Christmas Countdown Challenge (Closed) - Week #11



  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    GOOD MORNING EVERYONE!!! Hope your day is starting well and for those on the other side, I hope you had a wonderful day. Beautiful and sunny here! Unfortunately I will be having another late night tonight at work BUT.... I should hopefully have a nephew by tomorrow :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: SO EXCITED!!!

    I ALMOST didn't log my food/drink choices from last night. Tuesday's are MY night. I teach until 8-8:30pm and then usually head to my local hangout to have a drink, dinner, and catch the end of the Yankees game. My daughter is with her father so it's just me for the night. I don't normally log anything because I consider it my night off from reality.

    BUT... Then I wouldn't be fulfilling my own challenge!!! So there it is, every bit of it, lol.

    Hope to see everyone sharing their stories and if anyone needs anything, just let us know! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • femmerides
    femmerides Posts: 843 Member
    I'm sorry. Life has been nuts.

    Cw: 179.8

    I'm in maintenance mode. Trying to shock my body back in to weightloss mode but gotta give it a break first. Lol.
  • abeks
    abeks Posts: 68 Member
    Bump :)
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    Thanks for the Birthday wishes!!! You would be proud of me I did not have any cake! :wink: I totally love bakery cake with buttercream frosting this year no cake for me!
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Neize - Happy Birthday!!! Awesome NSV
  • sfalk1977
    sfalk1977 Posts: 142 Member
    One thing I am good at - being honest about logging food and exercise. If anything, I underestimate my exercise and overestimate how much I have eaten.

    I've never done pilates either but will get onto it later today. Up at 3.30 in the morning with the dog again - he keeps eating mushrooms in the garden which make him sick. I'm out there every day picking them and throwing them in the bin, but he still manages to find the ones I missed!

  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I'm sorry. Life has been nuts.

    Cw: 179.8

    I'm in maintenance mode. Trying to shock my body back in to weightloss mode but gotta give it a break first. Lol.

    I actually thought about doing this once I hit Onederland. Maybe going on maintenance for a while, and then back to pursuing weight loss. I've just heard through the grape vine that it can help boost your motivation and get past plateaus etc. Let e know if you think its helped you at all.
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    :flowerforyou: Good day everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    HEY!!!! Where is everyone!!!! So many active people in this challenge and it's been 10 hours since the last post!! :noway:

    I know, I know, we're all super busy. Myself included. That's the stuff life is made of. If it weren't busy, we may get bored, and boredom is never a good thing :bigsmile:

    So I'm sure you have all heard by now that Steve Jobs has past away. What an incredible mind, spirit, and determination. I've been doing a lot of reading on him over the last day and find him to be a true inspiration.

    Sooooo I want to know.... WHO IS YOUR INSPIRATION? And better yet.... Why?
  • PositivePower
    PositivePower Posts: 976 Member
    Hey friends - Got home late last night from a Food Show. Got alittle walking in on Tuesday before and after show set up. Then we ended up at the bar and to dinner! I worked at the French's booth showing chicken wings and meatballs with Franks hot sauce and BBQ. Next to me was Mars so I started the day with M & Ms, then later enjoyed many meatballs, onion rings and choc cheese cake oh Risotto and spinach dip too. I did eat these things in moderation, I use to just keep stuffing myself. I knew I did better than I use to since on my way home last night my stomach was growling!!!!! So I am feeling like I am making some progress.

    I now have not exercised in 2 days, and not sure if I can fit it in today. Kind of freaking about that, but I will get back to it ASAP.

    It looks like I will have a gain this week...but you know that just happens and I will be fine with it. I feel good and that's what counts!

    Gotta get to work - have a terrific day
  • gennybunny1
    Quickly checking in, I am still on strike but I am still here. NO weigh in this week, but I went to see a nutritionist and she has a cleanse for me to start on Tuesday. I will weigh in next week, but it will not be good. I know that and I am moving forward.
    It's Thankgiving this weekend for us Canadians this weekend and than we have no more holidays until Christmas. So for all my fellow Canadians, Happy Turkey day!!

    Take care all my great CCC'ers and will see you next week. :smile:
  • cmpinklisa
    cmpinklisa Posts: 15 Member
    Week #10 236 lbs
  • lotusthrone
    lotusthrone Posts: 87 Member
    Hey Guys!
    Wanted to share these two blogs that offer perspectives and inspiration on the emotional roller coaster of weight loss:

    I also like Erin Huggins a lot:
    Her youtube videos are great if you're looking for some short pilates moves!
  • MelL1205
    MelL1205 Posts: 1,200 Member
    So, I feel huge this week. I guess it's all the meds. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow or Saturday (whenever I remember to weigh in), but I had to put my belt on a looser notch and it makes me sad. :ohwell:
  • Nita_Bita
    Nita_Bita Posts: 136 Member
    Pilates has always scared me, but I'll try it!!

    I can't believe we're halfway through our challenge!!! (I wonder if we'll want to continue with a new challenge when it's over?)


    I definately agree with another challenge afterwards :)
  • JustJenn419
    JustJenn419 Posts: 780 Member
    Pilates has always scared me, but I'll try it!!

    I can't believe we're halfway through our challenge!!! (I wonder if we'll want to continue with a new challenge when it's over?)


    I definately agree with another challenge afterwards :)

    Another challenge, huh......:bigsmile:
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    Pilates has always scared me, but I'll try it!!

    I can't believe we're halfway through our challenge!!! (I wonder if we'll want to continue with a new challenge when it's over?)


    I definately agree with another challenge afterwards :)

    Another challenge, huh......:bigsmile:

    I think that is a great idea!!! This has helped me stay motivated in a big way!! Speaking of people who inspire me ... right now the people here are hitting the top of my list.:heart::heart:
  • angiemcnett
    Ody, my oldest son is starting to make some progress towards recovering from pneumonia. I am hoping he will get to come home from the hospital sometime next week. He still has few more hurdles to get over first. Finally after 2+ weeks of a fever he has been fever free for almost 48 hours.:bigsmile: I got to see him smile yesterday for the first time in like 3 weeks. Thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. I am headed for bed. Good night. :)
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    Hey ladies,

    SO to start with my weekly weight in I was very pleased with I lost 2.2lbs :)
    CW 222.8lbs
    Only 22lbs to go for me Fingers crossed I can get this done by Christmas.

    Also I went and bought a Pilates DVD it has 5 10 minute workouts so I will now be doing that on Saturday morning and a friend of mine who does alot of martial arts said it will probaly help me with my back. As it always aches.

    Hope you ladies are doing well.