200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    I'm lookin' at a nice healthy gain this week. All I did yesterday was deep clean the house and I only did a little bit of JM today...didn't finish my routine. Plus, because I'm so tired, I am eating EVERYTHING in site. I think I have put away about 800 calories already and it's noon. Meh...It's just one day...
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Sarah, this will probably be a week where you post a loss because of the extra food or something. Bodies are weird and ridiculous.

    I saw a post referring to this website:


    and I haven't been able to stop reading it. Not much that I didn't already know, but still interesting.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Sooooo ready for this workweek to be over. Having the London boss in for audit time is stressful.

    Sorry I haven't been able to post much, and I've barely been able to skim everyone's posts! I'll catch up eventually, I promise.

    That being said, Lacey, your post about things your daughter said cracks (no pun intended) me up. Kids say the craziest stuff sometimes. Last night, at my best friend's house, her 4-year-old son said "mom, you are a a s shole." Woaaaaaaaaaah! Needless to say he got a bit of a talking to. She knows he picks it up from her bad habit of cussing while road raging.

    Being the horrible person I am though, could NOT stop laughing. I'm going to be the worst parent about that someday. Every time a kid says something they're not supposed to I just die laughing.
  • jessicae1aine
    Amy - Thanks! :) I'm excited, looks like I've got 2 cribs if I want them, which could work out well if were going to end up with baby bunnies!

    Nava - That reminds me of my little brother, who was 3 at the time, looking at my mom and telling her she was a b i t ch. He thought it was the nicest thing in the world to say to her, though, so it was pretty adorable as he's rubbing her face and saying that.

    I'm so excited - I got commissioned for both knitting and photography work today! I get to knit pink wristbands for a Little Guy football team who is wearing them for all their games this month for breast cancer awareness, and then I get to take pumpkin patch pictures of some kids next week! :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Jessie - at least you have a gym. The closest to me is an hour drive. Love your cage idea. Can't wait for pics and baby bunnies :)

    Nava - 1 more day until the weekend...

    Sarah - I bet you're wiped from the long run. It really takes it's toll. It took me 11 days to physically be able to run after my 1/2 marathon. Good luck this weekend!!!

    Kerry - good luck on your self imposed 1/2!!! Have fun shopping. Drooling in jealousy over the brewpub. You need to go to both while there. Have I told you the liquid gold story? We stayed at hotel across from Frankenmuth Brewery. I spent the morning birdwatching and we had dinner at the other pub. I was tired and wanted to chill in our room but DH really wanted another beer. I get smart and say - I'll go with you to get a growler... Cha-Ching $60 later we have 1 filled growler. Yes - 1 growler cost that much... We about died. I still haven't heard the end of it. Now, everytime we go downstate, we have to stop and fill the growler... (rolls eyes) it is out of the way. Be warned and don't buy a growler without asking the price. Their IPA is really good.

    Kendal - I want a convertible!!! Enjoy. So happy for you that Mr. Reunion is going to run with you. I can't wait to meet you both next July.

    My mind has drawn a blank on responses. My running partner had plans today so I walked with mom for 2 miles. At least it was ex and 70 degrees here!!! DH will be home soon and we're going out for dinner - I plan to be good get salad with chicken and have cheese/dressing on the side so I can control what I eat.

    Kendal & Amy - thanks for the info on cholesterol. I am being radical though since mine went up 40 points to 240... I've stopped eating daily hardboiled egg, cut back on red meat, stopped eating my daily serving of chips, added tons of fiber including beans, oatmeal, flax seed, peanuts, fish, and more. I won't know until next year if it's working but I may go back in 6 months to be re-checked. Do you think I should have it re-checkedissuer eating better for 3, 6 or 12 months?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I went back to see more posts..,

    Bobbie - I'm glad you like what I gave to say. Sometimes I get so busy, it's hard to reply to everyone.

    Kiki - I weigh everyday too but only record on Friday. It keeps me more accountable.

    Lacey - it is frustrating when the BMF won't give instant feedback. At least you finally got it to work. I love French Onion soup...

    Katheryne (I'm having a brain fart and cant remember how to spell your name - SORRY) This is really bad - now I've forgotten what I wad going to say. Being 40+ has it's drawbacks - short term memory loss!!! I'll just say "HI" for now.
  • hkallembach
    Hi. Remember me? Toooooo much is going on currently to explain. You ladies rock. I freakin' love ya'll! I do creep. So no worries, I am still here. I will have a true reply to everyone once everything slooooooowwwwsss down.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Kerry, loved the link. I spent all of lunch reading on their website.

    Victoria, Don't worry about the spelling, nobody gets it right. My mom had a thing for Es and Ys. My sister's name is Elyse. I just crack up every time someone calls her Alise, Alisa, Elisa, At least mine, while noone call spell it, everyone can usually remember it.

  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member


    that is all for now, lurking at work.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    I did it again tonight. A mile in 15 minutes. WOO! Then I kept going, switching between walking and jogging (up at 4.5 instead of 4.0 this time!). I only went 25 min total on the treadmill, but I was happy with it. I also did 10 on the elliptical and 20 on the bike. Probably should have done some weight machines but I didn't feel like it.
  • pancakesmajor
    pancakesmajor Posts: 208 Member
    Hiiiiii ladies!!!! I'm still here!!!!!

    Sorry I've been MIA for so long! I have been super duper duper busy because of school the last couple weeks. Basically one of the huge group projects imploded (we're working on three separate ones concurrently) and while I was running the lead on one project and putting some serious legwork in, a team member completely screwed up and failed to prep the deliverables on the other so I seriously worked all through the night to put the presentation together and made it to class the next morning wired on between 8 and 10 cups of coffee throughout the day. And I'm still working 30 hours a week. And tutoring at the homeless shelter. And keeping my kickball team undefeated. And coordinating an event at the polo match (which was super duper fun and successful weeee!) for a ton of people.

    You know what I haven't been doing? Working out :(

    Pretty much the only exercise I'm getting is at work and at kickball. Neither of those is anything to turn your nose up at though, because my arms and quads are sooore from all the lifting and stairs at work (I'm so blue collar ;) ) and kickball burns like 600-700 calories an hour if you play like I do hehe. BUT I REALLY MISS MY TURBOJAM.

    I'm heading to Kauai for the weekend... honestly I really think that I should stay on Oahu and catch up on homework and sleep but we've already paid for the tickets... We're going to do a ton of snorkeling and hiking so at least I'll be active, but the eating/not-drinking-so-much will be a challenge.

    I'm down to 214 even now, so luckily still not gaining even though I haven't been diligent, but thinking about how much more I could have been losing is sad. We fly back Monday night and Tuesday is going to be a mean catch-up day for school so I'll be back on track by Wednesday. Aaaah almost a week.

    Okay sorry again for being gone, but I haven't left for good. Hope you all are doing well.

    Catch up forreal with you guys in about a week - take care!

    Aloha, Tasha

    OH YEAH, in case you missed it **************************214.0****************************
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Amy - Congratulations to your brother! I am so happy for him, and for you! That has got to be hard, but it's awesome that he has such a good support system. :smile:

    Kendal - Good luck with the house! I hope that things work out the way you hope for them to. And the husky pic was adorable, lol. I know I liked it on FB, but huge congrats on your run!!!

    Rikki - I'm sorry that your husband has to go, but my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. *Hugs*

    Jenn - I would never be able to do no sweet so I applaud you...! I am impressed and good luck with TOM.

    Nava - I totally feel you about that illness. My asthma was flared up a couple weeks ago when I had pneumonia and I couldn't for the life of me find any of my old inhalers because it's been so long since I've needed it and after a panicked search, gave up and went back into the doctor ASAP for a new prescription. No bueno. I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better though!

    Jessi - I recently had one of those frustrating days at work myself. I feel ya. *Hugs* No apologizing for venting though! The bunnies are ADORABLE!!! How could Boss Man not think so?! He must be crazy... :laugh: I also saw that story on FB and LOVED it. Although I do want to be thin and *keyword* HEALTHY, I do believe in too thin and that is pushed upon us. I'm sorry to here about how awfully you were treated by your ex. You don't deserve that, no one does, and I'm so glad you found someone that treats you so well. :smile:

    Hosanna - That's exciting. My gym offers free classes and I've been working up the nerve to try a Zumba class. They also offer Yoga classes so maybe I'll work my way up to that. Lol. I do have a Wii though, so I might just look into getting that! I'm much more comfortable learning within the confines of my home... :laugh: I've been living with a herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, and fybromyalgia since I was 11. Yup. Sweet, right? Lol. So it'd be awesome if I could find some way to manage it. Also, you can get something called kwickstop at most pet stores. It's made for "cut-too-short-nails." In a pinch, corn starch, baking soda/powder, or flour are known to do the trick. Sorry to hear about the traumatizing incident though.

    Sarah (WnT) - My thoughts and prayers continue to be with your friend. When you said some people think stay at home moms don't do anything, but others know better, I had to laugh because it's so true! I've been told many times (usually by my daughter's father), that I do nothing. So I totally know what you mean. And potty trained at 2?! I can only hope for such a miracle with my 13 month old... :laugh:

    Annette - I'm so impressed with you. Someday I'll work my way up to goals like yours. You're doing a great job! :happy:

    Katheryne - I feel ya on the anxiety condition. I think the pacing counts though. :wink:

    Pam - I KNOW, RIGHT?! They're everywhere! Roflmao.

    Lacey - Gracie just cracks me up! I'm to the point where I don't want Charlotte to grow up (so totally dreading the "no" and "mine" stage), but the little things like that make me look forward to it. :laugh:

    Bobbie - Did you try the Zumba class?? What did you think?

    I think that catches me up with everyone! And guess what? Tomorrow's DAY 7 without a cigarette! And I made it to the gym Tuesday and Wednesday and have my last personal training session tomorrow. So I'm pretty much on course!!!...

    Except for the celibacy vow. *Sigh* Totally messed up situation although I should have known better.


    Tim and I slept together the first night we met after repeated "no"s because I don't do one night stands. He insisted he didn't either (obviously he was right...) and after quite a bit of smooth talk, manipulating, whatever you wanna call it he worked some sort of voodoo magic that convinced me it was ok. Fast forward to yesterday - I went over to his place to see him with the little one. (Remember, despite everything, we are still pretty good friends...as f*cked up as that is.) Everything was just fine, no problem. She laid down for a nap and we went out into the living room. I on one side reading my book, he on the other watching youtube videos on his phone. Whatevs, right? So he starts doing his stupid boy thing where he turns into a 12 year old and thinks it's cute to flirt by throwing things at me (insert eyeroll here) and I knew what he was getting at. I shot him a glare, told him to knock it off, and he went back to his videos and me to my book. A while passed, I got to a part in my book (a murder mystery) and decided I needed to take a break. So I got up, got some water, came back to the living room and grabbed the couch pillow and pretended to suffocate him, asking for any tips on hiding his body. (Yea, we're weird, lol). We joked around for a bit before he threw me off the couch and pinned me. Started off jokingly until it just kept going...and once again "no" was foreign to him. He kept telling me to give him a better reason than my "celibacy kick" and he would stop. After about 15 minutes of arguing and fighting with him, I gave up. ARGH. Normally, this wouldn't be TOO big of a deal other than frustrating. I still feel like I'm at an in-control, level headed mindset. But I know he took advantage of me. And even during, there was the little voice in the back of my head knowing I wanted to anyways, hell I still love the man (even against my own better judgement. If only those feelings could actually be controlled). Now my biggest problem is that I was having problems with my IUD. I had it removed 2 weeks ago. I am not on birth control. Can anyone say FML???

    Sorry for this probably rather inappropriate rant. Just don't have a whole heckuva lotta people I could talk to about it. :embarassed:
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hi Hallie!!! Hope things even out soon.

    Tasha - sounds like you are super busy... Congrats on the loss.

    Kendal - sweet run!!!

    Crystal - yeah for cont no smoking but boo for having sex. I hope there are no consiquences.

    TGIF :) I'm getting ready to get up and do a plyo workout (my 1st time)... And to weigh in. Check in for Thurs 2577 burned with 45 min, 2 mile walk.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Quick pop in to weigh in... ... drumroll please... .... ... *******159.8********* :drinker: :heart: :bigsmile:

    Yeah. I'm really really happy. That puts me at 80 total pounds lost. 10-15 more to go, baby.

    Consequently, when I started on MFP, my original goal was 160, and at the time I didn't think that was possible. I'm flyin' pretty high today, girls. I wouldn't be here without you. Love you all!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Crystal, honey, that lack of protection would have been enough of a reason for me to say NO...love him or not, you aren't together for a reason...praying everything sorts out in the wash, and a cold shower for you next time!

    Kerry, I'm so proud of you...you are AMAZING!

    ********************************Weigh-in for me 304.6*********************************************
    Thats over 4lbs gone this week :drinker: :drinker: I am so ready to NOT be 300lbs anymore!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Yeah Kerry!!! Yeah Bobbie!!! You both are doing fantastic!!!

    I am weighing in at the same number

    Plyo - OMG ... I think I might die!!! Just kidding. I really liked it although my knees may yell at me tomorrow. They don't like high impact things. Now to get on with my day :) I love Fridays!!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Crystal- You may have said no, but it wasn't a firm, "no way in hell" kind of no, so he took it as a yes. Trust me, I've been there before. You desperately need to get over him cause he obviously just uses you for whatever pleases him at the moment. I know you're "friends" with him, but he's not respecting you at all and is therefore not really a friend. You should have gotten pissed when he spoke about this "celibacy thing" like he did....that right there says he doesn't take you seriously. How can that be a healthy relationship?? You know this is what your daughter is growing up seeing and she will base her future relationships on what she's learning now. One thing that finally made my sister realize that her former marriage was unacceptable was when her 3 year old daughter told her "mommy, I can't wait till I grow up so I can make daddy stop talking to you like that." Granted, that doesn't seem to be the same situation as you, but my point is even 2-3 year olds see what's going on. Just my 2 cents though....

    Anyways. I really don't think I'm going to hit that 210 in 2 weeks (the end of the challenge). And unless I find 30 minutes to hit the gym today, I'm going to miss my goal of going at least 3 times a week. Tonight is the Uncle Kracker show so maybe if I rush home, change clothes and immediately go, I will have time to do a little something.

    I will have the badges ready by the end of the challenge, I promise.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    I know... Messy. Just crossing every appendage that everything works out ok and I hop right back on my fancy little bandwagon. I was content there, lol.

    Kerry - CONGRATS!!! I've been feeling like 170 is unattainable, but you are such an inspiration! What you have been able to do is amazing and I'm so happy for you! :happy:
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Bobbie!!!! You go girl!!!! If you keep going at this rate you'll be under 300 by next weigh-in. What a milestone! Totally thrilled for you.

    And Kerry...I don't even have words. You are such an inspiration to all of us (I'm sure the group wouldn't object to my saying so) You make me think it is possible. I've been in a slump lately, but I CAN do this!

    Lacey: How do you prep crack wraps ahead of time? How do you guys prepare your crack wraps anyhow?

    Kendal: Way to be on that mile!

    Crystal: Eeeek. Hope there are no consequences for that decision! Congrats on the exercise and the no smoking. What an accomplishment!

    I forget what else I wanted to comment on....

    My presentation went well, despite the fact that I had a lot on my mind. You girls know (from my perpetual complaints) how overwhelmed I've been this week. To top it all of I got a call an hour before class that my brother (who is 12) was going to the ER with chest pains. Scary stuff. He is okay, they think it may be muscular. But boy oh boy, was my mind NOT on my presentation.

    Looking forward to Brody's bday party this weekend and getting back to my normal routine next week. I think I have worked in some time Saturday morning to go for a run (that means one day of formal exercise this week. fail.).
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Happy Friday, ladies! I've been out & about all day so this was my first chance to get on here and check in with you all.
    Weigh in: 190
    It's 3 pounds down from last weigh in but still 2 pounds over where I was when I left for vacation so I'm kinda "meh" about it.

    Rain: Crack wraps are super-simple. You take whatever wrap or tortilla type thing that floats your boat, smear it with hummus (I make my own, a lot of people here use store-bought), sprinkle it with cheese (or veggie shreds) and wrap it up and grill it in a frying pan that's been sprayed with some cooking spray. That's it! Easy peasy and super yummy.

    Crystal: I echo what Kendal said.

    Kendal: Enjoy Uncle Kracker!!!

    Victoria: Plyo kicks my booty EVERY single time. But then I feel awesome for getting through it.

    Bobbie: Awesome loss this week!!!

    Kerry: I bow down to your awesomeness!! You inspire me EVERY single day. I'm so happy to see you reach your goals as it makes me feel like I can totally DO this thing. Thanks for being so awesome. Hot stuff.

    Tasha: Enjoy your weekend, sounds like fun!

    So I was walking through the mall as The Kid and The Hubbs were getting their hair cut today and a group of dudes totally checked me out. It made me happy. Have a good day!