im not losing weight and its been over 7 months :(



  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I went through about two weeks of your food diary, and you're pretty consistent, so my recommendations are based off of that:

    1-- I didn't see a single vegetable in your food diary. And maybe one or two pieces of fruit. These provide essential nutrients. They're natural and not processed. Veggies are low-calorie and are super versatile. Fruit has good fiber.

    2-- Your diet is carb-heavy. Not that I'm recommending a low-carb diet, just one that's more balanced between carbs and protein. Your daily protein intake isn't very high, and the carbs you are getting are almost exclusively from processed foods rather than from whole grains or fruits. Try adding an egg or two for breakfast, lean protein (like chicken) for dinner, and snacks like raw almonds or cashews.

    3-- Don't eat so much processed food! A lot of the things in your diary come from a freezer/box/bag/can. Try buying the fresh options:
    for example, instead of a BBQ beef hot pocket, cook up some steak and serve it with 1 tbsp of BBQ sauce. With a side of fresh veggies, like steamed broccoli! For breakfast: instead of two Eggo waffles, have two slices of whole grain toast, and a Greek yogurt (high in protein).

    4-- Watch your sodium intake. This goes along with processed food, though. If you cut down on pre-made/pre-packaged food, your intake of sodium will drastically decrease. Which will make your body retain less water, and thus weigh a tiny bit less.

    I'm adding you as a friend, my diary is very very fresh but realistic, balanced, and varied. And also we're about the same age and I like having MFP friends around the same age as me!
  • Jolenebib
    Jolenebib Posts: 142 Member
    There are definitely a lot of processed foods in your diet. Add more fiber for one - not processed sugars. Replace white rice and pasta with brown rice and whole grain pasta. Find a cereal with around 6g of fiber per serving - Kashi has some great ones, and I've found target has the best prices on the cereals. You could also try having oatmeal for breakfast.

    Add more vegetables and fruits. Instead of nutella with a rice cake, have it with strawberries. Also, lean proteins like chicken, turkey, fish, will help you feel full and give you some more protein.

    I really like the cooking light magazine (and website) for quick, easy meals that are made with whole foods that are really good. I tend to make the whole recipe and then freeze single servings for later. Also, the "South Beach diet quick and easy cookbook" has some great, quick and easy meals that are also really good (I am not saying you should follow that diet, I just like the recipes).

    Its probably not your workout, its what you are eating.

    Its also possible your calories are too high. It really is calories in should be less than calories out to lose weight. But the right fuel will give your body more energy and you'll feel better and your workouts will be that much more beneficial.
  • southerngirlspa
    Yeah actually I'm being honey I post everything I eat . Rather not lie to myself . But yeah ISO does anyone know any good snack ( preferably with no nut or almonds ) that's low in sodium .

    Apples, grapes, carrots, cheese (law fat variety in small portions), maybe see if you like skim milk as well as 2%? These are all things I like to snack on. I have high blood pressure as well so I watch my sodium. Or even some low sodium sandwich meat and get a couple of slices, spread 1/2 a wedge of laughing cow cheese in there, maybe some sprouts/lettuce/avacado/bell pepper and then roll it up into a littel snack roll! I like to nibble on something ike that while Im making dinner sometimes.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I looked back at your diary since Monday. It looks like you are eating too much processed foods and not enough fresh fruit and veg. If you eat eggs, try having that in the morning instead of cereal. It will keep you fuller, longer. I also find eating fresh fruit and vegetables will eliminate the need for fiber one bars.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I see a LOT of processed foods in your diary. I would suggest more whole foods...more veggies for sure.

    I agree. Lots of sodium in processed foods. I've been bad at tracking my food lately, but I try to keep my sodium at about 1500 mg

    It's not just the high sodium in processed foods, it's that your body doesn't know what do do with them so it takes longer for your body to break them down and process. The benefits of having whole grains and fresh fruit/veg is they are quickly passed through your system
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Yeah actually I'm being honey I post everything I eat . Rather not lie to myself . But yeah ISO does anyone know any good snack ( preferably with no nut or almonds ) that's low in sodium .

    Pretty much anything not in a box or a can.

    Some days I have a cliff bar or larabr. be careful they are high in sugar
    Today I had 1/4 cup of pecans
    Some days I have a piece of fruit or greek yogurt with fruit added.
    air popped popcorn is also good.
    some days I make a small salad
  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    I see a LOT of processed foods in your diary. I would suggest more whole foods...more veggies for sure.

    This. Also, remember to change your workout routine about every six weeks. Try to continually challenge yourself to do new things and to give it your all.
  • anvacarz
    Yeah actually I'm being honey I post everything I eat . Rather not lie to myself . But yeah ISO does anyone know any good snack ( preferably with no nut or almonds ) that's low in sodium .

  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    I have been going online and looking at Epicurious or AllRecipes. What might help you is to eliminate all carbs from bread, pasta, and rice for a while- I went over a month and still mostly shun it. That's where I finally started to see results. If you friend me, you can check my food diary. I eat a lot of salads with limited calories from low-fat dressings, fresh fruits and veggies or steamed veggies with Oyster sauce (tastes like Broccoli Beef, but much healthier). I am have learned to become a fan of fruits and veggies, and don't really eat nuts, peanut butter or Nutella (nom nom nom!). Got rid of butter and most oil except olive oil and tried not to eat back calories in the beginning. Also make sure you drink at least 8 cups of water and for the first few days, be near a bathroom! I hope some of these ideas help you. I started at 220 dieting on my own, by the way and have been using MFP for the last 30.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    fresh fruits and veggies
    grilled chicken breast or fish
    100% whole wheat bread
    peanut butter

    What everyone else has need to eat cleaner. Too many processed foods! And definitely change up your work out...put a fire under it!!!!!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    I see a LOT of processed foods in your diary. I would suggest more whole foods...more veggies for sure.

  • MJStory
    MJStory Posts: 42
    Everyone else is giving excellent advice, and one entry in particular is a good synopsis of the other entries. I know that you're training vigorously, but it sounds like you're doing the same exercise routine on a regular basis. This is a formula for you body getting "lazy" (for lack of a better word) with your routine. To make it clear, your body starts to cheat on how you move, which happens with any repetitive activity: your muscles find a simpler movement sequence so as to conserve energy. That means that you're probably not burning as many calories as when you started the activity.

    You don't want to stay with the same activity routine for more than about 10 days. If you're running at a track, after 10 days of activity (usually over 2 weeks), start running slow grades, hills or stairs. If you've been using large strides, start using smaller, faster steps like you're sprinting, then you'll really feel it in different muscles the next day. The technique is called "muscle confusion". Use your imagination for variations to change up your routine. You can make an on-line search to get ideas, if you want; fitness, and some women's, magazines have exercise programs every month. Start by making a list of the activities you've been using in your original routine. Then find activities to replace them that are different. You can cycle the lists of routine exercises, and change it up for at least 2 additional variations, or more, then do the routines again. You then should be seeing some improvement in physique, and possibly weight loss.

    Don't forget your measurements, as you might be losing inches but not pounds: you're more fit with higher muscle mass and will burn more calories. What doesn't show up on the scale should, hopefully, be reflected in measurements!

    I hope this helps!
  • brk_1982
    brk_1982 Posts: 125 Member
    Agree with most of the comments here, especially but trying to eat "cleaner" - also, noticed that you "earn" a lot of calories from exercise. Maybe you are over-estimating those, and/or your starting calories are too high? Did you accurately assess if you are lightly active/sedentary? (It was hard for me to choose sedentary because I am active when I'm not at work, but I had to admit, I DO sit at a desk all day...)

    Feel free to look through my diary for snack ideas. I second the other poster who suggested greek yogurt! Add a little vanilla and some chopped fruit or berries (fresh or frozen). It's healthy, delicious and high in protein so 1/2 cup keeps you full and satisfied!
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    What type of exercise are you doing. Even if you elminate the processed food, there is still a question if you eat enough. 1400 is not that many calories. The two plateaus i have beaten have been from increasing my calories.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sorry to be harsh, but if you are eating under 1400 cals a day for the last 7 months then you would be losing weight. Even if you were sleeping at night and just sitting in a chair all day.

    Are you being totally honest about your food and exercise?

    Beer, wine, milk, snacks???

    The only person you will fool is yourself ;-)
    I was wondering about the same thing.

    Theoretically speaking, eating processed food or whole foods should make no much difference in terms of calorie deficit, right?
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    What type of exercise are you doing. Even if you elminate the processed food, there is still a question if you eat enough. 1400 is not that many calories. The two plateaus i have beaten have been from increasing my calories.
    I don't doubt your expertise on the subject, but I wonder if she suddenly cuts back on calorie intake, in theory, this should make her lose weight for short term, right? Then we could discuss that infamous "starvation mode"...
  • sweetNsassy2584
    sweetNsassy2584 Posts: 515 Member
    I have similar problems, I'm on the will hear a lot of people tell you to eat more calories, well, when I did that, I gained...I actually had to cut my calories back to about 1100 and I started losing again. I don't know if that will work for you, but I think there is something with some of these birth controls that really messes up trying to lose weight! Good luck to you!!!

    I've been on Mirena and lost 72 lbs so I don't think it causes you to hold on to weight or gain.
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    Inevitably, if you ask why you're not losing weight, someone on MFP will point out sodium, then another will point out processed foods.

    These are great suggestions, don't get me wrong. But we also have to be realistic. To the OP, try adding vegetables, fruit, etc. Try eating cleaner, but don't be overwhelmed by this either. Don't burn yourself out by replacing all the foods you love with foods you don't love. Just try to aim for healthier options, even if you replace an unhealthy snack with a serving of vegetables every other day. :)

    Also, be aware that eating cleaner and healthier may not, in fact, lead to weight loss. You may have a medical condition that's preventing you from losing, a thyroid problem, or even a food intolerance. It may also be as simple as working a little longer and harder at your exercising, adding strength training (squats for the win!), and drinking more water.

    Otherwise, I want to applaud you sticking with this for so long!!! Great job! Despite the lack of weight loss, I'm betting there's been a lot of under-the-surface changes that have made you healthier! :)
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Inevitably, if you ask why you're not losing weight, someone on MFP will point out sodium, then another will point out processed foods.

    These are great suggestions, don't get me wrong. But we also have to be realistic. To the OP, try adding vegetables, fruit, etc. Try eating cleaner, but don't be overwhelmed by this either. Don't burn yourself out by replacing all the foods you love with foods you don't love. Just try to aim for healthier options, even if you replace an unhealthy snack with a serving of vegetables every other day. :)

    Also, be aware that eating cleaner and healthier may not, in fact, lead to weight loss. You may have a medical condition that's preventing you from losing, a thyroid problem, or even a food intolerance. It may also be as simple as working a little longer and harder at your exercising, adding strength training (squats for the win!), and drinking more water.

    Otherwise, I want to applaud you sticking with this for so long!!! Great job! Despite the lack of weight loss, I'm betting there's been a lot of under-the-surface changes that have made you healthier! :)

    This is a sound response, to me. :)
  • laurensohn22
    laurensohn22 Posts: 163 Member
    Thank you everyone for your help I even switched my lunch to fruits now I just need to work on dinner options Haha see no one at home cooks which sucks and if we cook its like pasta fajitas or something I know isn't good for me . I'm considering going to the doctor after all the suggestions . I havnt give in a very long time . But as said thank you :) anymore suggestions ?