Fit For Christmas Challenge-October



  • Only did 21 squats yesterday, my first day at this challenge, did manage doing 75 minutes of cardio broken up thru the day..
    Got up this morning did 25 squats and 10 pushups. Going to try for another 25 at lunch. :yawn:
  • How do I join a group?
  • How do I join a group?
    Just like that!:wink: Now that you've posted here, you can go under "my topics" and easily find the group again! We start a new challenge every Friday, weigh in and post our weight(or loss) on Fridays as well. Welcome & good luck!!
  • hey, can i join? im in. im 174 lbs.:)
    welcome misslaverne & good luck!!
  • kkauz42
    kkauz42 Posts: 537 Member
    Okay SO with softball I was maintaining at 220 (gasp, I actually said my weight! lol) And wasn't losing because of MY choice to drink and have bar food! I did a "cheat" weigh in today and I'm at 217 (which is what my weight is registered at on here) so I'm down 3lbs (as my ticker says) and POSSIBLY could be down 4 by friday!! so excited to see this ticker move!!!
  • kerry1513
    kerry1513 Posts: 38 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge? I have fallen off the wagon and I am trying to get back on. So, this would be a great start for me.
  • Great job on the weight loss Kkuaz42!! :)

    Today I am sooooo SORE, but I got my butt up this morning and went to kickboxing! I am glad I went. I am about to go do my 100 squats, I was so busy today I have not sat down once. I hope we all have a great weigh-in tomorrow!
  • merguson
    merguson Posts: 281 Member
    Hope no one minds me jumping on board here!! I'll weigh in tomorrow with you and jump into the challenges then. It'll be nice for me to try something new once in while and shake it up. I'm sooo stuck on routine. Sooo... looking forward the challenges?!?!?!
  • Okay SO with softball I was maintaining at 220 (gasp, I actually said my weight! lol) And wasn't losing because of MY choice to drink and have bar food! I did a "cheat" weigh in today and I'm at 217 (which is what my weight is registered at on here) so I'm down 3lbs (as my ticker says) and POSSIBLY could be down 4 by friday!! so excited to see this ticker move!!!
    Yay!! So happy for you!! I cheated on the scale several times this week:blushing: I don't think I've lost anything this week....we'll see soon enough I guess!!:)
  • @Kerry1513 & Ferff3- Welcome aboard & good luck!!
    @ lauraelsiedavis- that's the kind of get-up-and-go I need:) Proud of you girl!!!
    I got all my squats and water in today...didn't run, my knees are too sore! Think I'll drop back to every other day. I did Jillian Michaels Killer butt & thighs today and Biggest Loser Bootcamp...felt great:):) Hope you all had a good day!!!
    Tomorrow is the last day for squats, so lets give it our all:bigsmile: I'll get Week 3 posted tomorrow afternoon sometime...if anyone has something in particular in mind for this weeks challenge, please send me a message.
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    Did my hundred squats last night and added in that 100 crunches just for good measure. Seriously how does your bladder keep up with 12 glasses of water a day...Some more walking this morning before work. Looking forward to the weigh in tomorrow not expecting much since I usually weigh on Tuesday so it's only been a couple days but we'll see if those salads for lunch pay off ;) Have a good day everyone. xx
  • Hello,

    I've just found this thread and would love to join. I am keen to lose about 15lbs by Christmas but am not sure if I am being too ambitious. I weigh on a Saturday so will post then but will start today with the lunges. I can't remember how much I weigh in pounds but it's 12st 5lb in English money! Hope you don't mind a latecomer x
  • arat123
    arat123 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I would love to join this group. I would be over the moon if i could lose a stone by christmas and get fitter. I play squash 4 nights a week so i'm not that unfit. But i feel i need to focus more on toning and exercising differently. So if you put it up to me, i'm sure i'll give it my best shot.
  • cookc04
    cookc04 Posts: 71
    I'm a bit late But I'll join in tomorrow. The First Friday of the month.
  • Ok I got 20 minutes of walking yesterday and 35 squats, then I had a bad night.. Boyfriend took me to outback for dinner went over on the calories. But I promise I will come back stronger tonight. I will be a size 10 by Christmas or least trying on 8, plus got 12 glasses of water in.

    I have hit rock bottom, I only have two ways to go straight up or sideways.. I going to choice going straight up (or down on the scales) :happy:
  • Oh I'll be surprised if the scales show a loss for me! I did my square yesterday but wasn't so good on water, only 8 glasses which is low for me!
    And again this morning I went off to college without a drink or money to buy one lol, so it's 14:10 now and I'm about to have my 1st glass!
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member

    I've just found this thread and would love to join. I am keen to lose about 15lbs by Christmas but am not sure if I am being too ambitious. I weigh on a Saturday so will post then but will start today with the lunges. I can't remember how much I weigh in pounds but it's 12st 5lb in English money! Hope you don't mind a latecomer x

    tha'ts 168 :-) I'm American but live in England and always have to convert stones to pounds...
  • Was wondering if there is room for another. I would love to be challenged weekly :D
  • @ arat123, Lowtower, cookc04, & Panandatkn- Welcome & Good Luck to you all!!!

    Well gals, this is the last day for week 2..hope everyone had a great week....Sorry I cannot comment on everybodys posts individually...but the group has gotten so big:bigsmile: which is great!!! Good Luck with the weigh ins tomorrow

  • Hi, I would love to join in if it's not too late? I will weigh in tomorrow morning if that's ok?

