Anyone else shrinking in secret??



  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member

    And also, what an utter waste of milk.

    Pun intended?

    Udder waste of milk? :)
  • Teliooo
    Teliooo Posts: 725 Member
    I'm not trying to be judgemental, but since the OP created this post I assume she is either asking for opinions or validation. Why else start this thread?

    I was (as the title said) looking for other people who may be doing the same thing.

    Exactly, not for you to come along and make assumptions. When you assume...
  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    I didn't start telling people until they started to notice.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Here's my opinion. Take it or leave it.

    The more people you tell about your attempt to lose weight/get fit, the more accountable you have to hold yourself. Try it, it works.

    I completely agree - I made it impossible for myself NOT to lose the weight because I told everyone I'd ever met that I was going to run an 8-mile race in a few months and was going to lose weight. I actually learned about the concept in an organizational behavior's proven that if you tell a LOT of people you're going to do something, you feel compelled to follow-through. It's human nature!

    I agree with the above. I don't hide it. I post about it on Facebook to all my friends and family. I sign up for 5K's, I post all my fitness related stuff with my fitness app, Cardio Trainer on Facebook. I even sometimes post progress pics. I get tons of support and encouragement from all. People have noticed my weight loss. They ask what diet/pills I am doing. They ask for my secrets. I don't have secrets. I don't tell people I am on a diet. I don't see it as a diet. I see it as how I live now. Move more, eat less, eat cleanly as possible.

    But for the OP. You have to do what works for YOU. If this means not telling your husband, then do it!
  • soniams
    soniams Posts: 95 Member
    I didn't tell anyone when I first started. I think it was because I wanted to be certain I was committed to making the necessary lifestyle changes before going public. When I started losing weight, no one said anything at first. I was surprised by this, but I chalked that up to the fact that most people, and in my case co-workers, generally don't make comments about weight. Now that my weight loss is significant, I have been receiving very positive comments from everyone, especially friends I have not seen in some time.

    I am still quiet about what I am doing to lose weight. If approached by anyone who asks, I will gladly share information about the changes I've made. I figure that if anyone is serious about weight loss, I will be happy to share what has worked for me but no need to be a self promoter.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    My boyfriend is the only one who knows - we live together so it would be hard to keep it a secret. He is supportive of my general endeavour to lose weight, although we don't talk about it in great detail. We don't eat breakfast or lunch together, but eat basically the same food at dinner time, although sometimes I have a smaller portion with more salad/vegetables.

    Before we lived together, we had a long-distance relationship for just over two years, and he actually went on a secret diet and lost 20lb in about three months. He never explicitly told me that he was trying to lose weight, but I only saw him every other weekend and he looked a little bit slimmer every time. That was nice!

    On the wasting-food point; I don't want to be all preachy, but can you give away that food that you don't want to eat to a co-worker, neighbour or a friend? Throwing perfectly good food away is a waste of your money and the resources that it took to produce, ship and sell it.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i find that the more ppl i tell, the more likely i am to succeed. these ppl will hold me accountable, and there is nothing like an over weight co-worker looking at you reaching into the bagel bag and going "is that part of your diet?" to help me put the fork down.
  • Missmaggieann
    Missmaggieann Posts: 68 Member
    Yeah, I don't need anyone judging me... Maybe its just where I live, but most women who I tell around here tend to sabotage, or question, or try to get you to do it their way, or whatever, so I'm just gonna do my thing, with my friend, and see how it turns out.

    I am keeping my efforts from my co workers. I have experienced the same thing as you. As soon as you let everyone know your efforts everyone becomes personal trainers and dieticians and they know what's best for you. Then there are the doubters that make it hard.
    Some people know that I am working out because we attend the same exercise class. I got sick from our lunch room a couple of months ago so I have lead them to believe that that is the ONLY reason I now bring in all of my own food.
    If I am asked a direct question I won't lie about my efforts but I am not making it well known as I did in the past.
  • tishpickle
    I usually tell everyone - but I like to be held accountable - I also dont give a rats *kitten* about what my co-workers think so if I fail then so be it , I will get back on the wagon.
  • InvictusPheonix
    InvictusPheonix Posts: 129 Member
    i didn't tell anyone, and still dont (if im starting a new plan) as a young, single woman, literally people do sabotage....
    Or comment "now THAT'S healthy" (if i am eating a treat)
    or "you are only eating THAT?" (yes, it's weird, only eating THAT i can maintain a healthy bmi...)
    its the worst around my family, i'm the only one who is not obese or teetering on the edge of overweight.
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member
    Not exactly a secret, but I am done with telling people about my plans. I've found people don't like to hear that you are embarking on a journey of self improvement.

    This is true for some people.. And sometimes its best not to say anything and just work on yourself because I use to tell everyone my plans and how I'm going to lose weight, etc. I go back home to visit (I'm in college) and they see me and can be like, "I thought you were losing?" they don't see the small things or I probably sounded like I was going to really be working on it and they would see a huge outcome.. So it's not that you have to keep it a secret just don't talk about it and just do it and they will see your outcome! :)
  • JDWhite4
    JDWhite4 Posts: 13 Member
    Not exactly a secret, but I am done with telling people about my plans. I've found people don't like to hear that you are embarking on a journey of self improvement. They may not realize it, but they see that you are changing something about yourself which implies if they continue on doing what they are doing than you think that they are wrong. Cue the sabotage and discouragement. I much prefer the "wow, you've lost weight!" "oh really...?"

    I don't see how this could work though? If he knew, then he wouldn't have bought the milk, and exercising in secret just makes getting out and doing it that much harder.

    With all due respect, I think you need to get new friends. I am always happy to hear about my friends looking to accomplish goals, self-development, etc. Too many people just "exist" and don't push themselves. If someone doesn't want to hear about their friend's journey, then I would think its for selfish reasons or perhaps jealousy.

    Good Luck!