Yes, I had a fat day and It felt great



  • marzahl68
    marzahl68 Posts: 201
    Haven't had a "fat day" yet and I don't think I'll need one. I've been thinking about getting a BigMac a couple of times (I like the taste) but felt too disgusted by the high amount of fat in it. I don't know if this is temporary and I might still have to have a fat day, but for now, you couldn't pay me to eat a BigMac. Same goes for pizza and anything else fatty, I just keep thinking about all the grease and it's a total turn off.
  • Everyone is different, and everyone's journey is different. What works for one may not work for the other. With that being said....You are doing great. No one said you wouldn't have days where you want to eat what you want to eat...sometimes total elimination of something creates withdrawal.

    IMO, this site is designed to encourage and uplift and there are times when I read things and get a sense of an "I'm better than you" attitude.

    YOU ARE DOING AWESOME! I commend you for not binging and going overboard, but you still had a good day. Keep up the good work!

    P.S. - I work with children who have special needs and didn't take offense to your term. As you noted, those who are not familiar may not have understood developmental delay, etc (or other words that you could have used). It's not like you used the "r" word. Keep up the good work! Tomorrow is another day!
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member
    That's not a bad day at all.

    Just a side note -
    'Mentally handicapped' is not a term that should be used to describe people with additional needs. It's offensive. And if that's your job you should know that. It equates disability with inability. It also comes from when people with disabilities would have no means of earning money other than begging - literally cap-in-hand - handicap.

    Yes, they changed it. When i first started working at my job, it was "G***** County Board of Mental retardation/Developmental disabilities" They dropped the MR and kept the "developmental disabilities" And in no way am I saying my residents are unable to do anything in any kind of way. Yes they have delays but they go out and work out in the community and earn money and do things for themselves. Yes, some need total assistance but They are smart as hell. More than some people think. I love my residents, I would never say anything like that about them. I am used to saying "mentally handicapped" around people who wouldn't understand "developmental delay" Since a developmental delay can mean anything. I have ADD so some people may consider that a DD since it can hinder the way people learn.....Sorry If i offended you, but I didn't mean it like that.

    I think your day looks great!!

    BTW, I have a son with Down syndrome and do not find "mentally handicapped" offensive, just outdated. The "r" word, on the other hand, really grinds my gears.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I have organised dinner with my partner at an Indian restaurant on Friday night. It is a 6 course meal including chicken tikka, fried calamari, meat curry, vegetarian curry and sweet donut in sugar syrup for dessert. This is my 'cheat' meal and I am looking forward to it :)
  • AloyMomNwife
    AloyMomNwife Posts: 146 Member
    I still haven't gained enough confidence to have a fat day. I'm very "scared" to cheat and go over my calories and like it so much I fall off the wagon. I was on the verge of carb binging yesterday but ended up controlling my portions so much I almost didn't reach the 1200 cal mark. Maybe I am in an "anorexic" stage of lifestyle change. I know I'll get over it sooner than later... been here, done this! But I'm hoping this will be the last!!
    Keep up the good work and OMG! your job is so stressful just reading about it! I cheer for you for being able to diet with that much stress. Go, go, go!!! (A personal trainer friend cheers for me like that.)
  • Angellore
    Angellore Posts: 519 Member
    I just had a fat fortnight! We went to Cyprus for 2 weeks and I ate whatever I fancied! Cypriot Meze's a re amazing but definitely no good if you want to lose weight. However, we got back last week and i've been back on track since then. Towards the end I was really looking forward to getting back to healthy eating.
  • That's not a bad day at all.

    Just a side note -
    'Mentally handicapped' is not a term that should be used to describe people with additional needs. It's offensive. And if that's your job you should know that. It equates disability with inability. It also comes from when people with disabilities would have no means of earning money other than begging - literally cap-in-hand - handicap.

    Yes, they changed it. When i first started working at my job, it was "G***** County Board of Mental retardation/Developmental disabilities" They dropped the MR and kept the "developmental disabilities" And in no way am I saying my residents are unable to do anything in any kind of way. Yes they have delays but they go out and work out in the community and earn money and do things for themselves. Yes, some need total assistance but They are smart as hell. More than some people think. I love my residents, I would never say anything like that about them. I am used to saying "mentally handicapped" around people who wouldn't understand "developmental delay" Since a developmental delay can mean anything. I have ADD so some people may consider that a DD since it can hinder the way people learn.....Sorry If i offended you, but I didn't mean it like that.

    I think your day looks great!!

    BTW, I have a son with Down syndrome and do not find "mentally handicapped" offensive, just outdated. The "r" word, on the other hand, really grinds my gears.

    Thank you, I mean I guess some people would. I don't. I'm glad you don't either! :) Yes, DD is more politically correct and up to date, but I think MH is fine too. That's just my opinion. I did not use the "R" word, and I never would use that word to describe my residents! They are amazing and I could never say that!!! :)
  • I still haven't gained enough confidence to have a fat day. I'm very "scared" to cheat and go over my calories and like it so much I fall off the wagon. I was on the verge of carb binging yesterday but ended up controlling my portions so much I almost didn't reach the 1200 cal mark. Maybe I am in an "anorexic" stage of lifestyle change. I know I'll get over it sooner than later... been here, done this! But I'm hoping this will be the last!!
    Keep up the good work and OMG! your job is so stressful just reading about it! I cheer for you for being able to diet with that much stress. Go, go, go!!! (A personal trainer friend cheers for me like that.)

    Oh yeah, that's how I was! I was having a lot of trouble reaching 1400, and sometimes 1200 calories per day. It's because you aren't used to it yet and are more aware of what you are eating because you are logging it. You will get over it. In the beginning, I used to feel sick if I ate all my calories! Not anymore though obviously. lol...this lifestyle takes some getting used to :) good luck on your journey!
  • witchyboots
    witchyboots Posts: 154 Member
    Mmmmmm..chicken parmesan sounds divine!! :love:

    I am a firm believer in allowing yourself one "fat" day per week. It stops my cravings and stops me from feeling 'deprived'.
    Yesterday was a naughty day for me. Amongst everything else, I had a fried English breakfast (sausages, toast with butter, egg, baked beans) in the hotel I stayed at, chocolate, a big crusty deli sandwich with creamy coleslaw. Oh, and syrup roly poly later in the evening when I was watching The Shining!! No shame..I'm right back on track today and will swim for an hour as usual.

    Well done on your loss so far. You are beautiful btw xx
  • geekymom57
    geekymom57 Posts: 176 Member
    I have organised dinner with my partner at an Indian restaurant on Friday night. It is a 6 course meal including chicken tikka, fried calamari, meat curry, vegetarian curry and sweet donut in sugar syrup for dessert. This is my 'cheat' meal and I am looking forward to it :)
    This sounds pretty darn close to my "splurge" meals. For our location we have many great Indian restaurants to choose from and one in particular has a great buffet. I save calories as much as I can when I go but once the fresh garliac naan hits the table and I walk by those fabulous donuts next to the mango custard and some deep-fried thing that looks like funnel cake broken up into pieces--well, it's over!
  • Mmmmmm..chicken parmesan sounds divine!! :love:

    I am a firm believer in allowing yourself one "fat" day per week. It stops my cravings and stops me from feeling 'deprived'.
    Yesterday was a naughty day for me. Amongst everything else, I had a fried English breakfast (sausages, toast with butter, egg, baked beans) in the hotel I stayed at, chocolate, a big crusty deli sandwich with creamy coleslaw. Oh, and syrup roly poly later in the evening when I was watching The Shining!! No shame..I'm right back on track today and will swim for an hour as usual.

    Well done on your loss so far. You are beautiful btw xx

    A fat day per week!? Oh man, I don't think I am at that level yet. I'm scared I would fall back into my old habits. I definitely allow myself a treat about once a week, but I make sure I stay within my calories. I laugh when people totally deprive themselves of anything. Dude, I have eaten cake, pie, Chipotle, ice cream all this bad stuff, and I lost 30 lbs in 2 months. It's not really what you eat, it's portions! Oh well, idk. What works for some, may not work for others. I have learned that from being on here! And OMG your day sounded amazing! Good food :) That's awesome. I think fat days are good occasionally because it keeps your body guessing! Oh and thanks for the compliment! XD Much appreciated! You are beautiful too! Pretty hair and eyes :)
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Think it depends on how it's used. My fiance allows herself one cheat day a week, but on that day she only usually has one meal that's not on her diet. Alternatively if we have any plans like going to a wedding or something, that day would be her cheat day. It works for her because on her cheat days she still eats in moderation, just tastier food.

    Me on the other hand...I went to a rodizio last night and had probably 5000 calories of absolutely exquisite Brazilian bbq plus caipirinhas and dessert.

    So yeah I can't do that once a week.
  • ami299
    ami299 Posts: 57
    I went to Visit friends at JMU and we sat down at Bob Evans for lunch. I saw this amazing half pound smokehouse burger with onion petals and spicy sauce on it. I checked it out on MFP just to see what it was, and the burger itself was 1220 calories. Then I had a SIDE of onion petals for another 200 or so calories. It actually made me sick because I'm not used to that kinda food anymore, but it was SOOOOOOOOO good.
  • Sounds delicious!
  • m_snow
    m_snow Posts: 23 Member
    Good for you! I don't really plan out cheats (meaning, I don't set aside a day a week), but do tend to allow myself to indulge in whatever I want within my calorie goals - as long as it fits, it's in. On days that I really do cheat, oh boy - usually it is bar food for me! Spinach artichoke dip, beer, wings, lots of bread, pizza, hot dogs, ice cream, etc All of the really calorie laden stuff that the gym won't even allow you to earn the credit back for! :) The real cheat days are typically accompanied by a special occasion of sorts - birthday, holiday, gathering - and I allow myself the opportunity to enjoy.
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    My "fat day" is either a smothered burrito with a side of rice from my favorite Mexican restaurant (that is probably the #1 reason I was overweight to begin with...)
    or when I can...good ol' In N Out!
  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    That's not bad at all! Even if you went over your calorie limit, it's fine. It happens sometimes - can't be perfect every day! But I would still try to log everything as closely as possible just so you know. At least that's what I do just so I know exactly how far over I was in my limit and it makes me think twice next time or cut the portion smaller at least. Just a suggestion :)
  • That's not bad at all! Even if you went over your calorie limit, it's fine. It happens sometimes - can't be perfect every day! But I would still try to log everything as closely as possible just so you know. At least that's what I do just so I know exactly how far over I was in my limit and it makes me think twice next time or cut the portion smaller at least. Just a suggestion :)

    Well yeah usually I log every single thing i put in my mouth. i weigh EVERYTHING. My mom calls me anal because she always sees me scanning bar codes, weighing stuff and logging everything. But yesterday, the stuff on the menu at work was chicken parm (homemade too!!!) and I just had a F*** it attitude. I felt like i deserved it. And in order for me to go through with this "fat day" I didn't want to log my meal before eating it because then I would have freaked out and not done it. Sounds weird but yeah, I felt like I needed it. Made me feel better! And now I'm really not craving anything. I'm still down 3lbs this week... I really don't feel guilty about it, it felt good to finally have my favorite foods!!! And Felt good to take a break from logging everything before I ate it.
  • we all have em, just "turn the page" as a friend of mine once told me :-)
  • cutie2superhottie
    cutie2superhottie Posts: 29 Member
    I had a drink day to many vodka cranberry and too much beer. It felt great at the time but it set me back.