to and from lunch but no real strength and cardio. Oh well....another day.....we're going to yoga to night so that will be good.

    Heather, thanks for the comments about my pains. I have had no more so I think she was just laying weird.

    I have noticed the baby is most active at night; seems she is getting on a schedule. HOpefully she will switch that up before January!

    We also have selected a day care. We visited the one next to Eric's office last Friday and one more. We like the one next door pretty much just as well as the one we were on a waiting list for. This one is $5 less a week and we get 2 weeks of free vacation. Their staff has been there 1+ years, 10 years, 4 years, and 16 years so that is good. There are currenlty only 2 infants and 1 or 2 will move to toddlers by April and they're getting a new infant in January. I think it is awesome Eric can pop in at any time during the day and/or look at the window at the kids playing. So check that off the list!

    To follow up on some questions:
    Cloth Diapers - we would like to do this via diaper service of course! But once I go back to work 12 weeks after delivery, she will be going to day care so we'll have to use disposable. I would like to say we will try to continue with cloth (if it works out at all) on weekends and at night, but I have a feeling we will be more hybrid as long as the baby is OK with it and we can keep it up. We need to look into diaper service though to compare cost. I'm really not trying to wash out 10 diapers a day. I consider myself pretty green, but I am also a realist.

    Constipation - I have had issues with this for many years and some during pregnancy although I am pretty regular now. I think I am more hydrated now due to not drinking alcohol and being very consistent with 8-10 glasses of water a day. So first, I would say stay hydrated. I also take 3 stoll softeners every night with my vitamin. If I get backed up, I eat fiber gummies, which I was having about 3 a day during first tri when I was more constipated. Good luck; it is really a terrible thing.

    Good job ladies on at least working towards your goals. Hope you all have fabulous days!

  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    Morning ladies-- help!! what's Ur remedy for constipation? My Dr said half and half of 7-up & prune juice. Sounds yucky so just wanna knw what u ladies take for constipation. Thanks

    Glycerine suppositories are my friend..... seriously

    Went for a 25 min walk with incline yesterday at lunch then had aquasize, felt really tired all day but after my class I felt great. I wish I could get in the pool more often. Sadly Im 11 weeks and up 6lbs....I really dont want to gain any more till my next trimester!
    Hoping to get in weights tonight, I really dont like weight training... but i will try my best to just do it. Hubbys out of town for a couple days so that leaves me with full responsibility of my active 2 year old..... Also decided to do another human resource course, Im almost done the certificate, but employment law is the dryest course ever, just gotta get it done though.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    My glucose came back negative!! All the numbers were low and normal!!
    Doc said it's definitely my diet. He told me to minimize my 80% fruit diet and eat more carbs/protein/veggies :grumble: . He also approved 30 min a day walking. Again, stressed to stay within 150 and that he'd see me on the 24th for our Sono!!

    YAY!! :drinker:
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    babeed so glad to hear your glucose results came back normal! Protein is such in important part of not only your nutrition, but that of your growing baby's health! You should be getting in 80-100 grams of protein a day while pregnant. This can be through beans, eggs, cheese, fish...not just meat. I wish you the best of luck!

    Ever since I began my life with fitness and eating right I've not had a problem with constipation, even now being pregnant so I don't have any experience there. Sorry. Making sure to drink LOTS of water, eat enough fiber (fruits, veggies, whole grains), and exercise really does help. I also drink half a cup of pomegranate cranberry green tea every morning which seems to make things "flow smoothly".

    Ashley (and whoever else mentioned about the baby's activity at night) it is true that to a certain extent the baby will get into a routine of wake/sleep patterns. But you will seem to feel the baby more when you aren't as active so it might seem you feel them more at night. I feel Charlee every night when I lay in bed and read before I go to sleep, and then around midnight (which turns into a potty break), then around 3 or 4 am, then again about I'm guessing this is going to be her nighttime routine when she makes her debut into the world.

    paulandrea good luck at your u/s! Girls seem to be the trend on this board lately. :)

    Well I did my walk/hike this morning and it was great being outside. I'm really starting to feel some body fatigue.... My mind and will is still gungho, but my body is starting to get more and more achy and fatigued after and even during the workout. I couldn't do my lower body toning workout after the hike because my lower back and pelvis hurt so bad. So I just did my arm workout. I really need to go to the chiropractor and maybe that might help, but so many people keep telling me I might just have to slow down on my workouts. This is such a hard concept for me to wrap around my brain. I don't know... I guess I will just take it each day at a time.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    babeed so glad to hear your glucose results came back normal! Protein is such in important part of not only your nutrition, but that of your growing baby's health! You should be getting in 80-100 grams of protein a day while pregnant. This can be through beans, eggs, cheese, fish...not just meat. I wish you the best of luck!


    How do you guys eat protien and not feel full? If I take 2-3 bites of protien then I'm pretty much done! It's so filling....
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    babeed - Yay. So glad to hear your good news!!! You will probably feel so much better getting more protein into your diet. I hate going w/o protein and often go over on the amount mfp says to have.

    Constipation - The only time I've had a problem with it was in this pregnancy between weeks 8-12 off and on. I just increased my water, ate grapes and plums everyday and it cleared up. Good luck!!!

    Heather - You've done so great and still are. Don't feel bad if you have to slow down on your workouts. You should be really proud that you've done as well as you have. Take time to rest, you will be glad you did when baby comes!!!

    paulandrea - Can't wait to hear what your having.................Good Luck!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    Babeed can you give me an idea of what an average meal/day looks like for you? You can send me a private message if you'd like. During pregnancy you need more protein than normal and like I said before the recommended amount during pregnancy is 80-100 grams (at least). I personally get my protein through nuts, meats, cheeses, yogurt. and eggs. I incorporate protein with every single meal and for example apple with cheese, chicken breast with baked potato, eggs with OJ.

    Misti thank you so much for you kind words. My husband keeps telling me that same thing. After I ended up in the doc office last Friday for the strained oblique muscle he keeps telling me I need to take it easy cause I'm going to need to be well rested and injury free for the labor/delivery. It is just so hard for me to "admit defeat"... Like I said I'm just going to take it one day at a time.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Babeed- I eat about 100-130 grams of protein a day. and i'm always about 50 grams below my carb and sugar limits. Protein does make you full, but that's the point. Its slower to digest than carbs and fat so it keeps you full longer and helps keep cravings away. There are tons of lighter protein options out there: tofu, egg whites, non fat yogurt, low fat cottage cheese, trout, sole, beans, quinoa.
    You don't need big portions, you only need 4 oz of the heavier proteins. Just start small and add something to dinner, then gradually work yourself up to eating a little more protein. You can add some salmon or chicken breast to pastas and salads to start. Some people really don't need much protein to feel full, whereas I need at least 25 grams a meal to be satiated. Each person is different.
  • kdet07
    kdet07 Posts: 117
    So exciting to read about all the ultrasounds!! I still haven't decided if i want to know the gender, hubby is against team green so we'll see. He wants to know A-S-A-P.

    heather, I hope you feel better soon :)

    babeed- I'm the opposite! lately I feel like I can't jam enough protein in my mouth! and YAYYYYY great glucose results!!!

    AFM: Feeling great today, started by Lindsay Brin Prenatal Dvd this morning. She's really peppy, which is exactly what I need in the morning, and I've added heavier weights than what she advises, since for the first 5 minutes I felt silly with 3 lb weights. :) I intend to be as active as possible, and I hope I like the rest of her dvds as much as the first. I plan on doing the yoga later tonight or tomorrow. Pre baby, I was biking 15 miles 2x week, doing zumba & weight training. I've set up the indoor cycle trainer so I can hopefully get in a few good rides in per week.

    any suggestions on a schedule? I'd really like to add yoga to the mix, and I'm so g-d tired that I'd like to keep up with the exercise I've been slacking on. I had my intake appt, HCG was 4537, my fasting glucose was 84 (down from 106 last year!!) and I'm not as anemic as I was previously. all good stuff.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Misti- thank you!!

    Heather- I sent you a private message...any help will be greatly appreicated!! And I've read several of the articles on the website you suggested. thank you again

    Sabrina - I use to love some of the things you mentioned, before I got pregnant :laugh:

    Being pregnant (with my first) has definitely been an growing experience. Never thought smell & taste would impact my eating habits in such a large way :noway:
  • H_82
    H_82 Posts: 418 Member
    svgarcia~ I haven't really had issues w/ constipation...there has been a day or two that I didn't go, but otherwise I've been pretty regular. My cure-all is kiwi though.....Eat a few of those & you'll be "good to go" a couple hours later...
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all :)

    Random question for you who are further along and did planning for your maternity leave with your employer go? Were you involved in the process? How far in advance do you plan to bring someone in to train for your position?
    I really only have 4 months until I go on maternity leave, maybe 3.5 depending how close to my due date I can still work and we are going into our busiest time of year - not to mention my dept (only 3 of us not including our manager) feel overwhelmed most of the time as it is...anyway long story short my Manager hasn't said anything to me about it, I asked her a few months ago when I first got pregnant and she just brushed it off.
    With only 3.5-4 months to go and going into our BUSY time I think we should try to find someone sooner rather than later as we will not find someone tomorrow, it takes time to recruit, especially for a 1 year mat leave. (I'm in HR) and I was thinking we could use the extra help while at the same time training this person for everything I do...
    I sent her a meeting request for tomorrow to talk about it so we'll see how it goes, I just wanted to see what others experiences have been like....would love to hear your thoughts!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    Is a beautiful baby girl <3 soo happy !! ... and shock i was so sure that it was a boy i don't know why.
    thanks for your messages xoxo