Wii workout recommendations?

I've been doing fairly well with my calorie cutting and counting. It's not TOO difficult for me because I can eat anything and eat the same thing over and over. My downfall is sweets and pasta and since I'm trying to say away from them right now....I'm pretty ok. However, I'm not exercising the way I want or need. I can come up with a million excuses, high on the list is time, but really I know I would make the time if it was even a little fun for me. So what I'm asking for is some wii game recommendations that have REAL workouts and some added fun!


  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Try Wii Zumba or Biggest Loser for the Wii.. both are fun and have a pretty good workout.
  • FaeryBaby
    FaeryBaby Posts: 104 Member
    I've been using EA Active 2 and Just Dance (one sweat mode) for my workouts. Lots of fun and both good calorie burners :)
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I LOVE my wii. I have not been using it for a while as I have been doing other work outs but it helped me shift some pounds. I love wii fit plus. That is all I use really. I bought some other work outs but have not tried them yet. x
  • Try EA Active 2. You can choose what exercise you like, and what ones you don't.
    Most of the ones that I do are squash, water rafting, skipping, obstacle course, surfing, etc...

    You could also try joining a group class at a local community centre?
    This is what got me starting to LOVE exercising!
    You are also held a little more accountable when you are meeting others there...
  • armymil
    armymil Posts: 163 Member
    I don't think Wii would be the best way to lose the weight UNLESS and I mean UNLESS there are weather issues and you don't have access to a gym. I mean, it is all calorie counting but if you are at home, there is personally more temptation to do something else like grab a snack or play another game, whereas if you dedicate yourself to saying, "Ok, I am at least going to walk 10 minutes, or a mile, or burn X calories," then you will most likely end up doing more on the exercise. You will also say, Oh I am out here, might as well keep going.

    I use to have a Wii, but it was not good for me. The game that does work a little is Just Dance.

    This is just my personal thought only because I've been there and it is what works for me and my fiancee.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Also to add to that list...Wii Fit, Wii Fit Plus and EA Sports Active 2. All have great exercises and work very well. But if you have a cable provider like Comcast, you can get all of those exercises and more for free On Demand. Although Wii does allow to track and set goals in the console. Pretty helpful with staying on task.
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    I love The Biggest Loser for the Wii. It has various exercise routines from beginning to challenging and also there are challenges that stray from a "normal" workout, but almost make you forget you are working out just trying to finish the challenge in first place.

    Just be careful with the calories burned as they are way off since it only tracks what it senses you doing and if you are off time by even a small amount, it doesn't always pick it up. I once did a 37 minute workout and it said that I burned 66 calories, but based on how much I was sweating, that couldn't possibly have been correct

    I haven't tried any others though, so don't have anything else to compare to.
  • kathy_4498
    kathy_4498 Posts: 3 Member
    I:happy: :happy: luv just dance on the wii.....So much fun!!!!!
  • If you like to dance you can do anyone of the dancing games on Wii (really good workout) I have Micheal Jacksons wii game and dance dance revelution but I think that there is more. Also some of the games on wii fit plus are a real good workout. Just some ideas. good luck!!!:
  • ninkdole
    ninkdole Posts: 243 Member
    I have the My Fitness Coach 2 workout for my Wii and I love it.
  • I absolutely LOVE Wii Fit! I get on the Free Step, turn the volume down on the Wii, and change back over to the tv and step through a show or two. keeps my mind preoccupied without having to watch my little Mii lol (:
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member

    Just Dance 2
    Ea Sports

    Love the Wii. . What I will say though is if you have not already gotten one. .. . I would highly advise using an HRM when doing workouts on the Wii so you know how many calories you are burning as well as the rate in which you are burning them, in other words weather you are at your target heartrate or not) MFP's data base tends to go really high for the calories burn and like the Zumba and JUST DANCE are not in there. . although if you get ZUMBA they have a calorie calculator online for it. .

    If you don't have an HRM. . I got mine at Walmart. . It is a Sportliine with a cheststrap. . only cost me $47

    The best of luck to you in your health and fitness journey~!:smile:
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!
  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    I was just like you I did not like to do"boring exercises", but last May my hubby brought home a Wii Fit and I have been having fun ever since. My husband and I have both lost over 50 pounds EACH using Wii Fit Plus. There are enough exercises that you have choice what you can do each day. The key is to set yourself a goal and do it EVERY day. I know WII works. I have watched the fat melt off my hubby and I can see more of my chin line than ever, I think it is fun and I am writing down the names of the games that the others have suggested, so that I can try them too. I'm sure you can find some that are fun,( my personal fav. is the marching band on Wii Fit Plus) and then play those calories away!