Cheating Days



  • I've been thinking about this a lot today since it is Friday and I usually order pizza on Fridays (or at least at some point over the weekend). I knew better than to order a whole pizza because I would snack on it until it was gone but I was thinking about getting a personal pizza until I saw the calories. I fixed a frozen pizza instead so I got the craving in without going too crazy.

    Maybe in a few weeks I will start throwing in a "cheat" meal every other week or so but I think every week may be too frequent depending on how over you go. So far the worst I have done is be over by 130 calories, yeah me! :)
  • becalee26
    becalee26 Posts: 185 Member
    I have a hard time bouncing back after cheat days. I had a cheat weekend in September and it took me 2 weeks to weigh come off. Probably was mostly water weight from the booze I consumed (it was a wedding weekend) I am trying to avoid that to myself again because If felt so awful. When I know I want a cheat meal, I usually won't eat my excercise cals back too much during the week. I am also following WW and you can bank your excercise cals and eat them anytime during the week. That's what I do.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    my issue is when i have a cheat day i have trouble getting back on the wagon the next day lol
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I've had unintentional cheat days and was still losing. This week though I started zigzagging. I get one super high calorie day, which in reality is probably around maintenance but it was a LOT of food! I've already lost over a pound this week so I'm sold! I reserve the right to change my mind later if my weight loss stalls again! :laugh:
  • Today I had a cheat day, went over my calories by 400 or so. I know I'm coming up on "that time of the month" which my food cravings go crazy. I treat myself to my cravings, but know I will need to excercise a little longer to work them off. Just the thought of working off 400 calories will curb my cravings until the next month...haha.
  • NeonNikki
    NeonNikki Posts: 87 Member
    Yesterday I had 2200 calories and today I had 400
    Oh. And I definitely got my period today-ha! I was wondering why I was crazy with cringes yesterday-ay ways-I'm a huge advocate of cheat days-u need to b social-just eat less the next day-ofcourse it's never a good idea to go crazy and eat like 3000 plus calories
    Zigzagging allows me to get excited for days like thanks giving!:D
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I have found that if I don't let myself cheat once in awhile, I will absolutely go bonkers craving things. It is something about our subconscious that goes a little crazy when we believe we are deprived. I kind of agree with others that a cheat is something you can do for a meal but maybe not all day. Who knows? It's kinda different for different people. Personally I treat myself now and then.

    I agree with the above. I don't make it a whole day of just eating bad stuff. I make it 1 meal. I eat @ maintance calorie wise. I also plan ahead so I bust my *kitten* off working out the day before and after too.
  • snaidoo
    snaidoo Posts: 2 Member
    Hi SkrinkingMG
    I've lost about 8lbs so far and have a day's break every week where I am less strict. Over all in the week I try and keep as close to my average recommend calories as possible. The iPhone app for MFP gives you a overview of the week's net calories which is really helpful to keep you on track. So if you have a 'not so good' day on Wednesday it gives you the rest of the week to catch-up with exercise and other activities. I guess for me the key to weight loss is trying to be in deficit by just the right amount so your body doesn't go into starvation mode.

    Good luck and keep posting and logging!!! You can do it!!:happy:
  • I would never dare! I would never be able to get back on track again!
  • carolinafina
    carolinafina Posts: 10 Member
    I've been on MFP since July and have lost 19lb so far. I cheat now and then but when I see the total calorie count of what I've been over-eating, I get mad at myself for over indulging. Last night I had Bible Study at my home, set out numberous snacks and proceeded to eat over 800 calories-just snacking!! Oh well today is a new day. But sometimes you have to let go a little bit and treat yourself or you'll give up. Keep pluggin along every day and you'll reach your goal.
  • siabevis
    siabevis Posts: 811
    i dont cheat.

    i have all things in moderation and have been successful since i joined back in may, this isnt about depravation and it is not a race. its about learning how to make healthy choices for the rest of your life, you have to take the good along with the bad and just get back on track starting today keep working out and and eating right, you body will adjust and the pounds will drop off again.

    the fact that you have trainer is a nsv by itself.

    good luck and keep it moving.

    AMEN! I dont cheat either.. Life leaves wayyy too many cirmcumstnces to slip up to have a cheat day.
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