200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • treehugginpam
    treehugginpam Posts: 1,131 Member
    Okay, the bf's bday is over but there is still lots of cake left. Lots of AMAZING cake. I mean super moist, just a ridculous amount of yum kind of cake. Did I mention that it's TOM? I have already adjusted my calories for the day to allow for a small piece of cake with lunch. :smile:

    I'm starting to sneeze and get that pre-cold feeling....right before a 3 day weekend! No fair! Must remember to take Airborne when I get home...that seemed to help the last time I started feeling a cold coming on.

    Crystal, I can't say it better than Kendal said! I've been where you are in the past with letting things go further than you planned, so I know how you feel. Sucks! The good thing is that now when everything works out okay (which it will because we're all crossing our fingers for you!), you can remember this feeling of yuckiness the next time he tries to talk you into something and that will help you be more forceful with the no.

    Kerry, Bette Midler is singing "did you ever know that you're my heeeerroooo" in my head right now. Seriously. Your awesomeness is pushing me to strive harder for my own awesomeness! Also, thanks for the website; I've got a super slow day today so I'll probably spend some time on there.

    Rain, yikes, I hope all is well with your brother!

    Kendal, way to rock the mile again!! I'm still trying to work on speed with my running....my main goal at first was to just be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping, so my pace has been ridiculously slow. Now I'm trying to up the speed a bit...so far my "running" is still the same pace as my bf's fast walk though. Oh well. Have fun at Uncle Kracker!

    Bobbie, over 4 pounds in 1 week, wow!! Nice job! Also, great new profile picture! Oh, and I'm right there with ya about the salty/sweet thing. Yum!

    Tasha, wow, are you ever busy! Don't worry, Turbo Jam will be waiting for you when you have time. :smile: Can I just tell you how jealous I am that you will be spending the weekend on Kauai? So cool!

    Hosanna, yay for the great weigh in!

    Hailie, hi!

    Jessi, knitting and photography? Fun! I've been wanting to learn how to knit for awhile but I just haven't sat down and tried to figure it out yet. Very cool idea, using the cribs for a rabbit hutch!

    Nava, it's Friday! Hopefully you'll have a nice, relaxing weekend to balance out your stressful week.

    Lacey, have you tried out the underarmor gear today yet?

    Amy, woohoo for getting checked out in the mall! Hot mama!

    Amy and all of you ladies doing P90X, you've convinced me to look at the DVDs this weekend. :smile:
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    Kendal - We must have posted at the same time. I do know what you mean. I've given the wishy washy no before, I think that's why he didn't believe me. I feel like crap about this situation because I don't know what to think... Honestly. I said no and meant it. And have bruises to show for it. That's the confusing part. But then eventually I caved. Or am I justifying his actions? I don't know and I'm a mental bundle of confusion. We talked afterwards and he apologized and admitted to not believing me and said it'd never happen again if I was really serious. So I guess I don't know, I'm not as worried about a repeat occurrence now.

    I make all of my decisions for my daughter, that's why I want to be healthy and teach her how to eat right. That's why I quit smoking. And that's why I started my celibacy kick. Even if I'm doing this alone, I want her to know it's not ok for a man to treat her that way. In essence, I just want her to have everything I didn't have... :embarassed:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Crystal- I am willing to be your celibacy sponsor. If you are ever in a situation again where you are tempted, CALL ME and I will talk you out of it. If you need to pass the phone to him so I can tell him to keep it in his pants, I will do that too! lol We love you girl and you are making so many changes right now for your health that one slip up is ok. Have you thought of taking the Plan B pill? You can get it at a pharmacy without a prescription (costs about $50 I think). But in this case, I will only allow one slip up. No more slip ups, missy! (I'm looking at you over the top of my glasses and shaking a finger at you...see??? LOL)


    Yes ladies, I wear glasses while work ing excel spreadsheets. I actually have worn contacts for the past 15 years, but since I've been working so many spreadsheets lately, it's been giving me MASSIVE headaches. Wearing my glasses strains my eyes less (they don't have to move that little bit of plastic) and gives them more oxygen, which turns out to be really important.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    Kendal: I super-:heart: that you're willing to be Crystal's celibacy sponsor. You are awesome!

    Crystal: I'd take Kendal up on the celibacy sponsor thing. She's pretty awesome.

    Pam: mmmm ...cake.... I'm so happy you're gonna try the P90X!!!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Kendal, I never wear my contacts to work anymore. My husband says I'm lazy, but truthfully, when you are on a computer all day, glasses are just better. Oh well!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    :smile: Thanks girls for all the positive words of encouragement! You all inspire me every day to try harder and be better, so thanks.

    Crystal, ditto to all that Kendal said. Isn't she smart and fantastic?! And you better take her up on the celibacy sponser business. She'll be super duper helpful.

    Kendal, you are adorable. I love love love your glasses. And I adore you running. How's your foot responding? You haven't mentioned it so I assume its good, and that makes me super duper happy for you.

    Pam, mmm cake mmm cake mmm cake. Yum. I'm SO EXCITED that you're gonna try P90X. Don't be scared. Know that you can take breaks and modify, modify, modify. You'll do awesome! Good luck on beating the cold... those are no fun.

    Amy, of course you got checked out at the mall. You are smokin'! And those other 2 pounds are gonna come right off, especially since you've started busting out P90X again.

    Tasha, I have mad amounts of Kauai envy right now. I've never been... I spend a week on Honolulu with my best friends family (they took me for free b/c her dad had a business conference). Chris and I almost went to Kauai for own honeymoon, but d@mn its expensive! Have fun!

    Hosanna, nice weigh in girlie! Keep it up!

    Katheryne, glad you enjoyed the link. I have developed a minor obsession with reading on health and nutrition.

    Hailie, ****waves**** hi girlie! Glad you're still around, catch up when you can! We miss your youthful spunk!

    Rain, I hope your brother is alright! That's stressful! Happy early birthday to Brody and enjoy his party this weekend!

    Victoria, woot for plyo! I totally have a love/hate relationship with that, cuz its such a pain (literally), but you always feel like such a rockstar when its done. I'm happy you did it and I hope your knees/joints are nice to you tomorrow.

    Bobbie, hellz yeah woman!!! :drinker: :flowerforyou: :heart: Cheers to you and your amazing loss. 200s are so close, you will be there in no time! You really are doing awesome!

    K. caught up. Nothing else crazy to report here, just excited for the weekend to get here. I have to work til 7 tonight so Chris and I are staying in, which is good cuz I can keep cals in check at home, especially since tomorrow will more than likely be a bust. Oktoberfest mahem headed my way! (that is after I run 6-8 miles in the morning).
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I know... Messy. Just crossing every appendage that everything works out ok and I hop right back on my fancy little bandwagon. I was content there, lol.

    Kerry - CONGRATS!!! I've been feeling like 170 is unattainable, but you are such an inspiration! What you have been able to do is amazing and I'm so happy for you! :happy:

    Crystal -you can go to Target or WalMart and get the morning after pill..
  • KatheryneLynne
    oh wow, an awesome congrats to almost everyone on the board. Especially (but not limited to) Bobbie, Kerry, Kendal. I'm sure there are more, but my note taking was kind of lax this morning.

    Crystal--I've so been there, I'm sure most of us had. I'm sure must everyone agrees that you can vent whenever you need to. A very firm no is in order for the next time. Guys can be a little simple minded when it comes to certain physical aspects. The pillow to the head probably confused him. (I throw things at her when I want to get laid, so if she horses around with me, she must want to get laid.--even the most intellegent of men use 12-year-old logic when it suits them). Anyway, I'll step down and not nag. Just know that we all love ya.

    Tasha---you are one busy girl. Do you ever have time to sleep? As for the snorkeling, I am so jealous. That is one of my absolute fav things to do. Unfortunatly we don't get to do that kind of thing up here. Or at least I don't, just a little chilly in my opinion :smile:

    as for me. So far so good, the scale seems to keep inching downward. I'll do my official weigh in on Monday, I always seem to be at my lowest on Monday morning, I'm hoping my ounce a day loss will turn into two or three ounce a day loss over the weekend.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Damn ideeli and their sales. I am SO buying this dress today, for my Christmas party in December...with the hopes that it looks good:

    I hope you can see it.

    Yesterday I burned 2338 cals. No working out. Bad food day. Green tea frap from Starbucks (the gelato place closed boo), whcih would have been okay but I made nachos for dinner and had 3/4 of a beer and three brownies..yeesh.

    Tonight is a run night and I will try out at least my headband that goes over my ears and my new pants. Not sure if its cold enough yet for the top or not. Maybe.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member

    And this, to go with the dress, because its absolutely freaking fab!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    *********************************** :love: 177.4 :love: *************************************************

    Goodbye 180's!!

    How did that happen? I dunno. I dunno. But I am NOT going to argue.

    (*twirls and spins and Rockstar jumps*)

    ((Kerry, you were right...):smooched:
  • jessicae1aine
    Victoria - It's been around 70 here, too, and I'm loving it.

    Hailie - <333 I've missed you! :D Hopefully all your business is on the up side, at least!

    Tasha - Wow, sounds like you've been one busy bee, lady! Holy goodness. I think it's awesome you tutor at the homeless shelter. :)

    Crystal - Boss Man is a dogs-only person. :P At least he tolerates me bringing fuzzy/feathered little guys down here from time to time. :) And honestly, as bad as the ex was, I never would have met Nerd without him. I'm a firm believer in everything working out for a reason, and it does seem like things are improving, so I'll take it. Maybe I just needed bad *kitten* to make me appreciate that while things are sometimes hard now, they're so much better than they were. -hugs- I may not be the best for giving advice on things like this, but it seems like maybe only letting him see the little one when she's awake, then leaving, or meeting up in public places would be a really, really big improvement; that way situations like that can't happen. I'm really sorry that it happened, and especially that you're not on birth control. I think it's common to justify their actions afterward; you said no, you meant it, and he didn't respect that.

    Kerry - Gratz on being under 160! :D

    Kendal - Yay for being her celibacy sponsor! And I think we have the same glasses.

    Sarah - Yay for less than 180! :D Great job!

    It's cold and rainy out today; I love it, and it sucks I'm stuck inside. Fortunately, it looks like we'll be having highs of mid-to-high 60's for the next week at least, so we're finally out of the 90's! YAY!

    I walked my *kitten* off last night taking pictures of some local bands performing. It was so much fun, but our street lights are orange, so all my pictures need serious color correction, and I'm soooo not feeling it since it was for my own enjoyment, not really for work (though I'll share the pics on their FB to give us an "official presence" at these things). I did approach a guy last night about being on our Live show; it took me half an hour to convince myself it was acceptable to talk to a stranger, but my coworker who does the show was pretty happy this morning that I did.

    Today is my long day for work; I also just realized that instead of ordering 50 Christmas cards this morning, I accidentally ordered 100. Way to go, eh? And initially, I wasn't going to send them to everyone because they're not very "traditional," and I'm not sure my grandparents are going to think they're awesome... but I may as well, with this many spares. Maybe some of them will turn into Christmas ornaments, too. (BTW! Want a Christmas card? Message me your address! :D I love to send cards.)
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    I miss one day, one day and there are so many pages to catch up with. I Love It!!!!

    Not going to be able to respond to all but just a few things:

    Sarah: yeah for 'goodbye' 180's - hope you get somoe more sleep

    Kendal: you have totally cracked that running and I am so pleased for you that Mr Reunion is joing you in the Warrier Dashes - yeah for supportive partners

    Kerry: you lost again - hurrah - don;t be too hard on yourself when you have a plateua moment - you are an inspiration

    Lacey: hopefully I have unlocked my diary - which reminds me - I must fill it in - let me know when you are onto yours.

    Pam: sorry for giving the wrong impression - The Moon Walk is just that - a walk, but it covers the course of the London Marathon

    Jessi: looking forward to those new pictures of your bunnies

    Crystal: I am with those who suggest a trip for the morning after pill if you wish to make sure that there are no mishaps - concerning to hear the evening ended with bruising and suggest that you both a) take Kendal up on her offer and b) speak with Tim and agree a word that he will accept if no isn't good enough - on re-reading that it sounds a bit 'matronly' bot the intent but can't think of any other way of putting it. Also thanks for your ongoing support re my goals - very appreciated.

    Victoria: you said at one point that logging food really helped you - just a thought......

    Krisitna: you are still not around girlie.........if you are being too hard on yourself, stop and think about how you wer 1 - 2 years ago, not earlier this year, it is the big picture that counts xx

    As for me - not too good a day yesterday - missed lunch, had no tea planned - Hubby suggested 'chip shop' but while amanging to resist that did not manage to come up with much of an alternative. Going to give myself the tick tho (I did turn down chips!!!!)
    So currently 12/13 for food choices, reading and exercise (cycled c.2 1/2 miles uphill yesterday - I know that means 2 and 1/f wer down hill but who's counting!!!) and dropped to 10/13 for productivity - not looking good.

    NSV: out for lunch today with hubby - chose lowest calorie dish - chicken with jacket pot and veg - and turned down ice-cream. The real victory howevder, is that I found I enjoyed my lunch. I could taste every mouthful and pick out all of the different tastes - I didn't realise I had lost that until now.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    Hello ladies! I'm just going to do a catch up post from my last post. There is faaaaaaaar too much to read before that. Apologies!

    Jessi, hilarious story about your bro. Love it. One time when I was a kid I told people my mom had "given up drinking." The lady hasn't had a drop of alcohol in her life. No idea where I came up with that one.

    Lacey, that dress is spectacular! That ruching (is that spelled correctly?) will do wonders and the color is lovely.

    Tasha, jealous about your Kauai trip! Have a great time.

    Crystal, I tried to call in a refill for a new inhaler only to find out my prescription had been expired for over a year. Whoops! Shows you how often I use those things. Boooo for the Tim issue. That man needs to stop putting that pressure on you. Agree with the ladies about the pill. Be careful!

    Kendal, love that stern look and your happy bunny hoodie (is it a hoodie?)

    Bobbie, AWESOME loss.

    Kerry, you are seriously a wonder. I am in awe.

    Amy, isn't it nice when men guys check out/hit on you? Not that I'm going anywhere from Joe, but it's still nice. I got hit on pumping gas a month ago! And on Tuesday Joe and I went to a bar for his friend's birthday where one random dude started hitting on me, and a friend of Joe's met me and was all "you're so beautiful!" and another friend of his was nodding the whole time friend A was making that comment. BAHAHAHA, looooooove it.

    Pam, a very happy weekend to you too! Yayyyyy for weekends! My boss is scheduled to leave the office to go back to London in about 30 minutes. Can't come quick enough.

    Sarah, congrats on the 170s!!!

    As for me, this weekend should be relatively stress-free. I hope. Tonight, we're going to dinner with Joe's parents. They're really great folks and I actually really enjoy talking to them. Although, it makes me sad to see what a difference there is between the way my parents and his parents behave in regards to our relationship. Eh. What can ya do? Saturday, I believe I'm going to a girlfriend's house where we will have a bake-a-thon. We've been plotting out recipes to try. It should be a fun day.

    So, on the diet front, I've seriously been rather down on myself. I mean... I lost about 21 pounds, and since the surgery I've done literally NOTHING on the effort aside from monitor my meals a bit. And it shows completely. I've basically put 15 back on since mid-June. There's that yo-yo again! Anyway, I just got paid today and now that I have money again I fully intend to go to the store to buy the right foods to get back on track. I've been eating out an average of probably 2 meals a day lately. I've also decided to start working out again (starting Monday, because I'm just not going to be home this weekend). I think it'll be a bit easier for me as Joe is also back on track with his diet and exercise (even though I already think he's too skinny, but BMI says he needs to lose about 10-15 more), so we can help each other out.

    I'd blame my total lack of energy for slacking off so much, but frankly, that lack of energy, my B12 shortage aside, would probably be vastly improved by my eating properly and exercising.

    So a big thank you to you girls for being patient and supportive when I've been doing zilch. I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Kerry- yes, my foot is better. It only gets slightly tender if I walk barefoot or in flip flops for several days straight and since it's now too cold for flip flops, I haven't had any pain in a while. Actually my left knee was feeling a little wonky the first 5 minutes or so of jogging but it faded away and was all good after that.

    Nava- Yes, I keep this Happy Bunny hoodie at my desk constantly. (I seriously think it's only been home twice to get washed, and it's been here about 3 years.) It says "I'm not bossy, I'm just right" Very work appropriate, if I do say so myself lol

    Congrats to all the ladies with losses!!! We have a lot of big numbers this week!!
  • KatheryneLynne

    So I have to cover phones again--no big surprise there. The person who was supposed to cover called in sick, so I got stuck with the 12:30 to 1 slot. Now the rant. My passive-aggressive lazy neighbor sends me an e-mail saying she'll cover my time slot since i hate phones so much. I politely thank her for the offer, but I'll do my time since I agreed to it. Her response back, "Okay. Let me know if you change your mind. I know you don’t like the phones (like I never used to), and so I had to change my way of thinking. That it just comes with the job." Are you ****ing kidding me. WTF. "I had to change my way of thinking. [...] it just comes with the job." REALLY. You call off from work at least ONCE every week, and i have to do all of my job, plus about half of yours because you're so slow and inept. and you're going to mention people needing to adjust their thinking.
    let me just say URG-A-LURG-A-LURG!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Sarah - love that dress! I wanted to get one too..but figured I'd better be a bit frugal and then ended up buying the peacock bracelet anyways! LOL. We go all out for our Christmas party, so my goal is to ge tmy *kitten* into that dress and have it drape properly - which means I need to keep running, gotta lose some more inches. Though it could totally fit now, you never know with dresses. Congrats on the loss!

    Nava - yeay for baking, what recipes are you guys going to try? I want to find a recipe (today) to make some homemade granola bars since Gracie loves those things for breafkast.

    Kendal - I have a sweater and a vest here in a drawer at work..never know which I am going to need to wear.

    Annette - yeay for tasting the food, that is so great!

    Amy - way cool on the dudes checking you out.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Roasted pumpkin quiche - SO making this...but with organic canned pumpkin swirled in instead.
  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member

    Well, on the bright side at least I'm back to my starting weight. *sigh* Only down from here!

    Thank you ladies, for all of your support. Kendal, you should send me your number. In crisis mode, I'd definitely call you but I'm definitely a texter.

    My best friend suggested the morning after pill. She has some, ironically that I gave her because Planned Parenthood gave them to me and I wasn't going to use them. Even though I know 48 hours isn't too long to wait, I don't think I could do it. I know everyone has their own opinions and I always respect that, but to me, it'd feel too much like an abortion and I just can't do that... I guess maybe I'm a little too worried. I mean, the IUD thins the lining of the uterus, it doesn't stop ovulation. So probably pretty unlikely that it's all back to normal 2 weeks later, right? Or am I rationalizing again? Argh. Even my doctor was surprised to hear I've been getting periods like clockwork because they usually stop altogether, so I don't freakin' know... Welcome to my nightmare

    I guess I don't know how to explain it. I don't wanna call it the dreaded "r" word, cuz it doesn't seem right. I mean, I never said yes, but stopped saying no eventually. At one point it did get scary. He wasn't listening to me, anything I had to say, or any of our formerly chosen safe cues when I really mean "that's enough". And he didn't care. Didn't care that he was legitimately hurting me. But then I gave up.

    I will stick to public places. That'll help I'm sure.