200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • earthsember
    earthsember Posts: 435 Member
    Weighing in at 215 *pout* second day of TOM so hopefully that 1lb gain goes away - I've worked out everyday and I've been under on cals and sodium everyday so I don't know where else it would have come from.

    So, I used to be a "bored eater" and an "emotional eater". Something I've been working on is non-food "rewards" - basically things I can do or buy that still fill those urges without being something I put in my mouth. Picked up some really cute nailpolish this morning :) It seems like makeup, hairclips, etc things that make me feel good about myself (vs the temporary good filling of eating a cookie followed by immediate guilt) are the best options - but simple things, it's not like I can afford (or have the time for) a manicure or whatever every day. ha. Anyone else have ideas? :) I think the "buying little things" still feels the consuming urge - but I eventually need to get away from that as well, it seems wasteful and I can only have so many little accessories and makeup. I tend to buy little things like mints or gum as well, lose them, and buy more. I don't know. Obviously it's filling the same issue as overeating.

    Need to catch up with you all tonight, but running to class now! xoxo HAPPY FRIDAY!!!!
  • jessicae1aine
    Nava - That's awesome. :P You sound like you were a fun kid! :D I'm glad Joe's parents are more supportive of your relationship.

    Kendal - Your neighbor sounds like a douche, no offense.

    Crystal - I'm with you on the morning after pills. I try to never mention one way or another how I feel about it, because I don't really want to offend people, but yeah, it's still too close for comfort for me, too. Most likely, though, you're safe since it was 2 weeks after your IUD was out. (Interestingly, I had regular periods while I was on the depo shot, even though they usually go away. Since I've been off of it, nothing.) I think the "r" word is probably an appropriate label for what happened; we work with our local domestic/sexual assault group for radio ads often, and one of the things they emphasize is ONE no is enough, and more often than not when someone realizes that their "no"s are being ignored, they give up fighting.

    Kiki - I've also always been a both bored and emotional eater. I set myself goals, and reward myself when I get to that. I got a new pair of shoes. Next, when I am into a size 20 finally, I'll get myself new pants for the gym. They're biggish rewards, so they feel more like a goal and a real reward. The little ones always seem to escalate into more and more and more.

    It's SO rainy out, and the puddles at the corners of intersections require me to literally JUMP across them. It's ridiculous, and supposed to rain all day. I love the rain, but I also like being able to step off the curb without having to swim across. I think jumping my invisible rope will have to work for the day during commercial breaks for the football game.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/mike (read the first blog about adding new moderators)

    They are going to create groups that we can join so that will hopefully reduce the need to always find our thread in the forums!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Friday Funny:

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kendal - it might be my Friday Brain kicked in..but I don't get the cartoon one "thats a corgi"...explain.
  • KatheryneLynne
    Kendal----that's a riot. I so needed that. You're a doll.

    Lacey. The dog in the picture is not a husky, its a corgi.

  • crystalAN85
    crystalAN85 Posts: 90 Member
    OMG puppies are adorable and that was hysterical! I will be getting back to replying probably...er...tomorrow. Or Sunday. Here's me being wishy washy 'cuz I'm going out with my BFF tonight for a little night out, dancing fun. I'm SO excited. And then tomorrow my mom is bringing home a little extra work for me to make a bit of extra money to help make ends meet. Yay. Lol. But it has to be done. I love you all and am sending you all telepathic interweb hugs. :smile:
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Ohhhhhhh...I never got that they were ALL part of the SAME thing. DUH! LOL. CUTE!
  • qofsheba
    So passing on the weigh in.
    1. earlier this week I hit 189.5.... but when I got back on it went to 191. Ok. Still good all things considered.
    2. traveled two days. Watched my food reasonably. Was on my feet walking for six hours each day.
    3. did not get my water in
    4 came home to 191....but then it went up to 192.5 after breakfast and working out.

    I am not liking this. I know a part is not enough water. I know part of it is up and down w/food and not consistent--even though I'm not really over.

    I am feeling very sorry for myself and going into a busy social weekend with a lasagne dinner (a little like crack for me).

    I need to break 190 and get my act together. It is up to me. Going now to stop whining and drink some water...
  • jessicae1aine
    I can relate to this, mostly. I want to get to the point, between losing some weight and loving myself, that I can feel the way she does. Definitely thought it was worth sharing.

    I'm exhausted. I want a nap, and I could feasibly take one considering I have an hour before I need to even be here for the game, but there's no point in me leaving and then coming back... maybe I'll finally climb under the stairs for a nap, like I've wanted to for 2 years. I'm here for at least another 3 hours, and maybe a full 4.

    ETAsk: how the heck do you make links show up as links?!
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    ★******* 212. Todays weigh in. *************

    Things are just low over here. I've drank 2 nights this week and only exercised 2. Im just in a really bad funk right now with my diet and my life. Idk what to do that will make it better. I miss my ex every day. And I can't get motivated to quit putting food in my mouth. You would think I would have plenty of motivation considering im back on the market but in my head is "I don't care".

    I've read all yalls posts. Im jealous y'all stay so involved. I got a promotion of sorts at work and have zero time to post in the day. I don't bring my computer home so I have to type on my phone when I do post.

    Hope you guys have a good weekend! Im going to watch the hogs tear up Auburn. Woo pig sooie!
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Hey all... Spent a large amount of the morning replying to three pages of posts, but never got to finish it before coming to work, so I will have to finish and post it tomorrow!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Megan: sorry you having such a grotty time - need to not be too hard on yourself because right now is horrible and sad wit the need to adjust to a loss. Start being kind to yourself and you may be suprised at how things begin to change....

    Crystal: have a fab weekend - it's time you have some fun girlie!

    Sheba: It is tough when things don't keep moving but oerhas now is a time to be thinking about the fact that whatever happens you need to put food into your mouth so you might as well make it healthy as possible - then when things start moving again you can concentrate on why!!!!

    Kendal: love the husky pupdate. And pleased your foot is okay.

    Nava: enjoy your baking and good luck for jumping back on the wagon on Monday - we are rooting for you.

    Lacey: pleased to hear you are looking to a goal for your exercise and food intake - you will definiteyly wow them at the Christmas party - coz you ar going to keep it up for the duration!!!!

    Amy: when is your birthday? Also - how is your foot bearing up with the increased exercise you are now doing?

    As for me - have been for my Saturday run and will be walking between 3 and 4 miles with the dog a bit later - so score for me on exercise today!! Really flunking 'productivity' - now 10/14 - 13's on the others - have found myself really tired at the end of each day - yesterday I was asleep by 2100 - not sure what going on there?

    Lots of excitment here at present - we have a two day old chick that is very cute, yellow and fluffy - will be interesting to see what it grows into (hopefully). Two eggs left but no signs of hatching so they may not be viable. Quite a busy day today - church Thanksgiving and tea followed by a musical evening (with dinner) - not very good planning and not sure how it will reflect on the scales tomorrow but hey ho!!!

    Have a great weekend all

    Annette xx
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Having a c r a ptacular shift from hell. Have eaten much chocolate for sanity. It's not working.
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member

    >> 217.4 <<

    Woot - Finally made a good shift on the scale! Down 2.4 lbs I believe :)

    For us Canucks, it's our Thanksgiving this weekend and I'll be going to the MIL's with the kids. MIL and FIL have no concept of healthy eating, let alone portion control so we'll see how I make out there.

    I'm going low carb again and think that that is what gave me the boost this week. I did it in my 3rd year of college and it worked well and I kept my weight off for several years until my thyroid went out of wack and I did in part use that as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted. My Dr was a bit of a dork and told me to expect to gain weight with the pills and blah blah blah. Basically gave me the impression that whatever I did (diet/exercise) I wouldn't make progress and only get frustrated. Looking back on that, really wish I had a different Dr.

    So I hope everyone has a great weekend and all the Canadians have a happy turkey day!
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    ***********Weigh-In 232.4********

    Not bad considering no exercise and TOM. Catch up with you gals later!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Megan - what about the guy that liked youu and kept after you for a bit?? Give yourself a few weeks and then call him maybe?That is if you are completely sur you are done with the ex. I'm sorry that you are having a hard time with this...it sucks.

    Annette - yeay for baby chicks!!

    As for me, Ithrew away all of Barts medicine last night after we got up off the couch to go to bed and saw a huge pee stain all over one of the cushions. He had his coat on and was under a blanket for hours which isn't like him but i left it alone becauase i know he isn't feeling super well...well. It was the sign everyone with dog who are sick keep talking about as it being "time" so I bawled and tossed the three bottles of pills and went to bed. My eyes are so swollen this morning.

    I didnt run yesterday, instead I cme home and we made cappuccinos with nespresso and kalhua and watched Bridesmaids. So on the docket here in a few hours is a nce long run with my new gear and then into town fora few groceries. I want to make cin rolls but man they are SOnot good for you when you eat more than one at a time and I don't think Im in a place where I could stop myself!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Lacey - ((((((((hugs))))))))) so sorry to hear about Bart...
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Megan- give yourself a certain time frame to get over this. A week or two. Be mopey and sad all you want in that time frame. Don't feel guilty if you don't log food or track your exercise. Mourn. It's ok. It's a part of life. But after that time frame is up, NO MORE MOPING. Move on. Tell yourself that you had your time to be sad and now it's time to function properly again. There are better, more deserving men in the sea and you need to find the one who loves you and will do anything to be with you. We will be here for you whether you are tracking or not, so feel free to vent all your emotions here, if you want. We love you, girl.

    Lacey- I'm so sorry about Bart. :brokenheart:

    The show last night was FANTASTIC. I didn't honestly have too high of expectations cause I'm not a huge Uncle Kracker fan, but bff and I both had a fabulous time. And the opening band was awesome too! I came home and downloaded his cd. I didn't have a drop of alcohol (neither did bff) but I woke up feeling a little hungover. It's odd. It's starting to pass now that I've been up for 2 hours.

    But my body is still really freaking tired. I'm not sure the gym is going to happen. Ugh. Although if I feel the urge later, my gym is now open 24 hours a day so I can go anytime I want.

    Oh well. Right now it's time for a shower so me and the bff can go halloween costume accessory shopping (for her, not me).
  • WoWmamaErin
    WoWmamaErin Posts: 148 Member
    Lacey - sorry to hear about Bart. We went through the same with my parents dog several years ago and we had the same sign that 'it's time'... such a stressful time.

    Kendal - Glad you had a great time! I have to get out to more concerts, but one of the last ones I went to some big guy got stoned and fell on me. It was standing room only and when he fell, he fell right behind me (he was standing beside me - think of a tree being chopped down and just falling over sideways) and hit the back of my knee. Well I just about landed on his head and ripped my then boyfriends arm off as I tried to stay standing... needless to say I'm no longer a big fan of crowds! lol

    I'm just jumping in here and will post more as I get to know everyone through their posts! :)