200+ Hot For Halloween!



  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I have been cleaning up dog puke all freaking day. Sofie has been vomiting off and on all day. Every time she drinks a bit of water, it sets her off (so we put the water out of reach and she hasn't eaten since last night). I'm hoping she just needs 24 hours to get it out of her system. I wish I could teach her to puke into the toilet, I'm running out of paper towels.

    Lacey: I'm so sorry about Bart.

    That's about all the energy I have. I've been feeling unwell all day myself and all the dog puke hasn't helped.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Pam and Lacey - Modcloth has AWESOME stuff, i was thinking of getting my bridesmaid dresses from there!

    Kendal - YAY for Mr Renunion doing the dashes with you!! I've found recently that i can get by quite sufficiently with one egg on one piece of toast. It's a very lovely breakfast! I also agree with weighing every day to track trends and know where the gains are coming from. I weigh every morning, but only log once a week. Also, you are adorable.

    Hailie - Hi! :flowerforyou:

    Katheryne - I know how it feels to have people never spell your name right. Hosannah, Hoseanna, Hosana, Hossanna, Hossana, Hozanna, Hozana... you get the picture... Also... would you like me to come and punch your lazy workmate in the kidneys for you?

    Crystal - Oooh that all sounds nasty! I've got a double scoliosis (about 45degrees) and a stage two spondylolosthesis at L4 and L5 which i've had since i was seven. I know what back pain is like. I love my Wii. Also, exes suck. And celebacy is hard, especially when you're trying to resist someone you want who wants you. Don't feel bad about giving in, you're only human. As far as birth control... i have no advice. I get the depo-provera injection every three months. I'm glad to hear that he's apologised and says it won't happen again! That's a good sign.

    Kerry - You are a superstar!

    Lacey - You can get the morning after pill from Kmart in america???

    WiggleSarah - WOO!! Goodbye 180s!

    Bobbie - Wii Fit for Yoga. I swear by it. and Teeheehee at the Squirrel thing... we don't have squirrels here, but anything at all has the same effect! Also, Wii Zumba is awesome.

    Thanks everyone for the sympathy for my dear Alexbaby. no further dramas to report! Also the support with wedding things. I'm SO freaking excited, it's 13 weeks today until the wedding!! :happy:

    This only gets me to the end (ish) of page 14, but i have no time to do anymore!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Well damn. As much as I HATE to admit it, you have to wear your bmf on your arm for the best reading. As of right now at 5pm on Saturday I've only burned 1906 calories, thats with the 2.44 runwalk - man is there ever a difference in how much I move during the wrok week versus weekend! I am pretty sure had it been on my leg that it would have been in the 2200-2500 range. No wonder I've not lost anything. Yesterday I burned 2474 overall (no exercise), Thursday 2338 (no exercise), Wedneday 2606 (1.9 mi run).

    I'm thinking if I stick to a diet of 1800-2000 cals per day I should be good to go based on the numbers above.

    We went and gorged on Olive Garden today. Tomorrow will be hard eating too, this weather, Bart and just coming home from Europe, well its all catching up to me so I am thinking by Monday I will be ready to track cals along with the running and get going. I might do the X stretch video tomorrow...I could use a good limbering up. Or the yoga. Something.
  • babyworms
    babyworms Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ok, page 15:

    Megan - Thinking of you girl :flowerforyou:

    Annette - I love chickens. Best pets ever (besides dogs!)

    Lacey - So sorry to hear about Bart :frown:

    Kendal - Glad to hear you enjoyed the show!! Did he play smile? I love that song!

    Ooh wow there wasn't much on that page!

    I had a dreadful shift last night, the nurse i was working with went home sick and they couldn't cover her so i was doing two peoples' work, and then one of my patients got REALLY sick, so we had to move him to the ICU... i was put so behind by all this. I was beside myself when i got home. One of the patients' daughters bought the staff a 1.2kg box of Whitman's chocolates... and i was munching away all night. Felt so ill by the time i got home, but it made me feel better at the time!!

    I now have late-early-early and then i go to Adelaide to see mum and then MELBOURNE FOR MY HEN'S WEEKEND!!! So excited!!

    ***********TMI ALERT***********

    Well not too much, but those who have been around for a while would remember that last challenge there was a huge issue with the man and his lack of libido. No idea what's changed, but i swear to you, i am now marrying a SEX MACHINE!!!!


    This makes me unbelieveably happy!!!

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Rant (because my poor husband's heard this so so many times!): Why is it that two technologically challenged people who only just gave in and got the internet less than a month ago insist on buying mp3 players that the people at Walmart insist will work for audiobooks? From people who half the time don't know wtf they are talking about? And yet they have a daughter who knows about this stuff and keeps telling them, just go buy a damn ipod! Please! Yes they cost more, but for all the time and effort they've spent buying various mp3 players and I've spent trying to get them to work, we could have got a 32 gb ipod for the same amount of money. You can plug an ipod in and have it working in 30 seconds flat. None of the others you can do that with. Its worth the price!
    Now I am stuck here trying to get my dads latest and greatest Philips songbird mp3 player working, its been over an hour already, and I still can't figure out why I can't "active the device to listen to this file". Ga!
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    NSV: My daughter's 3rd party for her 2nd birthday: Me eating NO cupcake or ice cream. That makes 3 for 3. Thank goodness THAT'S over! Phew!!
  • SteppingOutofGrey
    SteppingOutofGrey Posts: 211 Member
    Sarah: yeah for 3/3 - and how come, the younger they are the more birthday parties thay seem to have?????? Have been thinking of you and your friend - hope all is beginning to settle down and that she will soon make strides back to health.

    Lacey: really sorry to hear about Bart - and yes, they really do let us know when it is time - big hugs to you

    Amy: what is it with our dogs at the moment - there seems to be another one joing in every week!!! - sorry Sophie is feeling poorly and that you are having to clear up the results of that. Also, hoping you feeling better soon.

    Hoseanna: sorry you had a rubbish shift but yeah for re-gained libido!!!

    Kendal: glad you had a good time last night and have fun shopping

    As for me - generally a good day yesterday but further slippage on 'productivity' - part of me wants to to just wipe it off the list and pretend it was never there - but that would be cheating!!!!! Completed others and today is a new day.......

    Weigh in for today - 174 - Thank you Lacey - you are keeping me accountable by being there to look at the diary (even if you couldn't get at it when you tried!!!!). When am I going to get at yours lady???????

    Enjoy your Sundays xx
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sat check in - ex 4 mile walk so I've completed my 2nd week of hybrid P90X. I burned 2783 cals. Food / drink choices were poor. Monday, I'll be back to logging. We did manage to get the living room and hallway carpets cleaned. I ordered a Lord of the Rings wallpaper border for the guest bathroom. I finally finished getting the old wallpaper off yesterday. Today will be yardwork and putting the house back together.
  • qofsheba
    I don't now how you all keep with each of us... but thanks. I'm going to respond generally:

    Getting over ex's: Wallow for awhile but set the clock on it. I actually made a calendar and planned my "recovery" while sitting on the sofa crying. It helped me because once I started doing something positive for myself every day, I wanted to do more. But it wasn't easy. I had a good therapist then too--someone who helped me be accountable to feeling better

    Congrats to all staying on their plan. It really helps to see your triumphs and also to understand that you've been working at it for awhile.

    Lacey: I'm sorry about Bart. I've been through it twice and it is heartbreaking.

    I'm still struggling. Went out last night and ate and drank more than I planned. But also bought a blouse that didn't have an X following it for the first time in a couple of years (or more). I know this is about self- sabotage so will keep working it each day and posting here so that I am accountable publicly.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    sheba: I think there are quite a few of us who are struggling right now, you aren't alone.

    Victoria: I'm back to logging on Monday too and posting my calories in versus cals out.

    Annette: My productivity went into the toilet the last 2 days. I hope to get it together tomorrow.

    Sarah: great job on the will power!

    Hosanna: Yay for the increased libido!!!

    Lacey: I'm so sorry you are your parents tech support. I used to have to do that crap for my mom but it ended when I left the country (thank the lord).

    It was a long couple of days with the dog. She puked all freaking day yesterday. She did ok all night and then overdid it on the water first thing this morning and puked it all back up. We've been feeding her pedialyte and chicken & rice baby food all day and she's finally keeping everything down. It makes me super grateful that we don't have a lot of sickness around here (neither the humans nor the pets generally get sick very often). It makes for a long day when dealing with all that.
  • jessicae1aine
    Lacey - I'm so sorry about Bart! :(

    Hosanna - Yay for the sex machine! ;)


    That's my (still nameless) girly bunny, actually exploring her new cage! It took 2 days, blood, tears, and 2 pairs of nail clippers, but it's done! (For the record - toenail clippers work SO much better on hardware cloth than wire clippers, for some stupid reason!)

  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    I'm scared to weigh myself.
    This week has been pretty bad for sodium. :(

    But on a good note.. I reach size 14 in pants yesterday~
  • hkallembach
    My official weigh-in is 250.4 pounds. *punches hand into brick wall* Life is still blah. Sorry for being a dead wall member.
  • silver02bullet
    silver02bullet Posts: 261 Member
    Thank you all for the advice. Today was better than yesterday. I think I may just have to throw myself into exercise and put some displaced emotions into that.

    And for those of you asking about the boy I dated during the breakup, he moved back to his home state but is hoping to be back to Arkansas at the beginning of the year.....

    Have a good week all. Im refocusing tomorrow on living a healthier lifestyle, mind and body.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I burned 2516 yesterday. At 1801 right now.

    I went and got groceries, and two bags of cat food isntead of one of dog and cat food...for some reasn Target must have had the stuff in the wrong spot. DUH. Sigh. Good thing I'd bought some of the nasty wet food for Bart. I'm making them some rice and veggies they can eat for a few days. Barts coughing has been good all day.

    I made black bean soup with corn tomato salsa for dinner thats heating up right now and got the curried rice ready for tomorrow night so I can make pineapple curried "fried" rice with shrimp for Miss Gracie.

    As for me...its been a good weekend. I'm actually ready for Monday for some reason though. :noway:
  • wigglentwink
    wigglentwink Posts: 336 Member
    Welp, the 12 mile run slated for today didn't happen. It's raining sideways here and I feel like I'm catching a cold. What I DON'T want is bronchitis for this race. I had it the last time I did this race in 2008 and it sucked...bad. So, we are going to hope that the 30 miles I did this week were enough and that I will still go the distance on Sunday. Right? Right. Yep. Right. Nope, not worried. Maybe a little, but ya know... anyway...

    Lacey: I am so sorry about Bart. We put our dog of 17 years down last year and it was heartbreaking for all of us. Border Collies are just not cut out to live that long. I don't know what mix Bart is, but if it's time, he will be much happier and in far less pain. I am so sorry.

    Amy: There is nothing I dislike more than cleaning up puke. It does not matter who it belongs to, I am more tempted to simply light a match and let the house burn down than to clean that up. Thusly, I am not a nurse or anything in the medical profession. My dreams are shattered. :)

    Megan: Dood...the boy thing totally sucks but I admire you for turning that negative energy into positive results. You gonna be SOOO skinny, girl!!

    Hallie: *waves* Hope life gets a little easier soon, girl.

    Jessi: Those are some cute rabbits! (And I don't like rodents!!)

    On the homefront, things are normal for today. I took the day off to be with my family, hoping it won't fall apart by the time I'm back on friend-duty tomorrow a.m.. I taught a room full of 3 yearolds for Sunday school today and then came home, put on my jammies, and lit some candles. I am crafting today. And, since I am the Anti-Creative, I am pretty proud of myself. Wiggle's birthday party is on 10/29 and it's a costume party. I have all kinds of fun stuff to make to decorate with.

    Other things making me happy: pork tenderloin and mashed potatoes for dinner. I'll chat more tomorrow when I awake from my self-induced food coma. :)
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Hi everyone!!! I am sooo lazy on the weekends. Tonight will be fun since the Lions play. We haven't watched Mon night football in years. I made the low cal pumpkin dip and it's to die for!!! I also made tabuleh, Asian pork wraps and Lentil soup. I think I'm set for healthy food this week. Now I just need to log it!!! Have a fantastic Monday!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Does anyone know of a better way to grind up flaxseed than a mortar and pestle? I spent 10 min grinding this morning. My little food processor didn't begin to do the trick.
  • rainvc
    rainvc Posts: 142
    Ahhh life is back to normal, whatever that is. Birthday party was a huge success. Brody got more gifts than our house can hold and everyone had a blast. Everyone kept telling me how fantastic I look, how nice is that? Also, I didn't even have birthday cake. I did have one cookie, it was delicious, and just enough to satisfy my sweet tooth.

    I'm still fighting off this cold and actually lost my voice saturday. I was still hoarse yesterday and today I can finally speak. Things are looking up. Now I need to get my house in order with all those damn toys and find time to RUN.
  • LadyG0915
    LadyG0915 Posts: 137 Member
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 264.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    I'm doing a happy dance that the scale has been so kind. Now the trick is to keep it moving in the right direction. I'm sure being sick for 2 weeks has helped in not having any interest in eating, but seeing the scale move is a great motovator to keep it up.

    I hope all of you had a great weekend and are excited for Halloween. I love this holiday. I don't normally dress up, but I think I just may to match my kids this year. They are going as vikings. I'm a huge fan of homemade costumes that are uber original and classic. Last year they were a southern Belle and a Civil war general. Year before my son and his friend were a mobster and a flapper girl. My son has won the contest at my office all 4 years I've been here and I totally love it!!!