i WILL be sexy by christmas! open group



  • skinee4life
    skinee4life Posts: 15 Member
    Went to a brutal Spin Class last night! I think the instructor hates me because she screamed at me the whole time! Oh well, the sweat was pouring off of me so it was totally worth it! Struggling with the Halloween candy right now...really wish my kids weren't old enough to buy there own because they leave it out and I can't resist!!

    Have a great day everyone :wink:
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
    Just curious, are we going to be assigned "partners" for this? Someone we can personally connect with and send messages to every day?
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Just curious, are we going to be assigned "partners" for this? Someone we can personally connect with and send messages to every day?

    That's actually a good idea. Me and Ellie (OP) already talk regularly, but the partner idea sounds really cool!
  • prizmaa
    prizmaa Posts: 62 Member
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Well, for anyone who wants to "partner" up, it would probably be best to be with someone with similar goals. So I'm gonna post mine!

    I started off athletic throughout my whole childhood but became basically inactive during high school due to wanting to keep my grades high. When I moved out of my hometown and in with my boyfriend and his family, I put on some weight. And then I started college, where I put on more. I was 140 when I went to the doctor to check out an injury. I was 147lbs when I decided I needed to lose weight.

    My starting/heaviest weight: 147lbs
    My current weight: 136.8lbs
    My MFP goal weight: 130lbs
    My ultimate goal weight: 120lbs

    I try to be as supportive and positive as possible. I have my down days, but they're much more far and few between now that I have a support system of my own! Anyone who has had a recent injury or surgery, like me, I can probably give you some tips. I also work for a gym, so if I can't answer your question, I work with a lot of health pros who can probably answer :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Hey, actually that sounds like an amazing idea... so if everyone wants to write on the topic some stuff about themselves and we will see how we go about getting y'all partners.

    I'm 19 and from australia, I had anorexia nervosa in high school (years 7-10) and by the time i went to college (years 11-12) i decided to eat again, but any little thing i ate made me put on weight and as i worked at mcdonalds they gave me free food so what the heck? it's free food right...
    I also used to have really bad depression and anxiety that I was on meds for but ever since I changed my lifestyle around I am no longer on any meds, I use exercise as my antidepressants and am happier than I have ever been!
    HW: 96.7kg (I think that is about 213lbs)
    CW: 83.6kg ( 184lbs)
    GW : 56.7kg (124lbs)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Excited for weigh-in tomorrow! Who else is?

    How has everyone's weekends been? What you been up to?
    How has your veggies intake been? (mines been ok but not amazing)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    Excited for weigh-in tomorrow! Who else is?

    How has everyone's weekends been? What you been up to?
    How has your veggies intake been? (mines been ok but not amazing)

    I'm excited!! I weighed in today because I'm going to the fair again today, but my results were awesome! Very pumped :)

    My weekend just started, lol. Saw my boyfriend yesterday after classes so that's pretty cool I guess.
    And not gonna lie, my veggie intake hasn't been that great. Basically only veggies with dinner.
  • thespence
    I want to join! Count me in. weigh in on Sunday right?
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    I want to join! Count me in. weigh in on Sunday right?

    yup :)
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    So I weighed in yesterday. But my weight was 135.2! That's .2lbs away from my second goal, and 1.6lb loss this week :)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    YAY nice work! :)

    The scale is being a meany this week and saying I only lost 0.1kg which I really don't get as I cleaned up my diet A LOT this week. But my sodium was pre high on saturday so hopefully it is just that!

    Anyone have any ideas on challenges?
    I'm going to be starting the 30 day shred this week (hopefully tomorrow) if anyone would like to join?
  • elianexox
    elianexox Posts: 177 Member
    I'M INNN !!!!!!!!!!
  • hm_day
    hm_day Posts: 857 Member
    I really need to start up the Shred again. I did 3 days, but I can't seem to fit it into my schedule. I need to set up a workout schedule where I can fit in the Shred and the gym.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    if everyone is able to post their current weight, starting weight, and goal weight either here or inbox me it would be great.
    trying to figure out how to make a graph :) thanks xo
  • mzjessicab
    mzjessicab Posts: 245 Member
    Love the name of this group!!!
  • skinee4life
    skinee4life Posts: 15 Member
    Starting Weight ~ 172.5lbs Current Weight ~ 169.7lbs Challenge Goal Weight ~ 155 lbs
  • jaim30
    jaim30 Posts: 24 Member
  • Overcomer76
    Hello this is my first post and looks to me as a good group to join.

    My starting weight was 192lb currently 187.6 as of Sunday so heading in the right direction.

    I can't access the community from my ipod touch so inbox me please if you would be happy to invite me as a friend I am looking for an accountability partner(s). :flowerforyou:

  • cprys8942
    cprys8942 Posts: 123 Member
    Can I still join?

    My starting weight is 175 and my current weight as of this morning is 159.5!!!! :)
    My goal is to be around 140 by 2012