I've been told to stop losing weight

I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    yep, and i'm not even half way!
    they're just jealous of our success!
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Do what you feel is right for you!! Don't worry about what other's say...
  • People who are just trying to encourage you will inadvertently bring you down. They don't mean too, they're just being nice.
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    Yeah. I think that people have generally (not all people) have lost sight of what looks healthy. You don't have to be stick thin like a model but because so many people are over weight people perceive a healthy look/weight as higher than it probably should be. It really depends on the individual and their doctor and their own goals. Do what feels right to you and looks right to you. And if the doctor doesn't say Boo - get to your goal. Good luck!
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    As long as you're happy, keep going for it. It's not like you've chosen a dangerous low weight as your goal, it's in the healthy range. They probably are jealous, or worried you'll leave them behind in your fabulous trail.
  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    Yeah, seriously. Unless your doctor tells you to stop, then don't pay any attention. You know your body best, you'll know when you feel done. :)
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    Yes my dear old Ma used to say it to me and then feed me up for the next 3 days, then I would just go back to what I was before anyway.

    I would just do what you want as you only have 1 person to please about your body in life and thats you
  • jkleman79
    jkleman79 Posts: 706 Member
    I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?

    The only thing I want to suggest and this is your call on this as well. You have to take in consideration your body size against your BMI. This can be either from muscle gain or just a larger bone structure. Not everyone weighs the same or by what some chart says. So take the number goal out and find a goal of body fat % or measurements. The weight goal is really not a truly accurate or healthy one. Continue your amazing success!! Great job.
  • irunwithscissors
    irunwithscissors Posts: 89 Member
    You know what is best for you! You have done a great job! Work for your goal. Yes, I worry when I stop I will gain back also, that's just the next step for us to learn, how to maintain!
  • gloryrest
    gloryrest Posts: 47 Member
    I believe this for me. Goal weights and what looks good to the eye are so far apart that one may get confused. Listen to them, hear them but do what's best for you. If those around you tell you that you look "unhealthy" and to stop losing then ok. .red flag. .but if they say you look fine stop losing. .keep toward your goal. I support your goal. .keep going healthy and strong!!
  • staciekins
    staciekins Posts: 453 Member
    Yes. Quite frankly, it is YOUR body and you do what YOU want with it. My goal is another 35 lbs or so to get to my healthy median of 135 lbs. I have lost about 50 thus far and still have quite a bit in the tummy area to tone and will not stop til I get to MY goal. You are doing this for you and you only so continue until you are at a happy healthy weight. People get jealous when they see someone succeed and they always expect us to give up early. Beat the odds and show them how dedicated you are!
  • Yep, I`ve been told I shouldn`t lose anymore weight too. Funny thing is, that was when I hadn`t even lost weight, I had just toned up a lot so I looked smaller (muscle really does weigh more than fat). It sounds like your goal is healthy so keep doing this as long as it feels right for you. All the best on the rest of your journey.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I hear that all the time. It annoys me, so I tell people, "I look okay with clothes on, but..." LOL It usually shuts them up.
  • Neliel
    Neliel Posts: 507 Member
    I suppose it's because you've hit that stage where you look fine the way you are and they're afraid that you're going to overdo it and not know when to stop. However, it's totally up to you how far you go. The weight you are aiming for sounds perfectly healthy. These people are really only trying to protect you in case you go overboard.
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I hear that all the time. It annoys me, so I tell people, "I look okay with clothes on, but..." LOL It usually shuts them up.
    That's the part people don't see. Even though my stomach is much much much smaller. All I see now is FAT that has to go away!!!!
  • I have been starting to get people tell me that I have lost enough weight. or that you look fine now, don't get too skinny. I am not stopping till I reach my goal of 185 lbs, which is the top of the healthy weight range for my height. `I am just afraid if I stop, I will go back. Anyone else have been told they have lost enough?

    Yes, I've been told that everytime I would lose weight. Then I would gain some back. That's what happened this last time. As was mentioned earlier, people have lost sight of what healthy is and think that 'meat' on the bones is healthier. There is a defference in fat and muscle mass, obviously. You need to do what is good for you and as long as it's healthy and the doctor is good with it, then don't listen to what other say. In my case, I think jealousy was a factor.
  • Don't let others discourage you of success. Trust me I know, I've been using this site for a long while now to keep track of what I eat, and my workouts. I have friends and family tell me that I'm too skinny or that I need to stop losing weight, but I have never been this low of a weight in my entire life. I want to keep it that way. So do what makes you happy, stick to your goals. Who knows, they might join you.
  • Don't let others discourage you of success. Trust me I know, I've been using this site for a long while now to keep track of what I eat, and my workouts. I have friends and family tell me that I'm too skinny or that I need to stop losing weight, but I have never been this low of a weight in my entire life. I want to keep it that way. So do what makes you happy, stick to your goals. Who knows, they might join you.
  • shelbyweeeee
    shelbyweeeee Posts: 154 Member
    I've heard the same thing as well. I just reached my goal 2 weeks ago of losing 100lbs!! :bigsmile: But before I got there, others told me that I was getting boney and they felt I was done. I would kindly remind them that I was following what my doctors thought was acceptable and they were accepting of my set goal in mind. I am very scared of gaining my weight back. In fact, I still keep losing, because I'm struggling to eat more now that I'm trying to maintain. So, I've gone past my goal (only by 1lb so far) but I am still in a healthy weight range for my height, so I'm not worrying about it just yet.

    The thing that is hard for me to accept is the extra skin I have on my body. I'm struggling to accept that I'm not "fat" anymore. I've been over weight for 30 years, that's a really hard adjustment to make mentally for me. I just don't see myself as others see me. Now I hope to maintain where I am, not get to skinny, but definitely not gain it back either!