newly pregnant, need advice



  • Congratulations!!!!

    To be honest.... Just eat what feels right. Your body will tell you what you and your baby needs. Just make sure you drink plenty of water. I lost 14lbs my first trimester and then gained it back plus a few pounds in my 2nd and 3rd. To help with the nausea...Sea Bands (CVS pharmacy) and ginger ale (or any ginger product) helped ALOT!!!!! Have fun being pregnant its a whole new world for you once your little one is here. Mine is 9 months...:-)
  • smoothies! i was another big smoothie drinker, like most people here have mentioned. those and French fries...
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    Ugh, I vomited round the clock for my first trimester, lost weight, kidney infections, hospital for rehydration - fun stuff.

    The only thing that stayed down (most of the time) was Gatorade with ice. But it had to be standard flavors like fruit punch, orange, or lemon-lime.

    Honestly, just eat the only things that don't repulse you (I can't even name one thing that I could eat), regardless of nutrition. If you can take your vitamin at night or get some chewables in instead, do that. You'll make up for the poor nutrition later. Focus on staying hydrated as dehydration can cause contractions.

    My kids were born healthy, average, and are today intelligent, happy 14 and 11 year-olds. You & the bean are gonna be all right too.
  • erd2011
    erd2011 Posts: 15
    OP, if you're still around and reading, what helped me in the 1st trimester (I'm in the 3rd now) was having convenient food on hand.

    1) Fruit and vegetable trays from the grocery store - yes, they're more expensive, but for me they were better than not having any fruit or veggies at all when the effort to cut something up or clean the kitchen was too much to bother with.

    2) Protein-packed Greek yogurt in single serving sizes

    3) String cheese

    4) Peanut butter (if you're not allergic to peanuts)

    5) Hard-boiled eggs (I'd boil half a dozen and keep them in the fridge)

    6) Good-quality (not over-sugary) breakfast cereal and milk (sometimes even for dinner)

    7) Whole grain crackers

    8) Plenty of fresh lemons or lemon juice in a squeeze bottle (lemon helped me with nausea)
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    In the first trimester with both of my kids the ONLY thing I could keep down was hot chocolate (the real kind made with milk, not the fake mix with water stuff)..... Do what feels right to you and just go for survival. Oh, the only other thing I could keep down were McDonalds sausage egg and cheese muffins for breakfast. We went there 4 or 5 mornings a week.
    try to stay hydrated, take your vitaminswhen you can (the only ones I could keep down were the Rainbow Light ones), and just keep your eye on the prize at the end of the very long tunnel.
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    Remember that hanging out with a baby is like hanging out with a really, really small… really, really hammered person all the time. That’s really all a baby is. Just the smallest drunkest person that you ever seen in your life. I found myself talking to my sister’s baby the same way I do a buddy at the end of a Saturday night. It’s the same conversation. It’s just me standing over him going, “What’s wrong dude? Why you crying?”

    Except that babies don't have dumb ideas!
  • jocelynna
    jocelynna Posts: 137 Member
    I went through that phase where nothing sounded at all good. I never got sick though, just mainly stuck to fruits, salads, eggs, and crackers. Meat and vegetables were repulsive to me.
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    Apples, cream of mushroom soup, toast with butter, tea. For two months.
    Also, I drank the chocolate slimfast for breakfast. It was the only thing I could handle in the morning that had any sort of nutrients in it. The downside is the aspartame in it. Yuck.

    Try a green morning Smoothie:

    Raw or frozen spinach, yogurt, peanut butter, oatmeal or chia seeds, strawberries, honey, cocoa. Any other fruit or veg you want to add. Cooked yam or carrot would hide well. Blend blend blend, add ingredients for taste or consistency. The spinach and a protein are the essentials, and you experiment from there. You can't taste the veg with enough honey and cocoa. :-)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Remember that hanging out with a baby is like hanging out with a really, really small… really, really hammered person all the time. That’s really all a baby is. Just the smallest drunkest person that you ever seen in your life. I found myself talking to my sister’s baby the same way I do a buddy at the end of a Saturday night. It’s the same conversation. It’s just me standing over him going, “What’s wrong dude? Why you crying?”

    You nailed the golden rule of parenting!!

    Haha very true. They puke on your couch, they can barely hold their heads up. We often refered to our daughter as our drunk friend for a good year and a half.. She is starting sober up now at two and a half.
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Remember that hanging out with a baby is like hanging out with a really, really small… really, really hammered person all the time. That’s really all a baby is. Just the smallest drunkest person that you ever seen in your life. I found myself talking to my sister’s baby the same way I do a buddy at the end of a Saturday night. It’s the same conversation. It’s just me standing over him going, “What’s wrong dude? Why you crying?”

    Except that babies don't have dumb ideas!

    Then why do we have to childproof? ;)
  • mrsmellymac
    mrsmellymac Posts: 236 Member
    My doctor told me when i was pregnant is that the most important thing is to get liquids inside you. Don't worry about not eating. She said if drinking ginger ale was all I could do, then its okay. And ginger ale was my best friend for a REALLY long time hahaha. Leave crackers on your nightstand so you can eat them right away when you wake up. Morning sickness happens on an empty stomach. Eat and drink slowly. I always chugged water and then puked it up. That's all I can offer! Trust your body, it knows what its doing (unless you are craving clay) haha! =) Good luck and congrats!
  • krysydawn
    krysydawn Posts: 231 Member
    Hey! I just started accepting members for our Fit pregnancy group on facebook! Let me know if you're interested!!
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