17 dd for 10/10/11!

I decided to dedicate this topic to all of us that start Monday or anytime this week, I can't lie though! I started today!
Lets put our starting weight and goal weights. I would do my measurments but, Im too lazy to go check.

Starting weight 166
Goal weight after 17 days : 160
Ultimate goal: 145


  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    starting weight of 204lbs
    current weight of 198
    17 dd goal 188

    ultimate goal: 170
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Starting today to do at least one round of 17DD. It works if you stick to it! Thanks for starting the new thread!

    Starting weight 201
    Goal weight after 17 days : 190
    Ultimate goal: 130-140
  • Good luck everyone!
  • can someone please tell me or post a link where I can read about the 17 day diet?
  • I'm starting today too!! I'm very nervous, but ready to make a BIG change. Time to reach my goal weight once and for all!

    Good luck everyone!

    Starting Measurements
    Bust: 39"
    Waist: 34"
    Belly: 41"
    Hips: 44"
    Starting Weight 10/10/11: 182 lbs
    Goal Weight after 17 days: 172 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    I'm starting today too. Excited to do something new.

    Starting Weight 10/10/11: 232 lbs
    Goal Weight after 17 days: 222 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    Exercise for 45 minutes everyday this week.

    Good Luck !
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    can someone please tell me or post a link where I can read about the 17 day diet?

    This is a pretty good site to learn about it, I suggest you get the book if you want to try it though.
    Its Kinda complicated!
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    I'm starting today too!! I'm very nervous, but ready to make a BIG change. Time to reach my goal weight once and for all!

    Good luck everyone!

    Starting Measurements
    Bust: 39"
    Waist: 34"
    Belly: 41"
    Hips: 44"
    Starting Weight 10/10/11: 182 lbs
    Goal Weight after 17 days: 172 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140 lbs

    I started yesterday, It was pretty simple so far! I think its going to be way harder to stick to on the weekends to be honest.
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Starting back up today doing the 17 day diet. I did it back in April til about June. And I lost 15 pounds on it.
    I would like to loose another 10 or 12.
    It really does work if you stick to it. Since then Ive been eating healthy during the week and not so healthy on the weekends. I need some support because I loose all control over the weekend. And I want to be held accountable!
    So Lets do this. Please add me as your friend. For I need people that are doing this diet also.

    Starting Weight 141.
    After 17 days: Hopefully 130

    Good Luck everyon!!
  • I am also starting the 17 Day diet for the second time today. I did the first 2 cycles back in March and lost about 12 lbs. I am looking forward to working with people who are at the same stage.

    Current Wight - 155
    Goal after Cycle 1 - 148
    Total Goal - 125
    Excercise 45 minutes 5 x week
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    Whats everyone doing for excerisize?
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    Started 17 dd today. I was off for Columbus Day. Hooray for my job even though I don't get paid. I was able to walk for about 70 minutes, burned 432 calories according to my pedometer.

    For breakfast, I had a 3 egg omelet with green peppers and a banana
    Lunch was a tuna salad with lettuce and green peppers and salsa as dressing
    Snacks were a slice of watermelon and another banana I split with my son

    Now though I'm realizing that bananas are not allowed yet so I have to get other fruits to snack on. Tomorrow is the big test as to whether I can continue to eat this way at work.

    SW: 231.5
    CW: 219.5
    GW after cycle 1: 209

    Goal is to walk 4 times a week, an hour a day after work and Pilates with Exercise TV 3 times a week.
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    Im doing the 30 day shred in the moring. Level 1,2 or 3 then I also usually run either later in the afternoon or at night. I usually run 5 miles. Usually exercise 5 or 6 days a week.

    For Breakfast I had eggs and a half of grapefruit. Snack carrots. Lunch tuna with a small amount mayo. and 1/2 grapefruit. Snack more carrots. Not sure what Im having for dinner yet. OH and tea with both breakfast and lunch.

    Now is the tricky part to eat healthy the rest of the night.
  • Loves2snack
    Loves2snack Posts: 112 Member
    Started 17 dd today. I was off for Columbus Day. Hooray for my job even though I don't get paid. I was able to walk for about 70 minutes, burned 432 calories according to my pedometer.

    For breakfast, I had a 3 egg omelet with green peppers and a banana
    Lunch was a tuna salad with lettuce and green peppers and salsa as dressing
    Snacks were a slice of watermelon and another banana I split with my son

    Now though I'm realizing that bananas are not allowed yet so I have to get other fruits to snack on. Tomorrow is the big test as to whether I can continue to eat this way at work.

    SW: 231.5
    CW: 219.5
    GW after cycle 1: 209

    Goal is to walk 4 times a week, an hour a day after work and Pilates with Exercise TV 3 times a week.

    You ate a bananna? Girl! I ate a small cookie. BADDD!! i DID SO GOOD YESTERDAY!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Hey everyone!! I'll be starting on Wednesday! I'm gonna be so busy tomorrow, and I'll need to go shopping for veggies and some fruits. How many snacks do you all plan on having? I really don't think I can get by with one (or 2!). I'm a 3 snack/day person. If I don't eat something small after dinner, I won't be able to sleep... And I'm worried about not getting enough calories... I'm not a big meat eater, so I'll probably be trying to add calories through veggies... An impossible task. But I'm inspired by the people who have done this before, so lets have a great first 17 days!
    Whats everyone doing for excerisize?
    Loves2snack... I'll be 30 Day Shredding it along with belly dancing, stationary bike, and walking (so what I usually do).

    shellonis... Watermelon isn't allowed either, but you still had a great day! Good effort!
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    I ate one and three quarters banana not even realizing I can't have those yet so yeah I was unconsciously bad. I did however manage to avoid the nutella at my moms house. You're gonna have to .
    burn off that cookie somehow
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks Steph, I didn't know about the watermelon either. I may need to do some additional reading of cycle one. i was trying to avoid ask the tempting food at my sisters house and settled on a slice to keep the hunger at bay. I did go to the farmers market though and ended up getting the allowed fruits and veggies.
  • shellonthebeach
    shellonthebeach Posts: 29 Member
    Good luck tomorrow everyone. I'm going to try to get up at 5:30 am tomorrow to get my walk in. my job has yoga tomorrow evening so I'll try to do that instead of pilates.
  • Janel1978
    Janel1978 Posts: 27 Member
    :wink: Ok everyone Day 1 a success!! No cheating what so ever. That is truly hard for me. Lets hope the scales moves on down.
    Dishing up the kids ice cream was a little tempting... but I stayed strong.
    Going on day 2 tommorrow. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Day 1 was pretty good. I had apples, yogurt, cottage cheese, leftover bbq chicken with green beans. Then for dinner I had 2 eggs and turkey sausage and some deli chicken. No cheating until I ate a handful of raw almonds. But I'm ok with it since I didn't have my one good fat for the day.

    Today, more of the same. Apple, cottage cheese and yogurt so far. I have another apple that I might but up and put with some leftover chicken for a nice chicken salad. I don't have any lettuce right now so I will just have to eat it plain. I have no idea what's for dinner tonight. I have class so not much time!

    Keep going everyone. We can do this!