The Skinny for Santa Challenge Thread (CLOSED GROUP)

Hello everyone!

Here is the link to our table:

So here we all are. We have 12 weeks until the final weigh in on the 23.12.11! I decided not to put the final weigh in on Christmas Day as that is just cruel, but rather the Friday before. We will be opening presents on Christmas Day not jumping on the scales! (At least that is what I tell myself but I know I'll be on them).

I've decided to make this thread for everyone to encourage one another, post updates about the challenge and just generally see how everyone else is going. I think that by being accountable for our weightloss each week with 24 other people standing by to see how you go, we are likely to be allot more successful!

The table will be updated every Australian Friday. I will send you all around a message on my Friday every week asking for your current weight, you don't have to work out your weightloss or anything like that! I'll handle all the maths :P

Now if any of you ever feel that my Private Messaging is getting intrusive or irritating on Fridays and would like to opt out of the challenge, I will grey out your area in the challenge table.

Also, Please let me know if there is any errors on the sheet and I'll fix them up right away :)

Together we all want to drop: 369.8. Which looks like something like...

So here it goes! 12 weeks til Christmas guys! Let's shed these pounds!

P.S If anyone has any great ideas for the weekly challenge, Please let me know!


  • Marazene
    wooot!!!! Good luck everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bigsmile:
  • TheTonyPony
    This should be fun! :)
  • omgitsgarry
    Excited already! Should we message you our Friday weight ins for today? I'll have my final number around 4ish this afternoon when I get home from work.
  • kmboffice88
    Yay so excited!!! Good luck to everyone. Let's do this!
  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    Yay. :D I'm off to do my heavy compound workout this morning, woot. :D I'm super psyched.
  • CarolineSuzanneSmith
    Good luck everybody! I'm sure we'll lose the weight we want :)
  • april3gals
    Sooo fun!!! Iam excited too! We can do this!!!:wink:
  • LauraLLee
    LauraLLee Posts: 210
    weight today was 277.6 Goal weight by Christmas 250.
  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Yay! I'm excited for this. Also, I'm super stoked that we are starting this on a Friday....the weekends are the toughest times for me so this will keep me motivated! Good luck, all!
  • TamLind83
    TamLind83 Posts: 66 Member
    Here we go! I can't believe we are going to lose an entire horse worth of weight, but I know we can do it. Good luck everyone. : )


    Friday's weight: 189.5
    Thanks for putting this challenge together and keeping everything updated Sarah.
  • omgitsgarry
    Fridays weight for me was 178. :D After flirting with the idea all week long, my scale decides to be nice and reward me with the 170's. I haven't seen them since I was 19 and I wasn't happy about them that time.
  • Marianna194
    Marianna194 Posts: 145 Member
    We can so do this! Good luck!
  • TheTonyPony
    Hello guys!

    Hopefully the chart is all up to date now and correct :P Sorry for the mistakes :) Please double check yourselves to see if I have made any mistakes. I've already stuffed up one person!

    Happy first day on the challenge.

  • gemswillsucceed
    gemswillsucceed Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck everyone :-) And thanks for doing this Sarah!!
    I'm out tonight with my best mate and am bound to get slightly drunk as it's been ages since we've been out together...but hey, you gotta live sometimes right? And hopefully, I'll stick to lower calorie drinks like vodka instead of wine!!
    And i will be upping my excercise next week with the aim of working these drunken calories off from tonight...woops!!

  • Ebbykins
    Ebbykins Posts: 420 Member
    LOL I lost 3 lbs of water weight today in spin class. :O Insanity! So I think monday I'll have to have a true weigh in to see where I stand. :D
  • CarolineSuzanneSmith
    I hope everybody is having a great, calorie-burning weekend!
  • TheTonyPony
    Well, it is a lifestyle change Gem, so you're not going to go the rest of your life without a bit of fun every now and again! In the long term, you'll be happier and more likely to stick to the change if you let yourself relax occasionally.

    Eww Ebby! That's allot of sweat :P Still, for a loss of 2 pounds, who is going to complain :P

    I hope everyone has been good too Caroline :)
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Good luck everyone with this awesome challenge! It will be fun to see how everyone does next Friday. :)

    Have a great weekend everyone! :)

  • GkMusic
    GkMusic Posts: 110 Member
    Ok....yesterday was my first "cheat" day.....not doing one of those for a while. I felt sick all day and didn't even eat that much. I just ate foods that my body isn't used to anymore. Today, I'm back to it. My hubby wants to go to Taco Bell for lunch (great....), so I went online and looked at the menu and chose a lower calorie lunch that I would still like. I feel better about it now. I'm just going to drink water like crazy today!
  • TamLind83
    TamLind83 Posts: 66 Member
    Ok....yesterday was my first "cheat" day.....not doing one of those for a while. I felt sick all day and didn't even eat that much. I just ate foods that my body isn't used to anymore. Today, I'm back to it. My hubby wants to go to Taco Bell for lunch (great....), so I went online and looked at the menu and chose a lower calorie lunch that I would still like. I feel better about it now. I'm just going to drink water like crazy today!

    I'm glad you're feeling better now. That's so not fun.

    I made a similar mistake yesterday when my family brought home so leftover store bought cupcakes from a get together. I was craving something sweet (which I don't usually have around the house since I can't stay out of it) and when I saw them I tried to resist, but after an hour they were calling my name, so I had a vanilla one. It didn't really satisfy my craving, so I did the most ridiculous thing and had a chocolate one a bit later. Boy did I pay for it. Not only did I throw over 500 calories down the drain but I also had an upset stomach the rest of the night.

    I'm getting better, but obviously I'm still working on my will power. Also, after making myself sick yesterday I'm not even craving one of those darn cupcakes even though there are still some hanging out in the kitchen. I guess that's one good thing about over dosing on those sugary devils yesterday. Ha ha ha.